The Hope You Gave Me: 41-Yin Xu

Su Quan cried in the car so that Min Hui was flustered, and finally coaxed him to stop. The taxi had already turned to Zhongshan Road, and the Xianghe Building was in sight. Min Hui’s cell phone rang, and Cao Mu came from Bluetooth. An eager voice: “Xiaohui, you forgot the morning meeting? It’s about to start, why hasn’t it arrived yet? Everyone is waiting for you.”

“I’ll be there soon, I’ll be there soon, wait for me for five minutes!” Min Hui said with her arms around Su Quan, “By the way, Sister Cao, you’re all by my side, can you help me find someone to take a look at during the meeting?”

“I had already agreed with Bei Bei–” Cao Mu’s voice suddenly dropped twice, “I didn’t expect Mr. He to disagree at all, saying that Bai’an is a work place, not a kindergarten…”

Min Hui was stunned.

Although the surgery was successful and recovery is good, Su Quan still needs to recuperate at home and will not be able to go to kindergarten in three months at the earliest. Min Hui originally planned to take half a month’s personal leave to take care of the children after the work at hand was over. Although she was very resistant, she had no choice.

“What should I do? I just finished the discharge procedure, and Su Quan’s bed is gone.” Min Hui said anxiously, “Jiajun is not here either, so I went to interview.”

“Well, you go to the Four Seasons Tennis Club on Dongping Road,” Cao Mu said immediately, “Yin Xu plays there, you go directly to him and give your child to him.”

Dongping Road is nearby, but Min Hui hesitated: “Is it convenient? Originally it was supposed to be picked up in the afternoon… Would you like to give me a call first?”

Yin Xu’s family is wealthy and an only son, neither earning nor short of money. Although he does not work, he is not an otaku and especially likes outdoor sports. In addition to grocery shopping, cooking, and taking children, the rest of the time is either playing golf or running. In summer, I often play golf. What if the family has already made arrangements, wouldn’t it be too disappointing to force a child into him?

“Convenient and convenient! He doesn’t look at his phone when he is playing. You have to come back after you have delivered your child. There are several meetings waiting for you. Mr. He has already made a fuss.”

He Haixiang’s roar could be heard through the earphones, Min Hui said quickly, “Okay, thank you Sister Cao!”

The driver turned around and drove towards Dongping Road and arrived at the Four Seasons Tennis Club in five minutes.

Min Hui walked to the front desk with the child in her arms and saw a girl sitting in front of the computer, she quickly asked, “Which stadium is Yin Xu at?”

“Coach Yin? He just left after finishing the fight. You should be able to find him in the parking lot.”

“Where’s the parking lot?”

“At the back door. You go forward and turn left. There is a glass door, just push it open.”

For fear of not being able to touch Yin Xu, Min Hui jogged with her child in her arms for a while, and she found a glass door.

In the distance, next to a black Toyota SUV, stood a man in sportswear with a tennis bag on his back, although only in profile, Min Hui recognized it as Yin Xu. He was talking to a woman with long hair that reached her waist, wearing a white Nike jersey, and the two held hands in a very intimate manner. After speaking, the girl got into the car with him and sat in the co-pilot.

When the car started, Yin Xu probed over and kissed her. The woman didn’t dodge, she greeted her face generously and kissed back.

Min Hui felt a “bang” in her heart, blood rushed to her face, and she recognized the woman as Ye Xiaozhen.

How come? how is this possible? This is not true!

Ye Xiaozhen was the tutor she found for Chen Jiajun, because she taught well and she was smart and sensible, and everyone liked her very much. Later, Cao Mu’s son Yin Di needed someone to help with writing. Min Hui immediately recommended Ye Xiaozhen, thinking that her family was difficult and it would be good to earn money in multiple places. Ye Xiaozhen went happily. Eleven-year-old Yin Di has entered a period of rebelliousness that causes headaches for parents, but Xiaozhen has a way to make him obedient and do his due diligence in tutoring. Cao Mu praised her for her simplicity and ability, and said that when the summer vacation comes, she will see if she can work in the company. Find her a part-time job like publicity.

I didn’t expect the “plain” character to collapse so quickly.

Min Hui can’t wait to slap herself in the face. She didn’t expect her eyes to be so bad. She had misunderstood Cheng Qirang before and almost lost her life. Now I misread Ye Xiaozhen again and brought Cao Mu’s family into the fire pit.

When exactly did these two start?

Min Hui was puzzled and did not dare to over-analyze it to avoid misinterpretation. Ye Xiaozhen and Chen Jiajun usually met in the university library, and Min Hui didn’t see her very often. Apart from her resume, she didn’t know much about her. Jiajun said all the compliments. Every time she was tutored, she would prepare lessons carefully.

Thinking of this, Min Hui was a little anxious. Could it be that Jia Jun also likes her?

Su Quan needed an accompanying room in the hospital for surgery. Ye Xiaozhen took the initiative to take care of her. Min Hui wanted to calculate the labor fee by the hour, but she refused to do so. In order to make up for the five-day gap, Jiajun asked Xiaozhen to help him for two days.

I didn’t expect her to start so quickly. The tutor got on well with the male master in less than two weeks, and I don’t know who took the initiative. The Nike outfit she wears costs thousands of dollars from top to bottom – with Ye Xiaozhen’s income, she can’t afford it.

Min Hui wanted to stop them and ask them what was going on, but she was afraid that the two would not admit it. On Cao Mu’s side, he didn’t know whether to say it or not.

In the tangle, Yin Xu’s car has already driven away.

Min Hui walked out of the tennis court with her child in her arms and took a taxi to Xianghe Building. I thought that since there was no one to help, I could only shamelessly bring Su Quan to the company, and being scolded would be better than delaying work. When I got out of the car and was about to walk forward, someone called out from behind me, “Min Hui!”

She looked back and saw that it was Yin Xu, startled, and hurriedly said “hi” to him.

“Cao Mu called and asked me to come pick up Su Quan.” He looked at her with a smile.

Looks like he hasn’t found it yet. Min Hui hesitated for a moment and said, “Is it convenient?”

“It’s convenient, I just stopped by after playing the ball,” he said, his eyes calm and unremarkable.

Min Hui glanced at his car, there was no one in it, and she wondered if she was hallucinating. After thinking about it, he confirmed the conjecture just now: he was going to send Ye Xiaozhen back to school, but he didn’t dare to neglect his wife’s call, so he let Ye Xiaozhen get out of the car and came over to pick up Su Quan himself. If there is nothing between the two of them, why would Ye Xiaozhen sit in the car? She is a tutor, and it is normal to ride in his car.

“Then I’ll trouble you.” Min Hui handed Su Quan over to him, “I’ll come pick him up at night.”

“No, you don’t have a car, call ahead and I’ll bring it back to you.”

“Thank you so much.” Min Hui patted Su Quan’s head, “Quan Quan, you can play at uncle’s house for a while, okay?”

Su Quan was a little reluctant to leave her mother, and refused to leave in her arms. Yin Xu hurriedly said, “Brother Xiao Di and Sister Xiao Ning have all come back in the afternoon to play with you. Uncle will cook you something delicious.”

As soon as Su Quan heard it, his favorite brothers and sisters were all there, and he immediately went into Yin Xu’s arms.

After the two hurriedly said goodbye, Min Hui went upstairs suspiciously.


The large and small meetings were held all morning. Min Hui promised to complete the GS1.0 diabetes screening function on time before the official announcement, and He Haixiang finally had a smile on his face.

At lunch, Min Hui deliberately went to the restaurant with Cao Mu, ordered a bowl of noodles and found a quiet place to sit down. Min Hui quietly observed Cao Mu and found nothing unusual about her.

Working together for four years, Cao Mu used her power to give Min Hui a lot of care, enabling her to complete the heavy work compared to others in a relaxed state of mind. The friendship between the two is getting deeper and deeper. In addition, Zhou Ruji and Yin Xu are also golfers. During the festival, the two families often get together.

Nevertheless, Min Hui and Cao Mu were not close enough to talk about everything. After all, there was an age difference between them. Cao Mu and Min Hui were sixteen years old, equivalent to her elders. They rarely exchange emotional topics. When they get together, they talk about computers, technology, and AI with relish and enjoyment. Min Hui never mentioned Su Tian and Xin Qi to her. Because of the Cheng Qirang incident, Cao Mu was afraid that she would be sad and sad, and did not dare to ask too much about her private life.

Everyone in the company thinks that Cao Mu is a happy woman, and her husband is good in everything except that he doesn’t make money.

“Sister Cao, that tennis club is really high class! Brother Yin Xu likes to play tennis so much, why didn’t you play with him? I don’t like it anymore?” Min Hui asked while eating noodles.

“I like it, I work overtime every day, how can I have time! I take a shower every day and sleep at home.”

“Sister, I think you can handle the pressure quite well. With so much work and two children, you are not in a hurry to see you every day.”

Cao Mu sighed: “That’s because I took medicine.”

“What medicine?”

“Paroxetine, have you heard of it?”

Min Hui shook her head.

“An anti-anxiety drug that I’ve been taking for a year.”

“So serious?”

“Menopause. The last time I applied for the CFDA, I was so busy that my autonomic nervous system was disturbed. My concentration was super poor. This…”

She took out a small pill bottle from her bag: “One pill a day.”

“Can you calm down?”

“More than calm, not interested in everything. I heard that many American women survived divorce by eating it.”

Min Hui looked at the white pill inside and smiled: “So amazing? I want to take it too.”

Cao Mu grabbed the bottle back and said seriously: “Don’t take it, there are quite a few side effects. I am also a last resort…”

“Let Brother Yin Xu take good care of you.”

“He, he didn’t let me take medicine, he just said he was going to pass.” Cao Mu smiled wryly, “If you don’t work in this industry, how can you feel our pressure?”

Min Hui wanted to tell her what happened in the parking lot, but she held back her words.

It’s definitely right to say it, but I don’t know if it’s good or not. In case Cao Mu didn’t believe it, he didn’t have any hard evidence in his hand. If the relationship between husband and wife is gone, their friendship is also over.

Back to the office, Min Hui quietly called Zhou Ruji and asked about paroxetine.

“It’s an antidepressant, and it’s also used to treat anxiety and social disorders,” Zhou Ruji said. “It works pretty well.”

“Is it okay to eat all year round? Will it be bad for your health?”

“There are a bunch of side effects: insomnia, nightmares, headaches, nausea, constipation, sweating, itching, weight gain… And there is drug dependence, which cannot be stopped suddenly. By the way, there is also a common side effect- Zhou Ruji added, “Sexual dysfunction.”

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