The Grandmaster Strategist Chapter 43: I hate not knowing each other

Hehe, today I finally took the time to find a place where I can surf the Internet. I lifted the ban on all the weight for this week. It’s really hard to be outside! But I still have to ask for leave, because I don’t know when I can go back.


Since I returned, I could not afford to be ill. The war in Chuzhou was about to start, and the Yu sent to Xuzhou to be raised. After years, he would heal. Since then, I have no intentions of mundane affairs. Please write to the skeleton, but Emperor Yong will not allow it.

——”The Southern Dynasties Chu Shi Jiang Suiyun Biography”

While Wei Ying and Ling Yu were fighting **** the cliff, there was already silence on the mountain road down the cliff. Everyone on the cliff thought that the poisonous smoke would be raging and there would be no more disaster, so they did not pay attention to the movement below, but did not know There is a cave in the undissipated poisonous smoke. When the man dressed as a soldier of the Forbidden Army rushed to Madam Lu and revealed his identity, it was when Wei Yin launched the poisonous attack, the poisonous smoke overflowed, covering the sky, and had not yet spread to the bottom of the cliff. Madam Lu was a frail woman. Already crumbling, the sergeant didn’t bother to explain. He took out a jade bottle from his arms, poured out some pills, and said anxiously: “This is the secret medicine of the cold garden, which can cure hundreds of poisons. Madam will take it quickly. “

Ms. Lu has already figured out at this moment that this person must be a master Jiang Zhe sent to protect her mother and son. Although she is a lady of Nanchu, Mrs. Lu often hears her husband talk about Jiang Zhe, so for Jiang Zhe Zhe didn’t repel too much, but he changed his mind, thinking that if he took the medicine for understanding, he would have endured the grace of Da Yong, and hesitation flashed in his eyes.

At this time, although everyone in the Lu family took the medicine, they all looked at Mrs. Lu. Waiting for her order, the poisonous smoke had already filled up at this time, and everyone was crumbling, but they were just a few underage children. Tong, never took the antidote. The sergeant sighed when he saw this, but he never said to persuade him. He is one of the eight horses, Qu Huang. He has always known that Jiang Zhe and Lu Can have the deepest mentor-apprentice friendship. Although the middle roads part ways, they still care about each other. Zhe was even more ill for Lu Can’s death, so although Qu Huang also respected Lu Can as a person, he was also jealous, so he also deliberately didn’t say much and tried to try Mrs. Lu.

Ms. Lu’s eyes flashed, her eyes were painful, she took the antidote into her mouth, and saw that she accepted it. Everyone in the Lu family took the medicine separately, but two young children were already unable to take the medicine. They only took it with the help of a companion nearby. medicine.

Qu Huang saw that everyone had taken the medicine for understanding, and he felt relieved that this kind of antidote is very precious. Even Bajun and the others, there are only ten and eight pills for self-defense at most. This time, Mr. Ten capsules are spare, originally I thought it was unnecessary, I didn’t think I would really use it, otherwise the antidote on my body would definitely not be enough. Looking at the seven antidote left in the bottle, Qu Huang shook his head slightly and wanted to put it away.

At this time, Ding Ming has come close. If a martial artist is in danger, his first reaction is to protect himself. As soon as the poisonous smoke falls, he resists himself, and immediately takes some of the antidote that he has on his body. Not very symptomatic, the effect was minimal. Seeing that his companion who was fighting for the rest of his life was poisoned, Ding Ming was helpless. Fortunately, at this time, the people in Fengyi Sect were also in a panic. Ding Ming issued an order to break through and waited until he led them to retreat. Under the cliff, I wanted to encourage the support to bring the people of the Lu family out, but saw that Mrs. Lu and the others were safe, and he didn’t pay attention to the changes just now. At this moment, he was taken aback when he saw such a strange situation. Certainly a little shaky.

Ms. Lu, who took the antidote, still felt a little embarrassed, but she had no sense of chest tightness and dizziness. Seeing Ding Ming and others arrived, she quickly asked Qu Huangdao: “Excuse me, do you have an antidote? “

Qu Huang’s eyes flashed, seeing Ding Ming and the few people behind him, their expressions of restraining their breathing already darkened, thinking that they did not seek to get away but came first to save people, and felt respect in his heart, thinking that he had not received an order. Destined to bury them together, with a light sigh, he passed the remaining pills. Ding Ming saw that Mrs. Lu was safe and sound, and knew that the pill was effective. Although he did not know how the sergeant had an antidote, he hurriedly gave it to everyone, but there were only seven pills left, including Ding Ming, but eight people made it. Now, Ding Ming hesitated for a while, and quickly put the last antidote into the mouth of a companion who was close to coma, but because he held his breath for too long, he was already flushed with red ears and could not support it. He could not help but breathe half of the poisonous smoke. Suddenly, the sky was spinning, and coldness surged all over. He softened, but was held by a person, and then a pill was stuffed into his mouth. After a while, he gradually became sober, and saw that the plain-looking imperial army was looking at him completely, and could not help whispering: ” Thank you for your life-saving grace, who are you?”

Qu Huang sighed softly: “Ding Daxia, don’t blame me. The antidote is no longer there. What I gave you is a drug that fights poison with poison. No matter what the poison is, it can be suppressed for some time. I don’t need a doctor to diagnose and treat. I’m afraid that my life won’t be saved. I’m not afraid to tell you that I am a disciple of Jianghou’s name in Xiaquhuang. This time I was ordered to protect Mrs. Lu’s family from going south. Because it’s inconvenient to let Mrs. Lu know, I tried to let him A forbidden army could not come, and he was mixed into the escorted forbidden army. Now he has to reveal his identity. Ding Daxia needs to think about the feeling of mutual help. What about this matter when he is over?”

Although Ding Ming was shocked in his heart, he faintly felt that it should be so. The worship of Hou Jiangzhe in Chu Township in Guangling is known to all in Jiangnan. Now that Lu Can is dead, the hostility between Jiang Zhe and the Lu clan is no longer present, so he will defend the Lu clan Later generations are also taken for granted. Although they are still wary of the hidden methods of the sergeant who claims to be Qu Huang, but at present they don’t care about these many, and said in a low voice: “The above is fighting, how about we protect Mrs. Lu’s leaving here first? “Although he heard the voices on the cliff, he already knew Wei Ying’s intentions to die, but thinking of Wei Ying’s actions regardless of the enemy and us, there was still a grudge in his heart, and he was unwilling to go up to help, not to mention that although he temporarily suppressed the toxicity, However, the strength was weak, and even though everyone had detoxified the poison, there was still a sense of blood surging, and they were unable to fight. After discussing for certain, they sneaked out of this place under the guidance of Qu Huang. At this time, the mountain roads were all the disciples of Fengyi Sect who fell to the ground and did not know their life or death. Ding Ming and others were secretly shocked. If it were not for the help of Qu Huang, I was afraid they It is impossible to escape the harmful effects of poisonous smoke. At this time, although everyone was still on guard, they were inconvenient to show suspicion and followed Qu Huang.

After walking for a long time, the sky was almost completely dark at this time, and the mountain road was arduous and dangerous to the south. In the darkness, although Ding Ming and others were supporting him, it was inevitable to miss. Qu Huang saw that he had walked far away, so he took him from his arms. Take out a string of night pearls, the pearl is not very bright, if it is hard to detect from a distance, but it can illuminate the surrounding area, but this string of night pearls is very precious, not to mention that each of the string of pearls is of the same size and round. Crystal clear, flawless, really invaluable. Ding Ming and others were dazzled at first, but after all, everyone is determined and determined, otherwise they would not be able to give birth to a Jedi. They wake up, but don’t understand why this person took out the pearl to show off. Qu Huang seemed to pay no attention to the looks of the people, tore off the string of beads, and divided the Ye Mingzhu among the people, and then walked first. The people understood what Qu Huang meant. Ding Ming, who walked at the end, sighed, although he only borrowed the Pearl for lighting, but with such a grandeur, even if he was used to seeing the heroes of Southern Chu, he also felt heartbroken. This person is so lonely and unknown, but he has such a demeanor and grandeur. Yong is able to sweep the world, it is only natural to want to come.

Not long after leaving, Qu Huang led everyone into a valley, and saw that several camps had been set up there, and the traces of dirt were still new. Obviously it was just erected, probably less than half of it. At the hour, in the camp, bedding, hot water and hot food were already prepared, but there was not even one person. Qu Huang asked everyone to enter and rest. Ding Ming frowned and said nothing. This person was actually prepared here. Could it be that his own experience was within this person’s plan, but at this time it is inconvenient to ask more. Let Qu Huang command and dispatch. I feel that this person looks plain and seemingly ordinary, but seeing him calmly and commanding, it seems that he claims to be a disciple of Jiang Zhe, and there is no falsehood in it.

At this moment, there was a cry of surprise from Madam Lu’s tent. Ding Ming’s heart was shocked. He hurried over and opened the curtain. He saw Madam Lu holding Lu Ting in her arms, tears streaming down her face. Lu Ting’s complexion improved a lot, and he was wiping the tears on his mother’s face with his little hands.

Ding Ming was also very pleasantly surprised, but he hurriedly backed out, just in time to see Qu Huang smiling slightly, just about to ask each other, at this time Ku Zhuo sneered: “Could it be that you and Wei Ying have joined forces again, no wonder Wei Do you want to merge with Fengyimen?”

Qu Huang’s face turned cold. Don’t have a stern attitude, and said indifferently: “What do you say, Wei Yin is a traitorous courtier, how can my husband cooperate with him. It’s just that the husband sent a lot of people, early It was adorned with Wei Ying, but it was just looking for an opportunity to rescue Lu Gongzi. If it weren’t for getting informed by his companions, and learning about the poisonous attack, it would be too late to save you. Lu Gongzi’s matter was only news on the road. I have diagnosed and treated him, and the prescription is on the book in the account, and the medicine has been prepared so that Madam Lu’s maid can decoct the medicine for him. I think it will save Master Lu’s suffering.”

Bitter Bamboo was stunned. Ding Ming sighed: “Jian Hou’s methods are really amazing. No wonder I always hear the sound of birds singing on the roadside cliff, and even more faintly feel that someone is watching in the dark. I want to come here. Are you under your control?”

Qu Huang sneered: “People in the rivers and lakes of Nanchu love to treat the gentleman’s belly with the heart of a villain. What kind of person is Hou Ye, how can he take advantage of others? You people are not in his eyes yet, Hou Ye is painstakingly lonely , Committing a personal risk underneath, just for the safety of Mrs. Lu’s mother and son.”

Ding Ming is silent, knowing that this person’s words are all truthful. How could he have been seen by the great Yong officials such as Jiang Zhe, but if Mrs. Lu’s mother and son were controlled by the Yong people, it would definitely affect Nan Chu was morale, but he couldn’t raise any objections. The life and death struggles along the way were enough to hold anyone back.

At this moment, a gentle and firm voice came from behind the two of them, saying: “Master Jianghou, my mother and son, are grateful for his kindness, but the husband has been admonished, and the survivors cannot take refuge in the enemy country for their lives.”

The two turned their heads when they heard the sound, and saw Madam Lu standing not far away, with a calm expression, as if they were speaking only ordinary words, rather than letting off the vitality.

Qu Huang’s heart grew more respectful, and he stepped forward and said: “Madam, Southern Chu is no longer a happy land, and Dingyuan is even more a land of miasma. The lady and the little son are both daughters of gold. How can you drown the dangerous place, Lord Hou? It has been arranged. As long as the wife is willing, she can set sail straight to the north. Lord Hou can also promise that she will never use her identity as the wife and son to do anything harmful to Nanchu.”

Mrs. Lu said lightly: “Hou Ye Jinnuo, the survivors are naturally trustworthy. Now that Dayong doesn’t need to use orphans and widows to attract people’s hearts, it’s just that Lu is a courtier of Southern Chu, and he will die in Southern Chu. Although the court failed Zhongliang, the Lu family would never fail the court. Although Dingyuan was a sinister place, it was the court’s order and the survivors could not violate the will.”

Qu Huang solemnly said: “The Lu family is loyal and respectful. It’s just that the Southern Chu fainted monarch destroys the Great Wall by himself, and does not want to be loyal. Why should the madam never forget such a court? The Lord Hou did not hope that his wife betrayed the homeland, but Reading in the old teacher-student relationship, I don’t want the general to wither behind him.”

Mrs. Lu said as a courtesy: “You do not hesitate to live and die, and take risks to rescue the survivors and the young children of the concubine. These kind concubines are grateful for this kind of concubine. If you want the survivors to repay their lives, there will be no concubines. What a complaint, only this is absolutely impossible. For the sake of loyalty, the first husband did not hesitate to die with his body. The concubine did not dare to inherit the legacy of the first husband, but he could not abandon his family and country and live in peace.”

When Ding Ming heard the words, he stepped forward and said: “The words of the lady are like a divine enlightenment. The general was killed by the hand of a traitor. I feel chilled, and many volunteers abandon the army. Today I heard from the lady. By words, I realized that I’m not as good as my wife who understands the principles of loyalty and righteousness. If I survive Wu Yue, I will tell everyone that even if I die on the battlefield, I will never let the Yong army go south.”

Madam Lu’s eyes faintly shed tears, and said: “If the husband knows what Ding Daxia thinks, he will definitely look down at Jiuquan.”

Qu Huang’s expression changed and it took a long time to say: “Ding Daxia knows that my life is still in my control. Even if the heroes return to Wu Yue next time, the poison on your body has not been relieved, and you can heal your Qihuang Sage. Most of them are in Dayong, so we don’t need to worry about it. Your Excellency will soon be dead.”

Ding Ming smiled calmly and said: “It’s already a gift from your Excellency to be able to live a lot of time. Although many people are greedy and fearful of death, if you are forced by death, you will be underestimated.”

Qu Huang heard the words and smiled slightly and said: “People are not afraid of death. How can they be afraid of death, but Ding Daxia is too underestimated. The matter is here, and I will go back to life again. Although Duan Yue is dead, his body I’ve got the paperwork, Ding Daxia can **** Madam Lu to Dingyuan to deal with him. As for the hidden dangers of your body, there will be no way at the next moment, but if you have time, you might as well try it at Nanmin Yueshi.” After a leisurely click, he walked out and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Ding Ming and Mrs. Lu were both taken aback. Both knew that this person had spent a lot of thoughts and thought that he would not give up unless he reached his goal. In fact, both of them had decided to face any results calmly and could not think of this person. Saying let go, let it go, so decidedly free and easy, it is heartbreaking. The two looked at each other, and there was worry in their eyes. For a long time, Madam Lu sighed slightly and went back to the account.

Qu Huang’s figure was like a bird flying across the night. It didn’t take long before he saw the dim pearly light in front of him. With joy in his heart, he quickened his pace. When he came closer, he saw a young man standing in a shabby shirt. On the mountain, if it weren’t for the shining pearl in his hand, that is to say, he was a beggar and some would believe it.

Seeing the handsome and haggard face of the young man, Qu Huang felt compassion in his heart, stopped behind the man, and said: “After the wheel, why are you so miserable, neither willing to return to the secret camp, but also to follow us south Protect Mrs. Lu’s mother and son, aren’t you afraid that Master Chen will kill you by the way?”

I didn’t turn my head back after the round, and whispered: “Ms. Lu is safe?”

Qu Huang shrugged and said: “It’s safe and sound. I want to come to Master Chen to negotiate with Xiahou Yuanfeng, lest he take the opportunity to be troublesome and embarrass Madam Lu. Over the round, what are your plans in the future? “

Yu Lun sighed: “I promised that the general will no longer be involved in the dispute between the two countries. If I stay in Jianye, I cannot avoid this. So I simply went south to **** Mrs. Lu’s mother and son. If I can protect them , It can be regarded as a good fate with the general. Now that there is nothing wrong, please return the pearl to Bai Yi for me. I will leave now and not say goodbye to him.”

Qu Huang sighed: “You are still so weird. You used to say you want to return to Jianye, so you refused to stay in the secret camp. Now you are not back to Jianye. Why are you not coming back?” /

Hearing this, the face of Yulun suddenly appeared embarrassed. Qu Huang and him were very familiar. With a heart move, he stepped forward and said: “Yulun, what is your concern, can’t you tell me? We are brothers for many years. Brother, you might as well tell me, maybe I can make an idea for you.”

After hesitating for a while, he finally said: “I thought I was just using her as a substitute, but these days I always think of her.”

Qu Huang had a happy heart, and said: “It turns out that your prodigal son is also touched, but that girl Liu, you have been a luthier by her side for a long time. It turns out that you are in love with her and you can’t help yourself. In that case, Why don’t you just ask her to marry her, she’s a pretty lady, a gentleman, Liu Rumeng is a Jiangnan oiran, and she is rare in the character and talent are also rare match, it is a natural couple, if so I don’t think there is a generous betrothal gift, and I dare not export it. Our brothers will help you and definitely let you marry your beautiful woman.” While talking, I was thinking hard about what the substitute meant by the wheel.

Yulun didn’t know what he was thinking, and said sadly: “Even if I have this heart, I don’t dare to say it. Rumeng is one of the most loyal people, the general is one of them. If she knows that I’m a part of General, I’m afraid she won’t forgive me.”

Qu Huang’s expression moved, and she said: “You are a fan of the authorities. Lu Can’s death is still the work of Shang Weijun. You are just adding to the flames or acting on orders. What does this guilt have to do with you, on the contrary, you have also taken action. Save Lu Can, and now go south to protect Mrs. Lu’s mother and son. If Ms. Liu knows, she will only admire you. What’s more, no one else knows about your advice except Shang Weijun and his son. As long as you don’t tell, who will know?”

Yu Lun looked gloomy, just shook his head and said: “If you want people to know, you can’t hide it unless you do it yourself. What’s more, when I saw the general commit suicide that day, I always thought, if I and he were originally Acquaintance, in any case, will not harm him.”

Seeing him so depressed, Qu Huang sighed: “It’s really a pity. I have been in Jiangnan for many years. Although I have met him for many years, I have never really met him. It is just a fate, so you regret him. So sad, I think this person must be the best in the world!”

Yulun said indifferently: “If you talk about talents and skills, you are naturally inferior to your husband, but if you talk about ambition, no one in the world can match.”

Qu Huang’s expression changed slightly, and it took a long time before he said: “Mr. has decided not to deal with worldly matters, and the Tianji Pavilion will disappear. If you want to stay in Jiangnan, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to protect you.”

There was no sound in the wheel, and his eyes were full of indifference.

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