The Lazy Swordmaster Chapter 13:

She was banished .
And in glorious fashion, no less .
In front of her two sons, Orelly was banished from the Iphelleta house .

“No . It’s a lie . . . “
” . . . “

Her father, Tes, followed Orelly from behind and watched her walk in despair .
A wave of regret swept over his mind .
Her spoilt upbringing had come back to bite them in the back .

< . . . Retreat . >

Tes sent the Mental Message with a dismal look on his face .
He had ordered a full retreat for all the assassins who had invaded the mansion .

“It . . . must . . . be a dream . When I open my eyes again, I will be on my bed . Yes . . . Yes!”

Tes bit his lips, watching his daughter escape from reality .
Suddenly, a thought struck him .
If he had decided not to visit the mansion today, could they have avoided all of this?
He considered it . .
At the end of the thought, he shook his head and rejected the idea .

‘Even if it wasn’t today, it was bound to happen sooner or later . ‘

There is nothing that can be hidden forever .
Tes knew that well .
His daughter’s banishment was just the same .
The truth was bound to leak into the world eventually .

‘This is a good thing . ‘

It was better to be punished earlier .
If they could learn from this, they could get through the situation well .
Tes was a man who had the money and power to make it happen .

‘They won’t spread the news everywhere, since it involves their honour as well . ‘

Tes who had finished organizing his next moves put his hand on his daughter’s shoulder .

“Father, this is not true right? There’s no way . My husband would never abandon me like this! He would never do such a thing when there’s Ryan and Lloyd as well!”
“It’s alright Orelly . We can still salvage the situation . “

Tes tried to reason with her, but she still seemed out of her mind .

“This . . . this is all her fault . “

Her father’s words did not reach her as she swore vengeance with her eyes burning with rage .

“Iris . . . It’s because that **** Iris seduced him!”

Orelly’s thoughts carried on beyond certainty, to the point of zealous conviction .
The Lord Stein Finn Iphelleta’s concubine;Iris was the cause of her expulsion .
Orelly was convinced that she herself had done nothing wrong to deserve it .

“If she’s dead . . . She just needs to die! That’s it!”

Orelly began to emit bloodlust around herself .
A shadow appeared on Tes’ face as he witnessed his daughter’s menacing look .

‘She’s going to have a hard time . ‘

To bring her sanity back .
To re-educate her from the ground up .
To change her lover’s mind .
Tes sighed as he judged that none of those will be easy to do .

” . . . Ah . “

For how long did they walk away from the mansion?
A boy’s voice abruptly came from in front of them .

” . . . ?”

Both Orelly who had walked with a raging face, and Tes who was following her from behind, stopped .

“Huh, what’s this? Did all the fun stuff finish already?”

From out of their sight, the voice inquired .
It was directed at Orelly and Tes .

” . . . Who is it?”

The night had set and it was difficult to see around the area .
Tes, with his nerves on the edge, sent a question back with a frown .

“Hmm . “

Bushes rustle with a different sound when a person walked through them .
Within the peace and quiet, a noise sounded as if searching for something .
It was not harsh, but it wasn’t soft either .

“It seems like it’s finished . “

The voice came from the front, saturated with the feelings of remorse for missing out on the incident .
And once more the footsteps followed .

Munch, Munch

The voice within the darkness seemed to be eating something .

“Wait, this voice . . . Where have I heard it before?”

Tes’ brows twitched as he stood  in front of his daughter .
He remembered hearing this voice very recently .
Where was it?
Where . . .

‘ . . . ‘

Tes’ body froze like stone when he recalled .
The voice was identical to the Mental Message he had heard before the invasion began this afternoon .

“Oh Father . . . He has a surprisingly soft side to him . How annoying . “

The footsteps came closer .

As the noise continued, a boy who had a bag full of ‘white cotton’ appeared in front of them .

“It’s . . . you?!”

Orelly who was behind Tes pointed her finger with her eyes wide open when she found out who the boy was .
He was someone Orelly knew all toowell .

“Why are you here?!”

It was Riley .
In all of Iphelleta’s history, he was the most useless, the most lazy and the most idle man there was, ‘Lazy Blade’ . He was the third son of the house .
A boy who couldn’t even manage to swing a wooden sword properly .

“Hm . . . “

A handful of cotton balls  left inside the bag .
Riley finished the remaining ‘cotton balls’ and replied after swallowing .

” . . . I wanted to see something interesting . “
“What . . . “

Orelly gave an unbelieving look toward him .

‘Do you so desperately want to meet your end here?’

Orelly wanted to ask that, but the question could not come out of her mouth .
Tes took his dagger out, fully intent on killing the boy .
The same intent could be felt all around the area .
They were the assassins under Tes’ command .

“I wanted to sort out my personal problem . “

Riley moved his hand as he continued .


Riley chucked the bag behind him and stretched his neck left and right, his gaze increasing in intensity .
He warned them .

“You guys . . . I can forgive you guys since you didn’t come here to **** me off . I’m letting you guys go this time for listening to my warning previously . “

The truth was Riley himself had killed some of the hooded men who were attempting to use him as a hostage, but that fact wasn’t all that important .

” . . . It’s annoying too . “

Riley opened and closed his fists as he continued .

“But . . . not Lady Orelly . “

He added that at the end; Lady Orelly couldn’t go unpunished .

“Ah! Hold on, you’re not Lady Orelly anymore . “

Riley quickly noted his mistake .
He believed it was poor manners to call her ‘Lady’ since she was banished today .

“What should I say . Hm . . . “

Even in this dire situation, Riley pondered his head then asked in a relaxed tone, with a smile .

“Ms . Orelly?”
” . . . You!”

In a fit of rage, Orelly took Tes’ spare dagger from his belt and threw it at Riley .
As if she had inherited her talent as an assassin from her father, the dagger went straight toward Riley’s lips .
It was to split his cocky mouth in half .

“Yeah, I can’t let Ms . Orelly go that easily . “

Riley continued as he dodged the dagger by tilting his head .

‘H- how did he . . . ?’

For that lazy child to dodge the dagger, and so effortlessly at that?
Orelly opened her mouth wide as she could not hide her surprise .
Meanwhile, despite being surrounded by assassins, Riley looked completely relaxed .

“You . . . need to pay dearly for hurting my mother . You can always come back for revenge too . “

Riley’s voice suddenly sunk low .
The leisurely atmosphere around Riley changed, and cold winds began to blow around .
Like sharp daggers, the winds cut deep .

“What . . . the . . . ?”

Orelly and Tes stood still, unable to believe what they were seeing .
Suddenly, the boy was holding a single wooden sword in his right hand .

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