The King’s Avatar Chapter 1261: Scattered

The Team Match in the All Stars competition, the most since three days is about to begin. It is clear that this showdown may not be the highest quality, but it is definitely the most starlit. Except for All Stars weekend, there are currently no events that can bring these people together. Whether it is fighting side by side or playing against each other, it is full of highlights.

The sound of try harder on the scene was more given to team b. After all, Player and Character of Tyranny are all here. However, even if it is home game of Tyranny, the momentum of shouting for team a has not been lost. Because this is a All Stars match, the players with the most fans in the Glory are occupying the stage. When their fans all come together, even if team b occupies a little home game advantage, it is not enough to overwhelm team a.

The gimmicks are the most important event, Character appeared one by one, the demonstration, and toss for a few minutes. However, the audience did not feel the slightest annoyance. Instead, they were suffocated by these foreplays until map was loaded. When the game officially started, the scene fell into a weird silence.

The All Stars competition map is specially made, with mountains and water, trees and stones, streets and houses, which brings together almost all the scenes in Glory. And in the center of map, an Arena Field that looks as if it has a thousand years of history is paved with bluestone. From a bird’s eye view from above, you can see the standard of Glory Alliance and an Arabic number ten. This is the tenth anniversary of Glory Alliance.

The players of the two teams also came out of spawned soon. Applause rang at this time. Watching these classic Characters form a team, already made the audience very excited.

Both sides don’t seem to have any detours. The two teams came out from spawned and went straight to the center. Team B sent Zhang Xinjie to Arena Match, which showed an attitude, an attitude of going directly against Team A in Team Match.

Onslaught, this was originally the choice of team a without Heal(er), but now, instead, team b gave up Heal(er) first.

Can the players of team a flinch? Of course not, against? Who is afraid of who!

The beginning of the game was extremely fast. The two sides rushed forward, leaving behind scenes scene by scene. In the Heal(er) profession without short legs, the progress of both sides appears extremely fast, and finally silhouette of the other side appears in Character’s line of sight on both sides.

There is no mutual communication and no deployment of the command. The Character of the two teams, as if set in advance, have each formed an attack formation.

A team, Sun Xiang‘s One Autumn Leaf, Huang Shaotian’s Troubling Rain, and Tang Hao‘s Three Hits line up Character in a row, topped the first several positions of Cloud Piercer of Zhou Zekai, and then later, Yu Wenzhou’s Warlock Swoksaar, hidden at the end of the team .

B team, Han Wenqing‘s Desert Dust single-handed horse tops, Ye Xiu‘s Lord Grim a few steps later, but then Su Mucheng‘s Dancing Rain, Wang Jiexi‘s Vaccaria and Chu Yunxiu‘s Windy Rain stand in line.

The two pairs happen to be a kind of opposite formation. The three teams of team A are ahead and seem to be more aggressive, but the team that launched the offensive first is team b. Although the three Characters of team b are standing behind, But the man is long range Class, and the firepower took the lead to cover the other party.

The guns and magic spell(s) complement each other, and they are rolled from the front. The Glory Alliance icon on the center Arena Field is instantly covered by various lights and shadows.


Team A took the top three positions, as if it was about same as / in general, and suddenly began to change direction. It seemed that they would bypass Team B’s fire from the side to suppress same as / in general. But team B would not allow them to pass so easily. The attack also Follow their pathing change point, still forcing them out of the area.

But the three of them gave way, and Cloud Piercer, who is in the second ladder of team a, suddenly reached the forefront.


Cloud Piercer, this gun is long range Class. At this time, Charge was launched like an melee Class. Team a turned out to be using three top players to divert the attention of opponent, and then Zhou Zekai launched the attack and attacked directly covering all Character of team b. The sturdy rate of fire of the Sharpshooter was triggered to the zenith at this instant. Cloud Piercer held a double gun and turned on the Rapidfire state. The number of bullets sent by Ability plus normal attack made it impossible to count the number of people.

Several bursts of blood bloomed in team b. This wave of assault came too fast, too fiercely, and the coverage was too large.

But because the attack surface is too large and the firepower is not concentrated, the power must be much smaller. However, Windy Rain of Chu Yunxiu and Vaccaria of Wang Jiexi require many singing techniques. Hitting the gun, damage is not good, but it means Interrupt, the Interrupt of the two of them, the blockade of the long-range firepower of team B seems to be off for a moment. The firepower suppression of Dancing Rain alone is obviously not enough to stump the three Great God of Sun Xiang, Huang Shaotian, Tang Hao together.

Dragon Breaks the Ranks!

One Autumn Leaf opened Ultimate Skill directly, and entered the field with a tough attitude. Instantly, the fans of Team Samsara boiled. This Correct scene they are most familiar with. After Sun Xiang joined Samsara, he broke the main line and Zhou Zekai‘s Cloud Piercer cooperated in the external attack. Inside and outside, just relying on the outbreak of two people, I don’t know how many teams were directly broken up. At this moment, the strongest players in the circle, the gorgeous opponent in front of them, the Samsara pairing method, it still looks so sharp.

Battle Shattering Mountains and Rivers!

Dragon Breaks the Ranks approached One Autumn Leaf, directly opened Ultimate Skill again, and leapt forward, Evil Annihilation gathered magical fighting spirit in his hands, and went straight to the enemy with an unrivaled momentum, as if the gods descended from same as / in general.


B team, but suddenly dispersed at this time, unlike team A, they are three, they are five people simultaneously spread out, orderly selection, spread out in a circle, fell among them, Correct One Autumn Leaf ··· ···

The last moment was extraordinary, but at this moment, after the Character of team B was scattered, One Autumn Leaf looked like it was falling into the abyss.


Battle Shattering Mountains and Rivers‘s magic wave is shaking the earth’s crust surgingly, and the ground in the whole Ability range suddenly becomes wrinkled. However, there is no one in the scope of Ability. Some are only Ability, Battle Shattering Mountains and Rivers, Ability, and other Ability

B team long-range three professions, launched the attack immediately after flashing out of the attack range of Battle Shattering Mountains and Rivers, everything is so fast and so accurate. One Autumn Leaf is still recruiting. Three long-range attacks already fall, there is no way to dodge, and this hastily counterattack, there is cooperation, three Ability, not killed at the same time, connected to fall, forming a continuous One Autumn Leaf’s attack .

damage will not change because of this, but the state created by the attack is prolonged because of this cooperation. After the recruitment of One Autumn Leaf, I was stiffened by three successive attacks. For a moment, it was such a short moment, Desert Dust, Lord Grim, two Character already wind same as / in general hit him in a pinch.

Ferocious Tiger Flurry!

Han Wenqing also directly opened Ultimate Skill, Desert Dust flew into the air, and the already fell on One Autumn Leaf. Even if Lord Grim of Ye Xiu is marked with Ultimate Skill on Thousand Chance Umbrella, it will not have such strength because the order is too low. At this time, he did not choose to explode like this. Lord Grim rushed to the side of One Autumn Leaf. The main purpose was to form a clamp for the double team. In addition, it was more to guard the side. After all, team A could never watch One Autumn Leaf. Siege was sent out like this.

Zhou Zekai, this Sun Xiang‘s teammates and partners now have the fastest response, and the Cloud Piercer attack can reach the fastest.

Random Firing!

Ability re-open, this Ability in all directions, under the overbearing utilize of Zhou Zekai, forced to compress a very clear focus of attack. The bullets that were concentrated in a flash, shot at the two Characters next to One Autumn Leaf.


It’s impossible. How can a Blizzard-like bullet rain flash away completely, unless you leave One Autumn Leaf, but obviously neither of the two teams in team b wants to do this. Han Wenqing continued to attack Ferocious Tiger Flurry with utilize Desert Dust. It seems that Cloud Piercer did not see a strong attack. He and Ye Xiu are clearly the enemy of many years of fighting, but at this moment, he seems to trust Ye Xiu, knowing that Ye Xiu will handle this well, so he ignores it and concentrates on his offense.


Thousand Chance Umbrella opened at this moment, guarding the body of Lord Grim and Desert Dust, blocking the bullet rain of Cloud Piercer from the outside.

“Use some power to attack and earn back!” cried Ye Xiu.

Plate Shield cover, but it does not completely resist damage. What can be completely offset is Attack Effects, which depends on the weight of Plate Shield and some special stats.

The weight of Thousand Chance Umbrella is very weak for Plate Shield, but the data on Defense stats is not bad. At this time, the 70-level Thousand Chance Umbrella, the shield form has 61% Defense Increase, and Damage Absorption. These two effects will play a role when the Plate Shield meets the attack, but Cloud Piercer, the top Sharpshooter Character in this Glory, obviously will not be able to break the Lord Grim defense because of this improvement.

Lord Grim‘s HP is still being consumed. Such cover can only be regarded as an exchange. Lord Grim blood, change One Autumn Leaf’s blood …

Two Characters that have a constant relationship with Ye Xiu are undergoing such an exchange at this time, and one of the executors is Ye Xiu‘s biggest counterpart Han Wenqing in recent years. This moment ’s scene has to be said subtle.

But team a has more than just Zhou Zekai, Huang Shaotian, the biggest opportunist of Glory. At this moment, a good opportunity, Troubling Rain pathing, flashed to the front of the Thousand Chance Umbrella shield. Umbrella Shield completely blocked the line of sight of the Lord Grim at this time, and the Ye Xiu must be so, otherwise using the Zhou Zekai marksmanship to go out half a head is probably a gunshot headshot.

Troubling Rain, under the cover of Thousand Chance Umbrella shield, bully!

Oh wow, it did n’t break on the first day, it broke on the second day … I ’m late, sorry!

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