The Legend of Bimeng: 631 Titan Branch, the fastest update to the latest chapter of The Legend of Beamon!

631 Titan Branch

“But, after all, they just lost to you in a bet, so I’m still worried that they won’t be reconciled. Maybe they just surrendered on the surface, but secretly messed up!” Constantine said: “Dear, do you think it’s true? Want to guard against them?”

“No need!” Lao Xie said with a smile: “In their eyes, I should be a person worth following. Don’t forget, even the God of Glory values ​​me. As long as they are not idiots, they can see that The benefits of following me. In fact, the reason why I made a bet with them this time was just to extend a solicitation hand to them, and they also saw my intention, so they agreed so simply. With their shrewdness, how could they easily risk their century-old freedom?”

“Ah, according to what you said, they actually took the initiative to seek refuge with you?” Constantine immediately asked curiously: “Are you so valuable?”

“Hey, I’m ashamed to say it!” Lao Xie said embarrassedly for the first time: “Actually, it’s not me who is valuable, but the God of Glory behind me who is valuable!”

“Sir, who is this God of Glory?” Hettich couldn’t help but asked curiously: “Why do they look so shocked when they hear this name?”

“I actually don’t know much about it. I only know that the God of Glory is the God of the Light God Clan. He is a high-level God in charge of many planes. He is so powerful that he has almost no opponents.” Lao Xie then said: “And I never The news from the Vatican said that the Titan Protoss has long since declined, and they don’t dare to offend the Light Protoss, so I dare to attack them without restraint. Judging from their performance, it is obvious that I was right.”

“Congratulations, you suddenly have four more legendary thugs, which will make everything easier in the future!” Constantine said with a smile.

“Wrong. Wrong!” Lao Xie immediately laughed and said: “To me, they are more than just thugs. I actually value their alchemy more than their fighting power!”

“Alchemy?” Constantine asked in confusion: “Is this important?”

“Of course, legendary masters can only be regarded as high-level thugs, but their alchemy can completely change the future of the continent!” Lao Xie said with a smile.

“Is it so serious? Why didn’t I see it?” Constantine immediately said in surprise.

“Because your vision is not far enough!” Lao Xie sighed. At the same time, he thought of his hometown again. If you fall behind, you will be beaten. This profound lesson is learned through China’s century-old history of humiliation. It can definitely be unforgettable for any Chinese!

While Lao Xie and others were chatting. The four clean Titans walked in again and paid homage to Lao Xie together. Lao Xie hurriedly helped them up politely, and then said with a smile: “If you don’t fight, you won’t get to know each other, and the same goes for us. This fight can be regarded as our fate! In the past, no matter who was right or wrong, Let’s just cancel it all, what do you think?”

“Yes!” The four people said happily immediately. They were originally worried that Lao Xie would settle old scores with them, but after hearing Lao Xie’s words, they suddenly felt at ease.

“That’s good!” Lao Xie smiled slightly, and then said: “By the way, let’s get to know each other. We haven’t introduced each other yet! So, let me introduce to you first. My name is Stephen, and I am the heir to the Stephen family. . At the same time, he is also the leader of the Star Elf clan. This is the elder of our clan, Heidi Shi! This is my wife, the Elf Princess Juliet, and this is Konstani~”

Then Lao Xie introduced the four of them to the people in the room, and all the dead people showed their respects. After that, Lao Xie smiled. “So, what about you?”

“My subordinate Stark, his name is Parker, his name is Rust, and his name is Cooper!” Stark immediately introduced: “We belong to the lightning branch of the Titans!”

“Lightning branch?” When Lao Xie heard this, he immediately asked curiously: “Then can I ask how many branches your Titan Clan has?”

“There used to be several, but with the decline of the Titans, many branches disappeared forever. Now there are only three left, namely Lightning, Thunder and Thunderbolt!” Stark said a little lonely. .

“So that’s it!” Lao Xie then discovered that they were still standing and said hurriedly: “Haha, look, I was so confused that I forgot to ask you to sit down. Come on, you’re welcome, everyone sit down Let’s talk!”

“This~” Stark and others looked at each other, and then said awkwardly: “Sir, we are all your subordinates, how can we sit in front of you?”

“Hey! I don’t have so many rules here!” Lao Xie immediately laughed and said: “If I tell you to sit down, you can sit down! I hate false etiquette the most.”

“Yes! Thank you, sir.” Seeing Lao Xie’s insistence, the four of them thanked him and sat down one after another.

After everyone was seated, Lao Xie asked curiously: “Stark, from the look of you, you seem to be their leader, right?”

“Yes, I am older, so I am the leader of this four-person group!” Stark said hurriedly.

“A group of four? Are you still a regular army?” Lao Xie said in disbelief.

“No no~” Stark said hurriedly: “The Titan Protoss has no concept of a regular army. We were only appointed by the clan to help the third prince, so we formed a temporary group and I will lead it.”

“Then can you tell me why you want to help the third prince?” Lao Xie immediately asked.

“Because the third prince did us a big favor, the clan sent us to help him!” Stark explained.

“A lot of work?” Lao Xie frowned and said, “Can you tell me in detail?”

“Oh, can you tell me the whereabouts of the third prince first?” Stark said with some embarrassment: “You know, after all, we are the ones sent to help the third prince. Now the whereabouts of the third prince are unknown, but we We will be very sorry if we leak his secret again at this time!”

“Haha, I understand what you are thinking!” Lao Xie smiled slightly and said: “But you don’t have to worry that the Third Prince will come to you again, because there will never be a Third Prince in the world in the future. In other words, All your relationships with him will end with his disappearance. There is no need to worry about any leaks! ”

“Ah, that’s it!” Stark then sighed, and then said: “Well, I’ll tell you everything you want to know!”

“Very good, I’m listening!” Lao Xie said with a genuine smile.

“This is what happened!” Stark then slowly explained: “About seven or eight years ago, we suddenly had a Titan branch that had lost contact for tens of thousands of years and sent us a signal, so we followed the signal. The marked space coordinates were sent over to check. It was found that the signal was sent by the third prince inadvertently through a relic of our Titan! The owner of that relic is another branch that is closely related to our lightning branch, dating back tens of thousands of years. They were all lost in a large-scale war a few years ago. At that time, they suffered an extremely violent blow. The entire clan was wiped out, and no one survived. Moreover, all kinds of classics, including various genealogies, were also destroyed. It was completely destroyed, so much so that we have no way of knowing what kind of things and wealth they left behind on how many planes!”

“Do the ruins discovered by the third prince contain important things they left behind?” Lao Xie suddenly asked.

“Yes, that ruins is one of their more important sub-bases. There are many things in it that are extremely valuable to us!” Stark said calmly: “In order to get those things, we must get the ruins. Full development rights. But we didn’t want to go into full-scale war with the people of this continent, which would result in heavy losses, so we chose to cooperate with the Third Prince, and he gave us the right to develop the ruins. And we sent four legendary masters to help him.”

“I understand!” Lao Xie nodded, and then asked curiously: “Can you tell me, is there anything in the ruins that is worthy of your magnanimity in sending four legendary masters?”

“Oh~” Stark thought awkwardly, and finally confessed: “There are some unique alchemical formulas in it!”

“Alchemy formula?” When Lao Xie heard this, he immediately asked curiously: “Don’t all the alchemy formulas of your Titan Clan be shared?”

“Of course, the alchemy formula of each branch is the secret of the clan and is the basis of the strength of each branch of the Titans. How can it be shared?” Stark immediately defended.

“Huh?” Lao Xie was surprised and said hurriedly: “According to what you said, each branch of your Titan Clan is too independent, right?”

“Very independent?” Stark shrugged and explained: “The research directions of each of our branches are different, so naturally they are independent!”

“Isn’t it all alchemy? What’s the difference?” Lao Xie asked puzzledly.

“There are many differences!” When Stark mentioned his family’s alchemy, he immediately said energetically: “For example, our lightning branch specializes in the study of magic puppets. The alchemy puppet we are best at is Magic types like the Gods and Monsters Lord, while people from the Thunder branch like to study the Big Mac type. Their puppets are all very large and cannot use magic, but they all weigh dozens of tons and match the spirit of their bodies. Steel is extremely terrifying in hand-to-hand combat! There is also the Thunderbolt branch. They don’t like puppets, but like to study various alchemical potions.”

“Ah, so complicated?” Lao Xie then asked curiously: “Then the ruins you discovered here, what kind of Titans do you like to study?”

“War machinery!” Stark said: “It’s artillery, mines, war airships and the like!”

“Huh?” When Lao Xie heard this, he immediately frowned and said, “Why do I hear that these things sound like works that the goblins are good at?”

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