The Immortal Taoist Chapter 178: Who is shameless?

There is only one star gate from the Sky Demon Territory to the Sky Ling Territory. They stayed here, thinking that Ling Dao would be discovered soon. [;As a result, whether they see the real dragon or Kunpeng, they have to check carefully for fear that it is a fake. As a result, their patience was almost exhausted by the disappointment again and again.

Fortunately, Ling Dao finally came, and Ling Dao didn’t turn into a real dragon or Kunpeng at all, but appeared before them as the human race. They would suspect Ling Dao pretending to be a real dragon or Kunpeng, but they would not suspect other warriors pretending to be Ling Dao.

“Big Tianzun?”

Ling Dao smiled, sure enough, the demon **** was fooled. Although the sword demon took action and didn’t keep alive, he didn’t have the ability to kill the holy king of the sky demon clan. The saint king of the Celestial Demon clan who acted on the Sword Demon indeed died in the hands of the elders of the Xianlinglong clan, but Tian Xinghu was not dead.

Tian Xinghu, through the holy king of the Celestial Demon clan, has seen the sword demon take action, and he can naturally find that the sword demon is in the middle of the Celestial Realm. Coupled with the complete destruction of the Heavenly Lords sent by the Tian Mastiff and Dragon Clan, the Heavenly Lords they sent for the second time were naturally stronger.

Emperor Xiaoyao said that he would not give Gao Lingdao a big realm power to attack Ling Dao. If Ling Dao is a mid-term Tianzun, then there is no problem with Da Tianzun’s attack. After the strongest of the dragon clan and the sky mastiff clan got the news of Tian Xinghu, they sent the lowest level of the Tianzun, and they were all the late Tianzun.

“I’m only in the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, the Great Heavenly Lord among you is sure to take action against me?”

Ling Dao performed the exercises in public, exposing the real realm. The breath of the peak of the Heavenly Monarch Realm, without any cover. Not to mention the Yaozu Tianzun, even if the Yaozu Tianjun is present, he can still detect the realm of Lingdao.

“How is it possible?”

The Yaozu Tianzun does not believe that Ling Dao is the pinnacle of the Heavenly Sovereign Realm for two reasons. First, Ling Dao at the peak of the Heavenly Sovereign Realm could not have swept away the Tianzun in front of him. Second, Tian Xinghu had no reason to deceive them.

Not only did the early and mid-term Tianzun of the Dragon Clan and the Celestial Mastiff clan died in the hands of the sword demon, but the Tianzun of other imperial powers also died. If Ling Dao was only at the peak of the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, he could kill the mid-term Heavenly Venerable of their imperial power, what would Ling Dao’s talent look like?

“You are so strange that when I left the Heavenly Fox Holy Land, there was only the late Heavenly Sovereign Realm, and now it is the peak of the Heavenly Sovereign Realm. Isn’t it normal? Are you surprised?”

Ling Dao knew the reason, so he insisted on deliberately mocking Yaozu Tianzun. Especially the Da Tianzun, who was about to attack him just now, didn’t say a word. [Fast update, refreshing website pages, few ads, and no pop-ups. I like this kind of website the most. I must praise the great Tianzun who owns five heavenly houses. They can’t attack the Ling Dao at the peak of the Tianjun Bureau. They can only stare.

“Who can tell me what the **** is going on? Could it be that we have worked so hard to run over and can only stare at me?”

“Could it be that there is a strong person by his side, secretly shooting?”

“It is possible that he is an emperor, and there is a guardian around him. It is entirely reasonable. He is a human heavenly king who comes to the territory of the demon clan, how can he not be defensive?”

If Ling Dao really has a protector, they certainly can’t deal with it. Those who are qualified to protect the emperor’s way must at least reach the realm of Dao Sovereign, and may even be Dao Master. Not to mention the Great Heavenly Sovereign, even the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, put it in front of Dao Sovereign and Dao Master, it is not enough.

“Why do you Yaozu Tianzun know to guess wildly? If I have a protector, you can still talk nonsense in front of me?”

Ling Dao’s contempt was on his face, and the demon **** Tianzun could not be angry. It is a pity that not only the Great Tianzun can’t make moves, even the pinnacle Tianzun can’t make moves. When Ling Dao was in the late Heavenly Sovereign Realm, the demon clan could only send out the strongest mid-Tian Sovereign Realm. Now Ling Dao is the peak of the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, and the demon clan can only send the high-end Heavenly Sovereign Realm strong.

The first time he changed his body, Ling Dao pitted Yaozu Tianzun once. The Yaozu Tianzun originally thought that Ling Dao was only a late-stage warrior in the Heavenly Sovereign realm, but the sword demon was a middle-stage warrior in the Tianzun realm, killing warriors in the same realm like a chicken and dog. Now he changed his body for the second time and pitted Yaozu Tianzun again.

The Yaozu Tianzun thought he was the mid-term Tianzun, so he dispatched the pinnacle heaven and the great heaven. Then it was discovered that Ling Dao had only the peak of the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, and the peak Heavenly Sovereign and Great Heavenly Sovereign could not do anything at all, and could only give the task of dealing with Ling Dao to the later Heavenly Sovereign.

“If you want to do it, you must do it quickly, or I will go back to the Sky Ling domain. Just you guys, you must not dare to chase the Sky Ling domain to kill me.”

Ling Dao, a Human Race Heavenly Sovereign, has a hard time in the territory of the Demon Race, and if the Demon Race Heavenly Sovereign is in the territory of the Human Race, it will be equally difficult. Some strong human races hate the demon race extremely, maybe the demon **** has only passed by, and he will be torn to pieces by the human god.

“Joke! Our monsters have long blocked the star gates, only to the territory of other monsters, not to the territory of the human race!”

Because Ling Dao can transform into a real dragon and Kunpeng, the Yaozu directly blocked all the star gates leading to the territories of the human race. Whether it is a human warrior or a monster warrior, as long as you want to go to the territories of the human race, they all refuse. When will they solve Ling Dao, when will they recover.

“You must die, I will fulfill you!”

Without waiting for the demon clan’s Tianzun, Ling Dao swung his fist and attacked a demon clan’s late Tianzun. Since the peak Heavenly Sovereign and Great Heavenly Sovereign of the Demon Race could not attack him, he would certainly not attack them stupidly. What the pinnacle Tianzun and Great Tianzun can do is to hand over the battlefield to Ling Dao and the later stage Tianzun of the Yaozu.

When Yuanshi Longwang fisted, it was like two giant dragons running rampant. The demon clan late Tianzun who bears the brunt did not expect that Ling Dao dared to take the lead when he was outnumbered. The reaction of Tianzun in the later stage of the monster race was finally slow, and he was directly blown away by Ling Dao.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Dao didn’t stop, and quickly attacked the next demon race’s late-stage Tianzun. The huge fist, resembling a ferocious dragon head, collided with the palms of the demon’s late Tianzun. The terrible air wave lifted a piece of boulder, and then the boulder turned into dust in the air.

Although Ling Dao’s previous life was only the pinnacle of the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, his other body was in the middle of the Heavenly Sovereign Realm. In other words, he is equivalent to the mid-term Tianzun who suppressed his cultivation to the peak of the Heavenly Sovereign Realm. Coupled with the savage power of Zhu Xian he cultivated, it was enough for him to sweep the average late-stage Tianzun.

Because the second Tianzun sent by the Yaozu, the main force is the pinnacle Tianzun and the Great Tianzun. Therefore, the late Tianzun who confronted Ling Dao was at best an average genius, and there was nothing really powerful at all. Even if their numbers are dominant, they are still defeated by Ling Dao.

“The face of our monster race is simply lost to you. Can’t you join hands and kill Ling Dao on the spot?”

“A group of late Heavenly Sovereigns can’t beat a human peak Heavenly Sovereign. How did you cultivate to your current realm?”

The big Tianzun of the demon clan scolded, seeming to be teaching the demon clan’s late devil, but in fact, it is stabilizing the mood of the demon clan’s late Tianzun. Because Ling Dao showed strong strength as soon as he came up, it created an invincible illusion for the demon clan’s late Tianzun. Some demon clan Tianzun obviously has very strong strength, but can’t show it, it is because of the influence of aura.


After the demon race’s late Tianzun regained fighting spirit one after another, it was obviously different from before. The five late-stage Heavenly Sovereigns who had been supporting Ling Dao, now not only blocked Ling Dao’s offensive, but also shot one after another, using their masterful skills to repel Ling Dao.

The other demon clan’s late Tianzun suddenly lifted their spirits, and it was not until this time that they realized that Ling Dao was only at the peak of the Heavenly Sovereign Realm. With their realm, there is no need to be afraid of Ling Dao, it should be Ling Dao who is afraid of them. Their realm is higher than Ling Dao, and they are a large group of people who deal with Ling Dao. How could they lose to Ling Dao?

“Sura Sage King Banner!”

Without a word, Ling Dao sacrificed the Asura Holy King Banner. Although the Asura Saint King Banner is in the Celestial Demon Realm, it is far less powerful in the Asura Realm, but it is a sage soldier after all. Even if it only exerts a part of the power of the sacred weapon, it is not something that the later Tianzun can resist.

A three-headed six-armed Shura walked out of the banner and rushed to the late demon king who was most fond of attacking Ling Dao. Obviously, the demon clan’s late Tianzun didn’t expect that Ling Dao actually had Saint Soldiers. The decisive battle between the three-headed and six-armed Shura and the late Tianzun of the Demon Race lasted only a moment, and the late Tianzun of the Demon Race died in Shura’s hands.

“Shameless! Using the Holy Soldier!”

“It’s really despicable to the extreme, and the duel is upright. You secretly urge the holy soldiers to be shameless?”

In the later stage of the Yaozu, Tianzun was filled with righteous indignation and scolded Lingdao one after another. The authorities are fans, the bystanders are clear, the pinnacle Tianzun and the Great Tianzun, who have not confronted Ling Dao, turned away. Perhaps other warriors are qualified to scold Ling Dao as shameless, anyway, the demon clan late Tianzun who is confronting Ling Dao is not qualified.

“Hahaha… your shamelessness really left me speechless. A large group of you late Heavenly Lords dealt with me, a peak Heavenly Lord, and they were embarrassed to say that the duel was upright? I asked you, where is the uprightness?”

“It’s easy to say I’m despicable, and I’m shameless? Who is it, who is shameless, don’t you know yourself? Are you fools or idiots?”

“Don’t say that I use the Holy if I use Dao tools, you have no face to talk about me. On shamelessness, despicableness, shamelessness, a hundred and a thousand me, I can’t compare to you !”

Ling Dao satirized the demon clan’s late Tianzun while doing it. Previously said that Ling Dao was shameless and despicable, and the late Tianzun of the demon race wanted to find a place to get in. Indeed, as Ling Dao said, they are more shameless than Ling Dao, despicable than Ling Dao, and shameless than Ling Dao.

“The winner is king, and the loser is the bandit. What you say is useless, the important thing is that you are dead and we are still alive!”

“Don’t talk nonsense with him, kill him first!”

Among the demon clan’s late Tianzun, there are also saint soldiers. In the later stage, the Celestial Venerable mobilizes the Holy Soldiers, it is definitely easier than the Peak Heavenly Venerable mobilizes the Holy Soldiers. What’s more, they also took out two saint soldiers, one against Ling Dao’s Asura Saint King Banner, and one against Ling Dao.


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