The King’s Avatar Chapter 561: I don’t remember much.

I do n’t remember Chapter 561.

“Is he really MT(main tank)?”

The gamers of the Happy Sheep squad team started to enter this one, and Happy Sheep received message from Group real MT(main tank). This is obviously a kind man, and doesn’t want to see the Unrivaled Super Hottie out of the picture, but also for the sake of security.

“Well, let him try it first, but stare next to you. If he can’t do it, he will take it over, and bother.” Happy Sheep explained.

“Okay!” Group‘s original MT(main tank) Seven-Leaves Flower listened to Group Happy Sheep so arranged, and did not reveal any discomfort, and did not say anything when it answered.

Happy Sheep is also very satisfied, their MT(main tank) Seven-Leaves Flower of Group is really a very good person. Unlike many MT(main tank), wiped out is reasonable and irrational, and scold Heal(er) is not good. What about Seven-Leaves Flower? Whenever wiped out, the first sentence first said: “My fault …” Then I went to analyze a bunch of him.

Now he confesses that he needs to keep an eye on him. It is foreseeable that if something happens that will cause losses, Seven-Leaves Flower will say that it was his fault. He is such an old man, even if he is ignorant of Unrivaled Super Hottie, Seven-Leaves Flower will do the same.

Thinking, Happy Sheep is also a little emotional, and my heart is determined, if something goes wrong, Seven-Leaves Flower must not be allowed to carry a bag. Even his own brother is fine. Who is this? Seek death by yourself, why can you let the honest Seven-Leaves Flower share for you?

Happy Sheep wanted to stop. When I saw that already was not around, everyone went into dungeon with already. They also went into teleport portal and teleport went into 100-man dungeon: Mausoleum in the sky.

Mausoleum in the sky is named after it, and it is a cemetery floating in the air. dungeon has a total of nine mini Bosss and is divided into nine Magic Blade mechanism (of a trap). After defeating the nine mini Bosss and destroying the nine mechanism (of a trap)s, the Mausoleum in the sky will lose the Knock-up effect and fall to the ground. At this time, the true gravekeeper of Mausoleum in the sky will appear, which is the last Boss of this dungeon. Defeating it is considered a 100% completely clear. And this dungeon’s hidden Boss is the ghost of the mausoleum owner.

The appearance of 100-man dungeon Hidden BOSS is exactly the same as an ordinary small book, but it hits character. The only difference is that Hundred People dungeon’s hidden Boss can go to the end or not. Never jump out of the middle like a regular book. After all, 100-man dungeon is rewarded with one point and one point in progress. Suddenly, it is too frustrating to jump out of Hidden BOSS whose strength exceeds last Boss. And if Hidden BOSS kills successfully, there will be an additional 20% completion bonus, regardless of completely clear or not, this 20% bonus will be issued to gamers.

Happy Sheep squad is the new Mausoleum in the sky this week. When we first entered dungeon, everyone paid attention to the system prompt of Hidden BOSS. Happy Sheep was the last one to enter, but before entering already, everyone saw in the channel that they regret to say that they did not see the hidden.

Although it’s not hidden, this trip dungeon has another fun. At this moment Unrivaled Super Hottie stood with the sword and shield in front, and there was no one around him. The other gamerss all kept a certain distance from this person just like hiding from the plague. Happy Sheep also looked funny, but then saw Seven-Leaves Flower stepping out of the crowd and standing beside Unrivaled Super Hottie.

“You’re MT(main tank), I’m second tank, you can’t stand it, just call me, don’t hold on.” Seven-Leaves Flower said honestly.

“Is Oh? only second tank? 3t and 4t?” Ye Xiu asked.

3t and 4t are the original second tank and 3t. Now Unrivaled Super Hottie has become MT(main tank) and Seven-Leaves Flower has been reduced to second tank. Of course, the two of them have been extended to 3t and 4t. The most tragic is the original 4t, so a continuation, it becomes 5t … but Mausoleum in the sky dungeon does not need 5t! Tears burst into tears.

second tank, 3t, and now 3t, 4t are obviously not good people like Seven-Leaves Flower. They were clicked by Unrivaled Super Hottie. After seeing the perspective of Seven-Leaves Flower turned around, after finding them in the crowd, in the end is not Reluctantly stood up.

“Everyone is Spirit, try harder!” shouted Ye Xiu.

“…” Everyone wanted to send a Expression with a middle finger, and held back.

“Are all Cleric ready?” Ye Xiu asked again

“…” is no one again. Fortunately, there is Happy Sheep in Cleric. When it is squad leader, it will try its best to maintain the atmosphere of Group. At this time, they stood out and said “Ready”, the other Cleric suddenly felt embarrassed and came out one after another.

DPS (damage dealers) …”

“Okay, okay, ready!”

This time Ye Xiu is only half way up, DPS (damage dealers) already can’t wait for Interrupt. This person told me all the way down, endless, really treat yourself as Great God?

“I mean, don’t worry too much about DPS (damage dealers).” Ye Xiu laughed.

“…” DPS (damage dealers) was finally speechless.

“So I’m Pull monsters?” Ye Xiu asked.

go to hell! Everyone said. It is Cleric who wants to pretend Disconnect / Drop, not Cleric who wants to bundle Cleric in the past.

However, these are unrealistic. squad leader Happy Sheep turned on, and Unrivaled Super Hottie immediately rushed up. In the eyes of everyone, the running posture was extremely ugly.

“He’s going to die soon,” someone said in a deep voice.

“Yes.” Everyone was inconvenient to speak on the channel, but whispering in voice in groups of three or five was still possible. If Unrivaled Super Hottie and guide only look at Boss, then it is possible to ignore many problems, such as this time when they entered the cemetery … But no one wants to remind everyone that everyone is waiting to see this guy’s howl!

“Beware of mechanism (of a trap) at the door!” Someone shouted, and everyone was no stranger to it, it was their original MT(main tank) Seven-Leaves Flower.

“Well …” Everyone sighed, Seven-Leaves Flower was too honest and kind.

“Well?” Ye Xiu should beep.

“Hahaha, look at him, it seems like cramps, what about hair?” Just listening to the sound of “咦”, Unrivaled Super Hottie suddenly murmured, and someone immediately started to laugh at it, but as soon as the voice fell, I saw Unrivaled Super Hottie‘s side A cold light suddenly rose, a spear jumping from underground.


Continuous ringing, one spear after another broke through the ground, all from the position where Unrivaled Super Hottie fell, but none of them were stabbed, because Unrivaled Super Hottie has been stinging, and people are disgusting. However, every single moment happened to pass by with a spear that broke through the ground.

“Is this dodging?”

Everyone was surprised. Obviously already looks in the eyes, but still can’t believe it, it is because the magnitude of this action is too fast and too small.

It’s not unusual to survive in this mechanism (of a trap). The mechanism (of a trap) at this door has been summarized by countless gamers dead bodies. How to go may not be triggered at all, every a player of Happy Sheep squad will. However, in the case of triggering mechanism (of a trap) in this way, they were unharmed, and it was their first experience.

“Oh, there is mechanism (of a trap), yes, I have forgotten it.” Everyone heard the most lonely mutter of this invincible, and then turned back to the perspective and shouted at them: “There is mechanism (of a trap) here, everyone beware ! “

Fuck, who needs you to tell me! !! Everyone held back again without sending the **** Expression.

“Great, you can completely escape.” At this time Seven-Leaves Flower already followed the most lonely side of Invincible.

“Where are you?” said Ye Xiu.

“You don’t need to trigger mechanism (of a trap), if you forget, just follow me!” Seven-Leaves Flower came to the front.

Do you want to be so kind? Everyone burst into tears, but then thought of it again, Unrivaled Super Hottie, so the name of 13, I’m afraid I will proudly say at this moment: “No need, I can pass on mechanism (of a trap)!”

But in fact they heard: “Really? So easy? I see how to go. “Speaking, Unrivaled Super Hottie followed the Seven-Leaves Flower decisively, and everyone was speechless again.

Then mechanism (of a trap) at the door, except that some lances were initially struck by Unrivaled Super Hottie. In the end, as usual, I followed the path of safety summarized by countless pioneers, and passed through one by one.

“Are you all here?” Then everyone heard that Unrivaled Super Hottie was caring about them.

“Come here.” The voice was so weak that only a few people were happy to answer.

Unrivaled Super Hottie doesn’t seem to care about this. Standing at the intersection after passing mechanism (of a trap), the body turns two circles in place: “Two ways? Huh? waits for me, I look at guide.”

“Okay, you don’t have to watch it, go to the left first.” Happy Sheep said weakly.

“Okay.” Unrivaled Super Hottie strode to the left.

“You …” Happy Sheep said only one word, and stopped for a while. The others frowned instantly, but after all, they said, “Be careful!”

It was just a moment when the sound came out. The two solid stone statues standing at the left and right of the intersection suddenly moved at an extremely fast speed.

The two stone swords have no brilliance, and they make a sound of Wind Howl coming out of the air, strangling together towards the Unrivaled Super Hottie who entered their attack circle within a few steps together.

“Ah!” Unrivaled Super Hottie screamed, and quickly evaded the previous Roll.

“*** !!!” As a result, this wonderful escape was in exchange for Happy Sheep, because the position of squad leader, for Unrivaled Super Hottie has been relatively tolerant to him, at this moment is the fastest cursed out. The reason is because he is squad leader, and he will ruthlessly scold such a guy who makes a difference.

Unrivaled Super Hottie towards the previous Roll, although it avoided the cross sword of the two stone statues at first, it rolled into the attack circle of the second pair of stone statues. This guy spurred four stone statues in one go!

Each soldier of 100-man dungeon is of ordinary dungeon mini BOSS level.

The entrance stone statue, the stronger Team, may be opened four at a time to kill, and Happy Sheep their Team, for safety, the biggest one is to open one. However, after killing them well, I gradually opened two to kill each time. From time to time, I still kill them. But this time, the newcomer, against his Provoke incomparable ID, actually gave them four at a time. Each.

When are they? Is the Tyrannical Ambition main team?


Second, Internet Cafe‘s machine is bad!

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