The King’s Avatar Chapter 951: Opportunity

Chapter 951 Opportunity

Team Hundred Blossoms‘s fans often thinks of seeing Bloody Flower Garden Scenery again, but I’m afraid no one will think that when they see Bloody Flower Garden Scenery again, it will look like this. (“”)

This is a much more gorgeous Bloody Flower Garden Scenery than on the professional competition field. Because in online game, more people can be killed. Flying Upwards‘s blood flower splashing through the light and shadow of gunfire is really enough to be a blood scene. Blossom Valley‘s gamers keeps falling. They were surprised, angry, and unwilling, but refused to retreat until another sword light entered the battlefield, Yu Feng finally make a move, two handles Greatsword, collided fiercely.

Blossom Valley‘s gamers is out of breath. They stare blankly at the Berserker called Sleeping Whole Summer Again. Who is this person? Is the name of overhead Heavenly Justice the Berserker of Team Heavenly Sword?

The original gamers is not as high as Pro-player. You can judge this Character’s controller from an Character’s fighting style. However, for many old fans of Team Hundred Blossoms, Sun Zheping, this is also a name they will never forget, his wild and crazy fighting style, like the imprint on everyone’s mind forever.

Looking at this Sleeping Whole Summer Again, the name that has been sealed for a long time can’t help but burst into the hearts of everyone.

But they didn’t have a chance to ask one more question.

Sleeping Whole Summer Again, Charming Light Flower, a combination of their favorite Hundred Blossoms Berserker and Spitfire, are attacking them. Berserker from Yu Feng jumped out and was quickly involved in Bloody Flower Garden Scenery.

It’s not hard to tell who is really guarding them at this moment. Hundred Blossoms‘s gamers also ignores Awareness. Have they overlooked the new core of Team Hundred Blossoms too much?

“All Heal(er), all to the team healing !!!” Blossom Valley guild leader Blooming Blossom first responded and issued a roar. He is a Hundred Blossoms fan, but he is also a member of the management team of Hundred Blossoms Club. At this time, he is more able to save reason. It is the only remaining in Blossom Valley gamers and he can remember what they are doing.

Meeting Charming Light Flower of Zhang Jiale here, and then making such a situation, it is really not what he wants to see. The latest chapter of the church and his thoughts actually represent the will of Hundred Blossoms Club.

Club is a thousand times more sane than fans. Zhang Jiale is not willing to look back, they will not miss fans like this. The influence of Zhang Jiale in Hundred Blossoms, at this time, has become a constraint for them to want to change and further development.

How to eliminate the tragic impact of Zhang Jiale comeback from retirement Tyranny on Hundred Blossoms, Club has been trying to solve it. Blooming Blossom has participated in such meetings many times.

Hundred Blossoms fans are obsessed with the past, and not cold or warm to the new core Great God Yu Feng, which is actually a headache and helpless thing for Club.

At this moment, when seeing Berserker of Yu Feng rushing up, Correct Zhang Jiale and make a move suspected Sun Zheping towards Hundred Blossoms Guild, Blooming Blossom suddenly Awareness arrived, this is an unprecedented good opportunity.

The new Hundred Blossoms hero is bound to be born today. In any case, he must be highlighted.

Then Blooming Blossom issued that shout, so that everyone present at Hundred Blossoms noticed Yu Feng, so that everyone was Awareness to who was at Guardian when their favorite combination attacked them.

“To the team !!!”

In the Hundred Blossoms gamers array, this cry of heartfelt support was soon issued.

“Don’t worry about me, the Team spreads out, pulls away, and bombs with long-range attack map!” Yu Feng‘s voice came from Bloody Flower Garden Scenery, not a clever instruction, but at this time it seemed to be Hundred Blossoms‘s guiding light same as / in general. All Hundred Blossoms gamers immediately and actively did as instructed by Yu Feng.

However, this method can’t break Bloody Flower Garden Scenery, it can only reduce its killing nothing more. Even with wide range attack map bombing, under the cover of Hundred Blossoms Fighting Style, Zhang Jiale and Sun Zheping, two old experience-rich Great Gods, can still shuttle freely among them.

Front-to-head with the two is still Yu Feng‘s Berserker. Although Blooming Blossom shouted for Heal(er) support, it was shrouded in light and shadow of Hundred Blossoms Fighting Style. They could not find where Berserker of Yu Feng was at all. The temple was approaching again, and it was possible to step out of the Bloody Flower Garden Scenery. Two Heal(er)s whose names suddenly darkened and automatically retreated from Group told people about the rushed approach.

Yu Feng allows everyone to disregard him and disperse and retreat. Obviously, they don’t want them to get involved in Bloody Flower Garden Scenery and be killed.

“Yu team …” All Hundred Blossoms gamers, at this moment, finally accepted this new core from the bottom of my heart. However, can Bloody Flower Garden Scenery be broken by Yu Feng alone?

Zhang Jiale and Yu Feng played Bloody Flower Garden Scenery. It is just a coincidence that it is impossible for them to repeat or continue. The real Bloody Flower Garden Scenery was created by the two talented players Zhang Jiale and Sun Zheping after running through the entire Season.

Pro League Third Season, Bloody Flower Garden Scenery grinding synthetic type, swept the alliance immediately, all major Team were startled by this unprecedented strategy, lost in the indistinguishable southeast and northwest.

Bloody Flower Garden Scenery reached its peak in that Season, but it also ended at the peak.

All the way into the Team Hundred Blossoms of Finals, in the end fell under the three time back to back Champions great cause that Team Excellent Era has not been surpassed so far. Bloody Flower Garden Scenery was broken by One Autumn Leaf Evil Annihilation. The Great God Ye Qiu, who set up such a great cause, also accepted an interview after that Winning a Championship. Although it was only on the QQ, it also left a popular sentence: “A set of strategy is enough to use a few times, and to use it dozens of times. , Annoying? “

But even if there is such a sentence Provoke, Bloody Flower Garden Scenery has not been reduced to a joke. After all, only Ye Qiu Great God is qualified to say this. Others also want to say this, first try to break Bloody Flower Garden Scenery.

No strategy or Tactic is absolutely invincible, but Bloody Flower Garden Scenery is almost invincible existence in Hundred Blossoms fans. But now, they are looking forward to Yu Feng breaking Bloody Flower Garden Scenery. Because of this symbol, already is no longer exclusive to Hundred Blossoms, but has become the enemy of Hundred Blossoms.

Blooming Blossom sweated.

This is a good opportunity for Yu Feng to really take over. Club has been hoping that he can really take over the banner of Hundred Blossoms as soon as possible, so that fans of Hundred Blossoms don’t think about already as Player and Character which is no longer Hundred Blossoms.

Now, such an opportunity is here, but it is too difficult.

As of Sun Zheping‘s retirement, Bloody Flower Garden Scenery disappears. Since the two-and-a-half Season, the only person who broke the Bloody Flower Garden Scenery in front was the only One Autumn Leaf in the third Season’s Final.

Yu Feng is a very good player, but already has reached the height of Ye Qiu that year?

I’m afraid no one would think so.

But then again, no matter Zhang Jiale or Sun Zheping, already has passed its peak. Sun Zheping has suffered many years of injury and retreat. At this time, somehow, whether it is true or not remains to be determined. Neither of these are the heights of the past. It is Yu Feng. At a time when the state is like a mid-day strike, maybe it can really break this Bloody Flower Garden Scenery here?

Blooming Blossom is looking forward to it. After all, building an image in Hundred Blossoms gamers in this way is far more than singing a bitter drama stronger . In the end, the Hundred Blossoms fans is still not as good as it once was.

Blooming Blossom‘s thoughts are flipped, and there are even ways to think about whether cheating can help Yu Feng. Unfortunately, I can’t think of it. This professional level duel is fundamentally different from the thinking field of ordinary players . Blooming Blossom looked at Group, Yu Feng Berserker‘s blood strips were getting lower and lower, and he was anxious under his heart. It was suddenly discovered that due to light and shadow occlusion, they could not see the tragedy of Yu Feng at this time. It was estimated that in the end threw a corpse out. In this way, the efforts of Yu Feng are completely assimilated into ordinary people who die when they go in. This bitter show is how much identification can be found, which is debatable.

Opportunity! opportunity!


At this time, Yu Feng didn’t have such a thought.

He came forward, full of blood.

He heard the conversation between Sun Zheping and Zhang Jiale and cut off the past. Should he use this method? Yu Feng was very disagreeable and he even felt angry. Because he is in Hundred Blossoms, he knows more about what Zhang Jiale means to this group than others. So when Zhang Jiale initially slammed his gun at Hundred Blossoms gamers, he rushed out for maintenance. Not only for Zhang Jiale, but also for Hundred Blossoms fans and damage.

As a result, a Sleeping Whole Summer Again jumped out.

Really, cruelly this is the way to say goodbye to Hundred Blossoms fans.

Yu Feng is totally unacceptable.

He stepped forward without considering any consequences. He just wanted to do everything he could do right now, probably just fighting …

It really is difficult to deal with …

Hundred Blossoms introduced Yu Feng, and also wanted to reshape Bloody Flower Garden Scenery. Of course, this strategy, Yu Feng has done a lot of research, and watched countless previous Team Hundred Blossoms Twin Flower Combo competition video. So at this time he is more convinced than others. The Berserker in front of him is really the old Number One Berserker Sun Zheping.

And when he was actually in Bloody Flower Garden Scenery, he also found out that this strategy was really difficult to deal with.

I’m afraid I can’t …

Seeing that HP plummeted to the end, Yu Feng sighed deeply. He could only do this to Guardian of Hundred Blossoms. The last trace of HP is completely burned out!

Yu Feng desperately opened “Bloodthirst“. This is the state-type Ultimate Skill that Berserker increased in 75 stages. After the Bloodthirst status is turned on, Berserker will directly improve its combat effectiveness by absorbing its own HP.

Yu Feng‘s Berserker is not much already HP at this time, Bloodthirst‘s enhanced combat power is limited, but this is more symbolic of his attitude of fighting to the end. When the HP has only 1 left, launch the final blow and then finish the HP.

A bright red sword light was cut from Bloody Flower Garden Scenery, and Bloody Flower Garden Scenery ended in this beheading.

Charming Light Flower‘s attack stopped, and the light and shadow suddenly dispersed. Everyone saw that Charming Light Flower had been cut to the ground by Berserker of Yu Feng.


Last night … I just wrote it …

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