The King’s Avatar Chapter 1330: Tough

Blood flowers are waving brightly in the air. Everyone can clearly see how the Dancing Fire Spreading Flame in the hands of Soft Mist pierced Vaccaria.

How could this happen?

The audience was a little stunned in exclaim.

It was first devoured by Heat-seeking Missile, and now it is pierced by Soft Mist. This is the most reliable Captain Wang Jiexi in their hearts, and the most powerful Character Vaccaria in their team! At this point, it was hanging on the Battle Lance tip of the ridiculous guy who claimed to be 1 vs 3, like bacon waiting to air dry. This is really ridiculous.

Isn’t this true?

Some of the audience on the scene couldn’t get over all this. But how can there be a pause in the game? Soft Mist Battle Lance was withdrawn, but Star Extinguisher in Vaccaria seemed to be waving again, Lord Grim, but already flew over him and stepped on.

Eagle Stamp!

Vaccaria was sent directly to the ground.

Qi Annihilation !

Boundless Sea already focused on the new Ultimate Skill, the surging momentum, and it just exploded into the body of Vaccaria. His magic Magic Robe swelled at that moment, and his heart pierced by a spear of Soft Mist seemed to be Another blood flower was urged to fly out.

Persistently, thoughts destroyed the inside of Vaccaria‘s body. Dancing Rain‘s X-1 Extruder also flew at this time. Without resistance, Vaccaria was absorbed.

Liu Xiaobie Flying Sword‘s sword Shadow Clone still flashes, but from beginning to end, no one has ever looked at his illusive obstruction. In the eyes of Happy, there is only Vaccaria at all. They will deal with it. It is nothing more than obstruction to attack Vaccaria. For example, at this time, when Lord Grim falls back to the ground from the air, it suddenly turns around and is a shot. The bullet flew out and headed straight to their Tiny Herb‘s Cleric Cordyceps. The chant of the long Hypnosis technique. He was almost finished, and at the last moment Lord Grim gave him a blow …


X-1 Extruder bomb finally exploded, and Vaccaria was swallowed by fire again. The audience can’t stand it anymore, the Tiny Herb players can’t stand it anymore, and the Tiny Herb players on the field can’t stand it anymore.

This is their Captain. How can the person who has been leading them forward always be arbitrarily manipulated by Happy like this?

Formless Phantom Sword!

Liu Xiaobie‘s Flying Sword entangled a piece of sword light like crazy, and just tore the flame directly; Kind Tree of Gao Yingjie also quickly came to the sky, Broom Tornado. Coming soon; Knight Spirit! Xu Bin opened Angelica under Angelica Awakening Skill and Knight Spirit. With a fair Heroic Jump, Earthquake landed at the other end.

Tiny Herb‘s three Character, so simultaneously has their Captain Guardian in it. But …

Charging artillery!

Changhong Changhong!

Dancing Rain and Boundless Sea. At this time, they launched an attack together, using wide range attack Ability after charging, and pinching left and right. Even Wall of Sigh of Angelica, it is impossible to completely block these two Ability.

This is the Launcher and Boundless Sea two professional Awakening Skill capabilities. A major feature is the ability to store power, and the power after the storage is really different. Whether it is the explosion of a stored-energy artillery. It ’s still the outbreak of the thoughts of Changhong. It is not that Plate Shield can resist cleanliness.

Flash is the best policy, but what about their Captain? Can you avoid this wave of attacks at this time?


Team Tiny Herb‘s Group channel, clearly. An order appeared from them Captain.

The Spirit of everyone immediately shook their heads, and the Tiny Herb fans at the scene immediately started cheering, and this was just an instruction. Tiny Herb hasn’t done anything at all!

But since Captain already said so. Then we must flash!

Xu Bin, Gao Yingjie, Liu Xiaobie, each scattered in their own direction, and based on their own observations and judgments, already started the next counterattack. Vaccaria of Wang Jiexi, at this time already also set up his Star Extinguisher.

Happy is really bold …” In broadcast, Pan Lin was stunned after admiring the performance of this Happy.

Directly using Wang Jiexi as the main attack target / goal, this Tactic arrangement of Happy is bold enough for already, but it is shocking that they have done a good job.

“Few people can drive Wang Jiexi so embarrassingly.” Pan Lin said.

“Maybe, that’s him …” Li Yibo replied.

Pan Lin certainly knows who Li Yibo is talking about, Ye Xiu, of course only Ye Xiu. When Wang Jiexi first entered the league, already was Ye Xiu, the supreme **** of Glory. Compared to three time back to back Champions‘s **** of the great cause, Wang Jiexi is only an Best Rookie in Third Season. It is commendable that it has not met Rookie’s Barrier, but it is still a trivial matter in the face of the three time back to back Champions dynasty.

A supreme **** like the sun, one is just the best rookie noobs, Ye Xiu facing Wang Jiexi, how can there be any psychological pressure, and how can there be any psychological burden?

No, not at all.

So Happy can make such a bold main attack plan, because this Team Happy person, however, will not have much awe of Wang Jiexi like ordinary players.

Attacks, only constant attacks.

When the Xu Bin three’s Character flew same as / in general, Wang Jiexi found that the Happy‘s Character did not move. They still stared at the center of the combined attack. Their target / goal was still concentrated on the Vaccaria of Wang Jiexi.

Is this too stubborn?

Wang Jiexi was shocked. The Happy frame seems to be aimed at killing him. Is this the Team Match‘s victory or defeat, did they not consider already? Otherwise, why are you playing so imbalanced? Why do you think that same as / in general keeps focusing on the offensive, or even risking it?

Their attack may succeed, but it will definitely cost more. They didn’t expect this? Still, thought, but ignored it?

Wang Jiexi‘s Vaccaria already sat on Star Extinguisher and flew away from the terrorist attacks of Happy, but Lord Grim of Ye Xiu and Soft Mist of Tang Rou rushed at this time.

When the Character of the Xu Bin three dodged and left, they did not respond, but when the Vaccaria changed slightly, they immediately launched an action.

This situation is very bad! Rescue now. They will also be injured by two major professions, Awakening Skill; without rescue, it seems that it is difficult for them to get rid of the common entanglement of two people. Could it be wrong for the three to avoid it? No wonder we should focus on Strength to break through in one direction first?

In the blink of an eye, Wang Jiexi‘s mind flashed a lot of thoughts. This game, the uncomplicated map, played a situation that made him feel a little complicated. Their use of the map steps before the game was useless. The battle is triggered here. The deliberate pursuit of practiced step-fighting may be counterproductive.

But at least, I realized the other party ’s Tactic intention!


The explosive force of the stored-energy artillery is amazing, and the sound obscures everything. And the Boundless Sea‘s breath-changing Changhong’s thoughts seemed to be substantive, and finally came to Vaccaria together. This time, he still couldn’t get away after all. Dear Happy. It is simply ignoring the actions of the other three players of Tiny Herb and only staring at Wang Jiexi. This should not be the normal state of the game. And this time, this kind of unbalanced attack finally made Happy pay the price. It was found that the Xu Bin three people who reversed the attack immediately after being ignored were given Vaccaria damage by the Happy, and almost all the damage added to Vaccaria return.

Happy is a bit too brainy, isn’t it?” Pan Lin called a bit puzzled.

The siege on Wang Jiexi was really exciting and smooth at first. But this time, it was obviously a very unequal exchange. Happy is still stubbornly prioritizing Vaccaria, and the price paid for it has sold out all the advantages it had accumulated so easily.

“I want to defeat the core player of the opponent with do whatever you want / casual . Happy is really naive!” Ruan Chengxiao said, forgetting the gloomy expression on his face when Wang Jiexi was hit badly.

Happy played today, it’s really tough.” Li Yibo said.

“Oh, it was tough to fight like this? Maybe we can change another word. For example, brute?” Ruan Cheng‘s arrogant brain that started from Happy is working again.

“Did you notice the performance of Fang Rui today?” Li Yibo said.

Fang Rui. Boundless Sea?” Both thought.

“Do n’t you think that Fang Rui today isn’t Fang Rui at all? There is no wretched pathing, tricky sneak attacks, endless small means … Today, he doesn’t use too much of his usual fighting style. Today, he is as open as a normal Qi Master!

“Does he want to change his style again?” Ruan Cheng said.

“I don’t think so, I think it’s just that their attack deployment today requires him to play such an Character.” Li Yibo said.

“Attack deployment, what is that?” Ruan Chengxiao.

“At all costs, defeat Wang Jiexi.” Li Yibo said.

“Oh.” Ruan Cheng laughed again, “It’s a pity, this is a Team Match, Knock-down personal, does not represent a Knock-down a Team, even if this person is the core. According to Happy, I really do it Curious when they have completed their ‘attack deployment’, how many people will they have left? “

How many people are left?

This question Happy really doesn’t seem to care.

Strike, attack. As long as it does not hinder everything they attack on Vaccaria, ignore it, even if it will seriously hurt their Character, even if this will put one of them in danger.

Rising Dragon Soars the Sky!

Flash Hundred Split!

Last time, this is the last time.

Boundless Sea‘s thoughts reached the body of Vaccaria, and then Rising Dragon Soars the Sky‘s magical spirit transformed into a dragon roared and rushed away Vaccaria.

Intertwined into the wrong sword net, at this moment it was densely spread on Boundless Sea‘s body. Fang Rui did not pay attention to its HP, but only turned its perspective one last time. He saw Xu Bin‘s Knight sword hit Soft Mist‘s head heavily, and her magical spirit filled with already disappeared instantly; he saw that the earth was getting closer and closer to his perspective, but he could not perform Quick Recover utilize; The Vaccaria at the end was entangled by the magical spirit of Rising Dragon Soars the Sky, and the thought sent into the body by Flash Hundred Split exploded.


Well, I’ve finished another chapter. This is the 1st day of the 12th!

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