The King’s Avatar Chapter 193: Fool guide

Chapter 193 Fool guide

A concealed drop of dungeon item, waiting for meals at leisure.

After breakfast, two people went back to the room to rest.

Wake up at three in the afternoon, one goes to the front desk to work, the other is looking for an empty computer in a smoking area with a cigarette, everything looks the same as usual.

Only on Saturday, Internet Cafe business was exceptionally good. There was no empty space in the smoking area. Ye Xiu walked around, and finally slid there for a long while.

“Business is so good today …” Ye Xiu reluctantly returned to the front desk, feeling Tang Rou.

“As an employee of Internet Cafe, you should say such words with joy.” Owner Chen came over and said.

“Business is so good today, I’m so happy.” Ye Xiu has no Expression.

Chen Guo can also be considered to have been practiced, and its resistance has been upgraded. In the past, it was necessary to grit its teeth again.

“What are you doing?” Ye Xiu asked Tang Rou.

“Look at guide.” Tang Rou said.

“You don’t look at guide every day.” Ye Xiu said, and glanced inward at will.

“Well, dungeon guide?” Ye Xiu was surprised, Tang Rou hardly looked at these, and how to hit dungeon was basically Ye Xiu‘s command.

“Um … probably know.” Tang Rou said. Ye Xiu glanced again, this girl is looking at the introduction of the three types of Hidden BOSS and Wild BOSS on Line Canyon. Obviously, after being tossed in front of Illusion Swordmaster several times yesterday, Tang Rou also found that facing the Boss is always a bit troublesome.

“Well, just look at the Boss, you don’t have to look at the rest.” Ye Xiu said.


“Our strategy is basically different from the guide.” Ye Xiu said.

“How is it different?” Chen Guo also joined the discussion.

“All damage/attack, no MT(main tank), no Heal(er).” Ye Xiu said.

All damage/attack teams, already is a very common and inconspicuous thing for Ye Xiu, but it is extremely rare in ordinary players , especially in new server new gamers, it is impossible to have Team like damage/attack . Even if it is Great Guild, when forming a full damage/attack team, you need to find expert from headquarters to play like Blue Brook Guild.

Ye Xiu their Team is always a do whatever you want / casual brush can break records, which is a major reason. Even the elite team of Great Guild does not have all damage/attack. It is usually possible to omit a MT(main tank) occupation, but the Cleric with added blood is definitely necessary.

All damage/attack teams rely on gamers for mechanical skill. Without ***, guide strategy is secondary. Without ***, giving you guide is useless, even if you memorize it, you can’t do what guide requires.

Owner, which level have you hit recently with Whack-a-Mole?” Ye Xiu asked suddenly.

“Is do whatever you want / casual playing, what kind of training can I get when I am old?” Chen Guo said.

“How much better! Otherwise, when we all arrive at Heavenly Domain, find you a team or something, you hinder us!” Ye Xiu said.

“…” Chen Guo is silent, and she really has no other idea than killing her.

“Well, who wrote this guide?” Ye Xiu‘s attention suddenly turned back to the screen of Tang Rou. Tang Rou newly opened a guide, Ye Xiu Hidden BOSS guide silkworm.

“Who wrote it?” Tang Rou wondered a bit, pulled back to the top of the page, and posted by guide: Concealed Light.

“Know?” Tang Rou looked back at Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu shook his head. He didn’t know this ID, but this guide attracted his attention.

“What’s wrong with this guide?” Chen Guo was attracted by the surprise of Ye Xiu.

“It’s an guide of precise.” Ye Xiu said.


“He includes all possible probability events. This is not guide. This is basically a process. Very detailed process. Every detail of the killing Boss process is written in.” Ye Xiu said.

“No wonder it’s so long …” Tang Rou said, this page of guide was several pages, she was scared as soon as she opened it, she hasn’t come to watch the content yet!

“Wow, it’s …” It seems that Chen Guo was also immediately discovered. This guide, at the beginning, selected five professions, said Item(s) / Equipment, and then started, one trick and one …

“It’s just a video.” Chen Guo supplemented his brain while watching.

The three of them are just dragged by Tang Rou one by one, and this is a seven-page page. It is estimated that more than 20,000 words of guide have been read.

4 minutes and 56 seconds.

At the end of guide, the author even announced that the time required to kill this Boss is accurate to the second.

“Really or fake?” Chen Guo was a little unbelievable. In fact, she was a little dizzy after reading a page.

“There is nothing wrong …” Ye Xiu said aside.

“This … is a loophole in itself! There is no deviation at all, isn’t it tolerating human error? Once the error is all messed up?” Tang Rou said.

“You’re right.” Ye Xiu nodded, “but if you are writing records, you can’t tolerate any mistakes.”

“You mean his method is strong?”

“That’s not … his method is just very safe, but not very efficient. However, it may be because he is studying Hidden BOSS. Of course, killing Hidden BOSS is of course the first safety. Who would pursue efficiency?” Ye Xiu said .

“That’s right.” Chen Guo nodded.

“This person has other guide.” Tang Rou saw the author’s other guide links at the end of guide.

Here, Ye Xiu also noticed that the author named him guide: Fool Series.

“It’s really stupid enough …” Ye Xiu said, this is everything, everything is mentioned in detail, the person who hits according to this guide does not need to use their brains, and then follow the steps.

“But the evaluation seems not so good!” Tang Rou looked at some of the following comments.

“It should be a question from Owner.” Ye Xiu estimated.

“Hmm.” Tang Rou nodded.

Most of the replies are ridicule, and it really is the problem that Chen Guo said: No one can guarantee that the steps of precise will be completed from the beginning to the end. So guide is regarded by everyone as a deceiving and contrived. Since this is not the author’s first guide, the following ridicules such as “Cheat again” and “Fantasy begin again” abound, and almost no one speaks for the author.

“It’s not wrong to guide … but the limitations are really too big.” Ye Xiu sighed.

“Do you still watch the others?” Tang Rou mouse dangled on other links, each one of them was an emergency stop, trying to stop the mouse at the desired position during the rapid movement. This girl is practicing at all times.

“Look at it!” Ye Xiu said.

Tang Rou then ordered another article, this one is Line Canyon dungeon Hidden BOSS Red Scorpion Assassin stabbing guide, the style is exactly the same, come up to choose a career, start killing, from beginning to end, several pages.

“Well, have you changed your career?” Ye Xiu was surprised. This guide is different from the previous guide occupation, which is a very different combination. Those who can make precise guide like this, Ye Xiu thought that there would be a fixed five-man team.

Tang Rou listened to the doubts of Ye Xiu, and opened another article at will. At the beginning, it was a different five-man team. This guide is Desolate Land and Hidden BOSS.

“When are these guides?” Ye Xiu asked suddenly.

Tang Rou turned to the top to see the release time, and found that all are recent.

“Will not be a new server gamers?” Ye Xiu wondered.

Tang Rou simply opened the author’s name. Upon seeing his list of posts, the guide of the fool series completely stopped at Line Canyon dungeon. This is indeed the current dungeon progress of tenth server, so far.

“Search this person on the game.” Ye Xiu suggested.

Then Tang Rou swipe card to log in to the game, after Soft Mist went online, searched for this name.

Concealed Light, male, level 32, Summoner.

“It’s really new server,” Tang Rou said.

new server doesn’t mean rookie, right?” Chen Guo said.

“If it is not rookie, who would study the Boss that has been killed so carefully?” Ye Xiu said.

“Uh …” Chen Guo think about it, too.

“Look at this!” Tang Rou suddenly cried.

Ye Xiu takes a look around.

Title: The mystery of Boneyard16 minutes 24 seconds record!

Of course, this result is Ye Xiu they played in tenth server. Due to the high hanging dungeon leaderboard, Team can be found by any profession.

Unspecialized, Battle Mage, Blade Master, Brawler, Launcher.

Concealed Light analyzes from these five occupations and discusses how this dungeon records this record.

In the beginning, already mentioned the impossibility of traditional strategy, and affirmed that it was definitely the new strategy.

So, what’s the new strategy?

Concealed Light‘s judgment is not all right this time, but it is also inferred.

Only one point, Concealed Light obviously does not know Thousand Chance Umbrella in Lord Grim, so the analysis of the role of Unspecialized in Team is full of mistakes.

in the end, because the strategy he designed can’t simulate the results of 16 minutes and 24 seconds, he boldly sent a set of ultra-luxury Item(s) / Equipment to Lord Grim and five of them Character, and confidently said that it was played like this …

This guy is very rude, Lord Grim alone issued three Orange weapon at a time.

Concealed Light does not know how much investment is required for this ultra-luxury equipment at the new server25 level. But this buddy is super confident. He uses the method of backward push … He thinks that although the five class sets equipment is indeed exaggerated, it is at least not impossible. However, if there is no such Item(s) / Equipment, it is necessary to write such a record. Absolutely impossible. Therefore, Item(s) / Equipment was established.

In the final analysis, Concealed Light is super confident that it has inferred strategy, using this as an argument to directly overthrow Item(s) / Equipment‘s impossible realism.

It’s not hard to imagine the following response. The most common argument is that the author’s head was kicked by the donkey.

For this comment, Ye Xiu and Tang Rou agree.

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