The Lan Family’s Aid Chapter 67:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Fulan!


Yin Xiaodao stood outside the door, ready to kick it down. Apart from taking drugs, Lan Yan had never spent so long in the bathroom.

“Hey.” Lan Yan inside responded to her and said, “I’ll take a bath.”

“Why do you want to take a shower?” She worried that he was a drug addict.

“…” Lan Yan wiped his thighs with a tissue and adjusted his pants, “The weather is so hot, I’m sweating all over.”

Yin Xiaodao looked at the air conditioner. Twenty-three degrees, not quite right.

“Knife Guard, go get me some clothes.” He ordered from inside.

“Okay.” She picked up his clothes, including underwear, from the drawer.

When Lan Yan opened the door, his expression was as usual. He took the clothes and patted her head, “Go to bed by yourself.”

Yin Xiaodao wrinkled his nose, “What does it smell like?”

“…” Lan Yan chuckled, “The smell outside the window.”

She was a little confused, but nodded, “Call me if you need anything.”

“Yeah.” He closed the door.

The bathroom was filled with mist.

Lan Yan stared at his little brother, recalling the last time it stood up. It seems like a very distant memory.

So now he feels unfamiliar with it.

Before he was addicted to Shanghai/Luo Yin, he thought drugs were for fun. After the first cigarette, he felt that his first night was in danger. At that time, he was still thinking about how big a red envelope he would give him if he found a young lady to solve the problem.

It turned out that he thought too much.

After the initial high, his enthusiasm for this matter fell to the bottom. It made him think that it was really impossible. Later I learned that Hai Luo Yin suppressed only desire.

But what I didn’t expect was that it would recover so quickly.

He was very happy.

I wish I could get married and have a baby right away.


At half past six in the morning, Lan Yan woke up again.

Because his little brother got up in the morning. He couldn’t help but admire his virility.

On this beautiful morning, you should find a love action movie to enjoy. However, those film sources have long been deleted. And now he can’t even remember those actresses/actors he likes.

Lan Yan turned over.

The bed next door is empty.

I think that idiot went to practice martial arts again.

Lan Yan gets up and washes up. Then go out into the hallway.

When Yin Xiaodao lived here, he always went to the rooftop to practice martial arts.

Lan Yan also needs morning exercise, Grandpa Yin told him. A healthy lifestyle is the key to resisting addiction.

He went up to the rooftop and saw Yin Xiaodao.

Then, Shen Jie didn’t come back for half a month.

Shen Jie was investigating another case in Cangcheng recently.

In the past, most drugs came from the Yunnan border. Today’s new drugs can be extracted from cold medicines. So much so that there are many small workshops.

The darkness in this world is endless.

Yin Xiaodao and Shen Jie are fighting.

Lan Yan yawned.

Yin Xiaodao stopped immediately when he saw him.

Shen Jie stopped.

Lan Yan stretched again and asked, “Are you back from a mission?”

“Well.” Shen Jie looked at Lan Yan’s face, “You seem to be getting fatter.”

“It’s not fat, it’s healthy, thank you.” Lan Yan snorted. Now he’s back on his feet and in excellent health.

“Be fatter and look better.” Shen Jie said.

“No, it’s about health.” Yin Xiaodao interrupted. Lan Yan was so thin that his bones were visible when he was detoxing from drugs. Now this is the best looking state.

Shen Jie smiled and said, “I’m going down first.”

When Lan Yan passed by him, he suddenly asked, “Shen Jie, do you know a person named Xiaopian?”

“Xiao Pian?” Shen Jie shook his head, “I don’t know you.”

“He sent you a lot of information.” Lan Yan glanced at Shen Jie, “His use value is much greater than mine.”

“I don’t know.” Shen Jie Ding looked at Lan Yan and said, “I have never taken advantage of you.”

“I’m just talking, nothing serious.” Lan Yan smiled brightly, “Remember, you will give me a big red envelope when I get married.”

Shen Jie was afraid that something would happen if he tried to shirk now, so he immediately agreed: “Okay.”


Lan Yan is full of words, he wants to get married. But the person he married was stupid, which made him a little worried.

He looked sad until he finished breakfast.

When Yin Xiaodao went to wash the dishes, he sat on the bed and meditated.

His little brother is back. He is no longer a young man with six pure roots. It would be dangerous for him to live in the same room with that idiot again.

If someone were sensible, seeing their boyfriend working so hard, he would definitely volunteer.

But his girlfriend is a fool.

There is no other way. If you weren’t stupid, you wouldn’t be Yin Xiaodao.

Or change to a weak one. With his current level of training, he can easily control him and then flirt with him, and things will come naturally.

However, his girlfriend’s strength is incredible. Not only can he not be able to control her, he may even be defeated by her.

No way, he just found a girlfriend like this.


Very sad.

So sad.

I don’t know if there are any gender education books in bookstores. He wanted to buy a dozen for her to learn from.

“Shiro, what are you doing here?”

Suddenly, Yin Xiaodao’s face was in front of his.

Lan Yan almost fell backwards, but after he steadied himself, he smiled and said, “What are you doing? You want to scare people to death.”

“You are meditating.”

“Nonsense.” He rolled his eyes at her.

She also got on his bed and sat next to him, “What are you thinking about?”

Lan Yan did not look at her, but looked straight at the floor lamp in front of her, “I am thinking about major events in life.”

A major event in life? Yin Xiaodao immediately thought of what he said about the different dishes on three hundred and sixty-five days, so she asked: “Are you thinking about what to cook for me at noon?”

“…” He was itching with hatred, “Can you think of anything else besides eating as a major event in your life?”

“What major event do you have in life?” She saw that he usually didn’t have big ambitions, which was similar to her.

“It’s a big deal in life…” Lan Yan glared at her, “It’s none of your business.”

“Silang, if anything happens to you, I will help you.” Yin Xiaodao straightened his expression. These are her most sincere words. No matter what difficulties he encounters, she will stand by his side. She trusted him unconditionally.

“Silly.” But if she wasn’t stupid, how could she like him.

Stupidity is a double-edged sword.

Lan Yan relaxed his posture and looked at her, “Hey, sword guard, we will do something big later.”

“Okay.” Yin Xiaodao nodded, “What’s the big deal?”

He smiled. She often responded first and then asked, rather than asking first and then responding. This silly guy, he liked it to the core of his heart.

“Go to bookstores and shopping malls.”

Bookstore, popular copies of Little Yellow Books.

Thinking of this, Lan Yan acted quickly.

So the two of them went out in a hurry.

Yin Xiaodao didn’t know why he went to the bookstore, but he couldn’t go wrong by following Shiro anyway.

Halfway through the journey, Lan Yan bought Yin Xiaodao an ice cream cup. The second one was half price, so I gave it to Yin Xiaodao.

This is the greatest pride of having a girlfriend who can eat without getting fat.

Lan Yan has been thinking about how far gender popularization has progressed.

The bookstore in s city has three floors.

Lan Yan and Yin Xiaodao first walked around the first floor, and all they saw were youth romance novels.

His youth has nothing to recall. As for her, in addition to practicing martial arts, she also practices martial arts.

The two went up to the second floor.

This floor is all about professional knowledge.

In addition to being a good cook, good at playing the piano, quick at picking locks, and playing hacking, Lan Yan doesn’t know any other majors.

Continue to the third floor.

After shopping around, I couldn’t find the Little Yellow Book educational book.

Lan Yan is not happy.

Seeing this, Yin Xiaodao took the initiative and asked: “Silang, what book are you looking for? I’ll ask.”

“…” He was speechless for a while, and after a while he said: “What are you asking? You have to dig out the knowledge yourself. Let’s go to another bookstore.”

I visited two bookstores and finally found a magical pornographic book in the third one. The cover is yellow and features two cute little ducks.

Lan Yan marveled, “I haven’t been out for a few years, but the little yellow books are so cute.”

Yin Xiaodao was curious and came over to take a look, “What is this about?”

“Talk about one duck and fall in love with another duck.” He said nonsense.

She became even more curious, “Why do we want to see ducks?”

“Because the author drew two ducks.” Lan Yan glanced at the two ducks on the cover and put the book back in place, “Ducks and ducks, how can we popularize both genders?”

“Aren’t you watching the duck?” Yin Xiaodao didn’t understand his intention since she went out, and she became more and more confused.

Lan Yan said nonchalantly: “I’d better go online and look for actual love battle movies. It’s both emotional and emotional, and it’s easier to understand than reading comic books.”

Yin Xiaodao picked up the little yellow book curiously and opened the catalog.

1. The joy of youth.

2. The troubles of growing up.

3. Love and getting married.

Yin Xiaodao understood the third item, “Silang, are we going to get married and have a baby?”

“…” Lan Yan had no expression.

When a woman next to her heard Yin Xiaodao’s words, she showed a strange look in her eyes.

Yin Xiaodao turned over a few more pages, and the first sentence after the title page was: When a boy was fifteen or twenty, he was full of energy, yet shy and ignorant.

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