The Lazy Swordmaster Chapter 23:

“Calm, calm down . . . “

With the swords already drawn . . .
Sera could not hold on to the reins and controlled the horses with her heels .
Although there was some initial confusion among the horses due to the sudden stop, their ability to calm down after Sera’s words showed how well-trained these horses were .

‘It’s crude, but the trap’s made by someone with intelligence . ‘

Just a few inches away from the hooves was a taut rope .
It was tied to the nearby trees and, as if intended to be used at night, was painted black .
Thankfully Sera managed to sense the danger beforehand and skillfully stopped the carriage, otherwise it could have lead to a huge accident wherein the carriage overturned .

“Which **** . . . “

Ian stood up with his foul words .

“Ian-nim . Take care of the carriage . “

After calming down the horses, Sera stood up and requested him to oversee the protection of Riley and Iris .
The carriage was stopped in the middle of the forest .
Although there was a path which allowed carriages and men to travel through, to the sides were bushes and trees whose leaves fluttered in the cold night wind .

‘Is there . . . nothing more to the trap?’

Sera looked about .
She began to sniff with her nose as her eyes could not see far in the darkness .

‘It’s not done by humans . It’s faint, but there is the stench of a beast . ‘

If humans are excluded, there aren’t many species that could perform such a feat .
As Sera began to narrow down the likely candidates she looked down at the taut rope which was blocking the path .

‘Should I cut the rope and continue on?’

The rope was simply painted, and didn’t seem too difficult to cut .
It would easily split in two even without the use of mana .

‘I must hurry, before the trappers come . ‘

At the moment the culprits could not be seen .
The decision was quick .
It was just when Sera was about to come down from the driver’s seat .

” . . . Kilkil!”

From the darkness a snicker could be heard, and daggers coated with green liquid flew at Sera from her blind spot .


Sera quickly pulled her sword back and spun her body .
Sera’s face was filled with frustration, realising she was a tad late .

‘Kuk, it’s annoying to fight with a blow from the . . . ‘
“ . . . Uah! Coke!!”


A teacup flew towards Sera, and the dagger which was flying at Sera’s back ricocheted .

‘ . . . start?’

As if he was having a strange dream, Riley woke up with a scream and knocked the teacup from Iris’ hand .

“R-Riley? What’s wrong?”
” . . . Ah . “

Iris could not see the dagger before and looked at her son with surprise .

“Well . . . I just had a weird dream . “
“Phew, you surprised me . “
‘ . . . ?’

From inside the carriage .
Ian who was looking blankly at Sera’s back blinked his eyes repeatedly .
Such an amazing coincidence?
At such a perfect timing?
At such a perfect angle?
For Riley to knock the teacup in his sleep and hit the dagger midair?

‘Coincidence? Is it a coincidence?’

Although the dagger came from behind, Sera, who managed to avoid it with a miracle, looked back at the carriage and nodded her head .
She was planning to go to the spot where the dagger was originally thrown from .

“What the . . . ? It’s stopped? Why did we stop?”

Sera came down from the seat, and Riley who just woke up looked around in confusion and asked Ian .

“The truth is . . . “
” . . . Huwap!”

Before Ian could explain, there was a shriek following  Sera’s battlecry .
The scratchy voice didn’t seem human, and sounded more like that of a monster .

“What’s that noise?”

Riley was reassuring his mother who was worried, and looked out the window to see what was happening .
When his eyes adjusted to the dark, Riley could see Sera, who was fighting against midgets with green skin .

“They are . . . ?”
“Goblins . “

Ian replied .
Goblins .
Riley remembered seeing them in his book .
With a short stature, amber eyes, and sharp teeth like that of a shark’s, they were monsters who had the intelligence of a 10-year-old child .

“Goblins . . . “

Riley narrowed his eyes, not knowing before that they really existed .

‘So they are here too . . . Monsters . ‘

For them to really exist, and not just in the books .
Half curiosity .
Half reminiscent of his past .
After seeing their appearance and their movements, Riley found them quite similar to the lesser demons he hunted back in his previous life .

“It seems the goblins made a trap with a rope and waited for a carriage to go by . And we fell right into the trap . Thankfully Sera noticed it and saved the carriage, and so we are in combat now . “

As Riley watched Sera fight, Ian provided a brief explanation of the current situation .

“Is she alright . . . being alone?”
“With her skill, a few tens of goblins are nothing . She could fight against same number of orcs . It would be different if they were ogres . “
“Orc? Ogre?”
“Well, it’s not very important right now . “

Even if Sera was hit by the dagger from before, it would have been no problem for her .
Even if there was poison on the dagger, it was a crude one made by goblins .
At Sera’s level of mana control, she would have been able to fight while suppressing the effect of poison using her mana .
It would of been a minor annoyance, but not a problem .

“There is a chance some may come from behind and threaten Young Master or Lady Iris . So I must hold my position here . “
“Hmm . “
“Believe in Sera . Young Master has yet . . . “

Ian stopped his words .
He didn’t know what words he should add .

‘ . . . to become strong?’

Those words flew into his head, but Ian shook his head immediately .
He didn’t want to say any words that could disappoint Riley .
Ian still remembered the time Riley struck the dummy back then .

“Anyway, our job is to wait for Sera . It may take twenty . . . no, about thirty minutes . They tend to become more feral when there is a full moon . “

During the full moon, monsters become slightly stronger .
Riley also remembered reading about that in a book .
But Riley could not say ‘I know that . ‘

” . . . “

Because he was watching the way Sera was fighting .
With an uncomfortable look in his eyes .


Iris carefully called her son’s name .
But Riley did not answer again .

‘Slow . . . ‘

Riley’s face was changing from uncomfortable to agonizing .
Perhaps because of the memories of his past? Watching Sera fight felt as if he was shoving potatoes down his throat .

‘Is she being careful because of the dark? Why is she so slow?’

Sera was taking some time to kill the goblins .

‘Uuh, slow . . . It’s too slow . ‘

Now is not the time to be stuck here .
In a place not so far there was the drink he craved so much, the so-called black sugar beer .
Just when he was about to have it . . .
It frustrated him so much that he was rooted to this place .

‘It would end much faster if Ian were to join in . ‘

Riley rolled his eye to the side and looked at Ian .
Ian was also watching Sera fight with a serious face .
For the reason he mentioned before, he stayed behind to protect Riley and Iris .
The Riley that Ian knew had no knowledge about swords at all .

‘But if I were to tell him to join, things would get complicated . ‘

In a situation where he was desperate for some fizzy drinks, to watch Sera fight was . . .

‘Damn it . . . Maybe I should have brought a few more bodyguards . ‘

Riley frowned, since he brought only Ian and Sera in order to avoid annoyances as much as possible .

‘ . . . Should I just finish it?’

Although Riley was tempted to move on his own, there was something holding him back .
It’s the secret he had been holding onto until now .

” . . . Hmm . “

‘If it’s Mother, it doesn’t matter . ’

Even if he were to show his skills, as she is oblivious to the way of the sword she would simply smile proudly at her son .
The result wouldn’t change even if she did know swordsmanship .
It was Ian and Sera who were the problems .

‘If it’s now . . . ‘

Riley closed his eyes .
Ian,and Sera .
The two people who had watched over him for such a long time .
Some of the only people whom he could trust .
They had also helped him from his birth .
When there weren’t any eyes from the mansion . . .
Maybe displaying some skill wouldn’t hurt?
Riley thought as such and stood up, unable to hold his frustration .

“Uh, Ian . “
“Let’s go take a look . “
“Y-Young Master?”
“It’s good to rest, but when else can we see something like this?”

He had decided to give a hand if the situation was really bogged down .
Hiding such intentions, Riley grabbed onto his mother’s hand and stepped down from the carriage, with Ian following hurriedly behind .

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