The King’s Avatar Chapter 247: Keyboard mouse

Chapter 247 keyboard mouse

Confusion continues.

Seven Great Guild comes from Lord Grim, but where is Lord Grim now? They don’t care about already. They only have Fire Witch Cashew in their eyes.

gamers next to Boss is attacking Boss to grab damage/attack; while gamers next to them is attacking their position. Everyone didn’t like the Guild name, and sometimes someone who looked around at this guy was not their own Guild. So it doesn’t matter, attack! Anyway, there will naturally be an damage exemption.

stealing the Boss is common, but it’s rare to grab such a pot of congee.

For many years of struggle experience, such as Great Guild, in the Boss battle, already will not simply fight and kill like this. But this time suddenly, in the end evolved into such a situation, but no one expected it.

Players does not want to stabilize the situation, but at this level, if you do n’t kill people, people will kill you, so no one dare to retreat easily.

Tactic? command? At this time, already is not used, and gamers is fighting by instinct.

Some people want to command, such as Chen Yehui, but everyone has been knocked to the ground. The perspective is full of feet and legs. What else can I command? Coupled with the fact that he has done a lot of things and talked a lot, at this time, he suddenly became the target of criticism. Capture the thief first capture the king, this battle Awareness gamers still has.

The Chen Yehui that fell down twice failed to stand up again. In this chaotic army, throwing a Great God into it also has to go through a survival test, let alone Chen Yehui.

The chaos in the war situation, no one can predict what will happen, not even Ye Xiu.

Only with the continuous fall of gamers, with fewer people, the battlefield became clearer and clearer. Most of the things that can survive at this time are not expert, but luck is better or low-key. Those activists who actively grab Boss and grab damage/attack are always more active when they die.

As soon as there are fewer people, the scene looks less chaotic. The scene is not chaotic, and the organization and scheduling are revealed.

The Boss like Chen Yehui may be already is gone, but there will still be someone talking about Guild.

The battlefield, which was originally chaotic, suddenly became clear again. The seven Guilds and seven teams were also clearly sorted out.

It is also clear that Boss Fire Witch Cashew‘s behavior.

Ka Xiu waved her magic staff, and a large fireball smashed at a gamers beside him.

This big fireball is really a disaster.

It’s not how powerful it is. It’s just a blow that lets everyone clearly see what Ka Xiu’s aggro refers to.

aggro is the biggest, which means it is in a leading position in stealing the Boss. Can this Guild be the target of the other six?

The calamity is here.

In a blink of an eye, a team / 1st Team people are annihilated. Which Guild is the This team person, the Ye Xiu three people hiding behind did not even see for a while.

There will be no chaos after this battle. Every family was very careful and showed a lot of patience.

This situation continues, and gradually, more people die instead of dying.

Great Guilds‘s reinforcements have started to arrive, and Great Guilds‘s guild leader have also come to the battlefield. Someone met on the road, and each guild leader already opened this Boss incident and communicated with each other with regrets.

“We should go.” Ye Xiu whispered.

“Huh?” Steamed Bun Invasion didn’t respond.

“Let them kill!” Ye Xiu said. In his plan, he originally did not include the idea of ​​finally returning Boss. With so many Guild robbing together, it will be chaotic and will kill each other at first, but the situation of in the end will remain stable. Great Guilds will also use some clever methods to try to reduce the number of casualties to Boss.

If you start those rough scuffles, Ye Xiu would have guessed that it is impossible to continue in the end.

Steamed Bun Invasion thought of a bunch of people killing each other to death, and finally left the lonely Boss to the three of them, which is still simple and naive.

“Are we not going to kill?” the naive Steamed Bun Invasion asked freely.

“It’s not our turn to kill,” Ye Xiu said.

“Why?” Steamed Bun Invasion asked.

“Because they are crowded.” Ye Xiu said.

Steamed Bun Invasion looked at it. This mathematical problem still stumped him. The other person was indeed crowded, and the situation he had begun to imagine was all dead. Now these guys are very unhurriedly circling around Boss, looking around wretchedly.

“It is better to take them here, and we are also busy with us.” Ye Xiu said.

So the three detoured and left Raging Flames Forest.

How the battle will develop, the three of them will not know. But after all, they can see the ending, Hidden BOSS is strong, and that’s the system TV.

The three who left the Raging Flames forest went to Line Canyon. Sure enough, they were all temporarily forgotten already. There is no fool like gamers at the entrance of Line Canyon.

The three entered the canyon and went to dungeon. Last night, Line Canyon only brushed twice, and the three of them each had a chance! do whatever you want / casual assembled two gamers and brushed up dungeon.

This time dungeon comes out, but there is still no message at the Raging Flames forest side. The situation looks pretty stale. At this time it was almost eleven o’clock, Ye Xiu temporarily retired the game to the front desk to change shifts, and Chen Guo and Tang Rou finally came back in small bags.

“Come here to help!” Chen Guo Summon Ye Xiu at the front desk and other shifts.

Ye Xiu didn’t dare to neglect, and quickly went up to help with the bag, and saw the thing that Chen Guo‘s arm went down, but his eyes were bright: “Oh, Blue Classic.”

“Well, I know the goods!” Chen Guo said.

same as / in general.” Ye Xiu smiled. Blue Classic is a gaming keyboard, and it is also the Ye Xiu‘s usual keyboard. The keyboard mouse configured in Chen Guo Internet Cafe is already pretty good, but compared to this professional classic, it is still a lot worse.

“I’ll give you a reward for seeing you like this!” Chen Guo instructed Ye Xiu to take the keyboard under her arm.

“So good?” Ye Xiu In fact, already saw the same keyboard, and two people brought three back together.

“Buy three with reduce(d), advantage.” Chen Guo said.

“That’s it.” Ye Xiu took over the keyboard.

“There is another mouse.” Chen Guo took another box out of the big bag for Ye Xiu.

“Well, this …”

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m not used to this,” Ye Xiu said.

“What’s wrong?” Chen Guo said.

“It’s too heavy,” Ye Xiu said.

The mouse bought by Chen Guo is called “heavy metal”, which is big enough and heavy, and has high sensitivity. It is also a mouse favored by many games gamers.


“Well, it’s too heavy, it’s too tired,” Ye Xiu said.

“How lazy are you?” Chen Guo said.

“But thanks anyway.” Ye Xiu still took mouse.

“So what do you get used to?” Chen Guo asked.

“Light Seventh Edition Light Wind.” Ye Xiu said.

“That? Isn’t that all for women?” Chen Guo also knows this model. As she said, this mouse is small and exquisite, flexible and light, and it is indeed more popular with girls.

“It’s good for yourself, what kind of men and women are this thing.” Ye Xiu laughed.

And Chen Guo at this time found another mouse from the bag, but it was just light Seventh Edition Light Wind.

“Well, coincidental(ly), yes? Come and change it with you.” Ye Xiu handed back his heavy metal “heavy metal” again.

“Get off, who wants to change with you!” Chen Guo said.

“This one is more suitable for you.” Ye Xiu recommends “heavy metals” to Chen Guo. “mechanical skill like you is not good enough. It is suitable to use this heavy mouse to help improve your utilize accuracy.”

“Edit, then edit.” Chen Guo didn’t believe it.

“If you don’t believe it, try it.” Ye Xiu shoved “heavy metal” back into Chen Guo.

“Is this keyboard installed on the front desk computer?” Ye Xiu waved “Blue Classic” in his hand and asked Owner for instructions.

“Let’s go!” Chen Guo approved.

“What about yours?” Ye Xiu asked the two of them while changing the keyboard in the front desk.

“Uh …” two people didn’t even think about it. Although there are many Internet Cafe computers, even Owner Chen Guo has no special machine. Every time I use it down, I change the keyboard mouse, which seems too troublesome. Change directly on which machine, it can not avoid being stunned by the guests, it is not worth it.

“This is a problem,” said Chen Guo.

“Think slowly!” Ye Xiu replaced “Blue Classicalready. Touch your hands on it, let alone how familiar it feels. This keyboard has been using already for five years.

“Never mind, find a place for do whatever you want / casual to try first.” Chen Guo at this time was a bit impatient and didn’t want to discuss it from a long-term perspective. Randomly found an empty machine, busy changing the keyboard for mouse.

Tang Rou is much more reserved than her. It ’s good that she knows to hold things back and put them on hold, not directly at the Internet Cafe gate like Chen Guo. Chen Guo ran up and down twice before things were finished. Two girls shopping, of course it is impossible to buy only the keyboard mouse. If you do n’t buy ten or eight bags of clothes or cosmetics, are they women?

Ye Xiu This changed the keyboard, but I have to serve the guests who got off the plane at 11 o’clock. Chen Guo was used immediately after finishing. Connected to the game, quickly entered the Arena, as if taking two artifacts will soon be invincible. As a result, the first game was eaten, and the second game was still eaten.

Chen Guo immediately seemed to be splashed with cold water, sitting still still there.

“I said, do you think you are using a keyboard mouse to open the plug-in?” Ye Xiu also greeted the guests while watching.

Chen Guo turned back, but Ye Xiu was busy looking for money for the guests while saying, “mechanical skill is the key. You want to improve. Changing the keyboard to mouse is really better than playing Whack-a-Mole I gave you ! “

“Who do you talk to?” The guest wondered.

“That noobs over there,” Ye Xiu replied.

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