The Lazy Swordmaster Chapter 7:

Just Who . . . ?

Morning, at Count Stein’s office .


“So, Riley had a go with the sword?”

“Yes . “


Ian reported to Stein what had happened yesterday .

Yesterday, Riley had gone to the training grounds after watching his mother collapse .

Ian added that the lazy atmosphere that usually surrounded Riley had vanished for a moment .


“Well he did have a go, but . . . “


Although it was good news that the lazy child displayed potential to some extent, there was an additional piece of information that would counteract the former, with room to spare .

“He lost interest immediately . “


“I assume he was disappointed with the power of his swing . “


That meant that his swordsmanship was beyond pathetic .


“Hmm . “


Stein who had been tapping on his desk nodded .


“Alright . You may leave . “

“Master, perhaps you should give -“

“I’m already having a headache with the rat that infiltrated the manor . I had already surmised that Riley would only amount  to that . There is no reason to teach the swordsmanship of the Iphelleta house to someone who lacks any form of motivation . I’m sure my ancestors would think the same . “


After finishing his words, Stein flicked his hand to shoo Ian away .

Ian turned to leave with his head lowered ruefully .



Riley managed to find the perfect angle to lie down on his preferred apple tree .

This was the sort of angle he found only once a fortnight .

If he were to move now, it would be lost for the rest of the day .

Therefore, Riley would not move from where he was .


“I wonder if that will fall anytime soon . “


He had been licking his lips while staring at the apple which had been dangling on the tree .

For a while now, he had been waiting for it to fall on its own .


Perhaps by the wind,

Perhaps due to a worm,

Or perhaps a bird would land on it .


He was waiting in anticipation for the single apple directly above his head to fall to him .

Were he to stand and take it himself, he would be forced to relinquish his perfect position .


“Ha . Young Master . . . “


Riley, who had been counting the number of leaves around the apple, turned his attention away .

The words that came from behind were equivalent to sighs of dismay .

Naturally, the man who spoke those words was a dejected Ian .


“What’s up? You seem pretty down . “


Riley rolled his eyes to glance at Ian .


” . . . “

“Ah! I see! Is it raining today? Your back and knees must be aching . “


Ian began to give Riley a glare .


” . . . “



Riley scratched his head and looked up at the sky .

The sky was blue, with not a cloud in sight .


“Was I wrong?”

“Young Master!”


Ian suddenly shouted at Riley .


“Geez, you surprised me . . . “


Riley almost flinched out of his perfect position .


“Will you really give up after that?”

“What about it?”


Riley replied as if asking what the problem was .

Ian continued speaking with his hands curled into fists .


“I will give you praise for finding those seeds for Lady Iris; she has recovered considerably thanks to them!”


Of course .

They were no ordinary seeds .

Riley had placed special enchantment on the seeds .


“But, to give up after only one swing! That’s . . . That’s . . . . !”


Ian’s words began to falter .

As the first man to have had seen Riley’s potential, he was also the one to be most the devastated by his lack of motivation .

He wondered if his lifespan had shorted from watching so much potential wither away . Or perhaps it had given him cancer .


“Well, if I can’t win with a sword, I’ll just become a mage . I like reading better anyway . “


At least cancer could be cured, with some luck .

Ian screamed in frustration .


“What, you think becoming a mage is . . . “


Is that easy?!

Just when he was about to ask, Riley turned his gaze elsewhere .

It was directed above him, between the leaves of the apple tree .


“What are you looking at?”

“An apple . “


“I thought if I became a mage, I could take that apple without standing . . . “

“Young Master!!”

” . . . “


Riley shut his mouth .

Overwhelmed by Ian, Riley muttered after building up his courage .


” . . . Your shouting is hurting my ears . “

“Don’t change the subject . This time, I’ll surely change your -“

“Hm? Wait Ian! Look, over there! Is that the glint of a blade?”

“What are you on . . . “


Ian told himself that he would call Lady Iris as reinforcements if Riley was misleading him again, and then he looked up .




But what was this?

Just as Riley had said, a blade could be seen within the leaves .

It was not a long sword or a double edged sword like the ones used in the house .

It was a dagger .

One without a sheath .


‘A dagger?’


Ian was quite interested by the peculiar purple grip it had, and jumped toward it .

As he landed on the branches, he carefully took the dagger out from the tree .


‘It seems familiar . ‘


It was a dagger with a crescent-shaped blade .

Ian widened his eyes in realization .


‘Wait . . . Is this . . . ?’


The shape of the blade would fit perfectly in the sheath that was currently in Stein’s office .


“What? What’s going on? Show me as well . “


Riley did not want to move, but he was curious, too .

Therefore, he took the option of ordering Ian .

Ian dropped next to Riley and handed the dagger to him .


“I believe this belonged to the dead man we found yesterday . “

“Huh? How do you know?”

“The shape is identical to the sheath he had . We should be able to find out soon . “


Ian took the dagger back from Riley .


“Then I shall go to see Master Stein . “

“Huh? Alright then . “


Riley nodded in agreement as Ian spoke with a serious face .

He got to skip out on all the nagging, and there was nothing he was missing out on .


” . . . “


As Ian left in a hurry, Riley began to tap the tree with his foot .


“Well then . “


Riley talked to himself .

Although his eyes still looked as lazy as ever, the atmosphere around him changed completely .


“How are they going to react?”


Riley closed his eyes and spread his senses far and wide across the mansion, keeping his own presence concealed .




“Number 3 is dead?”

“Yes, sir . “


Inside a dark room .

The candle suspended from the ceiling burned faintly .

This was the hideout from which the hooded man originated .


“How did he die?”


A man who was dressed differently from the other hooded men asked for a report .

As expected of an experienced assassin, the reply came in a dry manner .


“We have no idea . “


It would mean that death of No . 3 was not a suicide .


“And the body?”


He bit his lips and asked another question .


“It is being held in the Iphelleta House . “

“Huh . “


The situation was bad .

It had happened in the famous Iphelleta House .

If any evidence was found from the body, not just the hideout but everyone in that room’s lives would be in danger .


“Orelly’s in a bad position . “


He scratched his beard as he thought about his ‘daughter’ .


“What will you do?”


As the hooded man asked, the man stood up from his chair .


“I will go . “


“Well, we mustn’t be found out . We leave this evening . Make preparations for a stealth mission . “

“As you wish . “


The hooded man bowed and disappeared .


“Well then . “


Standing alone in the room, the man grabbed a mask on the table, and placed it in his pocket .


“It’s been a while since I last paid a visit to my son-in-law . “

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