The Legend of Bimeng: Autumn Hunting Day 226, the fastest update to the latest chapter of The Legend of Beamon!

Autumn Hunting Day 226

Qiu Shou is actually just a name for exchanges between noble youths. It is usually organized by the royal family, and the number of people is not large. The total number of noble children is only a hundred, but almost all of them are children of big nobles with good backgrounds.

In order to train them, each person is only allowed to bring one follower or escort, so the total number is only about 200. After these people gather, they will be grouped according to their own preferences, and then go to the imperial capital more than 100 miles away. Royal game hunting. The round trip takes about three days.

Of course, hunting is secondary, picking up girls and making friends are the most attractive aspects of this activity. After all, the nobles who can go there are not trivial. If a fighting friendship is formed at this time, it may be of great help to the rest of their lives. And if you can still pursue the daughter of a noble family, it will undoubtedly be a wonderful thing.

So as soon as the news came out, all the nobles who were qualified to participate became busy. Of course, Lao Xie, as the direct heir of the Stephen family, was naturally invited. In fact, the pretty boy from Stephen’s family was also eligible to participate. However, when he went to the fat man with the invitation from the palace and asked to participate, what he got in exchange was a loud slap in the face and the fat man’s ruthless ridicule: “Is that a place that a **** like you can go to? Get out of here? ! ”

The pale-faced little boy ran to his mother in tears and cried. Soon, the Duchess ran to the fat man angrily and said angrily: “What do you mean? Why don’t you let my child go to the autumn?” Hunting! ”

“Him?” The fat man sneered disdainfully and said, “He doesn’t know magic or fighting spirit. Are you asking him to embarrass himself?”

“Don’t he have a younger brother who can fight?” The duchess thought of Lao Xie at this time.

“Huh!” The fat man couldn’t help but sneered: “Now that you know how good little Stephen is, what did you do earlier? Have you forgotten how you treated him in the first place? Now you still have the nerve to mention it?”

“This~” The Duchess suddenly felt guilty and speechless.

“And!” The fat man suddenly said: “Don’t forget, that **** has a murder case involving a noble family! If you ask him to go out and show off, aren’t you afraid of causing trouble?”

“Isn’t that over?” the Duchess asked hurriedly.

“Past? How did it pass?” Fatty said angrily: “The people of the Augustus family are not idiots. After being tricked by me, they were as careful as a wolf whose tail was cut off by a hunter, so that I The few **** who participated in the extermination have never been found. Obviously, they have been closely protected by the August family. In the future, this will be a trump card against our family! But you still want to let him go at this time! Go out and have fun, do you want to die?”

“But the August family didn’t take them out after suffering a loss? Maybe the August family was no longer willing to continue to be our enemy, so they killed them?” the duchess guessed.

“Childish! Could the Augustus family be so good-tempered?” The fat man sneered disdainfully: “They should have suppressed this matter temporarily for the sake of the emperor giving them a way out, so as not to It makes the emperor unhappy. Besides, they have to spend all their energy on selling those bow and arrow materials, and they really don’t have the energy to go to war with us. However, if they don’t take it now, it doesn’t mean they won’t take it in the future. When given the right opportunity, they will use this as their trump card and kill us all at once! So, at this time, you tell that boy to be as honest as possible and not to leave the house. If he doesn’t cause trouble again, don’t do it! Blame me for being rude!”

“Well, then!” After hearing the fat man’s explanation, the duchess did not dare to make any more trouble, so she had to go back to teach her son a lesson.

Don’t look at the pretty guy there who is depressed because he can’t go, but the old man here doesn’t want to go at all. Opportunities that are extremely precious in the eyes of others, in his eyes, are simply a waste of time. He has no interest at all in this kind of boring enjoyment.

However, although Lao Xie didn’t want to go, the old mage still forced him to go. He even did not hesitate to threaten with force again, saying: “If you don’t go, I will electrocute you into a roast pig!” And in order to increase the deterrence, he even took out 12 golden gods and monsters as a threat. Ever since he got the space ring from the legendary master of the Dark Moon Elf, he has been carrying these 12 golden gods and monsters with him, but it is much more convenient than before!

It’s a pity that the old mage can’t control the old evil now. Facing the old mage’s arrogant threat, Lao Xie curled his lips and said: “As long as you are not afraid of the magic tower being smashed into ruins by the stars, just give me a try!”

When the old mage heard this, he was at a loss. He had seen Xinghui’s perversion, and he instantly killed the legendary master and punched a large hole more than 100 meters deep in the stone mountain. If this hit his magic tower, it would probably be over in a few hits.

When he saw that he was too tough, he put away the Golden God and Monster Lord, changed his smile, and said to Lao Xie, “I said, you don’t know how to flatter me! This time I said it was Qiu Shou, but in fact It was basically a blind date meeting. Because there were only a few servants, and they were all close friends, and there were no elders to watch, everyone didn’t care, and they were very open-minded. Almost all the previous autumn hunting meetings were open-budding meetings. Could it be that Don’t you want to go there and have fun? You know, there are many good girls among those nobles!” When he said this, the old guy had a lewd smile on his face.

“This~” Although Lao Xie is not willing to waste time playing, men are somewhat lustful. In fact, Lao Xie is also the best among them, otherwise he would not be teasing one by one. . It’s just that he has a very high level of vision, and ordinary women don’t look down on him at all, and he doesn’t like overlords to force themselves on him, so he hasn’t lost his virginity yet. However, if there were beautiful women of high quality to date, he would never mind wasting his time in these few days.

So, Lao Xie asked tentatively: “Are you sure there are outstanding ones among them? I can tell you that without a beauty of Konstani’s level, I would be too lazy to go!”

“Of course!” the old mage said immediately: “Miss Vivian, the daughter of the Gale Sword Saint Skazi, is known as the three beauties of the Griffin Kingdom together with Konstani and your fiancée, the eldest princess, and her beauty will definitely impress you. Satisfied! ”

“Miss Vivian?” When Lao Xie heard that she was going too, his eyes suddenly lit up and he hurriedly said: “Are you sure she is going too?”

“Of course, in fact, the purpose of this autumn hunting is that the emperor and the Gale Sword Master Skazi intend to bring together the third prince Kalapani and Miss Vivian, so they deliberately held it a month in advance!”

“Ha, you mean to ask me to rescue Miss Vivian from the hands of the hateful third prince Kalapani?” Lao Xie immediately asked in a funny tone.

“Haha, in my eyes, Third Prince Kalapani is indeed a good young man, but in comparison, no matter how good he is, he is still someone else’s child. Of course, I prefer my own!” The old mage then laughed. Said: “Anyway, the noble men of the Griffin Kingdom can have many wives, so you don’t need to worry too much about your fiancée. As long as you have the ability, just go for it! Grab Miss Vivian and bring it to the emperor. Of course I will be responsible!”

“Okay, with your words, I feel relieved. Isn’t it just about picking up girls? Look at me!” Lao Xie then said boldly: “If the third prince Kalapani doesn’t understand, I will beat him into a pig head first.” ! Who dares to compete with me? ”

“Bastard!” Upon hearing this, the old mage hurriedly laughed and scolded: “No fighting, you must compete fairly! Use your appearance, knowledge, and demeanor to win the heart of a beautiful woman, instead of using your fists to defeat your competitors. You must Go after girls like a well-educated nobleman!”

“I’m not a noble?” Lao Xie immediately said dissatisfied: “And according to what I know, most of the so-called nobles in the Griffin Kingdom are uncultured bastards!” When he said this, he remembered again The flower girl who was innocently tortured and killed by the nobles felt angry in her heart.

“Although what you said is right, don’t forget one thing. Miss Vivian is well-educated. Do you want to use uneducated means to pursue an educated lady?” The old mage shrugged. Said: “This is obviously unfair to Miss Vivian!”

“This~” Lao Xie thought about it and realized that this was indeed the case.

Then the old mage continued: “So, since you have participated in this game, you must abide by the rules of this game, otherwise you might as well not play!”

“Okay, okay!” Lao Xie said helplessly: “I promise you, I will not take the initiative when I am not provoked! But if they dare to trouble me first, hehe, then don’t blame me You’re welcome!”

“Haha!” The old mage immediately laughed and said: “Little guy, you have underestimated your reputation. Let me tell you, you are now gloriously called a barbarian noble. Along with this nickname, is A series of **** stories, so you are already known to everyone in the imperial capital, and there are basically no people who dare to challenge you!”

“Really?” Lao Xie scratched his scalp with some regret, and said helplessly: “Sometimes, it’s very depressing when no one can beat you!” After saying that, he shook his head, turned around and went out to prepare. It’s about traveling.

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