The Lame Daoist Priest: The 678th rendezvous, the fastest update of the latest chapters of the Taoist priest!

When the battle was over, Chen Nuo flew over and looked at Ling Mo who was pale and asked: “Brother Mo, how are you?”

“Fortunately, this kind of injury can be recovered within a few days.”

“Unexpectedly, the gap between us is getting farther and farther. You can kill the gods. If you didn’t see it with your own eyes, I would not believe it.” Chen Nuo’s tone was lonely.

Lin Mo patted Chen Nuo on the shoulder and said: “You don’t have to be equal to my strength. I have an adventure, plus the integration of the three rules and the original treasure, in order to compete with the gods. Strength is not important. The important thing is to live happily, what do you say? By the way, how can you be caught by the God of Light?”

“It’s hard to explain in a word.” Chen Nuo sighed: “I have been cultivating in God’s Domain City. Guangshen accidentally discovered me. He said that he is very interested in my talents and wants to absorb my talents in order to achieve The purpose of improving his own strength. He used my wife as a threat, and I did not dare to escape. When I saw you at the Supreme Conference a few days ago, I did not dare to recognize each other, for fear of implicating you.”

“If I don’t come to save you, would you just wait to die like this?”

“Otherwise?” Chen Nuo’s eyes were still lonely, he understood the importance of strength. Otherwise, let alone protecting your family, you can’t even guarantee your own safety.

Lin Mo handed the original treasure of Light God to Chen Nuo: “After you have this, your strength will increase a lot. Just like me, if you don’t use the Bracelet of Time, the rules of time have no effect on Light God. .”

“This is too precious, I can’t accept it.” Chen Nuo declined.

“Okay, don’t push around, this thing can only be used by people with the rules of light, it’s best for you.”

For a while, Chen Nuo didn’t push Lin Mo before, and after all he accepted the scepter. So… the new light **** is about to be born!

That’s right! Back then, I knew that Chen Nuo’s future achievements were limitless! His talent is even coveted by the God of Light! This shows that its talent is indeed very strong! In addition, Chen Nuo does not exist to break the balance!

In the case of not breaking the balance, he still has such a strong talent for light rules. In addition, the light **** is dead and the spot is vacant. The original treasure of the light system falls in his hands again. There is no doubt that Chen Nuo will Become the next **** of light! And time will not be too far! It should be… let me do the math. After 357 years, he broke through the **** level in his own big interface!

Thinking that Chen Nuo will soon become the new **** of light, I can’t help but think of the bastard. The rules of fate gave me some feedback. It turned out that the **** was playing mud with his children, which really made people vomit blood…

Is this really Chen Nuo’s cousin? Why is the gap so big?


Lin Mo packed the corpse of the Light God into the silver space ring! It’s exactly the same as the one I found back then!

When the vast world is destroyed, Lin Mo’s spatial ring will be drawn into the turbulence of time, and then return to the sixth realm a few years ago. After several twists and turns, it came to my hand. I was “coincidental”. Turn it on, and then continue the endless loop…

I came to Broad World this time mainly to observe the death of God of Light at close range. Since God of Light is dead now, I have also talked with Lin Xixue and Du Xiaoxiao and fought against each other, and my mission has also been completed. Next, go to each interface to go around, wait until the time is up, and then go to meet Philomena…

Then, keeping my soul state, I wriggled in from the entrances of various large interfaces. After entering, I felt various destinies. From time to time, I also play role-plays, pretending to be beggars, businessmen, ordinary employees, rich second generations, etc…

Just like that, in a flash, half a year passed.

At this time, the Nether team is fighting hard! Philomena was besieged by three master-class powerhouses! Even she can’t hold it anymore! Suddenly dangerous! The purple six-pointed star mark on the forehead rotates at high speed! Throw all kinds of big moves, but still can’t turn the tide of the battle!

Just as she was about to be killed, I slowly appeared, looking at the three world masters who had besieged Philomena, and said lightly in God’s Domain language: “You should go now.”

They agreed, and then obediently led the group away…

Filomina looked at me in shock: “What did you just do?”

“As you can see, I just persuaded them to leave. Who knew they would be so obedient.”

“You…Forget it, why did you come so late?”

Throwing a yellow fruit to Philomena, I said calmly: “It’s not too late, it’s the same time as originally agreed.”

“Anyway, thank you just now, or I will be in danger.”

“Hurry up and recover from your injury. I know that you and Igor have an unusual relationship. In order to thank Igor for his cultivation, I should save you once.” My tone remained calm.

Filomina nodded and ate the yellow fruit.

Fruit is a plant unique to the wide world. Its effect is to restore soul wounds. Although it does not have the strong effect of Bi Mist, it does not make people paralyze. Although Bi Mist has a good recovery effect, it does make people paralyze. Somewhat unacceptable. So, everything in the world has advantages and disadvantages…

Philomena, the existence that made me look up thousands of years ago, now she wants to look up to me.

At this time, we were stationed in a valley to rest. Counting me, the total number of people who participated in the Nether war was 1,550, and half a year passed, but only 463 people were left, and the remaining number was less than one-third.

Filomina’s injury just now was indeed serious, but with the assistance of Guozi, her recovery speed was still considerable, and it took only one day and one night to recover 80% of her injury. At this moment, she stood in front of me and said: “Xiaolong, I have recovered 80% of my injuries, can I leave?”

“You can wait until the injury is completely healed before leaving. Also, don’t ask for my opinion, you are the leader this time.” I leaned on the rock and rubbed my eyes and said.

“If this is the case, then stay for another day and get on the road tomorrow…”


Two years later.

Looking at the large army with six world masters in front of me, my eyes were still calm, but Philomena was a little nervous, and asked in a low voice: “Little dragon, we can barely deal with the four world masters, but six …Do you want to retreat?”

“I said, you are the team leader, you make the decision.” I said calmly: “However, if you can hold the three world masters, we are not without chance.”

Looking at the world lord with a playful expression on the opposite side, Philomena considered for two seconds and ordered: “Everyone, prepare and fight!”

When Philomena finished saying this, I rushed forward! Holding two long swords, directly led the three world masters away from the main battlefield! Leaving the range of a thousand kilometers, we fought!

With the improvement of the rules of fate, I am no longer acting as carefully as before, for fear of changing the destiny of others, I have the ability to ensure that their destiny does not deviate from the original trajectory!

Fighting with three ordinary landlords, even if the rules of fate are not used, they and I are not at the same level. Of course, in order not to expose my strength in front of Philomena, I still struggled. In fact, if I want to, I can kill these six world masters in an instant…

Filomina also dragged the three realm masters, and her side was also struggling. I calculated the time, and when Philomina was in danger, “finally” the three realm masters in front of her were severely injured! Then go help Philomena!

Injured all the six world masters, and they ran away. Since this place is very close to their big interface, they will not encounter other teams. Therefore, for this kind of injury, just go back and raise it. Next time The battle of the big interface can still live and live without disrupting their destiny trajectory.

Filomina cast a grateful look again.

I looked at the team. There were 463 people two years ago. At this time, there are only 122 people. Only 58 people can survive until the end of the big interface battle. That is to say, only half of these people. Of people can survive.

Although I knew the result a long time ago, I still won’t save them. Now that you have decided to participate in the dangerous big interface battle, you must be prepared to die. It’s not that I’m cruel, but I don’t want to easily break the balance. In the three years of the big interface battle, people have died all the time. How can it be saved?

Furthermore, the battle of the big interface is to maintain balance. It is normal to eliminate some repairers. I am saving talents to destroy the balance…


After six months.

As I have known for a long time, only 58 of the 1,550 troops survived, and the battle situation can only be described as ‘tragic’. However, in fact, Philomena should have died in this big interface battle, but because of my appearance, she survived, so I should treat Igor as a favor.

While waiting for Alita, I have helped break everyone’s trophy space ring. Looking at the treasures, many people cried out of control. Some of them were dead relatives, and finally found out that compared with these treasures, they wanted to make their relatives come alive. The other part was feeling very excited about getting these treasures after nine deaths, but also very emotional, so I cried out of control.

No way, but this is the battle of the big interface. Since it is here, you must be responsible for your own life!

Not long after the space was shattered, Alita’s figure appeared in front of us, glanced at everyone, and Alita turned her gaze on me: “With you, why is the loss still so great?”

I replied faintly: “Facts have proved that I am not omnipotent.”

“Philomena, you will explain the situation.” Alita looked at Philomena again.

As the’judge’, Philomena couldn’t resist Alita’s order, so she had to tell the matter one by one, including that I was not with them from the beginning, but to deal with it. Some private affairs, it took half a year to rendezvous with the big army…

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