The Legend of Bimeng: Chapter 354: Tooth for Tooth, the fastest update to the latest chapter of The Legend of Beamon!

Chapter 354: Tooth for Tooth

“Damn, let me tell you, why are you so crazy today? Why are you beating my people?” Lippi cursed angrily.

At this time, most of the dwarves had fallen, and only a few dozen were still groaning. Sven’s people were also injured, including Sven, who had not fully recovered from his injuries. All the barbarians were injured, and half of them were injured. Falling to the ground. But compared to the dwarves’ losses, they still had a great victory.

Seeing that they were beaten too much, Lao Xie stopped, came to the side of the old mage and Lan Fake, and cursed Lippi angrily: “You still have the nerve to say it? Let me ask you, whose place is this? ”

Li Pi had met Lao Xie before, but he didn’t know that he was the city lord here at the time. He only figured it out later after hearing what the dwarf king said. Now that he saw Lao Xie coming forward to question him, he immediately understood and knew that his actions must have gone too far and made others angry.

Li Pi is an old fox. When he saw the situation was not good, he immediately laughed and said: “Haha, it turns out to be the Lord of the City. Of course we know this is your territory!”

“You still know that this is my territory?” Lao Xie couldn’t help but cursed angrily: “Then why are all my people working for you? Also, who told you to mess around in my place? Look Look what happened to me! Even the garbage dump is cleaner than this!”

Lippi suddenly blushed and said hurriedly: “Well, I’m sorry, you also know that our casting master has to make iron when he gets interested, so he made it a little messy, but you should also understand. Even if your place is used for blacksmithing, you still have a share of the final profit?”

“What you say is nice!” Lao Xie sneered: “Do you think I am a child? In our original agreement, we didn’t ask me to provide territory and manpower, right? Now you are using my people and place in vain. Said, but kept saying that I took advantage, right?”

“Ha, I thought the dwarves were all real people, but I didn’t expect you to be such a shameless person like Lippi!” The old mage also scolded.

“It’s not just shameless. It’s simply shameless!” Lan Fake scolded angrily with bitterness and hatred: “You don’t know, this **** Lippi, under the guise of the dwarf king, asked me to refine it for him. The potion was not given all the ingredients. I was deceived by this idiot, and I worked hard for a month in vain. If I hadn’t accidentally asked the dwarf king that time, I don’t know how long I would have been deceived by this idiot. ! ”

“This~” When Lippi heard this, his face immediately turned red. He couldn’t help but smile bitterly and said: “Lan Fake, isn’t it just such a trivial matter? I’ll apologize afterwards, right?”

“Go away you bastard!” Lan Fake scolded even more angrily: “Those enchanted items you gave me are still included in the total. It’s like you sold other people’s things to me! I Damn it, you idiot, why don’t you just sell the Imperial City of Light?”

“Ha, Lippi, I didn’t know you were so capable!” The old mage immediately mocked: “Please, old man, if you are poor next time, please don’t sell my magic tower! ”

“This~” No matter how shameless Lipi is. He couldn’t help being scolded and felt depressed for a while, so he hurriedly said: “Everyone, everyone, if we have something to say, can we talk in another place? This is not the place to talk!”

“No! I’m going to say it here!” Lan Fake immediately shouted: “I’m going to shame you, this bitch!”

“That’s right!” Lao Xie also followed suit: “You dwarfs are so abominable. Then my people are being used by others. You have made me like this, we are not done yet!”

When Lippi heard this, he was so angry.

“Master, you are back!” But at this moment. The group of spirits suddenly appeared in front of Lao Xie, crying with snot and tears.

When Lao Xie saw it, he was immediately startled. The monsters who were originally very strong under his special care have lost weight in just a few months. Their eyes are red and their faces are tired. It’s like being abused.

These spirits are all Lao Xie’s treasures. When he saw them like this, Lao Xie immediately became angry, and then said angrily to Lippi: “Damn dwarf, how dare you abuse my spirits? I want to destroy them. ”

As he said this, Lao Xie was about to fight Lippi.

Lippi was so frightened that he waved his hands hurriedly: “No, no, we don’t even have time to treat them as treasures, how dare we abuse them?”

“How could it be like this without any torture?” Lao Xie asked angrily.

“How do I know?” Lippi said aggrievedly: “They all serve them delicious food and drink. Even our forging masters don’t dare to get angry at them! If you don’t believe it, look at them. There’s not a single thing on them. A little bit injured?”

Lao Xie heard this. I quickly took a closer look at the spirits and found that they were indeed not injured. Just extremely mentally exhausted. So he asked strangely: “What’s wrong with you?”

“Master, since these guys came, we have to work for more than ten hours every day, and we can’t sleep!” the spirit cried.

Lao Xie was so angry that he immediately stared at him. Upon seeing this, Lippi hurriedly defended: “Fart, we clearly told you to go to bed, okay?”

“You make tinkling noises every time we go to sleep, and you do it all night long. Who can sleep?” The spirits couldn’t help but protested angrily.

Lao Xie understood it as soon as he heard it. It turns out that these dwarf masters are all casting madmen, and dwarves have good physical strength and often stay up for days and nights. Therefore, after they completed the day’s work with the spirits, they still had a lot of energy. It just so happened that during the day, I was inspired by watching the spirits carving the magic circle, and gained new attention, so I started building it while the spirits were sleeping.

You must know that the hearing of spirits is extremely sensitive. In order to escape from being chased by various monsters, they must have ways to protect themselves. In addition to their powerful vision and sense of smell, the noses and ears of spirits are also particularly good, and they can easily I heard footsteps hundreds of meters away. Therefore, to them, the noise produced by the dwarves’ blacksmithing is just like thunder. The dwarves are used to it and can naturally fall asleep under this kind of noise, but the elves can’t get a rest all night, so they naturally become so exhausted.

After realizing this, Lao Xie became even more angry at the dwarves. He arranged for the spirits to rest first, so they no longer had to worry about work. Then he said angrily to Lippi: “Lippi, clean up my place immediately. I don’t want to see this garbage anymore. Do you hear me?”

“Well, okay!” Lippi knew that he was in the wrong, and because of his lack of strength, he had no choice but to agree.

At this moment, another guy who complained also came. Lao Xie’s most profitable subordinate, the seventh-level magic explosion spider, suddenly ran up to Lao Xie and kept shouting, his voice full of grievances.

Lao Xie was puzzled at first, wondering if the Magic Explosive Spider was also afraid of noise. But when he saw the two severed legs that the Magic Explosive Spider showed him, he was so angry that his head exploded. It turned out that two of the legs of the Magic Explosive Spider were chopped off with a sharp weapon. No need to ask, it must have been done by the dwarves.

“Lippi, you bitch!” Lao Xie then yelled: “What’s going on?”

When Lippi saw where the old evil finger was pointing, he shrank in fear, and then said with a bitter smile: “This, this is not my doing, it is our dwarf king’s doing!”

“Damn it, what is that old **** going to do?” Lao Xie then cursed.

Although Lippi was angry at Lao Xie’s disrespect for the Dwarf King, he did not dare to be too arrogant because of his own injustice. He could only say helplessly: “Please show some respect to our Majesty!”

Lao Xie was about to continue scolding, but was pulled by the old mage unexpectedly.

“Don’t be rude to the dwarf king, that would be very rude!” the old mage advised.

“Is it disrespectful to be disrespectful?” Lao Xie said angrily, “Isn’t it disrespectful for him to chop off the legs of my mount?”

“Of course, this is a bit rude!” Lippi could only explain with a wry smile: “However, our Majesty also has a reason.”

“What **** reason?” Lao Xie roared.

“Well, Your Majesty wants to repair a sub-artifact. The material happened to be the claws of the magic explosive spider. Since the quantity was not enough, I took some from your mount!” Of course Lippi knew this **** excuse. He really couldn’t get on the stage, so he comforted him with a guilty conscience: “Actually, you don’t have to worry too much. The magic explosion spider has a strong healing ability. You see, originally we cut off its 4-meter-long limb. Now, It has grown a lot, and it is only less than half a meter long. It will be full soon.”

“You can cut it off as long as it’s long, right?” Lao Xie said angrily with a smile: “Okay, I heard that the armored lizard’s tail can also grow, and we happen to be short of some of this material recently, right? “Lao Xie is asking the old mage.

Of course the old mage understood what Lao Xie meant, he nodded immediately, and then said with a wicked smile: “Yes, yes, I am in need of a lot!”

“It doesn’t matter, there are more than 200 here. If there aren’t enough, just wait until they grow out and then chop them down!” Lao Xie sneered.

As soon as he heard what Lao Xie said, Lippi’s expression suddenly changed and he hurriedly said, “No!”

Lao Xie ignored his cry and roared angrily, “Sven, chop off the tails of all the armored lizards!”

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