The Lazy Swordmaster Chapter 21:

Journey to the Capital (Part 1)


“Have you two packed everything you need?”
“Yes, seems like it . “

The mother and son duo were standing at the mansion’s gate, wearing clothes suitable for travelling .
It was Riley and Iris .

“But . . . Will Sera and I really be enough?”
“That is right . In my opinion, I wish for . . . two more to follow us . “
“Let’s just get going, you two will be more than enough . “

It seemed it was difficult for him to stay in the sun for too long, and so Riley took his first steps toward the carriage .
Ian sighed at the ground as he watched Riley shamble his way into the carriage .

“The capital . . . capital . . . I mean, it’s good that you’re going . But why must you act so . . . “
“Ian-nim . Please . One thing at a time . “

Sera gave Ian a sneer as she poked at him with her elbow, then bowed her head .
Stein had come personally to the gates in order to bid his farewell to the two leaving for the capital .

“Are your preparations finished?”

Iris replied before Ian and Sera could answer .

“Hm, there was no need for you to go too . “

As if unsatisfied, Stein’s face crumbled as he looked at Iris and the carriage .
It seemed like Riley was already lying down inside the carriage, as he could no longer be seen .

“That was the condition right?”

Contrary to what Stein had wanted .
Unable to hide her smile, Iris began to console her husband to not be so down .

“It’s my first vacation with my son, so please don’t break the mood with your jealousy . “
“Who’s jealous . . . “
“You are jealous . Aren’t you?”
” . . . Hng!”

Stein snorted with his arms crossed .

“Since you’re going with him, make sure Riley actually competes . . . “
“Stein . “

Iris narrowed her eyes and called Stein’s name .
Stein, with his sentence cut short, looked at Iris’ eyes and flinched .
For a woman who’d never practiced swordsmanship to have such charisma, it was not fair .

“I won’t force him to do it . It’s a vacation . We’re just going sightseeing . As I said before, wasn’t that the condition?”

The condition for Riley to head to the capital; it was not for Riley to ‘compete’, but rather to ‘watch’ the tournament .
Thanks to Iris’ negotiation, Riley could see the wide world, take his mother for a vacation, and leave the mansion .
It meant he didn’t need to swordfight .

“Well, I will suggest it to him . “
“Ugh . “

Iris made a small laugh as she stepped onto the carriage .
All of the servants behind Stein began to bow simultaneously .
It was time to leave .

“Then, Ian . Sera . “
“Yes . “
“Yes . “
“I leave their safety to you . “

As Iris got onto the carriage, Stein called on the butler, Ian, and the maid, Sera, who were standing by .
Ian and Sera bowed and answered at the same time .

“Yes, even at the cost of my life . “
“Yes, even if it will cost my life . “

That was the servants’ determination to protect them .
Filled with loyalty, the two answered without hesitation and unsheathed their swords slightly to Stein, then began to move the baggage .
Even though it was a Count’s family trip to the capital, the baggage was rather light .

” . . . Then we shall take our leave . “

It seemed they decided to take turns leading the horses, with Ian on the driver’s seat and Sera inside the carriage .
With the crack of the whip, the two horses began to move .


The carriage heading to the capital had a simple design to it .
The current season was neither summer nor winter, but spring, and thus the windows were left open .
It was a carriage made just for spring .
It was designed so the passengers could feel the spring breeze as they travelled .

“It’s been a while since I visited Solia, I’m excited . “
“Ah, I forgot to tell you . Solia is the name of the capital . The capital has a name, and it’s called ‘Solia’, kind of like ‘Iffa’ for Iffa village . “
“Oh? I wasn’t aware . I thought it was just called ‘the capital’ . “
“Well it’s expected as you’d rarely left our domain . You better get used to it soon . When we arrive, you will hear ‘Solia’ rather than ‘the capital’ a lot more . “

Sera began to explain Solia with a bright smile, as Iris remembered something .

“Now that you mention it, Sera, you’re from the capital right?”
“Yes . “

Twenty minutes had passed since they had departed from the mansion .
Riley, who had been looking out the window with his chin on his hand, glanced at Sera .
It seemed like her story about the capital sounded much more interesting than the view of Iffa village from out the window .
Sera was already smiling with excitement .

“Everyone’s so lively, and there’s so many things to see . This is the first time you two are visiting Solia right?”

As Sera clapped her hand with the question, Riley answered .

“Correct . “
“Then you should look forward to it . Solia is a really good place . I can assuredly affirm it will be a wonderful memory . With your permission, allow me to act as your guide!”

Riley accepted Sera’s favour with a laugh, then posed his first question .

“The capital . . . no, Solia should be filled with people right? I’m not good with walking through crowds . “
“Hm, it is true the central plaza is crowded . It is a four-way intersection which splits the capital into four districts, and it is the best place to hear the most recent gossip of the castle . Other than that, it should be fine . Young Master should be able to handle it . “
“Four districts . . . “

The capital . . .
The current destination for the party of four, ‘Solia’, was so large that it was divided into upper, lower, left, right sections for the sake of organization . .
The right, left and lower districts were where most commoners and merchants lived .

“I remember seeing it in a book . “

A picture of a circle that was split into four equal parts .
He remembers seeing the map which had the upper area denominated as ‘the Palace’ .

“So where did you live, Sera?”

Among the baggage they brought was also a map of Solia, and Iris handed it to her along with her question .
As she looked at the map Iris handed her, she pointed her finger with a grin .
She was pointing to the ‘left district’ .

“Here, the Left Solia . “
“Left Solia?”
“It was termed as such to make it easy to organise . Where I pointed is called the Left Solia . “

Sera’s finger trailed left then down, and down to left again .

“This is called the Lower Solia . And this is the Right Solia . Ah! The upper is an exception . We just call it the Solia Castle . That is where our objective, the tournament, is held . “
“Wow, so it’s that large?”
“It is a city, not to mention the capital! A major city holding the palace! You can’t compare it to our mansion or Iffa village . “

As Sera gave a devious smile to boost their anticipation, Ian who was driving the carriage peeked behind him and joined in on the conversation .

“I have been to the capital a few times myself . Not only are there things to see, but delicious food to have had as well . “

Iris’ cheeks turned red with anticipation .

“Hmm . . . “

Unlike his mother, Riley made a somber face with his chin locked onto his hand .

“Actually, concerning that ‘dream’ you told me about before, Young Master . “

The carriage was driven over a bump with a dull thud .
It seemed like the wheel had gone over a large pebble, but it didn’t affect their travel .
But, it was enough to change Riley’s face .

“Among the snacks in Solia is something similar to what you’ve told me . . . about the dream . “
“Something similar?”

Ian who was expertly leading the horses looked around the surroundings then moved his eyes to the back .

“Yes, what . . . what was it? Carbonated drinks, was it?”
” . . . ?”
“When you drink it, you can feel the bubbles pop in your throat . You always talked about how it’s sweet, cold, shocking, and when you drink it with ice . . . that you could almost feel like you’re going to heaven . “

Cola .
Sprite .
Carbonated drinks .

” . . . Y-yeah what about it?”

As Riley remembered the three soft drinks, he asked with a big gulp .

‘Why am I sweating so much even though it’s not summer?’

“You did say it was a dream, so I’m not sure if it’s the same as what you’d told me but . . . there is something like it . “
” . . . “
“I guess you’d call it a sweet beer where you don’t get drunk? No, it was more like a drink that seemed to pop more . The colour was . . . black . . . “
” . . . It’s cola!”

Riley quickly stood and pressed his face toward the driver’s seat .

“Y-Young Master?”

Iris and Sera flinched with surprise .

‘T-there’s coke . . . here?’

Riley’s jaws dropped .
Right now .
The thought of wanting to drink it right now was so strong that he was almost having withdrawal symptoms .

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