The King’s Avatar Chapter 1046: The rhythm of Steamed Bun

.. The key Character in each Tactic session, while guiding Happy to Tactic, it is ambushing changes. 51o.Excellent Era launches shocks to these Character again and again, all of them fall into a quite passive situation, in the end pays a considerable price. So on the whole, they did not break the Tactic system of the Happy, but were subject to the Tactic of the other party again and again.

already typed Xiao Shiqin of “Jihuo Ghostblade” into the message box and quickly erased these four words. Excellent Era already can no longer fall into this passive. At the moment, they are 4 vs 3. Although Happy is holding one of them Character, in fact Happy is a complete defensive posture. The three Characters are tightened in the space controlled by Ghost Formation, and they dare not step out of this range. .

Because Ghost Formation‘s Guardian and Excellent Era have such advantages, they can’t defeat Happy for a while. Without Heal(er), they can’t afford such consumption, they must find a breakthrough sooner.

Set fire Ye Xiu!

The new instruction jumped into Excellent Era ’s Group channel. The Xiao Shiqin hit was quite hard. He was a little annoyed underneath, and he found out that they should have done so. He shouldn’t have thought so much at all. After discovering Lord Grim, he should concentrate all the Strengths of Excellent Era and send Ye Xiu out of the game desperately.

Yes, desperate.

After the last instruction was issued, Xiao Shiqin knocked down these four words again and sent them out.

Even if one, two, three, or even Heal(er) is sacrificed, as long as Ye Xiu is sent out of the competition, Excellent Era will play less and more, even if there is no Heal(er). With their strong strength, Happy cannot be cleaned up A group of recruits from grassroots?

This truth is too simple. The simple Xiao Shiqin was completely ignored at the beginning. He attaches great importance to Ye Xiu and analyzes various possibilities. Thinking about the control that Ye Xiu might make. So I never thought of sending Ye Xiu in such a tough posture.

In the final analysis, Xiao Shiqin still does not break away from his thinking habits of Team. His Tactic failed to completely release the combat power of Excellent Era, and the overly weak opponent in Challenge Tournament covered this. Then came the in the end battle. When the opponent‘s Tactic continued to amplify its own Player and Character‘s fighting power, the Excellent Era was suddenly overwhelmed.

This is completely different from what people started to expect. In people’s minds. Even if Excellent Era loses in the end, it will definitely prevail in most of the time, just because of a major mistake or loophole, caught by Happy and out of control. No one had thought that this final Excellent Era would be eroded by Happy under such a passive situation.

Until now, Xiao Shiqin was Awareness to the problem. Although he has not been able to thoroughly understand the rapport between Awareness and Excellent Era, at least this time, he finally found the key points.

Jianhuo Ye Xiu, desperate.

No Heal(er)?

Without Heal(er), there is no Heal(er). As long as you can clean up Ye Xiu, no matter how big the exchange is, it is worth it. Right now the scene Excellent Era still has an advantage in numbers, maybe this will be their last chance. In any case, take this time to completely take away Lord Grim. Against the restrictions of Ghost Formation and damage, against any attack from the opponent. There must be no more concessions.

The new instructions give more than just Tactic ideas.

Desperate, this is even more determination.

When everyone saw Excellent Era making such an instruction, they all jumped. They all felt that the biggest storm in this game is probably coming.

Xiao Shiqin took the lead in setting an example. Life Extinguisher took out Explicit Gun with the momentum of betting on the gun. The machines item that would be restricted by Ghost Formation were completely abandoned. All kinds of heavy-duty ones that were not do whatever you want / casual would be Ghost Formation The blasted heavy machinery appeared one after another. Under the cover of Mechanical Airdrop‘s aerial firepower, Life Extinguisher actually broke into the scope of Ghost Formation.

This move is quite thorough in interpreting “desperate” already. The other three players of Excellent Era were all Spirit. The match of Wang Ze twisted his body. Regardless of the attack he suffered, he had to send the bullet from opening(s) to Lord Grim. Sun Xiang and Qiu Fei do not even consider how to reduce or suppress repression and damage in Ghost Formation, but only use Lord Grim as target / goal, killing the past in the simplest and most efficient way.

The sudden offensive of Excellent Era, let alone Ye Xiu, was even noticed by Qiao Yifan. The Ghost Formation he left behind was regarded as nothing by the other side at this time. They suffered from the negative status of damage given to them by Ghost Formation, but concentrated on Strength and launched an impact on Lord Grim.

Lord Grim‘s HP is not full at this time, he also experienced too many fightings, and only carried many offensives. There is also Thousand Chance Umbrella to cover Soft Mist. It ’s so smart to walk in the rain, but the umbrella Lord Grim still needs to bear damage.

Plate Shield‘s exempted damage is based on percentages. In addition, this is an increase in the power of Defense. To a certain extent, it cannot completely block damage like attacking parry, but the convenience of Plate Shield is that it does not need to consider the issue of Ability judgment like attacking parry. In the face of any attack, as long as Plate Shield meets, the percentage of Defense power and damage exemption can be exerted.

Lord Grim supports the umbrella, Soft Mist does not bear any damage when hiding behind the umbrella, but Lord Grim cannot escape the blood loss after the hit. After all, Lord Grim is actually the lowest health bar of Happy Character present, and already is only 50% of HP.

In this case, you still don’t want to attack him?

Xiao Shiqin turned his head at this moment, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that attacking Lord Grim was a super right decision.

After entering Ghost Formation, his Life Extinguisher also ignored any existence of Ghost Formation, only considering **** Lord Grim.

Qiao Yifan quickly strengthened the blocking, Ghost Formation dropped frantically, but was still ignored by a few people in Excellent Era. Several people attacked Lord Grim around Ye Xiu. Steamed Bun Invasion and One Inch Ash were not like existence at this time. They ignored the various attacks on the side of this two people.

“Controlled!” Qiao Yifan hurriedly reminded Steamed Bun in the channel.

Being good at the flow is the biggest feature of Steamed Bun. No matter who comes up with the idea, he doesn’t really think about whether it makes sense. Anyway, do it first and then say it. Steamed Bun Invasion saved fiercely, an Tyrannical Chain Punch wanted to overturn a target / goal to the ground. But it turns out that Excellent Era is ignoring him regardless of everything. But such Ability they will still care. One Autumn Leaf, which was locked by Steamed Bun as target / goal, was a light change of direction. Easily flashed this flop. Steamed Bun is also not attached. After Character stature turns, it is another Strangle towards Battle Form.

Of course you have to hide. Although Strangle does not limit the target / goal‘s attack action, it will control movement, so it will naturally not be able to enter the position of attacking Lord Grim.

Another blow from Steamed Bun Invasion was avoided again. But immediately following, Sand Toss, Brick BusterBrawler, the Ability of this occupational control department, was still quite a lot, and Steamed Bun was thrown away by an ancient brain at this time. Without a unified target / goal, and without a clear intention, he would hit whichever one goes smoothly. In a moment, a bunch of Abilitys were already Cooldown, and Steamed Bun‘s hand speed was also quite outstanding. However, at this time there are also small Ability, Steamed Bun, which completed already Cooldown as early as possible.

“Too Hu is here …” This is the emotion from Li Yibo.

However such a hum. It really has a very important impact on the scene. Excellent Era disregards Kill Steal Lord Grim, they will not bother to attack damage, but they are afraid that this control technique Ability will delay their time. They need to pay attention to Ability from Steamed Bun Invasion. However, the Steamed Bun attack has no clear idea at all. It all came from his free will, Xiao Shiqin experience richly prediction twice. Actually hit a brick.

Yes, the brick, back of head in the middle of Life Extinguisher, he was stunned. However, it is regrettable that because of being in Ghost Formation, the uninterrupted Ghost Formation damage immediately released his Confused state. This makes Qiao Yifan regrettable. This Steamed Bun, I do n’t know how to seek for cooperation. I knew that your bricks would work, I will not put this Ghost Formation with damage in this place!

But Steamed Bun wouldn’t care about this. He had already found the next target / goal. For a while Excellent Era was killed by Steamed Bun Invasion. They didn’t want to waste time on the Steamed Bun Invasion, but being wary of Steamed Bun Invasion attacks distracted them quite a bit.

Heaven and earth, no one knows where the This person attack came from and where it went. This is the case with bricks, as is the case with other Abilitys. Every time Steamed Bun Invasion raises its hand, everyone in Excellent Era must be shocked and dodge. in the end? Steamed Bun Invasion attack can only hit one person, right? The other two are just wasting time?

“This … this is really messy …” Pan Lin sighed with stun. The outbreak of Steamed Bun brought the game into an incredible mess. This already is not a category that can be interpreted with Glory knowledge. The Li Yibo guidance was silent for a long time, and finally said with a sentence: “He disrupted the rhythm of Excellent Era …”

Yes, no one can see this. The rhythm of Excellent Era is now chaotic, already. But the question is, does Happy have a rhythm now? No, not at all. The Steamed Bun Invasion attack could not be captured by Excellent Era people, and even their Happy could not cooperate.

“Get away !!!”

Sun Xiang was finally impatient with Steamed Bun. The performance of this guy’s clown same as / in general actually slowed down their progress in attacking Lord Grim. One Autumn Leaf temporarily let go of Lord Grim, Evil Annihilation flew towards Steamed Bun Invasion with a shake, and he was determined to drive this messy guy away a bit.

“Watch out!”

It turned out that One Autumn Leaf had just turned to target / goal, and behind him was a spear. Ye Xiu isn’t dead on the field yet. This situation is a mess, and in his eyes there is no opportunity but a little dazzling. At this time, One Autumn Leaf suddenly changed to attack target / goal, and it didn’t echo any other people. The attack of Ye Xiu was Awareness. If you do n’t come, I ’m really sorry for my many years of practice.

Circle Swing!

One Autumn Leaf was picked up by Lord Grim and smashed **** the head of the match.

“Good job Steamed Bun.”

“That’s all there is to say!” Steamed Bun said with great confidence, but did he know what he did? Team Happy teammates expressed doubts. They think that telling Steamed Bun to use Qiao Yifan to control Ability will be the biggest one?


Slow writing again today … To be continued ..

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