The Legend of Bimeng: Chapter 363 Angry Catherine, the fastest update to the latest chapter of The Legend of Beamon!

Chapter 363 Angry Catherine

“I hope you don’t cause me any trouble, otherwise, like the Augustus family, I will drive you out of the house!” the old mage threatened.

“That’s a good thing for me!” Lao Xie said disdainfully.

“You bastard, do you want to **** me off to death?” The old mage was so angry that he started to take out things and hit Lao Xie again. After a few hits, Lao Xie was beaten and fled.

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than a month since Lao Xie came back. At this time, Yis and Lan’er City had already welcomed internal affairs personnel sent by the two major families, allowing the eldest princess Catherine and Constantine to be liberated. Only then did the women rush back together.

Lao Xie knew that he had offended the eldest princess badly by leaving without saying goodbye last time, and was afraid that the other party would deal with him when they met, so he did not pick them up forcefully, but waited for Konstani at Hercules’ house. After the two met, they were naturally indescribably gentle. It’s a pity that Konstani has a lot of things to explain to her family now. She is not as carefree as Lao Xie. After all, she has too many affairs on her body, whether it is the situation in the new city, the inside story of the robbery of goods, and the fact that she was robbed this time. All her experiences needed to be reported carefully to her father, and of course she didn’t accompany Lao Xie.

In addition, some things are secrets of the Hercules family, and it is impossible for them to let Lao Xie get involved, even if he is the son-in-law. So Constantine drove the old evil away and ordered him to go to the palace to apologize to Catherine tomorrow morning. Otherwise, he would never let Laoxie touch him again. Lao Xie had no choice but to agree with a wry smile.

Early the next morning, Lao Xie bravely came to the palace and told the palace guards that he wanted to see the eldest princess Catherine. Originally, Lao Xie thought that he still needed to report something, but unexpectedly, the guards just let Lao Xie in with a smile. And he also called the palace maid to lead the way. Apparently Catherine had given instructions in advance.

As soon as Lao Xie saw this posture, he knew that something was not good. It seemed that the eldest princess was still angry with herself. At that time, he wanted to turn around and run away. But having already arrived at the palace, it was unreasonable to turn around and leave, so I had no choice but to follow the palace maid to Catherine’s residence. At the same time, I said in my heart, “It’s a knife to extend your head, and it’s a knife to shrink your head. Anyway, we will meet sooner or later.” Solve it today. The worst case scenario is to give her a few blows to vent her anger. ’

After thinking about this, Lao Xie suddenly gained the courage, opened the door and walked into the palace hall, and found that there were several people sitting at the dining table to eat. The leader is the emperor, followed by the queen, followed by the third prince and the eldest princess, and finally there is a little princess. Obviously, this is a cozy family meal. Lao Xie saw this posture. He was also stunned for a moment, he didn’t expect that he came at such an untimely time.

But when others saw Lao Xie, they couldn’t help but reveal a playful smile. The emperor immediately put down the tableware and smiled at Lao Xie: “Oh, you came to see my daughter very early in the morning. Little Stephen, are you too impatient? After all, you are not married yet!”

“Haha!” Everyone laughed immediately.

“Haha!” Lao Xie laughed, then came over and saluted: “Your Majesty, please forgive me for being presumptuous, mainly because I have something special to do today and I have to see the eldest princess, so I came a little early!”

“Oh, what is something special?” The emperor immediately said curiously: “I wonder if I, as a father, can inquire about your little secret? Hahaha!”

As he spoke, he himself laughed. Naturally, the people around him couldn’t help but laugh. Only the eldest princess did not laugh. Instead, she glared at Lao Xie fiercely, and then gritted her teeth and said: “No problem. Of course you can know. In fact, it’s nothing. He is here today mainly to get beaten!”

After the eldest princess finished speaking, she directly picked up the wine bottle on the table and threw it at Lao Xie. Upon seeing this situation, everyone suddenly exclaimed.

But Lao Xie was still there, he stretched out his hand to grab Jifei’s wine bottle with a playful smile, and said with a smile: “Oh, dear, I don’t like this kind of red wine very much!”

“Then change this!” Catherine said. He directly drew out a shining magic sword and jumped up high. He slashed hard at Lao Xie. At the same time, Catherine cursed fiercely: “You **** lied to me!”

“I didn’t lie to you!” Lao Xie shouted aggrievedly, while quickly taking a few steps back to avoid Catherine’s fierce vertical chop.

But Catherine obviously did not intend to spare Lao Xie just like that. She attacked him with one sword after another, and said angrily to Lao Xie, “Nonsense, you liar, you lied to me about training. As a result, after you handed over the official duties to me, you ran away on the same day. This made me spend all day approving official documents, signing, sealing, and socializing with those fat pig-like officials and businessmen. This was a terrible day for me. It’s been a month! It’s been like living in hell, it’s all your fault!”

“Ah haha!” Lao Xie said immediately dumbfounded: “This is called experience!”

The two men were talking and fighting, and in a blink of an eye they were in the yard.

“Nonsense, since it’s a training, why don’t you go by yourself instead of tricking me into going to the training?” Catherine said and struck out with another sword. After Lao Xie got out of the way, Catherine was unable to stop her attack and cut off a flower tree in one fell swoop.

“Oh!” Then the queen was heard saying distressedly, “Oh my God, that’s the Prativa magic pink flower, worth at least 200 gold coins!”

“Okay dear, money is a trivial matter, the key is their strength, it’s really shocking!” The emperor said with surprise on his face: “I can’t believe that my daughter is already so powerful. ”

Then he said to the third prince: “Son, at least in terms of swordsmanship, you are outclassed by your sister!”

After hearing this, the third prince immediately shook his head with a wry smile, and then said a little aggrievedly: “Father, her master is the legendary strongman Dongfang Bubai!”

As soon as the emperor heard what the third prince said, he immediately said with dissatisfaction, “Is your master bad? Although his strength may not be as good as Dongfang Bubai, he has single-handedly trained three sword masters, so at least, In terms of teaching disciples, he is no worse than Dongfang Bubai, right?”

“Yes!” The third prince hurriedly lowered his head and said, “My son understands that I will work hard in the future!”

“Well, that’s good!” The emperor nodded and continued to watch the battle between Lao Xie and Catherine.

Although this seemed to be just an ordinary father-son conversation, the third prince felt a different meaning from it. As a prince, he was very sensitive to the emperor’s attitude towards him. From this conversation, he clearly felt that the current emperor no longer loved him as much as before. Otherwise, the emperor would never openly criticize him on swordsmanship. You know, the strength of the third prince is actually among the top among his peers. But Catherine is a genius that is rare to see in a thousand years. She is on the level of a monster and cannot be compared to her.

The reason is that the emperor’s criticism of the third prince was actually more of a beating. Obviously, the emperor was still brooding about the last assassination, and still had some suspicion in his heart that the third prince was planning it to usurp the throne. That’s why he took this opportunity to give the third prince a warning.

The third prince also knew about the current unfavorable situation, but he had no way to do anything about it. If you want to blame, you can only blame the person who assassinated the emperor. Anyway, the third prince hated him now.

Both Lao Xie and Catherine pretended not to hear their conversation. Lao Xie continued to explain to Catherine: “Ah haha, dear, you are the eldest princess of the empire, so you naturally need to be familiar with government affairs. I will inherit the magic tower in the future, why do I need to do that?”

Catherine then scolded: “Damn it, you were just looking for an excuse to be lazy. But you made me tired to death, and now I feel like vomiting when I see the seals and documents. You are so disgusting, I must I need to take good care of you!”

“Haha, that was all an accident, just an accident! Besides, it seems that you can’t beat me! Why waste your efforts so much?” Lao Xie said with a smile.

“Maybe it wasn’t possible before, but it didn’t mean it was possible now!” Catherine sneered.

“Really?” Lao Xie shrugged and said, “I don’t think your swordsmanship has improved much from last time?”

“But my sword is different!” After Catherine finished speaking, she immediately flicked her wrist and shouted softly: “Purification!”

As Catherine shouted, a white light suddenly emitted from the sword in her hand, hitting Lao Xie directly. Immediately, Lao Xie felt as if he had suddenly fallen into mercury. His whole body encountered great resistance, so that all his movements became extremely slow, as if in slow motion.

Although Lao Xie slowed down, Catherine still maintained the original high speed. With a flick of her wrist, a ray of silver light flew towards Lao Xie’s neck. Looking at the posture, she actually planned to chop Lao Xie’s neck. Evil head.

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