The Lazy Swordmaster Chapter 92:

They couldn’t have Andal teleport them on the way back .

So, that meant that they had to experience the long distance travel from Rainfield all the way back to Solia .

“So, back then, that happened . ”

Riley thought it would be a bother to have extra people tagging along . However, fortunately, it wasn’t all bad .


One of the good things was that he won’t be bored on the way back .

“Why didn’t he just smack him or something?”

“Because our commander was the youngest there . In terms of skill, he was second to none . It was ridiculous . ”

Someone said that reality was more like a fiction than a fiction .

The stories from the mercenaries were more interesting than fictions . Riley, who usually took a nap during the afternoon, opened his ears wide and tuned in to their stories .

“I really thought he was insane . He was telling us we should charge in to something we couldn’t even tell if it was really there or not . We just gave up trying to convince him otherwise . ”

It felt like he was lying here and there . However, even when Nara was boasting about slaying an ogre, he wasn’t lying . Nara’s stories felt real .

“Tell me more . So what happened?”

“What do you think happened? Our commander couldn’t hold it anymore . He exploded in anger . ”

While the carriages were on the move during the morning and afternoon, they spent their time chatting on top of the carriages .

“Shall we rest here for a while?”

“Okay . The horses are exhausted too… and the place looks good too . ”

Whenever they had to give the horses some rest or had to stop because it was the nightfall, there was one more thing Riley got to see . It was another good thing about having them tag along .

“Well then, Ms . Nainiae, shall we go stretch ourselves?”

“If you are fine with me, okay . ”

While they were resting, while the campfire was going on, to make use of the free time, Nainiae and Nara decided to do sword practices together . It was Nara’s idea .

“You can’t use magic, okay?”

“I know . ”

Tadak . Tadak . [Sound of the campfire wood cracking . ]

With the campfire going on, Nainiae and Nara stood in front of the fire . They aimed their weapons, which were carved from woods, at each other .

“The time limit is three minutes . I’ll be the judge . The side that scores most hits or disables the opponent is the winner . Do you understand?”

Rorona, who was an archer with good eyes, took on the role of being the judge . After the countdown, Nara and Nainiae’s duel began .

‘As expected of Young Master Riley’s servant . ’

Nara was exchanging blows with Nainiae . He spun his spear in circle and mumbled .

‘She’s not like the first time . Her skill improved substantially . It’s surprising . ’

She was not using magic . However, Nainiae’s skill was significantly improved in comparison to their first duel . He was surprised .

‘I’m still better when it comes to techniques . Still, she is no pushover… She might surpass me eventually . ’

Although it was a practice, a duel was a duel .

Nara decided he won’t go easy on her anymore . He sharpened his eyes in the middle of the duel and charged in to strike her in the gap in her defense .


Nainiae cringed in light of Nara’s calculated attack . She lost her balance and tilted back .

“It seems like you are conscious about your right hand . In a real fight, if you mind things like that, you won’t last long, Ms . Nainiae . ”

The duel was decided . Nara pulled away the tip of the wooden spear, which was aimed at Nainiae’s neck . He tapped the spear at his shoulder and then tilted his head side to side .

“Ms . Nainiae?”


This was her third practice duel .

Up to her second duel, she responded promptly to Nara’s advices . However, this time, for some reason unknown, she was just sitting there with a blank look in silence, frozen .

‘Is she upset about losing?’

Nara got closer to Nainiae . He furrowed his brows .

“Ms . Nainiae . ”

“… Yes?”

Nara saw that Nainiae’s face was full of sweats . Nara was going to tap her shoulders, but he retrieved his hand and called Rorona .

“Rorona, could you bring some towels here!”

“Ah, yes!”

It seemed she noticed that something was not right . Rorona rushed to the carriage and brought a towel .

“Oh my… You are sweating a lot… Here . Please wipe it off with this . ”

“Ah, Yes… thank y…”

Thump .

Nainiae held the towel that Rorona handed to her . However, because of her shaking hand, Nainiae ended up dropping it to the floor .

“Ah, I’m sorry . ”

Embarrassed, Nainiae blushed . She carefully picked up the towel and used the part that didn’t get dirt on to wipe off her neck .

“Excuse me, Ms . Nainiae . ”


She responded promptly this time .

“By any chance… Is it because of what you told us before? Is that why your body’s condition is…”

Nara only knew that Nainiae’s lifespan was very limited . He didn’t know exactly how long it would last . He asked carefully .

“No, it is not really… . ”

Nainiae avoided Nara’s eyes . She had her right hand hidden behind her back . Fiddling with the right hand, she blurred the end of her sentence .

“Not really? What’s not really?”

As a woman, Rorona could tell Nainiae was hiding something . Rorona brought out her bow and looked at Nainiae .

“Try holding it . ”


“Your sword . ”

“Ah, okay…”

Rorona was asking in a serious tone . Not able to say no, Nainiae held the wooden sword in front of her .

“You are holding it firmly, right?”


Nainiae was not able to give a response .

Rorona tried pushing Nainiae’s wooden sword with the side of her bow .

“… Ah . ”

Her hands, which were shaking, were not able to hold the sword until the end . The sword was dropped to the ground .


Nainiae’s condition was more serious than it appeared to be . Nara cringed big time and looked at Nainiae .

“You fought a duel with me in that condition?”

Nara thought that Nainiae’s response was slower and her strikes were weaker . Nara had extremely infuriated look on his face .

“Ms . Nainiae, if you are ill, you should just say so… Why did you fight in this condition?”

Nara crossed his arms and scolded Nainiae .

Rorona turned her body toward the carriage .

“Please wait… I’ll report this to Young Master Riley . ”

Perhaps because he didn’t nap during the day, he was already asleep in the carriage for the night .

“… Wait!!”

Nainiae quickly raised her hand to grab Rorona’s arm . Nainiae bit her lips .

“Please wait, Ms . Rorona . ”

Nainiae’s hand was shaking so much that Rorona could hardly feel any strength in her grip .

Feeling desperation in Nainiae’s hand, with a saddened face, Rorona stopped and turned to look at Nainiae .

“To Young Master… Please don’t tell him . ”

“Ah, why?!”


Frustrated, Rorona raised her voice . In response, Nainiae lowered her head with a downed face .

“Don’t… Please don’t tell him . ”

* * *

The two carriages took two short breaks around noon and one long break during the dinner time .

As always, today, they found a suitable place for the evening and were resting .

“Are you guys not going to duel today?”

Riley didn’t see the duel last night because he went to sleep early . Sitting on the carriage’s steps, Riley asked .

“Ah, about that…”

Nainiae, who was preparing lunch with Rorona, broke cold sweat and blurred the end of the sentence .

“My condition isn’t so good today . Nothing good will come of having a duel at this time, not to me nor Ms . Nainiae, so… I told her that I’ll be taking a break today . ”

Nara stepped in and answered for Nainiae .

Nainiae secretly sighed in relief . She casually turned his head, but her eye met with Riley’s .

‘… Ah . ’

Nainiae flinched and quickly turned her head away to hide her face .


Although she quickly turned her head away, Riley was still steadily staring at the back of Nainiae’s head .

Nobody could tell what Riley was thinking . As if he was examining something, he was glaring at Nainiae as if he was going to burn a hole through her with his gaze . Eventually, Riley turned his head, looking uninterested .

“Excuse me, Ms . Nainiae . Does the Young Master really know about it?”

Glancing over at Riley, Rorona asked Nainiae .


Nainiae responded with silence .

“Just tell him . Your health is getting worse, so you will need to rest . ”

Nainiae shook her head left and right as the response .

“Young Master would understand that much! Driving the carriage is not very hard . Also, even if he doesn’t, our commander can drive it for you, so for now, you should rest and…”

Clank .

Nainiae avoided the question by bringing out the dishes for the lunch . Avoiding Rorona, Nainiae walked away .


Looking at the back of Nainiae, frustrated, Rorona sighed big enough to make the ground sink .


“It’s frustrating to watch Ms . Nainiae . ”

“… No . ”

Before she realized, Isen was next to Rorona . He picked up a sandwich and mumbled as he ate . Rorona, with her arms crossed, disagreed .

“I understand her a little . ”

Isen tiled his head side to side .


“There is a thing like that . ”

Rorona decided to postpone explaining it . Just like Nainiae, Rorona picked up some dishes and sandwiches and started to walk .


Holding a dish with both of her hands, Rorona was about to give Nara his sandwich . She suddenly stopped walking and raised her ears .

‘Something is coming?’

Riley noticed it before Rorona . With his ears wide open, he had his head turned to the direction of the sound .


“It is a carriage . ”

Rorona mumbled . Having heard that, Riley, now sure of it, picked up a sandwich that Nainiae prepared and said it .

“I think there are many of them . Should I go check it out?”

The rumbling sound on the ground was pretty loud . It seemed like there were many carriages heading this way .

“Do as you wish . ”

Riley was certain that the carriages were going to pass through where they were . He chewed on the sandwich with an annoyed face .

“I’ll go check it out then . ”

Rorona gave the dish to Nara . She jumped up to a tree nearby .

“… Nainiae . ”

With Rorona gone to identify the carriages, Riley, who was taking care of a sandwich, quietly called Nainiae .

“Yes, Young Master . ”

“Isn’t there something you should be telling me?”


Having heard his question, Nainiae fell to silence for a moment . She smiled awkwardly and asked,

“Is the sandwich to your taste?”

Having heard the question, Riley gave a blank stare at Nainiae . He peeked a smile and raised his hand .

“… Yes . It’s not bad . ”

He patted her on the head . Nainiae could not be happier . She was smiling, satisfied . She even forgot the pain .

“I’m back . ”

About three minutes had gone by .

There were sounds of fallen leafs cracking . Rorona, who went to investigate, came back .

“Who was it?”

Nara, who was chewing on the sandwich, asked . Rorona, who landed on the ground gracefully, swung her ankles around and responded .

“They were all mercenaries . ”


“But why do you have that look on your face?”

Rorona looked displeased somehow . Nara tilted his head side to side and asked .

“It was Kabal Mercenary group . ”

“Kabal? In that case, that **** Kabal is there too?”

“Yes, he was . ”

“Ugh . That muscle head **** is there?”

Riley was listening to the conversation . It was right around when Riley started to tilt his head side to side because of the stories about some mercenary he didn’t know .

“… Wow, look who is here?!”


There were sounds of a few dozen carriages swarming to the place . Kicking up the dust, they stopped in the open space where Riley’s group was resting .

“The commander of the Lightning Boulder group is here?”

Of the few dozen carriages, from the one in the front, there was a muscular man that jumped down from the driver’s seat . He made ‘boom!’ sound upon landing .


Concerned that dust might get on Riley’s sandwich, Nainiae used magic and hid her hand . She fiddled with her hand, opening and closing it .

“Small world, really! I didn’t think I’ll run in to you again in just half a year . Are you coming from Rainfield?”

The man was wielding a mace that was becoming of his size . Kabal came right up to Nara and asked .

“What about you, Kabal? Are you going to Rainfield?”

Kabal was a giant . Nara had no choice but to tilt his head up and look at Kabal . In uninterested tone, Nara replied .

“You are just a 15 year old kid, but you sure know how to run your mouth? That’s right . I’ve heard that an old friend of mine is going to be in Rainfield . I just finished a job, and I’m headed over there . ”

Kabal shrugged his shoulder and explained . Nara wiggled his brows and said,

“Is that so? In that case, won’t it be best for you to get lost, fast? The summer is almost over . What are you going to do if you get there by fall and catch cold?”

The boy was picking a fight with the man . Kabal tapped his thigh loudly and laughed over it .

“Haha . Bullcrap! A cold? That’s something a little pip-squeak like you should be worried about . ”

“This works out well . There is an archbishop with similar aura as you walking around in Rainfield . ”

Nara was glaring at Kabal with deadly eyes . When Nara mentioned the archbishop, Kabal furrowed his brows .  

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