The Last Apostle Chapter 96: Sample

Lin’s pupils shrank instantly, and he rushed forward in three steps at a time, half kneeling on the ground, carefully examining the horse corpse.

“That’s right, why is there something missing in this horse corpse! There is only broken horse hide, but no bones at all? Bones and bones. Since there is a corpse, there must be bones. It is basically completely preserved, so how could it be possible that even the bones are gone!”

With this in mind, Lin immediately picked up the horse hide and began to study it, and found that there was a huge crack in the horse hide, which started from the lower jaw and continued to the end of the lower abdomen. The cracks in the horse hide gave birth to a strange feeling, like a giant cocoon.

After realizing such an abnormality, Lin couldn’t help but muttered to himself:

“Is the legend true? The old horse Sanshun next to Yun Mi is actually not a horse at all, but a fierce beast. It’s just that after it met an expert, it was forcibly sealed in a horse. In my son’s body!”

“At this time, Yun Mi entered this extremely dangerous mountainside and was in danger. In order to protect the Lord, the old horse Sanshun lifted his own seal, took off the horse skin on his body, and showed his original shape! It happened to be with this dead dragon, is there any connection between this?”

With this thought in mind, Lin raised the torch and looked around carefully. His eyes suddenly lit up, because at a height of seven or eight meters next to him, several sharp-looking inscriptions suddenly appeared. The mark, which is five or six meters long, is deeply submerged into the stone wall, and there is a deep crack mark next to the mark. The combination of the two is like a giant monster slapped on the stone wall. It was as if he had landed on the cliff, and then suddenly jumped up on it with his strength.

Lin continued to follow such traces, walking through the darkness with difficulty, and came to a dark underground rift ahead, which was very wide and deep. Among the rocks on the mountain wall of the rift, there were some strange light Yellow crystals embedded in it shimmered.

That’s all right, the key is that in this rift, there are a large number of half-dragons and the bones of Zhanlong. These bones are scattered around, and it seems that they have experienced extremely tragic The first battle!

At this time, the rocky ground where the forest is located should have been repaired by the half-dragon people. Although it looks rough, it is still quite flat. These repaired grounds are covered with black hard rocks of different sizes. , the big one is about the size of a tabletop, and the small one is about the size of a pumpkin. Although this rough construction style looks primitive and barbaric, combined with the bones of these dead dragons, it gives people a tragic, solemn and shocking feeling. .

On the paw of a dead war dragon, Lin saw that there seemed to be light shining. When he looked carefully, he found that there seemed to be something stuck to the paw, so he walked over and found that it was a piece that had been torn. down the fur.

This fur is quite thick and thick, showing a snow-white color. Every hair on the fur is as thick as a pine needle, and the length can even reach ten centimeters. On the contrary, it makes people feel extra fluffy. After blowing off the dust on it, the fur looks whiter and crystal clear, and looks like new. It seems that it has spent hundreds of years in this dark underground.

Lin is well-informed and knows that this is because the torn fur contains the life essence of its owner, just like the corpses of these dragons he saw along the way, some of which have rotted into Some of the scales on some of the corpses were red and translucent like onyx, glowing like embers in the darkness, this was also because of the remaining essence of life.

“If my deduction is not wrong, then this should be Sanshun’s body?” Lin stroked the fur in his hand and pondered. “San Shun’s deity is also strong enough. The total number of half-dragons and dragons who died here exceeds 30. It is really getting braver as it fights!”

Continuing to walk forward, Lin found that an extremely wide obsidian square had appeared in the middle of the mountain in front of him. There were originally four giant statues on the four corners of the square, but at this time, without exception, all of the four giant statues either collapsed or collapsed. In particular, there is a colossus in the shape of a dragon head. The left side still shows a gesture of struggling to raise its arms and shouting, but the right half of the body has disappeared. Such a huge gap is really indescribable.

But right in the middle of the square, there are large groups of white mist, as if there is some giant sleeping in it, which can’t be seen clearly. After Lin saw this situation, his heart moved He was about to step forward, but at this moment he heard a faint and old sigh coming from the side.

“Finally, there is another living creature that can be eaten!”


“Then we will know whether the rumors are true”

The one who spoke was a crisp voice, and she also looked like a little girl, none other than Chang.

At this time, in front of her was a slowly flowing river, which merged into a wide lake in front of her, and she couldn’t see the end at a glance, and there were plants similar to calamus or reeds growing around the lake , with long leaves.

At this time, it was raining continuously, and the lake was covered with mist. It looked like a misty and rainy south of the Yangtze River, but there was a faint blueness in the mist, which made people feel a little strange up.

At this moment, I held a transparent test tube in my hand and looked at the light. I sprinkled some powder from time to time and shook it well. When I saw bubbling bubbles coming out of it, I took it to my nose. Sniff it in front of you, then pour it away.

“Now it is the fourth tube sample, and it can still be discerned that the content of single crystals inside is very high, almost three times the normal value, so the rumor should be true, in order to promote the growth of here Creatures mutate faster, and the imperial scientists who controlled the site back then modified the soil and water sources when they built the test site, and it is undoubtedly very wise for us to bring our own water sources.”

At this time, Du Yuqi walked out from the reed-like clump beside him, frowned and looked into the distance and said:

“Just looking at the color of the mist here, I dare not drink the water here. If I drink a few more sips, I will be fine for a while. After a long time, I am afraid that I will get chronic diseases.”

At this time, Holmes next to him suddenly said:

“Miss Du, you are right. A friend of mine entered here but was seriously injured. After he escaped by chance, he didn’t dare to move around, so he hid. He could only drink the cold water here and barely eat it. Some insects and fruits were delayed for a full month, and finally they were rescued. After that, the whole person was crippled, very weak, and suffered from a disease, which seemed to be both sick and poisoned. Diagnosis, it is believed that he has taken in too much of the unique heavy metal elements in his body, and it is hopeless.”

“As a result, he searched everywhere for a treatment method to no avail. Finally, when he was dying, he met a person who had no medical skills at all and saved him. Speaking of which, this person has a very close relationship with you.”

Du Yuqi said:

“Virus virus, the two are originally combined into one. According to the scientific theory of my plane, in fact, the root cause of human diseases is the accumulation of too many toxins in the body, which leads to the occurrence of diseases. But who is the person you are talking about?”

Holmes is not in the habit of keeping things so he said simply:

“The person who saved him is none other than Master Feng Lin.”

“Ah?” At this time, the group of people felt very surprised, and even Suzhanxi looked incredible, because in her impression, she had never seen Feng Lin involved in the incident. How can anything related to medical skills save people?

Then I heard Holmes say again:

“Master Feng Lin’s strength is as deep as the abyss, and what he usually thinks about has expanded to the avenue of the unity of man and nature. He said to my friend that day, although I don’t understand medical principles, the things in the world They are all mutual growth and mutual restraint, often where the mountains and rivers are at the end, when the willows are dark and the flowers are bright, it is like a place where poisonous snakes are haunted, but detoxifying herbs will grow instead.”

“Since your poison was contained in the Imperial Test Ground, then the solution should be sought in this area. Why do you say that, the plants and animals there can thrive and thrive under this poisonous condition, Propagating offspring, it can be seen that it should have a way to neutralize and solve the toxin.”

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