The Last Apostle Chapter 122: Dear

However, when Du Yuqi really pierced the eyeball on the head with a bang—an eyeball the size of a basketball was broken and the juice splashed—only then did he realize that the big head in front of him was really nothing. It’s a bitter trick, but it really died. By the way, the owner of this big head should look like a snake lizard. Of course, it must be not small, at least the size of a bison.

Then after Du Yuqi observed the environment, he almost guessed what happened:

Obviously, this dead snake lizard was the dinner that the leader of the giant rat caught today, and then dragged it to his nest with a grunt.

Just as the leader of the giant rat was trying to drag the dinner into his nest, he just dragged a head in, and suddenly found movement in the nest, how can this work? There is not only food in the nest, but also a lot of cubs!

So, it naturally gave up dinner and rushed back. As for the next thing, everyone almost knows-so what Du Yuqi has to do at this time is very simple. This mouse hole, and escape.

So soon, Du Yuqi returned to the ground and breathed the fresh air again. At this moment, he felt relieved, and felt sore and painful everywhere in his body, as if every bone and joint was hurting. There was a creaking sound, especially in the chest, it was more like a big stone was put into it, it was extremely heavy, and I wished I could close my eyes and sleep right away.

But at this time, Du Yuqi knew that he could not rest, so he gritted his teeth and took out a scalpel, and cut off the carrion from the wounds on his body that were cut by the evil spirits one by one, and then pulled out the poison one by one, and finally had to start again. Apply the medicine and sew it up. After finishing these things, I was already out of breath. After taking a sip of the healing potion, I forced myself to walk towards the laboratory ruins again.

At this time, Du Yuqi knew very well that there must be a big problem in the ruins. Otherwise, the teleportation array would not be broken. Of course, he had to go over to have a look at this time, and of course he planned to meet up with his teammates , Don’t worry that they have successfully escaped, they are still trying their best to get in.

This giant mouse hole looks like it has many turns and turns. In fact, the exit is not too far from the laboratory ruins. Besides, there are obvious reference objects in the laboratory ruins. Du Yuqi climbed up the tree and looked at it Can know the direction.

And when he came back to the former laboratory ruins, he was stunned, because it was as if it had been ravaged by dozens of bulldozers, even the terrain and vegetation had changed, no wonder The teammates couldn’t protect the teleportation array. At this time, wherever Du Yuqi could see, not to mention what kind of teleportation array it was, he couldn’t even find the big room where the teleportation array was located. It was a ruin!

“Who did they offend?” Du Yuqi’s thoughts were jumping quickly. “No, the sudden appearance of the enemy is definitely not aimed at us. It should just be at the right time. Otherwise, yesterday and today would have a lot of time to do it.”

“Then, the remaining great possibility has a lot to do with the movement of the ruins before, and the corresponding beam of light was suddenly shot out! The beam of light that was shot out exposed the location of this place, and attracted the attention of interested people. It’s obviously domineering, so they cleared the field as soon as they came! Without me and Xi in the team, it is really difficult to compete in front of these guys.”

While inferring, Du Yuqi began to search the ruins in a hurry, collecting some useful clues, and soon he found what he wanted on a collapsed tree:

“The cross section of this big tree is intricate. If the teeth are criss-crossed, it was obviously broken by a heavy blunt weapon. The people who use this weapon are nothing more than exorcists and avengers. Judging the position where the shooter is standing, well, it is here, there are signs of burning on the place where he is standing, and there is a faint smell of sulfur, there is no doubt that he is the Avenger!”

The identity of the Avengers is too sensitive, and they also discovered the whereabouts of Neilbas not long ago-this boss is the out-and-out leader of the Avengers, so it is natural that the two were linked together.

Next, Du Yuqi came to the top of the teleportation array again, and found that this place was completely destroyed in an instant, almost with lightning speed, as if a huge force descended out of thin air, trying to turn everything into dust!

Such a violent large-scale attack skill is really rare. It can be calculated with the fingers, Gai Bojia’s fist can do it, the berserker’s mountain-shattering slash can be done, and the blood brake of the prison can do it. The Tiger Emperor’s Golden Thunder Tiger can barely do it, and the Gunner’s Earth Vein Oscillator can do it. Enemies who can use such skills are all powerful enemies without exception!

Seeing this scene, Du Yuqi frowned. At the same time, he always felt very uncomfortable after he came here.

At this time, when Du Yuqi raised his head, he realized that there was a dark cloud floating over in the distance. He frowned, and then felt that something was wrong. One sentence is called the impermanence of clouds, and the impermanence of water is the truth.

At this time, the dark cloud that appeared in Du Yuqi’s field of vision, although it was disguised perfectly, lacked the turbulent aura of the dark cloud, and it was completely motionless. This kind of thing is very embarrassing and very Obviously a fake.

“Steel Fortress!” These four words suddenly appeared in Du Yuqi’s heart. After all, he had had close contact with the Iron Fortress, and he was extremely familiar with it, so he immediately thought of it! !

“There is indeed a problem here, and the all-pervasive zero organization has come together!”

With such astonishment, Du Yuqi didn’t dare to stay here any longer at this time. He was hurt and tired, and he didn’t find his companion’s whereabouts. Fleeing away, his destination at this time is naturally the water’s edge, and he also has a faint expectation in his heart, hoping that his companions can withdraw to the camp smoothly and join him.

However, things in this world are often not what people want. Du Yuqi has been going downstream until he arrived at yesterday’s campsite, but he couldn’t find any trace of his companions, so he found a place to settle down. After coming down, Du Yuqi hesitated for a while, and then made a decision, planning to spend the holy crown to summon Jeter to her side to ask what happened.

The reason why Du Yuqi hesitated was because if they were under siege every time, it would be very dangerous. If he summoned Jeter away in an instant, wouldn’t it be a disguised form of harm? Considering that several hours have passed by this time, everything should be settled, and it is unlikely that the battle will continue. It should not matter if there is one more Jeter or one less, so I acted like this.

Next, Du Yuqi naturally used the summoning skill, but with the consumption of a holy krona, the exclusive light door belonging to followers did not appear from the door for a long time, and Du Yuqi gave birth immediately He had an ominous premonition, and found that his premonition was confirmed after the light door was closed again, and Jeter did not appear.

At this time, Du Yuqi was really frustrated, and immediately checked through his own mark, and the response he got made him even more speechless:

“A mysterious force destroyed the summoning ceremony”

Seeing this response, Du Yuqi really almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. There is no difference between this response and his mother’s, really don’t go too far! People can’t be so shameless, and if the sacred krona is burned, it will be burned as well. Is there such a saying?

However, no matter how many times Du Yuqi questioned her, she finally got the same response, which made her speechless.

However, after Du Yuqi calmed down, a chill appeared on Du Yuqi’s back. This summoning ceremony was directly effected by the God of Contract, but the mysterious power could directly destroy this ceremony in a certain sense. The strength of Du Yuqi is also obvious, Du Yuqi is facing such a powerful enemy at this time, how can he not be afraid?

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