The King’s Avatar Chapter 608: Unbelievable things

Chapter 608 Incredible Things

The little cashier girl stunned her time. The long-haired young man already quickly glanced at cell phone, raised her head while “oh oh oh”, and smiled confidently: “Is Chen Guo in?”

Steamed Bun!” At this point, someone already called out at the cash register. Ye Xiu and Chen Guo two people are standing on this side! When the Internet Cafe broadcast game is hot, neither of them will run to compete for a good position with the guests, usually just shrink to the cashier’s side and watch it from a distance.

“Huh?” The man answered his voice, turned his head, and saw a man and a woman around him smiling at him.

Lord Grim, Chasing Haze.” Ye Xiu introduced him and Chen Guo each with ID in the game.

“Oh, my name is Steamed Bun Invasion, I am here!” Steamed Bun Invasion said.

“I see you here.” Ye Xiu smiled.

“What’s going on, is anyone messing up? I’m here to help !!!” Steamed Bun Invasion is also a master who doesn’t know anything at all, quickly integrated into the Character of Happy Internet Cafe, and already began to pull his sleeves.

“No, this is a broadcast game!” Chen Guo said quickly, for fear of Steamed Bun Invasion‘s blood being too fast, immediately start group mocking aggro.

“Competition? There are very few competitions at this time! Serie A or La Liga?” Steamed Bun Invasion asked wonderingly.

“It’s Glory League,” Chen Guo said.

Glory League … Oh!” Steamed Bun Invasion was a stunned Expression, and then took it seriously: “There is nothing wrong, we are going to play Pro League , it is very necessary to look at the Pro League game so that we can understand Our opponent, who is the opponent we are going to observe today? “

These words have just come to an end, and the host ’s shout sounded on broadcast. The highlight of this round of the league, the match of Team Excellent EravsTeam Void is about to start.

“Oh, Excellent Era, Void, these two team, please observe carefully.” Steamed Bun Invasion said seriously.

“Then watch the game first …” Ye Xiu said.

“Required!” Steamed Bun Invasion turned his head, maintaining the shape of standing in front of the cash register, and began to seriously watch the game without blinking.

“I’m pretty sure this person is Steamed Bun Invasion.” Chen Guo whispered to Ye Xiu.

“It won’t be Old Wei anyway,” said Ye Xiu.

“Why?” Chen Guo asked.

Ye Xiu turned her head and glanced at her: “I know Old Wei.”

“Okay …” Chen Guo had to admit that he asked an idiot.

The game starts quickly. Due to the Excellent Era competition, today Internet Cafe crowded a lot of Excellent Era fans wires. This start immediately shouted loudly, and there was no lack of anxiety in the voice. Now the Excellent Era fans wires are quite worried about the current situation of Team.

Jeez! Is the sound of Excellent Era loud? Shouldn’t fans of Team Void be lost to them!” Steamed Bun Invasion watched the game, but commented on the audience of fans in Internet Cafe, but the Void fans he directed did not happen Speak out immediately and compete with Excellent Era. The shout of Excellent Era fans silk drowned everything.

Void is too impulsive, I think I will lose tonight!” From this, Steamed Bun Invasion made a great inference.

“Watch the game Steamed Bun …” Ye Xiu said.

“Received!” Steamed Bun Invasion saluted Ye Xiu and continued to follow the game.

As the game progressed, the anger and anxiety component of Excellent Era fans‘s shouts grew more and more. One, two, and three. The three men who played Individual Competition Excellent Era simply lost three consecutive games, making the Excellent Era fans in Happy Internet Cafe instantly frantic. Even when Steamed Bun Invasion looked at the result, he muttered in a stunned voice: “Impossible! How could this happen!” It seemed that he was quite confident in his previous inference.

The second round of the scolding started in the scolding. The game was frustrated, everyone was nervous, but finally, Excellent Era took Arena Match and grabbed two points. After sighing a little sigh of relief, the Excellent Era fans silk began to make more sense. Pay close attention to the most important Team Match.

“What do you think of tonight?” Chen Guo likes to listen to Ye Xiu‘s predictions for each match. Although it is impossible to guess the final result, the analysis of the head is still very knowledgeable. Chen Guo feels that its Glory level has not improved much from mechanical skill, but listening to Ye Xiu from time to time said these, the theoretical level has been greatly improved, and now you can gradually see some doorways when you watch the game, sometimes you can despise comment(ator) and The consultant said that the reviews were not enough.

“It’s worth saying.” Ye Xiu shook his head, his face was not very good-looking.

“Will Excellent Era lose?” Chen Guo looked at Ye Xiu, and had a hard time holding back the hilarity. She is now looking forward to Excellent Era. However, looking at such emotions as Ye Xiu, she is always embarrassed, and she still understands Ye Xiu‘s feelings for Team. So at this time, in order to resist laughing, Chen Guo will think more about Su Mucheng, think about Su Mucheng in this team will follow unlucky. In this way, she will not laugh at Excellent Era bad luck, and tried again and again.

Excellent Era is really a mess now,” Ye Xiu said.

“The outside world is analyzing the cause, but I think it’s the main one.” Chen Guo said that the one she said was, of course, the Excellent Era main force in online game, and it was Ye Xiu with a group of online game gamers Hit a win. Since then, the state of Team Excellent Era has been worse than it has been.

“It’s not just that. There are too many flaws in Excellent Era now, and no one has thought of ways to solve them.” Ye Xiu said.

“It’s really a shame! Mu Mu will stay in Excellent Era but it will be deserted. Is there any way to let her leave in advance?” Chen Guo started to make this idea. If Su Mucheng is gone, she can rest assured. Damned Excellent Era and died.

As a result, Ye Xiu did not answer this question: “Keep going like this, Excellent Era this Season is really about to get out.”

“No, right? Isn’t Mu Mu miserable?”

“One more thing, if Excellent Era is out, then they will be the opponent that we may encounter on Challenge Tournament. Challenge Tournament with Excellent Era is the most difficult one in history!” Ye Xiu said.

“Ah …” Chen Guo didn’t expect this at all. At this time, it was said by Ye Xiu that suddenly it was a surprise. Don’t look at Excellent Era is now too lazy in the league, but whether it is Character the Battle God, One Autumn Leaf, or Rookie King Sun Xiang, the strength is absolutely no moisture. Had it not been for such a solid foundation, Excellent Era‘s exit would not have been reported as a joke on April Fool’s Day. Obviously, for such a powerful Team out, both the media and fans will find it very incredible.

But there is nothing absolute in this world. Incredible things are happening step by step at this moment.

Team Match then started. The two sides faced each other, even Chen Guo shook his head. Excellent Era is trying to cooperate, but this cooperation is too mechanically rigid? There is no intention of making adjustments based on the actions of the other party. It seems that it is carried out scrupulously in accordance with the first exercise.

It turns out that everyone is meticulous in their execution, but the problem is that opponent will not be so rigid. As soon as Team Void made adjustments, Excellent Era‘s actions immediately seemed to be wrong, and then Team Void‘s Li Xuan and Wu Yuce twin Ghosts cooperated to show their might and completely control the situation, and Excellent Era went to defeat at a very fast pace. Even comment(ator) and consultants pointed out the problem of existence of Excellent Era.

Excellent Era members’ members already are afraid to lose, so they have no confidence to lose. They are not unaware that sometimes they need to make changes on the ground, but they dare not. They were all afraid of becoming sinners who lost the game because of this, so they all simply did it in accordance with their established Tactic guidelines.

It can be said that the execution of Team Excellent Era team members is now overkill to already. This is Professional League of PvP (Player versus Player). The machine accurately completes each step. That is strategy of dungeon under PvE (Player versus Environment). Can you play it in Pro League ?

At the end of the Excellent Era competition, several games in the same round were also completed in already, including Team Bright Green, which is now only one point behind Excellent Era. The fans went to check the real-time game results and points list, but Team Bright Green gave them a last bit of comfort. Because Bright Green, who completed the game almost at the same time, performed just as badly, and only scored 2 points like Team Excellent Era. The advantage of Team Excellent Era1 points is still there.

The Team in Relegations is not unfathomable, and it is not worse than Team Excellent Era. Speaking of which, although Excellent Era has been going backwards recently, the points obtained at the same time is not as good as Bright Green. But most of them are optimistic about Team Excellent Era.

After all, Excellent Era still has capital that can be turned over, and the strength of Team is there. What about Bright Green? The difference in strength is real, and now such a result is a manifestation of his strength, unlike Excellent Era, which can be said as a gimmick on April Fool’s Day.

At the end of the game, obviously Excellent Era fans silk was numb to the recent poor performance of Excellent Era already. They did not quarrel or scold, all of them were weak and weak, drifting away from Internet Cafe like homeless wild ghosts.

“It’s really a surprise to me that Excellent Era lost so much, eh.” Steamed Bun Invasion is still feeling freely, and still firmly believes that his voice should be won with a big voice. As for the analysis of the content of the game, his vision Not even Chen Guo.

“Okay, don’t forget about it.” Ye Xiu patted him, then turned to Chen Guo and said, “Let’s have a supper together, and give Steamed Bun comrades a wind.”

“Oh okay.” Chen Guo nodded and greeted Tang Rou.

“Hey, Steamed Bun!” Tang Rou didn’t squeeze into the crowd to watch the game before, then came down, and heard that Steamed Bun Invasion arrived, but also came to say hello.

Soft Mist.” Ye Xiu is still introduced under the name of game ID.

“Ah! is you! awesome! The game is great, in real life / actual person looks great. “Steamed Bun Invasion is filled with emotion.

“It looks terrible … is this a boast of me?” Tang Rou asked with a smile.

“Of course.” Steamed Bun Invasion nodded again and again.

“Well, now!” Chen Guo took out the Owner temperament, greeted several people to Internet Cafe together, and then brought everyone around in a familiar way. Ye Xiu saw a lot of emotions at first glance, he is also familiar with this place! When he was at Excellent Era, he didn’t come to this place for dinner late. It ’s just that people who often eat with themselves at that time …


Ye Xiu walked in and out while psychologically Event, and suddenly saw that the person he had just remembered was sitting here, and it was still the place where they used to sit.

Excellent Era‘s Owner, Tao Xuan.


The chapter number was mislabeled yesterday. . Back to the four hundred chapters … hurriedly correct today, let us return to the six hundred!

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