The Lame Daoist Priest: The 419th fire burning palm, the fastest update of the latest chapters of the Taoist priest!

I smiled and said, “Isn’t it me? I haven’t seen you in a year. How has Captain Angela been?”

“Not good.” Angela said, “Come to the second floor, let’s find a place to talk.”

I didn’t refuse, and walked into an office on the second floor with her, and sat on the sofa: “I’m curious, what can Captain Angela have to talk about with this little person?” Then, I took out one. A brand-new five-level protective suit is placed on the table.

This protective suit is the equipment that I sent when I became the team leader. I have never used it.

As for what I am wearing now is the level five protective suit that Xu Xiaoling took off. After all, I have given her level four, so this one is not needed. The size and style of the protective clothing can be changed at will, regardless of male and female styles, so I can save or save.

But… sometimes I’m quite prodigal. It costs 52 million to send it back from Reincarnation City, and a set of Level 4 protective clothing is only 10 million. But this is no way, who said the road is too far away……

When I was distracted, Angela said, “No, we have a lot of topics to talk about. For example, in the action a year ago, except for me, everyone died.”

“That was really bad news.” I said regretfully.

“Yes, we lost one fourth-level cultivator, seven fifth-level cultivators, and three sixth-level cultivators. This loss made our Adeline Association from a top organization to a second-tier organization. And I blamed my dereliction of duty, which led to such consequences.”

I probably knew what she wanted to say, so I comforted: “You don’t have to blame yourself too much. After all, Bingyin Valley suddenly appeared. This is a variable you can’t predict.”

She changed the subject: “I heard that Bingyin Valley acquired the’Gathering Ghost Flower’, what do you think about it?”

“No opinion, what does it have to do with me?”

Angela stared into my eyes: “There were many monsters that saw you and a woman from Bingyin Valley fighting against the enemy. After investigation, the woman was originally the deacon of Bingyin Valley, but the spirit gathering ghost. After Hua’ disappeared, the woman returned to Bingyin Valley again, and her status was immediately promoted to the elder. What do you think about this?”

I shrugged my shoulders: “You think too much, I really didn’t inform Bingyin Valley. You should know that Bingyin Valley is very close there, and a large number of monsters gather in the valley, how could Bingyin Valley be? Can’t find it? What’s more, if I was really telling the news, would I still sit here and talk to you?”

“You can rely on it, your woman is the elder of Bingyingu, I won’t dare to touch you if I eat it!”

I rolled my eyes: “Affirm that it is not my woman.”

Angela sighed: “It was only in that battle that the Adeline Association became a second-rate organization. It was because of my organization that it became like this. Over the past year, I have often received cold-eyed accusations from everyone…your Ability is very strong. If you join the Adeline Association, I will not blame for the past.”

I said embarrassingly: “I’m afraid this won’t work. I have already joined the reincarnation city. Go and talk to the commander of the reincarnation city, see if you can let me withdraw from the reincarnation city and join the Adeline Association?”

“You want to bluff me?” Angela frowned.

“No, no, what I said is true. By the way, my communicator number is 0000122, please remember it, anyway, you have been criticized in the Adeline Association. If you are interested in joining the reincarnation city, just come Find me.” I said half-jokingly.

Angela froze for a moment, as if she also knew what the number represented. He pressed the communicator on his wrist a few times.

Soon, my communicator vibrated, and I pressed the ‘connect’ button, Angela’s 3D image was projected from the communicator, and my 3D image was also projected from her communicator.

“I didn’t expect you to have such an identity. Well, if one day I can’t get along in the organization, I will go to Samsara City to find you.”

I also froze for a moment: “Are you serious?”

“What? You regretted it?” Angela asked.

“No, no, no, welcome, welcome.” I said slightly excited.

I have accepted my fate. Since I am going to serve in the city of Reincarnation for 30 years, I have to do my job well. If Angela, a level four powerhouse, joins, the strength of my team will increase a lot.

But I am also a little stressed. Although this communicator is rather bluffing, and I have successfully lied to two people, what if I wear it to help? It seems that I must quickly make military merits and become a real squadron leader as soon as possible. Otherwise, when Angela went to find me, she found that I was just a small captain, so she might turn around and leave…


Xu Xiaoling and I took the teleportation array back to Betram City. After all, the mission has to be executed.

I want to get the most military merits and the most rewards! With Xu Xiaoling, a phantom cultivator by his side, many things will become simpler.

Xu Xiaoling became my clothes again.

I agreed with my staff to meet in the conference room today. When I walked into the conference room, I found that I was the last one to come back.

I said with satisfaction: “Everyone is very punctual, very good. Tomorrow, a group of five people will secretly inquire about the “Twilight Association” news. Note, I would rather not find out the news than expose it. I don’t Hope any of you have an accident, understand?”

Most of the soldiers showed a touch of emotion.

Of course I am buying people’s hearts and letting these people help me. Of course, I really don’t want anyone to die.

The fifth-level soldier Locke hesitated to speak, and I said: “Locke, now my name is you as the deputy captain, and the next actions are under your command. I want to practice in retreat. I always feel that I am about to break through the seventh level.” /

Locke choked and said with a weird look: “Okay, good captain.”

As I walked outside the door, I said: “Okay, I’ll go first, Locke, let you arrange it, and I will make peace with you after I break through.”

All the way back to the room, I touched my clothes and said, “It feels good to be a shopkeeper.”

Xu Xiaoling changed back to his own appearance: “You, you did a good job just now.”

I smiled: “Really? Are there any rewards?”

Xu Xiaoling gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I said: “Okay, Ningrou, become my clothes, and then I have to do business.”

Xu Xiaoling hugged me, her body quickly deformed, and she quickly turned into a purple striped trench coat, which she wore on me.

I closed the curtains, took out a small porcelain bottle, and released the soul of Skyfire.

The soul of Tianhuo floated out and looked around: “Where is this place?”

I replied: “Battlem City, remember, I told you that I have someone in Reincarnation City, and I can leave Reincarnation City this year. In fact, I left Reincarnation City two months ago, but I have dealt with some personal matters, so I let you out now, sorry.”

“It doesn’t matter, I didn’t expect that I would still be able to leave Reincarnation City alive.” Tianhuo sighed.

I nodded: “Brother Tianhuo, I won’t go around with you. I still remember that you promised me that if I took you out of the city of reincarnation, you would tell me several secret methods of fire hidden cultivation, even one of them. This kind is more powerful than Skyfire Six Strikes! Now I have fulfilled my promise, and it is your turn to fulfill it.”

“Of course. But before fulfilling my promise, I have to make sure if I am in Portreme.”

I opened the corner of the curtain and said, “I definitely didn’t lie to you, don’t worry, we are now located in the XX Hotel in Bertram City.”

Tianhuo was silent for a while: “Okay, I will tell you the strongest trick now. That trick is called “Fire Palm”, and through the compression of the fire element, it bursts out a powerful attack power! After being proficient, it will be better than the “Tianhuo” The power of the sixth strike is even more terrible! And it consumes less hidden energy. Of course, you also understand that the more powerful the trick, the more disadvantages. For example, the six strikes of the sky fire, the disadvantage is the consumption of hidden power. The amount is too large. At the same time, the interval between the first and second blows is too long, and the high-speed rotation of the hidden force will also hurt the body. The disadvantage of the “Fire Palm” is that the preparation time is too long, and it hurts the enemy when it breaks out. It hurts myself.”

I said: “I understand this. Brother Tianhuo, let’s talk about the cultivation method of this trick. I can’t wait.”

Tianhuo drew the practice method of this trick on a notebook. I picked up the notebook and looked at it. He hesitantly asked: “Brother Tianhuo, you painted it from memory. There will be no problem, right?”

Tianhuo said with certainty: “There will be absolutely no problem, don’t worry. This’Fire Palm’ was also found in the ruins. I was planning to use this as a betrothal gift for Alice, but I didn’t expect…” /

I said comfortingly: “Tianhuo, don’t think about the past, just look away. But…I don’t know whether the trick you gave me is true or false. In order to show your sincerity, in the next few days In the sky, I hope you stay in this room. Of course, it’s a bit rude to do this, but I hope you can forgive me. When I am sure this trick is true, I will pay you a new body.”

Tianhuo nodded: “I will stay in the room, you can rest assured that you practice.”

Then…I was studying “Huo Fen Palm” while talking to Tian Huo, and from time to time I revealed to him the idea of ​​”Unwilling” in Samsara City, hoping that someone would discover my talents and reuse them.

Two days later…

Tianhuo suddenly asked: “Brother Sansara, are you really just a guard in Reincarnation City?”

I sighed: “Yes, haven’t you seen my standard light armor? You should have seen it when you broke into the city of reincarnation, the dress of the defender. Although I am a seventh-level cultivator, After the burst of strength, I can kill the fourth-level 9-dan cultivator! I have such a strong ability, but I can’t be reused. I am too disappointed in the city of reincarnation, alas…”

Tianhuo was silent for a while, and said: “Brother San Fat, if you can trust me, it is better for me to recommend an organization to you, where you will definitely be reused.”

The corners of my mouth are slightly tilted, and the fish finally got the bait…

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