The King’s Avatar Chapter 136: Real Unspecialized

Chapter 136 The Real Unspecialized

The so-called battle of Taiwan has already been defeated by two people, defeated completely, gorgeously, and defeated the confidence of later people.

Vice-Captain Deng Fusheng has a peek at the Captain beside him. Wang Jiexi looks as usual and seems to have not been affected. But what about the players? Deng Fusheng looked around for a while, and the team members looked nervous on their faces, and some people were sneaking their eyes at Captain. Deng Fusheng knows that this is afraid of being named by Captain. At this time, the team members did not have the confidence to beat Lord Grim with duel.

What about Lord Grim? Sitting on the floor at this time, eating and drinking, they reverted to HP and mana. Wang Jiexi didn’t stop, and no one came forward. They are not killing them, and they don’t mind Lord Grim making a reply. If the mana is really like this to defeat opponent, it will not make any sense to Tiny Herb.

But what’s next? Wang Jiexi also has some puppets.

duel is not opponent, this already is too obvious. Not to mention the players, even if he played in person, he was not sure of winning. This Unspecialized

“Hehe …” There was a sudden laugh, not in the training room, but in the game.

At this time, who can laugh at Team Tiny Herb?

The laughing man is of course Ye Xiu.

“I said, find me to be sparring partner, is that all right?” Ye Xiu said.

“A rare opportunity.” Wang Jiexi answered him.

“Are you not afraid that these children will leave a psychological shadow?” Ye Xiu said.

Kids! !! !! Except for Gao Yingjie and Qiao Yifan, everyone is petrified. Who are the children?

“Are you overconfident?” Wang Jiexi said.

“Hehe.” Ye Xiu laughed again, “I ask you, everyone here, including you, who has played against the real Unspecialized?”

It’s quiet, inside and outside the game.

In the training room, the Tiny Herb team members looked at each other, wondering.

Indeed, Unspecialized is just a legend to them. Before Pro Alliance started, Unspecialized and already completely disappeared. If you know Unspecialized, you can tell a little Unspecialized story. already can be regarded as a qualified senior. What about Wang Jiexi? After four years in the league already, now this Season is the fifth year, and the qualifications can not be shallow, but when Ye Xiu rate Excellent Era three time back to back Champions, he has just begun to contact Glory, and at that time Unspecialized disappeared already.

People with ten years of Glory experience are in the gamers group, but there are few left in pro scene. gamers As long as you are willing, there is no problem in how many years you want to play Glory. But Pro-player has to face competition and elimination in pro scene, can it continue? This is not wishful thinking of a person / somebody .

Unspecialized is also a legend for Wang Jiexi. But to say that experience does not, but it is not.

When Wang Jiexi first entered Tiny Herb, an old player in the team once practiced Unspecialized. After the emergence of third server ***, he did not abandon his account or transfer class like other Unspecialized gamers, but left this Unspecialized Character as a memorial. Wang Jiexi knew existence of Unspecialized from him at that time. At that time, he tried to talk with the old team members’ Unspecialized spar. He had some personal understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of Unspecialized. Finally, the old player gave his Unspecialized account card to Wang Jiexi after retirement, and he has kept it well to this day.

Wang Jiexi still remembers what the old players said when they were feeling Unspecialized: Unspecialized, play style, there are still some fantasies. Even without the limitations of Level, weapon and *** writers, these two issues are enough to live Unspecialized.

“Maybe there is a weapon that can use all Abilitys, and another *** author who is proficient in Glory and experience rich, will Unspecialized‘s ability be truly reflected?”

This was a joke, but now it seems to be turning into a real joke.

Ye Qiu, existence known as Encyclopedia same as / in general in Glory, proficient in full-time occupation, rich in experience, this person deserves to be deserved.

As for the weapon, the eccentric weapon player in Lord Grim‘s hands has long been in sight, and there has been no message discussion.

This Lord Grim clearly has not replaced weapon, but the weapon in its hand changes the form and uses various types of Ability. Sword changed into gun, gun changed into sword. In this kind of replacement, I did not see the Cooldown that weapon should have when replacing. The well-known Pro-players, all already determined that this is a homemade weapon, an incredible homemade weapon.

True Unspecialized! This is a true Unspecialized.

Thinking about the joke the old team member once said, Wang Jiexi finally understood the meaning of Ye Xiu. The real Unspecialized, this is the real Unspecialized. Even when Unspecialized prevailed, there was never a real Unspecialized. It’s impossible for anyone to have a experience who fights with such a real Unspecialized.

Continue with Ye Qiu duel? Wang Jiexi looked around, and what he saw were only worried faces. Even on last year’s Finals competition field, their team members did not show such expression. At that time, although they were nervous, they did not lose their confidence in victory as they do now. Under that worried face, it was not nervousness but panic that was hidden.

And they haven’t played against Lord Grim at all, they just saw Lord Grim and Liang Fang and Liu Xiaobie two games nothing more.

What about two people?

Wang Jiexi thought, looked at Liang Fang and Liu Xiaobie, from the face of two people, Wang Jiexi saw frustration and disappointment.

Wang Jiexi finally said from Awareness to Ye Qiu that it was not confident pass through. I thought I had picked a super Great God as the object of practice, but now, super Great God is hitting his Team‘s confidence and destroying his team members’ confidence. Wang Jiexi this time was whimsical and completely self-defeating.

What to do?

Wang Jiexi found the situation at present very tricky, and he was a little difficult to ride.

Continue to fight duel, it will only rob all people’s confidence once more, and may even include themselves. Wang Jiexi found that his own mentality was also affected by already. Looking ahead, Correct was deeply stimulated by the strength of opponent. If this is not the case, at this time, he will definitely go to the battle to win confidence for Team. However, at this time, he had no such confidence in already. He was afraid. He was afraid that if he lost again, the confidence in the team members would drop to the bottom and could not be recovered.

Wang Jiexi is well aware of his position in the players’ minds. He has always been used to carrying Team on his shoulder and rushing forward. But this time, he felt that he couldn’t carry it. Ye Qiu, this opponent, is really terrible. It just beat the two players of Tiny Herb, but even his Wang Jiexi felt invisible pressure.

Are you leaving now? The psychological pressure created by Lord Grim, already, is planted in the hearts of everyone. With such a psychological shadow, future levels of improvement, on-site performance, continuous stability, etc., may be unexpectedly affected in all aspects. This is not alarmist, psychological state is a very important factor in competition. Can this shadow be overcome by everyone’s psychological quality now?


The psychological pressure created by the strength of Lord Grim can only be completely eradicated if Knock-down has Lord Grim. But this can’t be done by itself. This time, it depends on the team’s Strength. Wang Jiexi‘s idea has been decided, she immediately said: “You!”

The team members were all attentive at this time. After hearing Captain greetings, they quickly cleared their mood.

“Let’s go together!” Everyone heard their Captain say these three words.

Nine, at this time they have nine in all. Liang Fang and Liu Xiaobie haven’t come back yet. However, one siege of nine Pro-players …

“Don’t care, come on!” Wang Jiexi said in a deep voice. At this time, he needs to break the players’ doubts about nine to one. He wants to use his authority in the team, which can still be done.

Sure enough, after hearing Captain‘s unquestionable order, everyone’s attention suddenly returned to the field.

“Oh?” Lord Grim also immediately jumped from the ground, Ye Xiu laughed: “Is this good?”

Wang Jiexi does not know that nine fights and one fight are a bit invincible, but at this time he can’t care so much. Maybe this victory will make everyone a little bit embarrassed, but this mood is better than an invincible shadow in the heart of existence.

Group battle, as you wish.” Wang Jiexi still hopes that the negate team members are as embarrassed as possible, even if they look shameless.

“I didn’t mean that.” Ye Xiu still smiled calmly, “I mean, if you come up with the whole team now, if wiped out, then the blow will be even greater. So … okay? “

Fuck!!” After listening to this, the members of Tiny Herb suddenly renewed their fighting spirit. The previous ones, with timidity and a nine-on-one battle, could not arouse any fighting spirit, but Ye Qiu It sounded very arrogant, but once again ignited the war of the people.

“Thank you, it’s really time for you to say that.” Wang Jiexi laughed, embarrassingly, because the words Ye Qiu seemed to be existence.

“Try it!” Ye Xiu said, and suddenly *** continued, but Lord Grim turned and escaped.

“Where to run!” Wang Jiexi found that things seemed to be progressing better than he thought. For the Lord Grim run, the invincible image before it collapsed. Although nine to one, running seems not to be a shame.

Wang Jiexi‘s fire burned up and rode Broom to “chuck” and chase towards Lord Grim, trying to stop him by speed advantage. As a result, the Lord Grim man flashed, leaving a shadow *** for him, but the real body was missing.

Captain !!” The other players were not in the game, but they really saw it. The real body of Lord Grim flashed into midair at this time, and they were running towards the Raging Flames flying at a low altitude on Broom.

“I know.” How Wang Jiexi is experience, not so easy to hit the road, Character has jumped off Broom, just happened to avoid this blow. Following the Broom pick, Witch volley attack was very strong already waved towards Lord Grim.

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