The King’s Avatar Chapter 267: Christmas Hunter List

Chapter 267 Christmas Hunter List

“Hmm!” Chen Guo is not as competitive as Tang Rou. Just because what I see is a gamers that is same Class and girl. Coupled with the moment of appearance, she was so envious that she was quite envious. So I asked a joke, but Ye Xiu seemed to say that she was better than her, and she was a little reluctant. The things that Launcher just made can be done by yourself! How can you tell that you are better than yourself?

“Shall I try again?”

Chen Guo heard that Tang Rou was talking there, apparently communicating with the characters in the game.

In the game, this time the situation of Tang Rou was just passing by, and the Su Mucheng quickly caught up to it was resolved. But if she continued, she would inevitably fall into this situation again. So Su Mucheng proposed that two people team together.

But Tang Rou is not that easy to subdue. Previously, because of insufficient preparation at the beginning, the more it attracted, the more it made it impossible to close the field. But from now on, Tang Rou thinks that if she pays more attention, the situation shouldn’t be so bad, so she told Su Mucheng that she would like to try again by herself.

“Oh, okay!” Su Mucheng said as he sent a smile, Expression, not too reluctantly. Subsequently, the two people who did not form a team, one facing east and one facing west, went in opposite directions.

Tang Rou let Soft Mist run a few steps, then let her stop first, then she looked at the screen of Ye Xiu, apparently she wanted to steal the teacher on the spot.

Ye Xiu, progress is super smooth. At first glance, there was no need to bother him with Tang Rou. He continued to turn around, still not disturbing any residents, and soon found another Christmas thief. However, Yu Guang in the corner of his eye caught already as he glanced at Tang Rou, and said while killing the Christmas thief, he said, “Don’t look at it, you can’t learn it after seeing you.”

“Why?” Tang Rou is pondering the way Ye Xiu just avoided monster all the way, and then he heard Ye Xiu talking to him.

expert, explain to her,” Ye Xiu said to Chen Guo.

“…” Chen Guo is speechless. It should be a pleasure to be called expert, but it is better to be called noobs as it was called noobs last night by someone who is obviously much taller than himself.

Chen Guo glanced at Ye Xiu, but came over to explain it to Tang Rou. I told her that the method used by Ye Xiu is not actually a skill. This is the positive of experience. It is the intuition and the intuition that Glory has been studied for many years. This is only possible for an old gamers. Any newbie, even the best mechanical skill player, cannot do this. Because it has nothing to do with skills, this is the sediment of time.

Tang Rou listened and nodded silently. This thing really can’t be copied. At a glance, what is the distance between the two? This Tang Rou can’t see a hundred eyes!

The Ye Xiu is not as smooth and smooth as the Tang Rou has to use some clumsy methods. For some places that are better to hide, just walk over, and for some places that seem more difficult to grasp, you no longer take risks, but choose to change the road: anyway, they are randomly walking around! When encountering some difficult to cross, but there are not many roads to choose from, it is said that they have to kill.

Tang Rou, relying on his own ability, finally got alone in Sin City. The Christmas thief also made her find two in succession, both were successfully killed. Fighting was easier for her than finding a way in the city.

So Chen Guo is the most depressing.

As soon as she was online, she hit a Christmas thief with good fortune, but after that, she never met one. It was difficult to meet one, but in the end, it was first snatched by others. Seeing that Tang Rou on the left and Ye Xiu on the right killed a thief for a while, Chen Guo scratched the keyboard with envy.

This new server is good! There is even such a Christmas thief that no one grabs. What about the Heavenly Domain where Chasing Haze of Chen Guo is at this time? Chen Guo went to some unpopular locations where almost no one would be usually, at this time it was overcrowded. The enthusiasm of gamers is really terrible.

Heavenly Domain is the same, the other nine old servers must be the same. And Heavenly Domain is also leaderboard of first server, gamers points in old server and points in Heavenly Domain will not substitute each other. Where does gamers start, or where has it continued. Because the official already clearly pointed out that if old server and Heavenly Domain have points on both sides, get a high prize, another in the end will not get a Christmas gift.

Chen Guo is naturally accurate at this time to mix in Heavenly Domain. She didn’t want to mix leaderboard, but she was looking forward to killing more Christmas thieves, so that the final gift could be richer. As a result, Event started an hour, and Chen Guo pitifully killed only three Christmas thieves.

Although it is three, the gain is not small. max-level gamers After killing the thief to find Santa Claus in exchange for a gift package, the experience given by the package is automatically converted to money, plus other random rewards. This time, catching three Christmas thieves this hour, the harvest is better than usual. Rich, this is also why Event always makes gamers rush.

But it is more exciting to gamers, maybe those System Announcement.

In System Announcement, from time to time, there will be a flash of message of what gamers obtained in the gift package.

This will be on TV. Of course, what you get is certainly not simple. Item(s) / Equipment are all purple characters, uncommon material rare, or map with hidden dungeon, or Summon scroll with Boss, stats scroll with Item(s) / Equipment, Ability scroll with VT13, and even Skill Book

These rewards are better than the others, and they are all randomly awarded in the Christmas gift package awarded by Santa after the Christmas thief is caught. Regardless of the probability of this reward, gamers is already willing to fight for it.

Either hi, or weep, or show character in the world, or curse the system in the world, gamers can make any extraordinary move, but no one is willing to give up to continue this Event.

Three Christmas thieves.

Judging from many tears on World chat channel, gamers who did not kill an hour for an hour, Chen Guo‘s harvest has been pretty good, and she hasn’t spent at least this hour. However, this kind of thing is the most afraid of comparison.

The Chen Guo is happier than those with tears in their faces; but compared to these two people around, Chen Guo has scratched the keyboard already and wants to scratch people.

Tang Rou on the left, already killed nine Christmas thieves in one hour.

The Ye Xiu on the right is more exaggerated. At this time, already killed fourteen Christmas thieves.

Can Chen Guo burst into tears? She didn’t even reach Ye Xiu. On her side, every time a Christmas thief was killed, she was so excited that she rushed back to find Santa Claus for a gift package and anxiously won the prize. What about people? The package already is full of stolen stolen gifts, but it seems that people do not plan to go to Santa Claus until the package is filled.

Chen Guo is depressed! Fill up the package? What an impractical illusion this seemed to her!

Ye Xiu and Tang Rou are looking for Christmas thieves intently. They didn’t consider how they were trapped. Chen Guo, which only killed three Christmas thieves in one hour.

Apart from focusing on finding thieves, they will only focus on leaderboard.

The Christmas Hunter List, each Level interval is divided into fifty pages, twenty pages per page ***, that is to say, only a thousand gamerss have the opportunity to rush into this leaderboard.

The Lord Grim of Ye Xiu was on the list already one hour early, and it was very strong. already rushed to 261. As for Soft Mist of Tang Rou, although it was on the list, it was still quite far away from Lord Grim. 784. In two people, you can see Su Mucheng‘s Cleansing Mist, *** th 319, far before Soft Mist, and not too far from Lord Grim.

When it ’s more different, the *** of Lord Grim and Cleansing Mist is still steadily climbing at this time, and the Soft Mist ranks up and down after already reaches this 800 or so position, obviously to this extent gamers, efficiency already and her are comparable, everyone is fiercely competitive. And Ye Xiu and Su Mucheng are indeed a higher level. Where competition between EE21EE, Sin City, and gamers is not fierce, skillful skill has begun to play a key role.

leaderboard shows the gap naked, but for Tang Rou, something like leaderboard can stir up her idea of ​​winning. Since the name appeared in leaderboard, this girl seems to have a direction, and it is more vigorous. After rushing to eight hundred, she started to shake, making her actively and ferociously ran in the city of sin city. Speaking of Tang Rou, it was not easy for her. In this hour, nine Christmas thieves had been killed, but the residents of the city of Sin City had killed eighteen. The battle really consumed her a lot of time.

The 31-35 Christmas Hunters list has been continuously watched by these three people, but there is another Christmas Hunters list, and the three people don’t care much about it.

Guild is a list of Christmas hunters.

This list doesn’t divide the Level interval, just look at the points of all gamers in Event of Guild, and then list the total. There is no doubt that player formed Guild with high Level and more dominates this leaderboard, but this itself is also the strength of Guild, and there is nothing wrong with it.

At this moment, in the Guild Christmas Hunter list of tenth server, the first one is not one of the three Great Guild Herb Garden Blue Brook Guild Tyrannical Ambition.

Excellent Dynasty!

Excellent Dynasty Guild is the *** Guild in the Christmas Event hunter list, and it is the best. *** The second Herb Garden, points is a long distance from Excellent Dynasty, and his Blue Brook Guild and Tyrannical Ambition are not far behind Herb Garden. In fact, the three Guilds must be a chaotic battle. Just a few minutes ago, *** ‘s second was Blue Brook Guild, and Herb Garden briefly completed an overtaking, but who knows who the other two will overtake again.

In the dungeon competition, many Great Guilds lost a lot. At this time, because of Christmas Event, they suddenly won a chance to prove themselves. However, this time the competition seems to have nothing to do with Ye Xiu. Ye Xiu just glanced at this leaderboard at random, and didn’t bother at all.


*** Continuing, the second more ~~

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