The Lazy Swordmaster Chapter 150:

Princess Reutrina, the one in charge of the ‘head’ portion of the people who were referred in six parts, received a letter from her comrade Kabal . A few minutes ago, she brought Riley, a guest who she gave the infirmary for him to rest as a patient, to her room by dragging him .

“Now . ”

The otherworldly power that she possessed was reading the other’s thoughts and memories and controlling them . She dragged Riley here to use her ability .

“Young Master, show me your memories . ”

She placed her fingers on Riley like a snake . She then exuded purple light from her finger and started to touch Riley’s forehead .

“… Let’s see . ”

Using her ability, Reutrina started to dig into Riley’s memories, which were tightly hidden away in fogs . Reutrina furrowed her eyebrows after witnessing the very first sight .

‘What’s this?’

Going past the fogs, what Reutrina saw in Riley’s memories was a place that was drenched in red blood and leaked of blood . If anyone asked where it was…

‘A Holy Temple?’

It looked like a church or a holy temple .

‘Why does it leak of blood here?’

Reutrina had smelled blood many times in the past, but it was the first for even her to smell this kind of blood . It was that strange . She tilted her head to the side and wondered, but then she saw the back of someone who looked familiar .

‘… This man is?’

The smell of blood was coming from that man .

‘Young Master Riley?’

He was wielding a brilliant and majestic sword, but even the sword had the strange blood on it . One thing interesting about it was that the blood color was not red . It was purple .

“Your eyes look as if you are about to die at any moment . How could you have come all there way here, standing before me? I really… cannot understand this . ”

Having heard the voice coming from somewhere in front of Riley, Reutrina, who was watching the memory in hiding, turned her gaze to the front of Riley .

‘That is?’

In front of Reutrina, in front of Riley to be precise, the being had red skin although he was not bleeding . The being had a palm sized black horn on his head .

“That sure is . ” Read The Lazy Swordmaster on Lightnovelbastion . com

Having heard the man with the horn, the man who appeared to be Riley shook his head and responded in a low voice .

He looked exhausted .

His voice was so weak that the one who just said ‘That sure is’ would not have looked odd if he just collapsed right now .

“You may be a Brave Hero who were born with blessing, but… Still, you are just a human . Nothing would look out of the ordinary if you died right now . ”

“Instead of a blessing, it is probably a curse . ”

“Curse . Certainly, you do have many curses cast on you, but they should only pale in comparison to the blessings you have?”

The man with the horn called Riley a Brave Hero . Riley, with bitter look on his face, muttered,

“Hu… A Demon Lord is being concerned for a Brave Hero? You sure are something . This is unbelievable . The fact that a Demon Lord is kinder than Priestess… I don’t know who I should bring this up to . ”

Riley called the man ‘Demon Lord . ’ The Demon Lord’s lips crumpled .

“Did you say… I am kind?”

“Ahah… . If I knew this sooner, I would have acted from being on your side instead . There won’t have been anyone trying to trip me over, and I won’t have had to worry about people’s opinions either . ”

Riley roughly wiped the blood stained sword on his pants to clean it . The Demon Lord extended his hand toward Riley and made a proposal .

“In that case, even if it is from this moment and forward, how about standing on my side?”

“No . ”

Riley had a bitter smile on his face . He said,

“The **** called God always does things as one pleases . The God is selfish too . ”

He was refusing the proposal .

‘Just what is this? Brave Hero? Demon Lord?’

They mentioned Brave Hero and Demon Lord . The conversation was incomprehensible for Reutrina . She stood there like an invisible woman . It was around the time when she furrowed her brows . Riley aimed his sword to the front .

“I don’t want to drag this out any further, so… Regardless of who wins, I think it would be best to finish this soon . ”

The sword that Riley aimed to the front was engulfed in steady light . The Demon Lord, who had his arms crossed on his chest until this moment, lowered them and started to look at Riley .

“… Before that . ”

To be precise, the Demon Lord was starting to look at the invisible woman who was standing behind Riley .


The Demon Lord was looking at her with violent look on his eyes . Reutrina, who was standing there idly until now, flinched her shoulders .

“There is a kitty cat there watching us in hiding . ”

The man’s eyes started to overflow with purple light . Reutrina, who had the same purple glow in her eyes, muttered in disbelief,

‘Y… You are?’

He was similar to a great being that she knew and served . However, the pressure from Demon Lord was far more over overwhelming . Looking at the Demon Lord, Reutrina started to stumble back .

“You are just a trifle thing . You dare to pry on me?”

‘Ah, ah ah…’

“I do not recall giving anyone the permission to watch me fight . ”

The Demon Lord extended his hand . Riley, who only showed the back of his head until now, also casually turned his head and looked at Reutrina who was stumbling back in fear .


‘… Ug . ’

His eyes could not look any deadlier .

As soon as she had her eyes meet with Riley’s, she could not breathe . Before she thought ‘I’ll die!’, her vision was painted in darkness .

It felt like she was deep under the sea where there was no light .

“You sure do handle a lot of annoying things although you are supposed to be a Demon Lord . ”

“A Brave Hero has the qualification to fight me undisturbed . That’s why . ”

“Ha! That’s interesting!”

With that conversation as the last thing she heard, Reutrina was kicked out of Riley’s memories . She looked like she was frightened from a terrible nightmare .


She screamed and took her hand off from Riley’s head .

Afterwards… Riley opened his eyes .

* * *

Thanks to Reutrina, who was screaming at the moment… Thanks to Nainiae to be precise, Riley was able to wake up from the long slumber . He was cringing as if his ears were hurting .

“That mouth needs to be plugged up… . ”

He still looked sleepy . He rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked around . He felt gazes from his back, so he turned his head and found a beautiful girl with ivory white skin .

“Ah . ”

Soon, as if he turned his head just now in order to find this girl, Riley had bright look on his face . He opened his mouth and called the girl’s name .

“Nainiae . ”


The girl flinched her shoulders .

“… Yes . ”

She was concerned .

The guard did not recognize her . Heliona took a moment before recognizing her .

‘In that case, would Young Master recognize me?’

She was concerned about that .

In the end, it was unnecessary .

Even though her face changed, and her right hand became whole again, Riley immediately recognized that the girl was the maid who served him .

“Did you say… Nainiae?”

Sera was standing there vacantly . Having heard what Riley said, she started to stare at Nainiae in disbelief .

“Before that one starts yelling again, can you please put a plug on her mouth?”

Riley put up his thumb and pointed to the side . Having heard the order, Nainiae nodded and said,

“… Yes . ”

She finally got to lock gazes with the man who she was concerned for so long because he was not able to wake up all this time . Also, he recognized her face immediately . Besides these, Nainiae had several other complicated emotions surging through her inside . Still, she held in her tears and moved her right hand .

‘Silence . ’

In the Dragon’s Language, she used the highest-level silence magic that she could cast . After casting the spell on Reutrina, Nainiae immediately gathered her two hands and lowered her head to greet Riley .

“Young Master, have you… slept well?”

In tearful voice, Nainiae asked if he slept well . Riley asked back as if he found the whole thing bizarre .

“What’s that? Why are you about to cry?” Read The Lazy Swordmaster on Lightnovelbastion . com

With her head lowered, Nainiae wiped off her tears . Soon, she showed smiling face and shook her head as if there was nothing to be concerned about .

“… No . ”

Finally… Finally… It was because she finally got to understand just how painful the memories that Riley had .

“It’s nothing . ”

Having heard her response, Riley moved his eyes and looked at Sera as he raised his arm to the front .

“Sera, hand me your sword for a moment . ”

“Sword? Why…”

“Just give it to me for now . ”

Sera was vacantly staring at Nainiae, who had a completely different feel to her . Sera tilted her head to the side as if a wind blew in from somewhere . She then tossed one of the swords that she was holding to Riley .

“I’m not sure why, but…”

Riley snatched the sword from the air . He vacantly stared at the sword in his hand for a moment . He then leisurely tried swinging it . Riley put up a puzzled look on his face .

“… is it just the mood?”

Meanwhile, Reutrina was growing more insane as she either pulled her hair out or drooled . She moved her lips and put her hand toward Riley .

‘Young Master!’

Reutrina’s hand was glowing with purple light . Nainiae was going to use magic immediately at Reutrina’s hand . However, she stopped her right hand before using the Dragon’s Language in the middle .

“What the… What’s with the Princess?”

With her head lowered, Reutrina was approaching Riley from the back . Riley avoided Reutrina’s hand without even looking . He smoothly tripped Reutrina and made her fall over . He pierced her skirt with the sword he was wielding all the way down to the floor to get her stuck .


Because of the silence magic, others could not hear what Reutrina was saying . They could only observe her mouth moving . Reutrina tore the skirt that was getting in her way and got up . She charged at Riley once again .

“Are you really that interested in me?”

Riley remembered that Reutrina had been sending sticky gazes toward him ever since the prospective marriage meeting . As if he was annoyed, he dodged her hand and picked up the sword he had stuck on the floor .

“More importantly, we were at the cave . Now that I opened my eyes, we are here . So, what are we doing here?”

The Princess was still unable to come to her senses and running wild . Riley dodged her hand several more times and looked at Sera and Nainiae, wondering what this was about .

Sera was panicking from watching Reutrina faltering around as if she had let go of her sanity . Sera asked Riley,

“Y… Young Master, don’t you remember?”

“Remember or whatever… I took a nap and got up, and the scenery changed . Do you think the situation does not warrant a question?”

“N… Nap?”

“Ugh, what a pest . ”

It seemed Riley got annoyed by the Princess who kept on trying to stick to him . Riley cringed and lightly turned his body to the side . He used the side of the sword to smack the back side of Reutrina’s knee .


However, the sound that was generated from the impact was something completely different from what Riley expected . Riley furrowed his brows .

‘She is not falling down?’

An ordinary woman would have lost strength in her legs and plummeted from this . However, for some reason, instead of getting on her knees, Reutrina was running even wilder now . It was as if what Riley just did only added fuel to the fire .

‘Something is wrapped around?’

Riley carefully checked Reutrina’s legs and confirmed purple energy . Meanwhile, Sera, who was watching with anxious look on her face, shouted,

“Y… Young Master! Look out! There’s something about Princess Reutrina!”

Riley dodged Reutrina’s hand yet again . Having heard what Sera said, Riley narrowed his eyes and started to inject mana in to his sword .  Read The Lazy Swordmaster on Lightnovelbastion . com

‘That is…’

A steady light started to flow in to the sword that Riley was holding . Nainiae, who was quietly watching from the back, thought that this must be what she learned about Riley earlier .

‘The one that Young Master have acquired in his past life… The Blessing of Sword . ’

From Riley’s dream, Nainiae got to hold all of his past life’s memories in her chest . From the memories, she thought about the blessing that Riley had .

He could wield the Holy Sword .

He was without equal in swordsmanship .

He could gather mana just from breathing or sleeping .

It was a blessing that quite literally showered him with love from the sword . Riley had this since his past life, and he still had it wrapped in his hand .

‘As I thought… He needed sleep . ’

Nainiae recalled the passing remark by her teacher . Andal once said that ‘This rascal is a fiend . ’ She also thought about why Riley slept so much . Having thought about both, Nainiae mumbled inside and tightened her fist .

‘The fever last time must be also because of the blessing . His body requires sleep, yet he avoided it for so long…’

Riley was making the move with the light engulfing the sword . With her eyes, Nainiae chased his moves .

“I don’t know what kind of trickery that the Princess used, but…”

Reutrina was still in panic . The side of the sword, which was endowed with mana, smacked the back of Reutrina’s knees .


This time, instead of a dull sound, a pretty loud sound could be heard . It seemed the strike worked this time . Reutrina lost strength in her legs and plummeted . She sat on her knees .

“As I thought, you are not my type . ”

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