The Legend of Bimeng: Chapter 102 The Story of Lan Fake, the fastest update to the latest chapter of The Legend of Beamon!

Chapter 102 The Story of Lan Fake

“Oh!” Lao Xie was stunned at first, but then he felt that the old mage’s words made sense, so he quickly asked: “What did Lan Fake do in the orc kingdom that was outrageous to both humans and gods?”

“Alas!” The old mage suddenly sighed, and then said helplessly: “Actually speaking, Lan Fake is also very aggrieved. Well, have you heard of the Three Trolls from a hundred years ago?” The old mage suddenly said asked.

“Nonsense, where did I hear that?” Lao Xie couldn’t help but give the old mage a blank look.

“Haha!” The old mage smiled slightly, and then explained: “There are many races in the orc kingdom, but their strength is different. Now naturally, the Naga tribe led by the legendary prophet is more powerful, while the Yu tribe, the Niutou tribe, The Troll Clan, the Lion Clan, the Tiger Clan, the Bear Clan and the Wolf Clan are all similar, but a hundred years ago, the Troll Clan led by the Three Trolls was the most powerful. The so-called Troll Triumvirate actually refers to the three masters and apprentices, the master. He is a legendary strongman, the divine warrior Kanini, his eldest disciple is the Holy Domain warrior Troll Warlord Green Wind, and his junior disciple is the Holy Domain level Shadow Shaman Lan Fake.”

Then, the old mage told Lao Xie the past grudges of the troll clan. It turns out that the trolls are also divided into two types, the green trolls, who are famous for their strength and agility, and the blue trolls, who are good at spiritual power. Obviously, according to this characteristic, the green troll is good at producing high-level warriors, while the blue troll is good at producing powerful shamans. Among them, the troll war general Green Wind is the green troll, while Lan Fake is the blue troll. If the two troll clans can cooperate with each other, the combination between high-level shamans and high-level warriors is definitely a nightmare for any enemy. Therefore, in the past, the troll clan that can produce both shamans and warriors was very popular in the orc kingdom. A powerful presence.

However, I have to say that fate is fair. While he gave the two tribes wonderful talents, he also caused them to have huge conflicts. There was no way, everyone who was capable wanted to be the boss, and no one wanted to be dependent on others. , so the two troll clans have been arguing for hundreds of years over who can better represent the trolls, and even fierce battles broke out several times during this period. It wasn’t until a hybrid with both blue and green troll ancestry appeared that he frightened all those with evil intentions with his powerful strength, and finally allowed the trolls to end hundreds of years of civil strife and become a unified nation. Overall, it was at this time that trolls truly became a pivotal role in the orcs. This hybrid is the divine warrior Kanini.

But although Kanini could frighten the entire troll clan when he was alive, he could no longer control the situation after his death. Sixty years ago, after Kanini’s death, the troll clan split again. Troll warriors Green Wind and Lan Fake took control of the Green Troll and Blue Troll respectively. Although the divine warrior Kanini had paid special attention to cultivating the relationship between his two protégés, unfortunately they ended up on opposite sides. There is no way, whether the green troll or the blue troll, there is an inexplicable arrogance in their bones. They can only surrender to those who are stronger than themselves. However, the strength of Green Wind and Lan Fake is almost exactly the same, so neither one is convinced by the other. In addition, the Green and Blue Trolls have been in a hostile relationship for hundreds of years. After Kanini, who suppressed this relationship, disappeared, Naturally, various problems broke out together.

But fortunately, Lufeng and Lanfake have been in the same school for many years, and they have some feelings for each other. Although they are not convinced, they will not fight immediately. Therefore, although the relationship between the two clans is a bit tense, it is not too bad. But this delicate relationship was completely broken after a beautiful dark elf appeared. This woman was a dark elf noble who was captured during the war, and was eventually bought as a concubine by the troll warlord Green Wind.

By the way, there are many elves on the continent, almost in every corner of the continent. Even the Nagas of the beast tribe and the sea monsters in the ocean are also descendants of high elves. But only the moon elves of the Elf Forest are the orthodox heirs of the elves. In the current elf kingdom, in addition to the moon elves, there are also forest elves, nature elves and other different elf races. As for the dark elves, they do not belong to the system of the elven kingdom. They are rebels of the elves and were expelled to the endless desert in the western part of the continent. Now they have established their own kingdom in the underground world under the endless desert. Out of hatred for being exiled, these guys from the underground world often come up to cause trouble. Although they are not particularly strong, their conspiracies are hard to detect, causing endless trouble to the elves, dwarves and orcs in the western part of the continent.

The reason why humans, orcs, elves, and dwarves on the mainland are surprisingly united is entirely because of the famous three natural disasters. In addition to the undead natural disaster composed of the undead on the southeastern island, the burning natural disaster composed of demons on the northeastern island, and finally It is an evil natural disaster composed of underground races in the western part of the continent.

This dark elf woman was a prisoner of war captured during the evil natural disaster. After becoming the troll warrior Lu Feng, he did not calm down. Instead, he used his beauty and sweet words to seduce Lu Feng and try his best to drive a wedge between him and Lan Fake. To be honest, although Lu Feng was a powerful Sanctuary warrior, his mind was a bit simple, so he caused a lot of trouble for Lan Fake under the temptation of this woman. Fortunately, Lan Fake was a smart man and saw the weirdness in it. At the same time, he was worried that it would trigger a civil war among the trolls, so he not only tolerated it, but also kept trying to persuade Lu Feng.

It’s a pity that Lu Feng was completely stunned by the woman, so not only did he not realize Lan Fake’s good intentions, but he thought it was Lan Fake who was afraid of him, so he did things even harder. Finally, an unexpected incident completely detonated their relationship. It was during a conflict between the two clans that Lan Fake’s only son was beaten to death by the Green Troll’s men.

You know, that was Lan Fake’s only son, and his wife died in childbirth just to give birth to this child. It can be said that this child placed all Lan Fake’s expectations on him, but he died so cowardly in the hands of the Green Giant. In the hands of a clan. Lan Fake, who was sent by the white-haired man to the black-haired man, was so distraught that he couldn’t bear it anymore and completely went berserk. Originally, the Blue Troll was bullied by Green Wind, but was suppressed by Lan Fake to prevent them from causing trouble. Now that Lan Fake wants to take revenge, they will naturally respond in groups. Ever since, the civil war between the trolls was initiated by the blue trolls led by Lan Fake.

Actually, when it comes to one-on-one combat, Lan Fake may be slightly worse than Troll Warlord Green Wind, but when it comes to group fights between legions, Green Wind is naturally not as good as Lan Fake. After all, the shaman’s role in group battles is so powerful that it cannot be compared to the warriors.

In terms of quantity, there are more blue trolls than green trolls, and the strength of the two sides’ troops is also very different. The quality of Green Troll’s warriors is higher than that of Blue Troll, but the quantity and quality of shamans are far inferior to those of Blue Troll. You know, in the Orcs, a qualified shaman can double the combat effectiveness of hundreds of warriors, and the shaman’s treatment methods are also very magical, allowing injured warriors to quickly rejoin the battle, thus greatly increasing the strength of the troops. Sustained combat effectiveness. Therefore, when there is a war between orcs, it is not the warriors who really decide the final outcome, but the shaman.

In this case, the green troll is naturally not the opponent of the blue troll. Moreover, the smart Lan Fake is much better than the troll warrior Green Wind in marching and fighting, so this battle between the trolls The civil war ended with the Blue Troll’s victory in just a few months. The Green Troll suffered heavy losses, and its remnants finally surrendered to the evil underground forces under the leadership of the ashamed and angry Troll War General Green Wind.

Of course, although the Blue Troll won, he still felt uncomfortable. After all, the Green Troll was not a vegetarian, and he had to pay a sufficient price if he wanted to defeat them. Anyway, in this fierce civil war, the overall population of the trolls dropped by two-thirds, and most of them were green trolls who were killed. Even among the remaining people, most were old, weak, sick and disabled, and young and strong soldiers suffered heavy casualties. In the end, the relatively large troll power in the orc tribe was suddenly reduced to the bottom, providing space for the rise of the Naga tribe in the future.

Faced with such a tragic situation, Lan Fake finally regretted it. But at this moment, an even more shocking news spread. It turns out that Lan Fake’s son did not die at the hands of the green troll at that time, but was beaten to death by a blue troll. The blue troll wanted to sneak attack the green troll on the opposite side, but accidentally missed and killed the clan leader’s son. Due to the conflict between the two clans at that time, the scene was extremely chaotic, so after Lan Fake’s son was attacked, people subconsciously believed that it was the other party who had done it. It was not until later that the murderer could not stand the condemnation of his conscience and came forward to admit the matter. Lan Fake then called the people present to investigate and question him carefully, and even dug out his son’s body for an autopsy before finally confirming that this was true.

It is conceivable that Lan Fake felt regretful at that time! Because a misunderstanding caused the troll clan to fall apart, he can simply be said to be the sinner of the troll clan. Originally, with Lan Fake’s ability, he could suppress this matter and continue to be his clan leader. However, Lan Fake was an extremely upright person. He did not choose to evade responsibility, but resolutely announced the matter, and then solemnly apologized to the Green Troll clan, gave up his position as the clan leader, and then left his hometown.

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