The Lazy Swordmaster Chapter 68:

A Six Circles Mage


“Instead of standing there, please come and have a seat . ”

Iris got up from her seat and recommended a seat for Rebethra .
Accepting her generosity, Rebethra sat down .
Iris was reaching for a fork on the table, but she asked as she lowered her head .

“Have you had dinner?”
“No . It’s embarrassing…but looks like I’ll have to be in your debt . ”
“Actually, I’m glad you haven’t had dinner yet . I would have been disappointed if I didn’t get to have you eat dinner with us . Nainiae?”

Iris called Nainiae, who was standing in the back, and asked for a serving of dinner for Rebethra .

“Yes, Lady Iris . ”

Nainiae bowed and received her order .
Nainiae left for the kitchen for a moment .
Impressed by the politeness that Nainiae just displayed, Rebethra said,

“Oh my… Ms . Nainiae became a maid in Iphalleta House . Even though I’m seeing it with my own eyes, I still cannot believe it . ”
“She is a nice child . She is diligent too . ”
“Right now, is she serving Young Master Riley?”
“Yes . It turned out that way . ”

Rebethra was a famous archbishop from Solia Temple .
Even Annabelle knew of him well .

‘He said Ms . Nainiae? He is an archbishop, but he called her with respect like that?’

It did not appear to be out of his polite mannerism . How he greeted Nainiae was too proper and respectful .

“Excuse me for asking this so late . Who is this young lady?”

While Annabelle was in a deep thought with a vacant stare, Rebethra turned his head and asked Iris .

“She is the fiancée of our Young Master Ryan . She is a daughter of Marquis Mogared Family . Please introduce yourselves . This is Archbishop Rebethra from the Solia Holy Temple . ”
“Ah, it’s you, Ms . Annabelle!”

Having heard what Iris said, Rebethra opened his eyes wide and started to compliment Annabelle’s good looks . It seemed he have heard rumors about her .

“I kept hearing rumors that you are beautiful… It seems the rumors I have heard didn’t do justice . ”
“Not at all . That’s too much of a compliment . ”

They exchanged greetings briefly .
Afterwards, Annabelle had her gaze toward her dish, but she turned her head and looked at Rebethra .
It was because this did not make sense to her no matter how much she thought about it .

“But Archbishop…”
“Why are you…using respectful language toward that maid?”

Annabelle had an anxious look on her face . Annabelle asked carefully .
Having heard her question, a question mark floated above Rebethra’s head . He asked Annabelle,

“What do you mean? Why do you ask?”

Rebethra turned his head to look at Iris and Riley .
Riley looked like he was not interested in the conversation . He was focused on enjoying his meal .
As for Iris, she only had an awkward look on her face .

“By any chance, are the people of this mansion unaware of it?”
“That is…”

Having heard Rebethra’s question, Iris blurred the end of her sentence . She agonized over what to tell him . Eventually, she said with a slightly embarrassed smile,

“Yes . I totally forgot about explaining that . ”
“Oh my…”
“Pardon me… Just what are you…”

Annabelle revealed to everyone that she was anxious . She was not able to take it anymore, so she butted into their conversation .
She was well aware that it was quite rude, but the situation was such that it was difficult for her to assess what was happening .

“Here . I brought your meal . ”

Soon thereafter, Nainiae, who went to the kitchen, returned to the dining room and laid down the dish for Rebethra . Nainiae returned to standing behind Riley .

“Ah, thank you, Ms . Nainiae . ”

Again, Rebethra spoke to Nainiae in respectful tone .
Annabelle was not touching food . Instead, she had a confused look on her face . Noticing this, Rebethra, who picked up a piece of food with a fork, said,

“You asked why I’m using respectful language towards Ms . Nainiae, right?”
“…Yes . ”

After Annabelle’s response, Rebethra took a moment to look at how Nainiae was doing .

“That is because Ms . Nainiae…”

After observing how Nainiae was standing behind Riley, Rebethra concluded that it would be all right for him to explain it . He continued,

“ . . . is the Six Circles mage that played a big role in stopping Astroa during the incident last time in Lower Solia . ”


The fork that Annabelle held was dropped to the plate and made a loud noise .


It was revealed that the maid that was hired in the mansion recently was a Six Circles mage .
Of course… The entire mansion was turned upside down .

“So, Riley…”

It was at Stein’s office .
There were three people there to have a conversation . Needless to say, the atmosphere was pretty odd .
Stein called for Riley and the maid that served him . Facing the two in front of him, Stein held his palm on his forehead and rubbed it . It looked like he was having a headache .

“I think an explanation is due . How did it all come to this?”
“About that… What you have heard is everything . There’s nothing more to explain . ”

Riley scratched his cheek in a leisurely manner . Watching Riley doing this, Stein moved his hand from his forehead to his eye .

“I heard you heard from Ian?”
“I heard that she is a mage . I didn’t hear that she is a Six Circles mage!”

Stein slammed the desk with his fist and threw a hissy fit .
Having noticed the look on his father’s face, Riley’s shoulders flinched . Right after that, Riley smiled like a good natured human being and put forth his palm .

“I have no talent for explaining things . Still, I can roughly answer your questions . ”


Stein was well aware of this about his youngest son . Stein clicked his tongue and sighed . It looked like he was thinking this could not be helped . He asked the first question,

“I’ll ask first . Is she really…”

He asked as he looked at Nainiae, who was standing next to Riley .

“…a Six Circles mage?”
“Yes . ”

Riley answered promptly .
This was better than showing him her magic since Stein didn’t know much about magic . Stein was not going to be able to tell the differences between Five, Six or Seven Circles magic spells .

“If that is the case, then why?”

Stein asked as he glared at Nainiae . He looked like he was about to punch a hole through her with his gaze .

‘What is she doing here if she is a Six Circles mage?’

“Why are you serving Riley as a maid? You don’t have to do this . ”

She was a Six Circles mage . If the word got out, people from cities everywhere would be all over her and begging her to be their city’s mage .
After all, a Six Circles mage was considered as powerful as someone classified as a grand mage .
She appeared to be in her teens, so she had a bright future ahead . That’s what Stein was thinking .

“Iris told me not to scold her too much . Iris said she is a kind child . However, what I’m about to ask is a different matter . She could be a spy or have some other intent for coming to this mansion . Do you understand?”

Stein was the master of the Iphalleta House .
His reaction was understandable .
He had to consider the possibility, and the situation warranted such a concern .

“Yes, well… That makes sense . ”

Stein had a serious look in his eyes .
Meanwhile, in front of Stein, Riley scratched his hair .
Riley’s response was so dense and nonchalant . It was making the person watching this to feel overcome with a sense of futility .

“So, Nainiae…”

Stein felt like he was going to explode from frustration if he stared at Riley any longer .
In the end, he decided to turn his gaze away from Riley . Now, he started to stare at Nainiae as if he was going to punch a hole through her with his gaze .

“I presume there is no need for me to address you with a respectful language . Is that right? After all, you voluntarily became Riley’s maid . ”
“Yes . ”

Nainiae gently lowered her head to express respect toward Stein .

“I’ll ask . You are a Six Circles mage . Why are you doing this then?”

Having heard the question, Nainie was hesitant to answer . She held her lips closed .
It appeared she was thoroughly considering what to say because she could not afford to respond so carelessly .

“You had a big role in apprehending Astroa in Solia… You are in a very good position to be treated accordingly for your exploit . Why are you working as a maid instead? You even hid your true identity as well . For what?”

Having heard additional questions by Stein, Nainiae carefully shook her head and opened her mouth .

“I was not trying to hide it . ”
“You were not?”
“It is just that I forgot to tell everyone . ”
“Yes . ”

It was true .
Ever since Nainiae came to the mansion, she was extremely busy .
Ever since she started to work as a maid and even had the swordsmanship training, she felt like having two of her was not going to be enough .
She was actually really busy, but despite that, she never complained .
If anyone were to ask why, it was because,

“I like the diligent lifestyle in the mansion and working while breaking sweat as a maid . If you are asking why I’m working as a maid, that’s all there is to it . ”

It was because she felt like she regained something that she lost when she was at the Magic Tower .


Stein steadily gazed upon Nainiae’s eye .
His gaze was as expected of the master of Iphalleta House .
It felt like you could get sliced just by meeting his gaze . His gaze was sharp like that .


However, Nainiae was no pushover .
Stein was glaring at her as if he was going to punch a hole through her with his gaze, but she didn’t even flinch . Instead, she only looked right back at him .
She was standing her ground proudly .
In a corner of her mind, she also had her pride as Riley’s maid .

“All right . Fine . ”

People say that there are instances where a simple exchange of gazes is far more effective than a thousand words .
This was one of those .
Stein didn’t let it show, but he was actually impressed by Nainiae’s gaze . Soon thereafter, he asked the third question .

“I heard you followed Riley from Solia . Is that right?”
“Yes . ”

It was the truth, so there was no need to hide it .
So, Nainiae responded right away .

“How much did you know about Riley?”

Riley felt that the conversation was going off the tangent to the wrong place . Riley furrowed his brows .
Stein raised his right hand and made Riley to close his mouth . Stein continued to stare at Nainiae’s eyes .

“I’m aware that the rumors…are not good . ”

Although Riley received a medal of honor from Solia Castle recently, even now, the rumors about Riley were mostly bad .
Because of how Riley had been behaving until now, the Lazy Sword trademark stamped on him was still firmly stuck there .
His reputation as the Lazy Sword had not left Riley .

“What do you think of Riley?”
“You are a maid that serves Riley, so I would like to hear your thoughts . ”

It was an unexpected question .
Nainiae had a blank look on her face for a moment, but she soon had a refreshing smile on her face .
Meanwhile, Stein was looking at Nainiae’s face, and he got a glimpse of her scar through her hair . Having noticed her scars, Stein narrowed his eyes .

“He is a good man . ”
“Hey . ”

Riley bumped Nainiae with his elbow .

“He is very kind, a lot more than how others know him as . Also…”


Riley kept on bumping Nainiae with his elbow .
Nainiae moved her eye toward Riley and noticed Riley’s face . He was warning her with the look on his face . Riley didn’t want her to say anything more . As if she figured she can’t do this anymore, she smiled awkwardly and quickly stopped talking .

“Until the day my life runs out… I think I will have no regrets even if I served him until that day . ”

Autumn .
No . It could be up to the summer .
She didn’t have much time left, and she was going to spend it for Riley’s sake .
By doing so, she wanted to find the meaning of her life .
She mumbled those thoughts in her mind .


Stein didn’t know about Nainiae’s remaining lifespan .
However… It looked like he understood the sincerity in her gaze .
The corner of Stein’s lips was slightly tilted up . That was the proof .

“I see . Did Ian make your life miserable?”

Stein smiled widely and asked .

‘As expected, they are father and son . ’

Nainiae noticed that Stein’s smile was similar to Riley . Having watched it, Nainiae had a vacant look on her face for the moment . She said,

“That friend of mine doesn’t like mages very much . I think there will be many instances of quarrels with him . What do you think? Won’t that be of an inconvenience to you?”

Riley quietly turned his head away and started to laugh .
It was because Ian could get detached from Riley as his servant depending on Nainiae’s response .

“N-No! Mr . Ian is actually looking after me in many ways . He is teaching me so I won’t make mistakes . He is being strict for that purpose, so no, not at all . ”

Nainiae’s face was a little red . She looked a little embarrassed .
She was like that because, based on the flow of the conversation, she felt like Stein acknowledged her .

“Is that so? Well then…”

Stein slowly turned his eyes and looked at Riley .
Riley, who stood there with a nonchalant look, met his father’s eyes .

“Continue to…take good care of Riley . ”

Stein finished the conversation and tilted his head to gesture that they could go now .

“Well then, I’ll be going now . ”

Riley turned around first and escaped the room .


Nainiae stood there with a blank look on her face . She regained her senses and bowed all the way down toward Stein .
It was an excessively large motion for a bow . It looked like she completely forgot the body posture education she received from Sera or Ian . Still, Stein didn’t mind it much .

“I’ll… I’ll try hard . ”

Nainiae straightened her back . Because she felt like she was acknowledged, her face was quite red . It showed she was feeling very happy like nothing could top this .


Nainiae quickly tumbled her way out of the room to follow Riley .
Stein was now left alone in the room . He started tapping the finger he had on the desk .

“A Six Circles mage…”

‘How did my youngest son, who I had no hopes or expectations for, ended up having someone with such a talent working for him?’

Stein was still tapping the desk with his finger . Before he realized, he had a satisfied smile on his face .

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