The King’s Avatar Chapter 197: Reverse direction

Chapter 197 Opposite Direction

Blue Brook Guild is the first to be optimistic about Lord Grim. Please ask Lord Grim to help with the recorded Guild. Naturally, it is also the first Guild that has attracted Lord Grim. As long as such talents are recognized, no Guild will remain indifferent.

As a result, Blue Brook Guild is one of the victims most affected by Lord Grim. Regardless of the relationship between the two parties, in the view of Chen Yehui, Blue Brook Guild is now certainly full of grievances, and it is more urgent than Tyrannical Ambition to restore the situation. Anyone who wants the other party to reject it is happy, and he does not even show a little hesitation.

The resolute tone of the voice makes Chen Yehui unable to say anything provocative. He feels that Blue Brook Guild‘s calm and determined attitude does not look like *** or cowardice, but it seems to make decisions after clarifying the interests.

“Do you know that Lord Grim is Ye Qiu?” Chen Yehui was puzzled.

Lord Grim is Ye Qiu. He will never say this information. The shock of Ye Qiu‘s strength is nothing. After all, this is in in the online game. Five hit you. But ten, ten are not enough for twenty, and twenty are not enough for one hundred! No matter how high the level is, mechanical skill will always be surrounded.

Chen Yehui will not say the identity of Lord Grim, but more afraid of the reputation of Ye Qiu. Ten years of Great God! How many Glory fans have idols in their hearts? This is to say, Chen Yehui was really afraid that a bunch of expert ran over to raise shoes for Ye Qiu as the younger brother, stepped on him in turn. Especially in his own Excellent Dynasty, he didn’t dare to say anything at all. Their Ye Qiu fans here will only be more and more loyal.

So in the end, he can only have doubts about Blue Brook Guild, and dare not try it.

Fortunately, the Guild assembled now seems to him that already is enough.

This time, he didn’t just want to destroy the Lord Grim gas, he wanted to directly destroy Group of Ye Qiu. Take out Ye Qiu, that is the personal complaint of Liu Hao guy. Chen Yehui is now more of a business start. Without destroying this Group, his strong attack plan in tenth server will not be implemented smoothly.

Ye Qiu Group gathered the combat power he already has received from the front, Lord Grim, Soft Mist, Steamed Bun Invasion three Character’s strength makes him worry. But this time, they were more crowded, and they divided each other into encirclement, and everything seemed to be going well. Chen Yehui listened to reports from various subordinates, and brought several people nearby to help out. When they reached the position of Desolate Land, they saw gamers Character running around in various clubs, but target / goal didn’t know where.

“What about people?” Chen Yehui saw his own gamers in the crowd and asked in the past. He didn’t bother to listen to others. Although he was a dazzling guild leader, in the eyes of other Guild gamers, it was not natural fart. In case of a Tyranny dead powder, it is possible to secretly shoot him a black gun and shoot a black brick and a black knife. Chen Yehui has no doubt about this. This cooperation is just to make a number to facilitate the Lord Grim group, there is no intention of pulling hands to become good friends.

“Into the room, left and right.” Excellent Dynasty’s gamers saw guild leader in person and said quickly.

“What are you waiting for, Wai!” Chen Yehui said.

“Where is the ……” This gamers said helplessly, and at the same time turned his eyes to watch this scene of chaos. Yes, they are around …

“All of us are here!” Chen Yehui didn’t try to direct the overall situation, it was quite conscious, but just greeted his own brother.

Excellent Dynasty’s When people see guild leader, they all come together naturally.

“You guys two people stay here, others will come with me.” Chen Yehui also left two subordinates in place, which is an arrangement not found in other Guild. The other Guilds are a few buddies running together. If you go to the left, I will not go to the right, and never separate.

already left and right houses were rushed in.

“Not in the room!” You *** shouted.

“Crap!” Someone immediately laughed. This will definitely not be in the room. People just enter the backwards leap wall of the room and use the sight of blind spot to escape.

The gamers in the house wants to jump out of the window, but there is no precise like professional level. Some are bored, some are on the window. This one is not all from the same Guild. Of course, the card window will be ridiculed by other Guild people, and the cautious already quickly retreated from the door.

Other peripherals, behind the house, found no traces of Cleansing Mist and One Inch Ash.

“Hurry up!” Players yelled, and rushed forward, rushing forward, only when the two took the opportunity and already ran a long way.

No one expected it, just under their eyes, sandwiched in the abandoned house between the left and right broken houses, Cleansing Mist and One Inch Ash two Character squatting quietly in the corner.

Cleansing Mist slowly moved to the stump on the wall and glanced out secretly.

“Oh, all fooled. Sure enough, already is used to our way of escape.” Su Mucheng sent Qiao Yifan to message.

“They don’t have a reasonable command, so I think they will enter such a misunderstanding.” Qiao Yifan said. He is good at observation, including observation of teammates and opponent. The other party was chaotic and did not cooperate to catch up. Qiao Yifan all looked at him, and he determined that no one was performing unified scheduling.

So he had such a plan after discussing with Su Mucheng. They borrowed all the way to get away with blind spots, once, twice, and three times, leaving such an impression on each other.

So in such a suitable terrain, a sudden change was made. They no longer ran away, but chose to hide.

After passing through the two left and right broken houses, the two people immediately jumped in through the gap in the wall of the middle house and hid quietly in the corner.

Under the eyes of everyone, nobody noticed it. Even if there is a person do whatever you want / casual passing by this broken house in the middle, they will find two people, but it happens that no one does it.

Everyone is in a hurry to bypass the sight blocked by these three rooms, and then see which direction the two are going.

“Let’s go.” Su Mucheng greeted Qiao Yifan. Of course, they couldn’t hide here all the time. The other party chased out for a while without seeing the figure. It must be to search around. two people just wanted to take this opportunity and get out in the opposite direction.

One Inch Ash of Qiao Yifan immediately headed to the door movement of the room, but half of the stature flashed back immediately.

“There are people outside …” Qiao Yifan went to message for Su Mucheng.

“Huh?” Su Mucheng‘s Cleansing Mist also quickly came to the door.

“Sorry Sis Mu …” Qiao Yifan was terrified. Most of this exit plan came from his proposal, and he had never been so confident once. As a result, it was found that someone was still behind. There was a mistake in the judgment, and Qiao Yifan suddenly became upset and panicked.

“It’s okay, rush out!” Su Mucheng said Character already flashed out of the house, the two Excellent Dynasty gamers left by Correct Chen Yehui left behind. In fact, the judgment of Qiao Yifan was not wrong, but he did not expect that at this time, the other party had a new gamers and a guild leader figure like Chen Yehui.

The newcomer naturally does not have the mental inertia formed by chasing all the way before, and Chen Yehui is a person with command power again. The design of Qiao Yifan was formed through layout all the way, which is naturally useless to people who are outside.

When they saw Cleansing Mist rushing out, they were a little stunned. They reacted to send sent a message and Cleansing Mist‘s artillery shell as early as already. The two quickly dodged. However, Su Mucheng anti-tank bombs were fired in three directions. two people is not good to hide, this time Awareness to hide just happened to be one shot.

The smoke from gunfire has not been exhausted yet, One Inch Ash already rushed to a person, Ghost Slash escaped, this person quickly evaded backwards leap, One Inch Ash quickly caught up with an Moonlight Slash, this person’s reaction could not keep up, and was Moonlight Slash Stir up in the air. After Moonlight Slash, Full Moon Slash is almost Awareness for each Ghostblade, and Qiao Yifan is no exception. The following Full Moon Slash will cut this person higher. Following the reverberation of the gun body, the Cleansing Mist side carried Gatling Gun and fired at Tianyitong. This man was Roll and could not land for a long time.

Another gamers I also want to come to support, which is expected to be so fast here. When he arrives Qiao Yifan of Full Moon Slash Waiting for him after running out. Simple couple normal attack on already Toss him to the ground. With a swing of the sword, Sword Formation release, Cleansing Mist and also already Come in Sword Formation range, Laser Rifle , Cannonball , Anti-Tank MissileLauncher Various high explosive Ability in Sword Formation The blessing is even more powerful. Qiao Yifan beside Ability Cooldown One good and several slashes, poor two gamers From the beginning Anti-Tank Missile Not at all make a move Attacked, not even well pathing Too. Not in the air Roll Just eating mud on the ground, and after a moment of quiet, already There are two bodies.

Chen Yehui received the message of the two left-behind, and immediately called one to recover it with Excellent Dynasty’s gamers. gamers of each other Guild was also stunned when they heard the shout. They did not command them at this time, and basically they were all clouds and rushed back. As a result, he rushed back to the house without seeing anyone’s silhouette.

“Where are the people?” Chen Yehui addressed the two to message.

“What about people?” Other Guild gamers asked Chen Yehui one after another.

“Dead …” The two answers were quick, but other gamers questions were not answered by Chen Yehui for a while.

“Everyone is looking for …” Chen Yehui looked around and said helplessly. The broken house and broken wall here are quite a lot. The do whatever you want / casual nest can not be seen at a glance from do whatever you want / casual .

“Fuck, what are you looking for?” The other gamerss of Guild didn’t even know what was going on here, and they were all dazed at it.

“The two people just hid in the middle of the house. After we took the house, we rushed out from the front and killed my two brothers. Now I don’t know where to hide.” Chen Yehui is also very unhappy, but also I have to be patient and explain to the questioner.

Everyone is out of temper, what else? Find it!

Everyone scattered around in the northeast and southwest, but at this time they did not know that Cleansing Mist and One Inch Ash returned to the broken house to escape the window, and played with them again in the opposite direction.

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