The Legend of Bimeng: Chapter 299: Finding clues, the fastest update to the latest chapter of The Legend of Beamon!

Chapter 299: Finding clues

“This~” Pili broke into a cold sweat when he heard this. He knew how terrifying the combined power of the Hercules family and the Stephen family was. It was definitely not something that his family could resist. It was probably his teacher Abel. Lahan may not be able to protect him. After all, the power of the Chaos Principality is far behind the Griffin Kingdom. Besides, Catherine was favored more than herself, and her fiancé was involved in this matter. Once she was implicated, even Abraham would not turn to him.

When he thought of the serious consequences, he couldn’t help but break out in cold sweat, and said hurriedly: “This matter has nothing to do with us, those barbarians were bought from others!”

“Who sold it to you?” Lao Xie asked angrily.

When Pili heard this, he hurriedly turned to another person and asked, “Go and find out who sold those barbarians to us!”

“Master Pili, please don’t forget. The customer’s information is confidential and we can’t leak it casually! In that case, we will have no business coming to your door in the future!” The man obviously didn’t know how powerful Lao Xie was, so he was still there I wasted no time in preparing to give Lao Xie a beating with this.

Pili was so angry that he turned green. He slapped the other person to the ground with a slap, and then cursed angrily: “Fuck the secret, go check it out for me quickly, if it’s delayed. , I will destroy your whole family!”

When the man saw that Pi Li was serious, he was immediately frightened. He hurriedly got up and said tremblingly: “It’s not that I don’t want to check. In fact, I conducted this transaction. Those people have nothing.” If you stay, the investigation will be in vain!”

“Damn it!” Pili was so angry that he kicked him hard and cursed angrily: “You dare to accept it without any information, and you are not afraid of getting into trouble?”

You must know that slaves bought and sold in the slave market must have legal identity certificates according to regulations. If not, it means that the other party is not a slave. As a free person, no one can buy or sell. This is also an obstacle set up to prevent those lawless guys from catching people and buying and selling them at will.

Of course, the so-called countermeasures from above and policies from below are only superficial. In many cases, the slave market does not care about this. After all, the most profitable orc slaves are almost all captured by slave traders from the orc territory, and they have no identity documents.

Pili naturally knows the fishiness involved, but now that he is an outsider like Lao Xie, he can’t openly say that he is also doing something illegal? So he pretended to be angry, scolding the other party for knowingly breaking the law, punching and kicking him, and pretending to be innocent and irreconcilable.

Old Xie could naturally see Pili’s hypocrisy at a glance, but now was not the time to care about it. He first showed off to Pili, stopped him from beating him, and then asked: “Tell me about that day in detail. The situation of trading with them! ”

“Yes!” The guy also understood from Pili’s attitude that Lao Xie should not be provoked, so he quickly and respectfully said: “That was nearly a month ago, a guy suddenly came to me and said he wanted to sell me 30 Barbarian slaves, and they are all masters of level three or above. You know, these kind of fighting spirit talents are very strong, and the price is also high, so I was fooled by the lard and agreed!”

“What does that guy look like? Did he come to you on his own?” Lao Xie continued to ask.

“He is about 40 years old, with a burly build. He looks like he has been trained, but his appearance is very ordinary, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. You would not be able to find him in a crowd!” The guy then said, “In addition, He also brought an entourage.”

“Then can you tell where he is from from his accent, gestures of saluting, conversation and other details?” Lao Xie suddenly asked.

After Lao Xie asked this question, Pili’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn’t help being impressed by Lao Xie’s carefulness.

And the guy seemed to understand a little bit. He recalled it carefully first, and then said: “His accent is like someone from the White Bird Principality. He moves quickly and powerfully, and his conversational voice is loud and clear. It doesn’t sound like a businessman at all.” He looks like a soldier! Yes, his followers look more like soldiers. They look like they have undergone rigorous training.”

Although the White Bird Principality appeared, Lao Xie was not naive enough to think that this was a clue. After all, the place where this guy was born does not mean that the people he serves now are still there. This alone is not enough to identify the murderer.

Then Lao Xie continued to ask, “Then do you still remember the various badges and other things on their horses?”

“No, it’s strange. They don’t have any markings. They seem to have removed them deliberately. Even the carriage was temporarily rented from us.” The guy said.

“Then how did you trade?” Lao Xie asked.

“The price is negotiated during the day, and then they take advantage of the moonlight to deliver the person in a carriage at night. After we verify that it is correct, we pay for the goods on the spot.” The guy said.

“It’s really simple!” Lao Xie said calmly: “Then, they must have chosen to deliver at night to better hide themselves, right?”

“It should be!” Pili nodded.

“Very good!” Lao Xie smiled coldly, and then said: “Then your delivery time should not be short, right?”

“Half an hour!” the guy said hurriedly.

“Very good. How much contact did you have with them during this period?” Lao Xie asked.

“There are more than a dozen, right?” the guy said hurriedly: “After all, they are big customers, and we can’t let them wait. We have to deliver water, tea, and some fodder for their horses.”

“Very good!” When Lao Xie heard this, he immediately became energetic and said quickly: “Go and call all these people!”

Pili did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly winked at the guy and said: “Hurry up and call, remember, no one is missing!”

Of course the man understood immediately and ran out in a hurry.

We didn’t have much time, so we brought over a dozen people, including grooms, maids, and accountants to settle accounts.

Lao Xie didn’t waste any time. He took out the money bag from his pocket and poured the dozens of gold coins in it onto the table in front of him. Suddenly, the golden light made those people’s eyes wide open.

Lao Xie was of course very satisfied when he saw their expressions, so he smiled and said: “Everyone, it’s time for you to make a fortune. A month ago, you received a group of guys who were selling dozens of barbarians. That was in You should have some impressions at night, right?”

“Yes~” They all nodded.

“Very good!” Lao Xie immediately said: “Then, whoever can tell me where they come from, I will give them ten gold coins!”

For these people, ten gold coins is a huge amount of money, and they may not be able to earn it for several years, so when they heard the amount of the bounty for Lao Xie, they couldn’t help but drool. In order to get the money, they then used their brains and recalled carefully.

Lao Xie is not in a hurry to force them, but reminds them: “You can get inspiration from the accents they speak, the place names mentioned in the conversation, the emblems on their bodies, and even their tea drinking habits.”

“Ah, by the way, I remembered!” The man who looked like a groom first shouted: “They were riding their own horses that day. Although the saddles were new from us, I saw them The horseshoe is badly worn, but it can be vaguely seen from its shape that it is a special horseshoe from the White Bird Principality’s military.”

“Ha, it’s the White Bird Principality again!” Lao Xie was finally alert this time, but this was not enough. After all, the horses might have been sold, so he first threw ten gold coins to the groom, and then continued to ask: “Does anyone else have any clues? One sentence is worth ten gold coins. Except for today, you will never encounter such a good thing for the second time in your life!”

“Me too!” A maid suddenly stood up and said: “Young Master, I am the person in charge of serving tea. I found that they don’t add sugar when they drink tea. There is no sugar in the white sugar that I specially prepared. The habit of drinking tea without sugar is quite popular in the White Bird Principality area! ”

“Very good!” Lao Xie said nothing nonsense and threw another ten gold coins over. When they saw that she got the money, the other maids were envious and regretted why they didn’t tell her first.

At this time, the accountant suddenly stood up, rubbed his hands and smiled: “Master, if you can give more specific information, I wonder if I can get double copies?”

“Haha, tell me, if it satisfies me, let alone double portions, it doesn’t matter if I give them all to you!” Lao Xie said with a smile.

“Ah, you are so generous. In that case, I will say it!” The guy immediately said: “That’s it. That day, I took three people to get money. When I got some gold coins One of the talkative guys seemed to be too excited and couldn’t help but whisper, “Wow, brothers, this money is enough for us to stay in Merida for a year. I want to buy my little Meili!” ! ‘Although this guy’s voice was not loud, I still heard him. His companion seemed to know that he said something he shouldn’t have said, and gave him a hard whip to shut him up.”

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