The Immortal Taoist Chapter 152: Hongxi Emperor

The emperor Xiaoyao’s momentum is getting stronger and stronger, and the emperor’s prestige is diffused. The Dao Master of Killing was afraid, the Dao Lord Mad Dragon was also afraid, and the other monster martial artists were even more afraid. However, the emperor of Tianhu Holy Land didn’t care at all. In his eyes, Emperor Xiaoyao was just a junior.

“Hugh is rampant! The Sky Fox Territory is the world of the Fox tribe, not a place where you can go wild!”

The Great Emperor of Tianhu Holy Land not only did not show weakness, but looked down on Emperor Xiaoyao with a higher posture. The territory of the monster race is naturally the master of the monster race, not to mention that his realm is even higher than that of the Emperor Xiaoyao. As long as he wanted to, he could completely suppress Emperor Xiaoyao, or even imprison him in the Heavenly Fox Holy Land.

“Really?” Emperor Xiaoyao sneered, and suddenly shot, “This emperor is going wild today, what can you do with me?”

A palm, across the space, appeared above the sky. Since Emperor Xiaoyao decided to do it, he would not be merciful. The sky filled Dao Ze, like countless divine swords, pierced the face of Emperor Tianhu Holy Land. The five fingers of Emperor Xiaoyao smashed into the face of Emperor Tianhu Holy Land like a golden mountain falling jade pillar.

“Play well, play well! As long as you shoot, you don’t want to leave the territory of the monster race!”

The Dao Master of Killing chuckled madly, and the shame he had just received would soon be returned to Emperor Xiaoyao hundreds of times. When the emperor of Tianhu Holy Land proclaimed the Dao, Emperor Xiaoyao might not have been born yet. To say that Emperor Xiaoyao could defeat the emperor of the Heavenly Fox Holy Land, the master of killing would definitely not believe it.

The Lord of Zhendong, the Lord of Huanan, the Lord of Chenxi and the Lord of Yuanbei have more confidence in the emperor of Tianhu Holy Land. It is not so much that they follow the transcendent Taoist master, it is better to say that they are worshipped under the emperor of Tianhu Holy Land. If the emperor is willing to give them some pointers, they will definitely benefit a lot.


The emperor of the Tianhu Holy Land roared, and the emptiness of thousands of miles exploded. The infinite Tao is condensed into stars, dazzling light, extremely bright. The huge face trembled gently, like a real dragon shaking its armor, and the stars fell, smashing towards the place where Emperor Xiaoyao was.

The palm of Emperor Xiaoyao is comparable to a copper wall and an iron wall, resisting all the stars. The sky started to rain and the ground turned to scorched earth. Emperor Xiaoyao not only had to face off against the emperor of the Heavenly Fox Holy Land, but also guarded them well. Even the slightest aftermath can shake Ling Dao alive.


The sky seemed to collapse, and thousands of cracks began to spread. What made the killing Dao Master and the Crazy Dragon Dao Master shocked was that Emperor Xiaoyao’s palm shattered the face of Emperor Tianhu Holy Land. The clash between Emperor Xiaoyao and Emperor Tianhu Holy Land immediately decided the winner.

“It’s not that the great emperor of my Heavenly Fox Holy Land is not strong, but just his projection. If he really comes, how could the human emperor be his opponent?”

Mr Zhendong Dao, Chenxi Dao Jun, Huanan Dao Jun and Yuanbei Dao Jun reacted immediately. The face of Emperor Tianhu Holy Land was shattered by Emperor Xiaoyao, which means nothing. They didn’t believe that Emperor Xiaoyao was the opponent of Emperor Tianhu Holy Land, an old emperor and a new emperor, there was no comparison at all.

Killing Dao Master is even more gloating, Emperor Xiaoyao is just hitting the face of Emperor Tianhu Holy Land, Emperor Tianhu Holy Land cannot let Emperor Xiaoyao go. If the Ling family didn’t have Emperor Xiaoyao sitting in town, he would even be sure to razing the Ling family to the ground. Wanting to come to the Lingxiao Pavilion would not stop him.

“Damn it!”

At the same time, there was a roar from the Heavenly Fox Holy Land. The actions of Emperor Xiaoyao indeed angered the Great Emperor of Heavenly Fox Holy Land. Transcendence Dao Master’s face changed slightly, now who else can anger his father like this? Is it possible that the Lord of the Heavenly Fox Holy Land has gone out?

The Heavenly Fox Holy Land emperor’s real body was dispatched, and in just a moment, he arrived at the junction of the Heavenly Fox Territory and the Sky Demon Territory. When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous. When he saw Emperor Xiaoyao from a distance, there was anger burning in his eyes. It is the first time he has been so disgraced since he became the emperor.

Emperor Hongxi, the last lord of the Heavenly Fox Holy Land, a well-known strongman of the monster race. Had it not been for the sudden emergence of Taixuan Dao Master’s sister, he might still be the Lord of the Heavenly Fox Holy Land. You know, he is just an ordinary fox martial artist, not a nine-tailed monster fox. He can become the master of the celestial fox holy land, and he is naturally powerful.

“Junior, do you know the consequences of angering this emperor?”

A loud voice rang from all directions, shaking the void. Emperor Hongxi stood in the air, and the surging imperial prestige seemed like a huge wave, wave after wave hit Emperor Xiaoyao. What disappointed Emperor Hongxi was that Emperor Xiaoyao was as steady as a rock, unaffected by the slightest influence.

“Of course I know, but, forgive me, you alone are not my opponent. I want to kill you, it’s just a matter of time!”

Absolute self-confidence, sheer arrogance, and madness!

The monster warrior finally understands why Ling Dao is so arrogant that he has inherited his father’s character. Unlike Ling Dao, Emperor Xiaoyao is a great emperor and is qualified to be arrogant. Regardless of whether Emperor Xiaoyao was an opponent of Emperor Hongxi, it was not an object they could laugh at.

“This emperor will not hold you up. If this emperor is really not your opponent, please ask other emperors to take action and suppress you in the Sky Fox Territory together. At that time, even if you want to die, it is a luxury!”

Emperor Hongxi is not joking, even if the current Lord of the Heavenly Fox Holy Land doesn’t help him, it doesn’t matter. The Demon Race has other friends. Killing Emperor Xiaoyao, Emperor Xiaoyao can use the immortal Dao Heart to come back to life in the Ling family, imprisoning Emperor Xiaoyao is different. Just imprison Emperor Xiaoyao, Emperor Xiaoyao don’t even think about returning to Ling’s house.

Of course, without a fight with Emperor Xiaoyao first, Emperor Hongxi will definitely not invite other emperors over. It is impossible for Emperor Hongxi to be scared by Emperor Xiaoyao just because of the words of Emperor Xiaoyao. He just made two-handed preparations and must keep Emperor Xiaoyao in the domain of the fox.

“Don’t think that you can defeat the emperor by breaking the projection of the emperor. You can’t know the gap between the projection and the real body, right?”

Emperor Hongxi was already brewing momentum while speaking. Waiting for his momentum to accumulate to the apex is when he takes action against Emperor Xiaoyao. It’s best to win Emperor Xiaoyao, even if he can’t win Emperor Xiaoyao, he has second-hand preparation, which can be said to be foolproof.

“Could it be possible for you to use the real body as the projection of the emperor to destroy you?”

Emperor Xiaoyao sneered, Emperor Hongxi didn’t care about his attitude, but stared at his body firmly. No wonder that Emperor Xiaoyao is confident, no wonder that Emperor Xiaoyao is not worried. It turns out that Emperor Xiaoyao in front of him is not his real body at all. Even if Emperor Hongxi suppressed him, it would not have any effect.

Emperor Hongxi still didn’t understand Emperor Xiaoyao. If he knew that Emperor Xiaoyao was countless, he would understand that Emperor Xiaoyao could not have made such a low-level mistake. If Emperor Xiaoyao really descended into the Heavenly Fox Territory, then even if Emperor Xiaoyao had great abilities, it would still be of no avail.

Only the Heavenly Fox Holy Land, there are two great emperors, and there are also great emperors in other monster race territories. Not to mention that Emperor Xiaoyao defeated all of their great emperors, even if they were fighting alone, many of them could beat Emperor Xiaoyao. If Emperor Xiaoyao was imprisoned, the Ling family would be in danger, and it was impossible for him to risk the rise and fall of the Ling family.

“You can deal with Ling Dao, but you can’t send a warrior who is a full level above him. Otherwise, the emperor doesn’t mind breaking the rules, and you will kill you monster warriors until you kill them all!”

The Emperor Xiaoyao has a serious face, and the demon martial artist’s behavior has indeed aroused his dissatisfaction. It was the monster martial artist that was wrong first, since Wei Wudi and Ling Jianhao could not help Ling Dao, then he wouldn’t mind beating the monster martial artist himself. If he wanted to kill a monster warrior, it was as simple as pinching an ant.

“Why? We Yaozu do things, what qualifications do you have to intervene?”

Because of the presence of Daojun Hongxi, Daoist Killing finally gained confidence. Even if it is against Xiaoyao he is not very scared. The Dao Master of Killing didn’t want Emperor Xiaoyao to reconcile with Emperor Hongxi. If this were the case, he would not know in which year the humiliation he suffered would be reported.

“Just because he is the son of the emperor!”

Emperor Xiaoyao said lightly, this one reason is worth a thousand words. Emperor Hongxi intentionally refuted, but Emperor Xiaoyao had nothing to say. Emperor Xiaoyao’s feelings of showing up for his son, Emperor Hongxi can fully understand.

“Also, the Great Dialogue, where can you interrupt?”

I didn’t see Emperor Xiaoyao taking action, but there was a red palm print on the face of the killing master. But Dao Master Killing was still imprisoned in place, unable to move, and could only witness his cheeks swelling high. The anger in the heart of the killing master is like a grave in Zhuhai.

Previously, when Ling Dao interrupted Emperor Xiaoyao and Emperor Hongxi, nothing happened. Now, the killing master interrupted and immediately received a heavy slap in the face. What made the killing master vomit blood even more was that Emperor Hongxi didn’t even mean to vent his breath for the killing master.

“There is nothing to do with you two, let’s leave!”

The Emperor Xiaoyao waved his sleeves, and Ling Jianhao and the leader of Xuanji disappeared into the field. Emperor Hongxi didn’t stop Emperor Xiaoyao, he just stared at Emperor Xiaoyao intently. Emperor Hongxi didn’t care whether Ling Jianhao and the leader of Xuanji stayed, he only cared about Emperor Xiaoyao.

“You smashed this emperor’s projection, and this emperor will destroy your incarnation of essence and blood, and pay for it!”

Before, only the leader of Xuanji found something wrong with Emperor Xiaoyao, but due to the limitation of her realm, she didn’t know that Emperor Xiaoyao in front of her was just a drop of blood. The realm of Emperor Hongxi is higher than that of Emperor Xiaoyao, so he can naturally see his origin. The matter of the incarnation of essence and blood must be hidden from Emperor Hongxi’s eyes.

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