The Grandmaster Strategist Chapter 9: The anthurium changes tragically

Rou Lan quickly drew out her hand and said: “It’s so cold, how come my sister’s hands are so cold.” She looked at Yue Qingyan strangely, thinking that the princess’s hands are always warm and soft, why this The bride’s sister’s hands are ice. Yue Qingyan smiled apologetically and said: “My sister is not in good health, her hands and feet are always cold.”

The soft blue eyes rolled around and said, “Is my elder sister not in good health? My father and father-in-law are both genius doctors. In a few days, Brother Hai will definitely take his sister to visit his father and mother. Is it OK to see you?

A helpless smile flashed across Yue Qingyan’s face, and she whispered: “It’s useless.” Her voice was very low, almost close to babbling, even Xiao Roulan who was standing next to her could not hear clearly. What did she say, but Li Lin, who was standing behind Roulan, could see her expression clearly. It was a kind of frustrated despair and helplessness. Although Li Lin was young, he saw it clearly, because he had seen this look a long time ago. In the Great Yong Army, Li Lin is not a respectable young master. The son, although he is young, he can’t even handle a knife, but Li Xian almost always takes him away. What Li Lin most often sees is captured enemy spies or soldiers who have violated military laws. Father ordered the launch to be beheaded. At this time, no matter whether the person begged or regarded death as home, Li Lin could see the hopeless and helpless eyes in their eyes, just like the eyes of a dying beast while hunting. Li Lin knew that people with such eyes were the most terrifying and dangerous. Once he sympathized with a sergeant who was about to be put to death, so he walked to him to comfort him, but the sergeant broke the rope. , He wanted to hold Li Lin and force Li Xian to leave. Although the sergeant in the army shot the sergeant to death and saved Li Lin’s life, Li Lin was full of guard against such people ever since. He dragged Roulan behind him and looked at Yue Qingyan with hostile eyes. Roulan glanced at Li Lin weirdly and didn’t understand what he was going to do, but Roulan could feel Li Lin’s nervousness and tight body, so she also cleverly remained motionless. But at this time, it was Yue Qingyan who was making a strong smile at this time, reaching out to pull Roulan, and Li Lin made the situation in the room very embarrassing. Roulan gently tugged at Li Lin’s clothes, but Li Lin stubbornly refused to let Yue Qingyan get close to Roulan. There was only one thought in her small heart, that is, not to allow anyone to hurt the little sister behind him. The little sister, of course, is the little sister. Li Lin stubbornly thought that she was taller and stronger than her. Although Dad asked herself to call her sister, she also called her brother, but in Li Lin’s small mind, Roulan is her little sister.

At this moment, Madam Xue came over and picked Roulan expertly. Li Lingang wanted to stop it, but Madam Xue just reached out and swiped Soft Lan into her arms, and Li Lin flashed shame on her face. Annoyed look. Mrs. Xue smiled: “Miss Lan, Qingyan has a bad temper. I think it made Miss Lan frightened. This is also Qingyan a little nervous and uneasy. Who makes this the most important time in a woman’s life? When you meet your grandfather, you must ask her to apologize to the lady. The lady might as well go see Mrs. Hou. She is not healthy these days and can’t even attend the wedding banquet. If it were not for the joy, we would not have agreed so soon. Let Qingyan marry over.”

Confusion flashed in Roulan’s eyes, no matter how clever she was, she was still a child. Mrs. Xue’s words like this made her feel like she was in the mist, but Mrs. Xue said this for a long time, the atmosphere in the room Become a lot more peaceful and natural.

At this time, a cold voice suddenly came from outside the door: “Miss Roulan, the old lady invites you to come and see her.” It was as cold as a mountain stream, with a little bit of voice in it. Feminine, beautiful and elegant, it makes people feel like swallowing ice water on a hot day. Roulan was overjoyed and said, “Uncle Shun.” Then she leaped and ran outside. Li Lin was taken aback, and then ran out. I saw a young man in Tsing Yi standing on the porch with his hands in his hands, with a sincere smile on his cold and icy face, Roulan leaped over happily, and leaped up very skillfully, while the young man in Tsing Yi gently supported her feet in harmony. With this strength, Roulan easily rides on the shoulders of the Tsing Yi boy. Roulan said joyfully: “Uncle Shun, why are you here? Are you not willing to leave Daddy’s side?” The Tsing Yi teenager smiled faintly, and said: “The son told me to protect the young lady.” His eyes fell on Li Lin. Li Lin only felt that the person’s gaze was passing over him, as if he could see through his internal organs, he couldn’t help taking a step back, but the strong feeling of being humiliated made him stop backing, instead staring at him. The boy in Tsing Yi.

At this moment, Mrs. Xue’s figure appeared in front of the door, but instead of walking out of the door, she retreated back. There was some shock on her face, and she asked in a low voice, “Why are there men here?”

Mother Li, who was sent by the Jiang family, glanced at the door and said, “Madam, that is Mrs. Li from Miss Lan’s house. He has always walked in the house. There is no problem. Please don’t worry, Madam.” A gleam of light flashed in Mrs. Xue’s eyes, and she exchanged a look with a maid who had been standing in the corner of the room. A trace of murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the maid, as if she wanted to raise her footsteps, but Mrs. Xue gave a cold look, and the maid stopped. After stopping, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in her eyes, and then the maid’s gaze fell on Yue Qingyan, which was an inquiry gaze. Yue Qingyan nodded lightly and bit his lips tightly. The lips that had not been painted were pale and bloodless, but at this moment there was a trace of blood. She subconsciously stroked the vein of her left wrist with her right hand. Under the cover of the red silk dress, her left wrist was tied with a red silk scarf.

The auspicious hour has arrived. Surrounded by Xi Niang, the husband and wife paid their respects and worshipped the ancestors of heaven and earth. Li Xian smiled and stood aside, his eyes fell on the two people standing in the corner of Xitang. One is a tall, arrogant middle-aged man, and the other is a twenty-four-year-old young man. What caught Li Xian’s attention was that the expressions on these two men’s faces were too indifferent and calm. This was originally not a strange thing, but these two men were originally the bride’s close relatives. The more uncle the clan’s uncle and the bride’s direct brother Yue Wenhan, On such a happy day, even the indifferent relationship between them and the bride will pretend to be happy, not to mention that Yue Qingyan is the only sister of Yue Wenhan, and it is said that the relationship between brother and sister is very deep. Li Xian’s gaze shifted, and he saw more unusual features. The two envoys of Nan Chu had a weird look. The deputy envoy Fu Yulun looked nervous and anxious, while Lu Can looked leisurely and calm. With a faint smile on the side.

Just after the newlyweds were about to be sent to the bridal chamber after the newlyweds were about to be sent to the bridal chamber, suddenly the bride’s elder brother Yue Wenhan said loudly: “Master Hou, my nephew has something to ask you to make a decision.”

Hou Jiangyong of the East China Sea froze for a moment, and said unhappily: “Wenhan, no matter what it is, you have to wait until Chengli to talk about it.”

Yue Wenhan smiled coldly, with a mocking look on his handsome and indifferent face, and said, “It’s better to talk about this matter in public. After all, everyone is interested in knowing about this matter.” His gaze flicked from everyone in the hall one by one. There were not many people who were qualified to stand in the hall and watch the ceremony. Except for the envoys of Dayong, Northern Han, and Southern Chu, only some of Donghaihou’s relatives and people from the Yue family , Even Hai’s uncle and nephew are out of the hall because of insufficient status. Everyone in this hall is a distinguished person with a long history of officialdom, how could he be overwhelmed by his aura? If it weren’t for Dong Haihou’s face, I’m afraid he would have reprimanded. Jiang Yong’s expression became cold and cold, and he was no longer the father who was just fond of having children and starting a family. At this moment, he has become the leader of the East China Sea group of thieves and the overlord of the East China Sea. With a light wave of his hand, all the Donghai people who attended the ceremony tacitly controlled the corners of the various portals, and surrounded the people in the hall. Jiang Haitao’s originally beaming expression became very cold. He threw away the red silk from his hand and retreated behind his father. However, in such a situation, Yue Wenhan, who is in a disadvantaged position, doesn’t seem to care, and coldly said: “The Yue clan started by shipping. If someone is our opponent, the Yue clan will naturally not be afraid, but the Hai clan suddenly rises. , Forced us to miserable Yue family. The reason why the Hai family has the upper hand is because they have mastered the technology of building huge boats, and there is also the uncle’s sea power **** for them, no wonder they have a smooth wind, uncle Without thinking of the kindness of the Yue clan’s secret support, my nephew did not dare to repay the favor, and the Yue clan would not be greedy. As long as the Hai clan handed over the shipbuilding plans and the charts drawn in the past few years, it was enough. Power can protect the fleet.”

Jiang Yong did not make a sound, and glanced at Jiang Haitao, Jiang Haitao knowingly said: “Cousin’s words are not right. Business is about their own ability. The Hai family has the ability to build big ships. What does the Yue family have? Related, if the Yue clan wants to cooperate with the Hai clan, he should have a private discussion with Hai Ye, why would he disturb the happy event for the younger brother?”

An inexplicable emotion flashed across Yue Wenhan’s face, and said: “Who does not know that the backstage of Haishi Shipping Line is your uncle. Haishi’s dominance of shipping is probably the uncle’s expectation. If Qingyan completes the gift with you , You may see some benefits to the Yue clan in the face of your relatives, but you will never give the Yue clan the shipbuilding picture in vain. By then, the younger sister has become a member of your Jiang clan and looks like a hostage. Isn’t the Yue clan? It’s a loss for nothing, it’s better to talk about it in advance.”

Jiang Haitao said angrily: “What is this? This is my Donghai, not your Nanmin. If my cousin wants to intervene in this business, he should also take real money and sit down with us to have a clear understanding. Strong words, could it be that Yue’s business has always done this?”

Yue Wenhan said coldly: “The so-called power is the truth. He only asks for shipbuilding plans and nautical charts. This is because my nephew sees his uncle’s righteousness and refuses to easily betray his allies. If it is based on the chief deacon’s It means, I have asked my uncle to join hands with us to carve up the Haishi, why bother to live on the leftovers of others and firmly control the way to get rich, isn’t it better?”

Jiang Yong’s face changed and changed again. Hearing this coldly said: “The Hai family is an ally of the East China Sea. Are you making our Jiang family abandon the covenant and betray your ally? I didn’t expect you to be such a person. For your aunt’s sake, let’s go as soon as you are in the family. Qingyan, you take it back. Our Jiang family dare not ask the daughter of the family to be a wife.”

At this time, the quarrel between the two families has already alarmed the entire island. The guards of the Yue family who escorted the bride have already approached Xitang. They had been prepared, and they had hidden weapons in their bodies. He was responsible for protecting the safety of the entire island. They were also fully armed. The two sides faced off outside Xitang. The Jiang family was the leader of the army. The guests and servants were evacuated, and the guards brought by the distinguished guests were arranged in the side halls on both sides. The rest was very quick and clear. Except for the people from Yuejia who had arrived at Xitang because they had already prepared, everyone else was put under house arrest.

Yue Wenhan seemed to have never seen such a situation, but smiled coldly and said loudly: “My Yue family’s daughter is very honorable, even if the Jiang family wants to marry, it may not be possible to marry it, Qingyan, since the Jiang family If you don’t see you, you will come back.”

The bride who had been standing on one side silently leaned slightly, and then raised a jade hand that deceived Saixue, and took off the red kerchief that covered the phoenix crown, revealing a beautiful face, like a pair of clear crystals Qiu Shui’s eyes turned as cold as Han Jiang, and everyone in the hall could see clearly. She lowered her head and curled her eyebrows, and walked to stand beside Yue Wenhan.

The more you have been smiling, the more you can’t correct yourself: “Niece, since the Jiang family is ruthless, we don’t have to keep our hands. Please ask your niece to be fair for ourselves.”

Everyone was stunned after hearing this. If the more Wuxian ordered the Yuejia followers outside the hall to attack, everyone could understand it, but the more Wuxian, the more Qingyan shot, this would be incredible, the more Shi’s daughter, that is a veritable daughter, how could she have the means to attack the enemy. However, they have also increased their vigilance. Since the more Wuxian said this, the more Qingyan must have something special.

Yue Qingyan’s gaze turned to Yue Wenhan, Yue Wenhan nodded faintly, and a trace of sadness flashed in Yue Qingyan’s eyes, closing his eyes, at this moment, the guards of the East China Sea guarding the entrance of Xitang suddenly Each screamed, fell softly to the ground and passed out into a coma.

Jiang Haitao was shocked, he drew out a guard’s long sword, rushed to Yue Qingyan, and said: “The demon girl dares to use poison here and die.”

Jiang Yong frowned and said: “Tao’er can’t be reckless.”

But then Jiang Haitao fought against Yue Wenhan who stood up to stop him. Yue Wenhan’s martial arts was average. Jiang Haitao had already forced him away without a few tricks. He rushed to Yue Qingyan and was about to raise his hand to light Yue Qingyan. At the acupoint, Yue Qingyan opened his eyes, and the eyes that were once bright as clear springs had turned blood red. She showed a cold smile. Jiang Haitao only felt that Wu Nei was burning like a needle and screamed and fell to the ground. Yue Qingyan slowly looked around the hall. As soon as her eyes fell on someone, that person felt dizzy and fell to the ground. The more green smoke in a red suit is as beautiful as a Raksha in the flames of hell, and it is as fascinating as a Raksha.

Qi Wang Li Xian suddenly said word by word: “Concentric Gu, you used Concentric Gu.”

Yue Qingyan’s gaze fell on King Qi, her bright red eyes with a look of sadness that was more than heartbreaking, and then she frowned slightly, and a drop of cold sweat rolled from her forehead.

Li Xian said coldly: “The more girl, don’t bother. Although Tongxin Gu is very powerful, but this king has treasures that can ward off evil spirits, and your poison can’t hurt this king.”

Yue Qingyan frowned again and said: “There are not many gems that can ward off evil and poison in the world. Is the prince’s “evil-shielding purple jade” or “Bitter Sea Bodhi” on his body?”

Li Xian smiled faintly, and stretched out his hand to pull out a thin chain of black gold silk from his chest. A purple palm-sized jade was tied on the chain, carved into a shape that ward off evil spirits, with a faint treasure and clear jade color.

Li Kang exclaimed: “My father actually rewarded you with this jade.” Anger flashed in his eyes.

Lin Bi smiled and said: “I have long heard that the purple jade has the function of warding off evil spirits, but I didn’t expect His Royal Highness Qi to carry him. It seems that we are still a little blessed. The girl, although your Concentric Gu is terrible, In front of the evil spirit purple jade, there is no use, and the Concentric Gu is used to hurt others and yourself. The more girl you should put it away.”

Yue Qingyan’s gaze fell on Lin Bi, and a trace of cruelty flashed, as he was about to provoke the poison, the less he said in a loud voice: “Second lady, how can you use the concentric gu that is banned by the world, less Does the Lord know in advance, does the Sovereign know, why does not tell the uncle?”

Yue Qingyan showed a mocking smile, stopped the action of urging Lin Bi’s body to poison, and said: “No, Dad doesn’t know, but Big Brother does.”

Yue Wuxian’s expression changed, and said: “As the chief deacon, he is really incompetent and negligent. The young master deliberately annexed the East China Sea, but he was unable to persuade him, so he had to follow his orders. Although he is a vassal, he dare not obey the chaotic order. The son-in-law should not be arrested if she is a hand, and then go back and ask the suzerain for the crime.”

The words he said were earnest. Those masters of the Yue clan who stood in the entrance of the hall looked at each other, and some made their debut: “Young Master, the deacon is extremely serious, please don’t use gu to harm people. , Let us go back and ask the lord to punish you.”

Yue Wenhan and Yue Qingyan flashed a clear look on their faces at the same time, and Yue Wenhan said coldly: “You are all under the Yue family, there is no room for you to speak here, Qingyan, if anyone dares not From life, you took his life.”

Yue Qingyan smiled slightly, his eyes that had turned black turned blood red again, and at the same time, the master of the Yue family who had just spoken out of the crowd fell to the ground with a sullen expression and anger. Everyone almost took a breath. Yue Qingyan said coldly: “Everyone puts down their weapons, girds their hands, and the offender will die. Your Royal Highness, although you have a treasure body, you can only protect yourself, but your brother’s subordinate is one You can’t live, if you are obediently obedient, I can keep you alive temporarily.”

Lin Tong’s eyes were full of horror. He gently pulled her sister’s sleeve and asked: “Sister, what is Concentric Gu?”

Lin Bi looked at the more blue smoke, the more blue smoke turned away, Lin Bi sighed: “The Tongxin Gu is the most peculiar kind of Gu poison in southern Xinjiang. This kind of Gu is naturally clean and cold. He only likes to consume the blood of young girls. He is nicknamed the king of Gu, because as long as he is infected with this kind of poison, there is no possibility of salvation. If you want to raise Tongxin Gu, you need a girl who has just reached the end of life. The blood and medicine are fed, and the Gu King must be kept by his side. Every day and evening, the skin will be on a blind date. It will take three to seven years, depending on the girl’s physique and aptitude. Within a few years, the Gu King will develop, this Gu It is parasitic in the master’s heart, the human Gu is one, and the heart is connected. As long as the Gu master’s thoughts, the Gu King can plant the Gus on anyone who can see it. After that, as long as the Gu master has the heart, he will treat the people in the Gu. He can dominate his life and death. This kind of poisonous Gu has special features. If you take the Gu Master’s medicine after being neutron Gu, the person in the Gu can communicate with the Gu Master, regardless of thousands of mountains and rivers, They couldn’t stop them from meeting, so it was called Concentric Gu. The Yue girl must be a cauldron with excellent physique. After only two or three years, the Gu King has been developed. I am afraid that the Yue girl has spent a lot of effort? “

After Lin Bi said, he looked at Yue Qingyan with regret, and said: “Tong’er, the most terrifying thing about this Gu is that it can not only hurt people, but also hurt yourself. This Gu needs to take its owner every day. The amount of blood is increasing day by day, and after urging Gu to hurt people, it needs several times more blood. The more the girl is lacking in blood and her appearance is like snow, that must be the reason. That’s all, you must know that although the poison is terrible, there is still restraint. The method, if the girl Yue dies under the sword, the Gu King will break out of her body and **** up all the blood and essence of the girl, and then this Gu King can live freely in the world, where it lives, Within ten miles of a radius, there will be absolutely no humans and animals that can survive. That is, when the girl dies, there is no blood, and the king Gu has no chance to break out, but die with the girl. Then all the people who have been poisoned by the girl. They will also die at the same time. This is still the situation in which the more girl can control the Gu King. If the girl’s blood supply is insufficient, then the Gu king will bite the owner back, so even the girl can’t control the harm of this Concentric Gu. This is also the world. The reason for the ban on the Concentric Gu, it’s just that the Concentric Gu has long been lost, and it’s unexpected that someone will practice.”

Yue Qingyan’s face was indifferent, but her right hand couldn’t help but touch her left wrist. Under the silk scarf tied there, that was where she used gold needles to bleed blood every day, and the scars were everywhere.

Lin Tong said with regret: “Oh, sister Yue, this Tongxin Gu is so terrible, you, how much blood can you support it, or think of a way to get rid of it earlier.”

Yue Qingyan’s eyes flashed with warmth, and she just let Lin Bi say it, because she wanted to make everyone feel terrified through Lin Bi’s words, so that it would be convenient for herself to control everyone, but Lin Tong’s concern, It touched her heart, and said, no matter what, I won’t kill you. Her gaze fell on Jiang Yong and said lightly: “Uncle, don’t you submit the picture yet?”

A trace of regret flashed in Jiang Yong’s eyes, and said: “Cyan Smoke, you are a daughter of a daughter, why do you want to practice such a cruel evil skill, you know that you are now majestic, but it is a flash in the pan. Soon, who is it, who made you practice this kind of kung fu?”

Yue Qingyan showed a trace of determination, and said: “Uncle, I’m sorry.” After saying that, Gu Poison was about to be promoted. At this moment, suddenly there was a golden drum outside the door, guarding those in front of Xitang. The Yuejia guard screamed again and again. When everyone looked around, they saw that all the guards had been shot through the body by feather arrows. Yue Wu’s brow furrowed, and when he went to the door to look out, he saw that a hundred steps away, under the cover of overlapping shields, some archers in Donghai Army costumes were drawing their bows, and a big man shouted. Said: “Listen, the people inside are surrounded by us. We have nothing else in the East China Sea. If you talk about bows and arrows, they are all magical archers. If you want to be presumptuous, don’t blame us for being ruthless.” The big man raised his longbow and shot a ding dysprosium. Thousands of sharp arrows came afterwards. The less he was shocked, he quickly kicked the hall door and avoided it. He only heard a sound like hail. The door panel has been shot through by a sharp arrow. The big man shouted outside the door: “Master Hou, please give your order. If anyone dares not to obey, we will set the house on fire in a moment.”

Yue Wuxiu’s expression changed tragically, and said: “Hou Ye, I heard that there are a number of archers in each team of the East Sea Army, who will pierce through Yang with a hundred steps and take the lives of people. They are like thunder. Lord Hou ordered them to retreat temporarily, otherwise, if Qingyan is injured, I am afraid that we will not be able to escape the pursuit of the Gu King.”

Jiang Yong said indifferently: “This is the East China Sea. It is not a place where others can be the masters. Qingyan niece, can you stop, how about recovering the poison from Haitao first?”

Yue Qingyan’s complexion became paler, and he glanced at Yue Wenhan, and Yue Wenhan said coldly: “Uncle, this is the end of the matter, we have nowhere to go, and as long as Qingyan is given a moment, those archers will not I’ll escape Gu poison’s plot.”

Jiang Yong smiled and said: “If Qingyan stimulates Gu Poison, but it takes effort and blood, aren’t you afraid that she will be bitten by the Gu King?”

Yue Wenhan said indifferently: “If this is the case, there is nothing wrong with it. The jade and stone are burned here, and we can die with so many officials and nobles, and Wenhan and her sister will have no regrets. Uncle, you should know that if Qingyan is pregnant The news of Tongxin Gu leaked out, I was afraid that the people who came to the teacher to question the crime would fight with each other. If the sisters were not forced to throw themselves on fire, they would not give up. People in the world are all enemies of our brothers and sisters. No, if my uncle refuses to order his subordinates to put down their bows and arrows, I’m afraid my nephew will only be offended.”

Li Xian suddenly jumped over and shot Yue Wenhan down with one move. Then he pulled out the long sword from his waist and pointed at Yue Wenhan’s throat. These strokes were very quick. Everyone was throwing a rat trap. Why did you think of Li Xian? Such boldness, even though he has a precious jade bodyguard, the people here are all valuable. If a few are really dead, I am afraid that Li Xian will not be able to explain the past. Sure enough, Yue Qingyan’s expression changed upon seeing this, and he immediately activated the poison, and Qing Wang Li Kang screamed and fell to the ground.

Li Xian’s expression remained unchanged, and he smiled: “Miss Yue is confused. When have you heard that the emperor’s family still has family affection? As long as I am Li Xian safe, where can I control the life and death of others? Shen, if he is willing to catch it, Li can guarantee that he will not hurt your brothers and sisters, and the young lady does not want to get rid of the fate of the Gu King backlash, if the young lady is willing, this king can send a letter to your majesty and call the world’s famous doctors to diagnose and treat the young lady, although it is possible There is only a glimmer of life, better than just waiting to die like this?”

Yue Qingyan’s expression was a little shaken, but he returned to calm again, and said coldly: “I don’t believe your words, you don’t even care about your brother’s life, how do I know you will keep your promise?”

Li Xian’s heart is Yue Qingyan has been shaken, that’s it, his expression on his face remained unchanged, and said: “Yue girl, since you have a marriage contract with Haitao, you must also know me, Li This king does not have any other benefits for being an obvious person, but he has never done anything unsatisfactory, but his temperament is weird. If someone pushes me, I will have to embarrass him to the end, girl today Even if I killed my third brother, cousin and nephew in front of me, the king couldn’t bow his head to beg for mercy, but the king swears that if the girl is ruthless, I will break out alone, and then Nan Min Yue’s home One day when I finally fell into my hands, I didn’t punish the girl’s nine clans, but degraded all the members of the Nanminyue clan as untouchables, allowing them to be trampled under the feet of others for life, as cheap as dirt.”

Yue Qingyan’s expression gradually changed. She came from a famous family and had read the law. She naturally knew that untouchable men and women should not marry good people. Therefore, the beautiful men and women among untouchables are often reduced to prostitutes and children. Li Xian’s threat is horrible and direct. . At this time, Yue Wenhan suddenly ran into Li Xianjian with his throat. Li Xian moved his Jianfeng away with swift hands, and Yue Wujiao took the opportunity to rescue Yue Wenhan.

Li Xian looked helplessly at the blood on Yue Wenhan’s throat, and smiled: “It seems you still won.”

Yue Wenhan stood up, ignored Yue Wuxian’s support, staggered beside Yue Qingyan, and said: “His Royal Highness, please don’t move, otherwise, don’t blame us for killing people. Uncle, please ask your subordinates to abandon their weapons and surrender, otherwise the nephew will have to take the life of his cousin first, and then talk to the uncle.”

Jiang Yong felt a shock in his heart, and said helplessly: “Yuanxin, don’t take action for now, wait for my order.”

Yue Wenhan’s face showed a decisive look, and everyone smiled bitterly in their hearts. Why are these two brothers and sisters so fierce and not afraid of death?

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