The King’s Avatar Chapter 826: Interview Happy

The King’s Avatar826, The King’s Avatar Chapter 826 interview with Happy

This article is from [Yes ~ Look ~ Piaotian Literature] The weather on Friday is good. Excellent Era has a day off and let the players take a rest (high-quality text starters, all in%). This is a habit when participating in Pro League , and it is usually closed on the second day of the competition day. Only now, because I was participating in Challenge Tournament, the usual Friday game day became a rest day, which made the Pro-players used to Pro League a bit uncomfortable.

Don’t mention the players, it is Excellent Era‘s Manager Cui Li. I got up early this morning and found that there was nothing to prepare for the game, and it was a little bit lost.

Cui Li, who was a little bit nervous, finally decided to go out for a walk.

Cui Li can also be regarded as a person who is devoted to work. I haven’t got married yet, so I often live in Club. This time out of the Club gate, the first thing that caught the eye was the diagonally opposite Happy Internet Cafe, and the mood was even worse.

This Season is not good! Cui Li couldn’t help but also sighed. For giants such as Excellent Era, this Season is actually going to play Challenge Tournament, so even if it wins the victory of in the end, it is not something worth celebrating, isn’t it justified?

It can be seen that for the entire Season, there will be no brow and exhalation for Excellent Era.

The Cui Li standing outside the Club gate was holding a lazy waist, wondering where to go. Suddenly, an electric bicycle slipped past him in a crooked manner, and it stopped reluctantly. The people in the car scratched their heads awkwardly, and then said hello to Cui Li: “Manager Cui, you are early!”

Cui Li, when he saw it, he was happy, of course he knew this guy. Chang Xian, E-Sports Home just sent intern reporters to the City H interview station last year. Followed interviews with Excellent Era many times. Now one year has passed, the guy should have turned right, but this mechanical skill riding an electric bike is really not too complimented! Cui Li secretly fortunately that he has not yet started to cross the road just now, otherwise it would not be impossible for him to run directly under the wheel.

“Oh, it’s Little Chang!” Cui Li teased while he was happy. “Your car skills really need to be improved compared to your writing skills!”

Chang Xian scratched his head and continued to smile embarrassedly.

“Where are you going so early in the morning?” Cui Li asked.

“Come for an interview.” Chang Xian answered honestly.

Listen to Cui Li. My mood suddenly improved. As Club‘s Manager, he has to consider not only the wins and losses in the Club Team competition, but he has to consider the operation of the entire Club. Excellent Era is out, and this year’s attention will inevitably be reduced a lot. Accepted sponsorship or advertising endorsements. This Season already cannot be described as less, basically it is in a stagnant state. Merchants don’t care how brilliant your past is, since this Season doesn’t have the exposure it deserves. The investment in you is worthy of careful consideration. Excellent Era‘s situation is pretty good, after all, the future can still be expected, so some sponsors did not immediately walk away, and have a good intention with Excellent Era. The specific implementation, but have to wait for Excellent Era to return to Pro Alliance.

At this time, Excellent Era can still get media attention and more exposure. For Cui Li, Manager, who is considering Character, it is worthwhile to be happy. More such attention. It can also make sponsors more confident in Excellent Era!

Cui Li The smile on his face does not change, and he is ready to say hello Chang Xian ,did not expect Chang Xian on already Rearranged the parking spaces, then Cui Li He waved: ” Manager Cui You are busy, I’m leaving now! “

The smile on Cui Li‘s face suddenly froze. When already reached his mouth, he rolled his tongue back quickly. At this moment, his face was a little panicky.

Shit, didn’t you want to interview us Excellent Era? Fortunately, I didn’t talk about myself. Otherwise, it’s really awkward.

Cui Li Of course it is clear that the e-sports project is the most popular of Glory, but there are many other games coexisting. E-Sports Home is a comprehensive e-sports media, and there are corresponding reports on these other game projects. Just because the report is mainly Glory, for the convenience of illustration, the interview station on City H was arranged near Club, Excellent Era, which is the closest to City H‘s only pro team.

Is Chang Xian going to interview Team of other games? Cui Li think so. But when I saw that the electric bicycle on which Chang Xian sat down began to shake, I suddenly had a very unpleasant hunch. If it is near here, there are no other games like pro team. Electric bicycles are not suitable for walking too far, right? Then this Chang Xian interview. Not Excellent Era, is it …

Thinking. Seeing that the electric bike of Chang Xian is finally on the road, it turns straight and rushes towards the opposite Happy Internet Cafe.

Interview with Happy.

At this time, Cui Li really had mixed tastes, and there were all kinds of unexplainable feelings. Standing on the side of the road, he started to stay.

Chang Xian rode an electric bicycle, staggered across the road, followed the sidewalk, and then wanted to stop at the gate of Internet Cafe, but this guy’s car skills are really bad to the point of indignation, so simple a utilize is not good, When the electric bike stopped, even the already parked with half of the body …

Cui Li seems to hear some screams from Internet Cafe on the opposite side. Suddenly, an electric bicycle running into the house may startle the eyewitnesses (high-quality text starters, all in%).

Then I saw Chang Xian quickly jumped off the car, scratching his head in embarrassment, quickly pushed the car out and parked, then rushed back into Happy Internet Cafe.


Cui Li Although he was upset, he also had to admit that beating Team Everlasting‘s Happy last night did indeed arouse the curiosity of some audiences and was indeed worth a little interview. But now I look at the interview station staff set up for them to a great extent, but they are rushing to interview this subject who made them disgusting, let alone the sorrow of Cui Li.

Seeing is out of sight!

Cui Li thought angrily, and stepped in the opposite direction. His eyes were gone now, but his thoughts couldn’t help but always think there. Happy, what kind of reports will you get?

Happy Internet Cafe.

Chang Xian rode a car and ran straight. It was easy to explain clearly, then explained the intention. The front desk of Internet Cafe listened to this. It had to be reported by Owner first.

Chen Guo now often lives in rented houses in the community. Last night, Happy gained a big victory, even opponent, which is so difficult to deal with Team Everlasting. After the game, everyone also celebrated. At this time early in the morning, Chen Guo received a call from Internet Cafe and thought there was something. As a result, when a reporter wanted to interview them, or E-Sports Home, the extremely authoritative print media, Chen Guo was a little dumbfounded.

“You will wait a moment.” After Chen Guo and the other side threw a sentence, turned around and let Ye Xiu go.

E-Sports Home wants to interview? This is a good one. It is a good opportunity to expand its popularity.” Ye Xiu nodded after hearing.

“So, should we accept it?” Chen Guo said.

“There is no reason not to accept it!” Ye Xiu said.

“Well … what about you?” Of course Chen Guo knows that Ye Xiu has never been interviewed. Even the pre-match press conferences that players are obligated to participate in have never been attended. Such regulations are not enforced, and the league will not use penalties and other means to punish, basically it is a fine. As a result, Ye Xiu never paid attention, and the fine was paid, and no press conference was left. As a result, both sides of in the end have formed coordination. The account Ye Xiu of the alliance that pays fines is clearer than its own account. Regular monthly payments are made, and the alliance is also crying with laughter (high-quality text first, all in%). Such unpunished guys really make people lose their temper. Penalties for the in the end league are a little soft-hearted, but there is no way to stand by the rules. This is a net open. How can you explain to those players who comply with the regulations? So from the beginning there was controversy. Both sides of in the end acquiesced in this matter. On the one hand, the fine was handed over, and on the other side, they would not take the question of repeated repeated penalties and bad plots.

“I? The people who come will not know who I am, right?” Ye Xiu said.

“Did you say you were Ye Xiu?” Chen Guo wondered.

“Yeah!” Ye Xiu nodded.

“So, haven’t you been interviewed yet?” Chen Guo asked.

doesn’t matter.” Ye Xiu smiled, “It won’t be too much anyway.”

“Why not too much?” Chen Guo wondered.

“Because I don’t have much time!” Ye Xiu said.

“…” Chen Guo did not expect that this guy actually said this, and for a while I didn’t know how to answer it. Ye Xiu initially evaded the media and refused to expose it. He was afraid he would be found at home and run away. Later, although it was no longer necessary to escape from home like this, this habit was eventually continued. Ye Xiu originally thought that he would hold the identity authenticated with his brother’s ID card until the end of his career, but he did not expect that this happened at the end of his career.

He regained the identity of Ye Xiu, and when he re-comeback from retirement, he did not plan to continue the name of Ye Qiu. Too many things, after going through it once, he was too lazy to tangle with already.

Chen Guo respects the will of Ye Xiu and didn’t say much. Then he picked up cell phone and let the reporter from Internet Cafe tell E-Sports Home to come here.

“Uh, do you ask the others what they mean? Maybe there are still people who are not willing to be interviewed?” Ye Xiu said.

“Oh … you’re right!” Chen Guo heard this reminder, and immediately got awakened, and at the touch of Ye Xiu‘s gaze, he knew that two people thought about it.

Tang Rou, living in Happy Internet Cafe for so long, Chen Guo has not explored the details of others. But individuals can be sure, this is by no means a person who needs to be a little girl to talk about life in Internet Cafe. It is just like that, with that temperament, do whatever you want / casual can exchange a few photos for the fee.

Tang Rou‘s background will not be simple, or maybe she is not willing to accept such exposure?


First more! (To be continued)

The King’s Avatar826, The King’s Avatar Chapter 826 Interview with Happy update is complete!

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