The Lazy Swordmaster Chapter 2:

Heroes Exist to Save the World



Heroes exist to save the world .

. . . Those words make me sick .


By luck, no, by horrible luck, I was blessed by the holy blade and forced onto the path of killing the demon lord .


I Had everyone’s attention on me, and their hopes became the sole reason for me to push ahead . .


With the weight of the world on my shoulders, I pressed on, never resting .


What was the reward for my deeds?

To be idolised?

To be an inspiration?

I didn’t want any of it .


Another man could say, your reward is your adventure and the memories of your companions .


Don’t make me laugh .

Memories of your companions?


Let me say it again .

Heroes exist to save the world, not to save their companions .


The fate of my companions was always destined to be a cruel one .

In order to defeat the demon lord who will destroy the world .

Whether it was before or after he rose up in power .


Of course, as a hero, as an individual, I tried my utmost to save those who are important to me .

But the results have always been disastrous .


The pain I felt as they whispered to me with their dying breaths,

“At least you managed to make it out alive . “


The path of a hero is filled with more sorrow than happiness .


I could not fail to live up to their expectations .

Even when I wandered on the borders of insanity, the people would put their hopes on my existance .

Those days would continue as I fought on with blood in my mouth .


Heroes may exist to save the world,

but I fought for the eternal peace of death .

I’d had enough of this life .


The mysterious monsters who would invade our homes .

The villains who dared to harm my friends .

I have slain many,

and saved the lives of many more from the jaws of death .


And in the end . . .

I managed to slay the demon lord .



How high up was it?

The clouds were laid out below him as he fell from the skies with a giant .

With red skin and a giant horn .

The demon lord .


“Kuuuh . . . . “


Countless wounds were visible on his colossal body .

He gritted his teeth and stared at his foe, struggling to retain consciousness .

In his foe’s right hand, the holy sword shone brightly .


” . . . “


His foe was standing on top of his forehead . The hero who slayed the demon lord .


“What is going through your mind right now?”


The demon lord asked the Hero .

Although he felt nothing but fury towards him, he had no choice but to acknowledge his power .

So he asked his foe, his equal, out of curiosity .


“If you’re asking for my thoughts . “


The hero spoke .

His face seemed somewhat pale as he fell towards certain death .


” . . . “


After a small pause, he replied quietly .


“I’m tired . “


The demon lord could not understand his answer .




Yes, this is enough right?


That was what he truly thought .




‘If it’s not you, if you’re not here, if you can’t . . . ‘


He’s heard it a million times .


‘Only you can do it . ‘

‘It’s impossible unless it’s you . ‘

‘Only you can save them . ‘

‘You must protect them . ‘


To act as the symbol of their hope, to live up to their wishes .

It had taken its toll on him .


“I’m just really tired . “


It was so hard to meet those gazes that were trying to hold onto what little faith they had .


“Honestly, I don’t want it anymore . “


As he remembered all the lines about heroes that had been said to him, he looked down . He was falling .


” . . . “


As he fell from the insane height, his clothes fluttered uncontrollably .

The stars shone at the edge of his vision, and the cold winds swiped at him .


‘Finally . . . ‘


It was difficult to keep his eyes open, so he half-closed them .

The clouds that had been far below him now caressed his body .

The ground was getting closer .


” . . . I’m almost there . “


The hero could see the ashen black buildings made of concrete .

Every time he blinked, they became closer . It was moments before the final impact .


“Aaah, this is the end . ‘


At this height, even the hero could not avoid instant death .

He would become unrecognisable .

With all the injuries and curses on him, resurrection was also impossible .


” . . . ?”

The demon lord tilted his head in curiosity .

Even after saving the world, after so much sacrifice, only death awaited him . Yet the hero was smiling .

As if, it was his greatest peace .


“Huh? They are falling!”


He was almost there .

Through the people’s shouting, he heard the demon lord’s head hit the ground, letting out a sound like a tomato being crushed .

And it was his turn soon after .


And so . . .

The hero fell .



“The successor?”

“In the famed Ifelleta House . “


In the crowded inn, people were talking about the rumors about the selection of the Ifelleta House’s new successor .




The Finn Ifelleta House, which was famous for its swordsmanship, had three sons .

The first, Ryan the Geuk-Geom, famous for his strength .

The second, Lloyd the Sok-Geom, famous for his speed .

The third, however . . .

TLN: Geuk-Geom = Strong Blade, Sok-Geom = Quick Blade


“The successor will be one of those three sons!”

“Only one of them will be chosen right?”

“Of course!”

“Wouldn’t it be Ryan, the eldest?”

“Well, who knows? I heard that the second-born, Lloyd is quite sharp too . “

“I thought they were blessed to have three sons, but having so many has its troubles, too . “

“It’s a problem for all high-class families, especially such high nobles . “

“For us peasants, sons are always better!”

“Who knows, you might win something big if you have a beautiful daughter . “

“Hahaha! With your face? Dream on, brother . “


Iffa village, a territory ruled by the Finn Ifelleta house . The inn was full of speculations about the new successor .


“From the sounds of things, it’s either going to be the First or the Second, is that right?”

“Yeah, thats true . “

“What about the Third?”

“Ah, well, apparently he is completely useless . “

“He was born that way . “

” . . . “


A certain butler, who looked out of place in this inn, tightened his grip on his beer, as if he was trying to shatter the glass .


“He’s a noble and yet he’s known as the “Lazy” . In a way, he’s more famous than the other two . ”


The Third .

Famous within the Ifelleta house for his awe inspiring laziness .

Titled, Na-Geom

Riley .

TLN: Na-Geom = Lazy Blade


“ . . . Na-Geom?”

“HAH . Never heard such disgrace in my life . ”

“You know how the Ifelleta house is famous for its swordsmanship? Well apparently, he’s never swung a **** sword in his life… . ”

“Basically, he’s beyond hopeless . ”


The others nodded in agreement .


“So what’s the reason for it?”

“Well, I heard he gets a seizure when he does . ”
“Nah, I heard he’s got some allergy to it . ”

“Apparently he’s more of a vegetable and can’t even move . I heard he just lies on his bed all day . ”

“ . . . !”


The old man who has been listening suddenly stood up, furious . His face was as red as an apple .


“You **** sons of bit…!”

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