The Grandmaster Strategist Chapter 4: First arrival in Binzhou

Jiang Yong, father Jiang Wuya, Zhen Xuzhou, was named Yongning Hou in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, married the elder princess Ninghua of the great ancestors, as the royal family, when Da Yong established the country, Jiang Wuya competed with Gaozu, was assassinated and was seriously injured and died on the battlefield. . Seeing the enemy’s strength forever, he was a thief with his mother and his old ministry and went to the East China Sea as a pirate. He attacked his father’s title as the Yongning Hou, and then smashed the East China Sea and the Megatron Sea. The great ancestor will never come.

——”The Legend of Yongshi Donghai Hou”

After leaving Qinzhou, Lin Bi took more than a hundred guards to Lunan day and night. In this area, the forces of Yong and Northern Han were intertwined, so Lin Bi and others changed their attire and disguised themselves as businessmen and travelers along the way. There was no danger, but within a few days, I arrived at Binzhou. Binzhou is located on the border between Dayong and the Northern Han Dynasty, but this is actually the sphere of influence of the East China Sea Hou Jiangyong. When Donghai Hou used to cross the sea, he passed through Binzhou. In order to ensure the safety of marine merchant ships, the merchants in Binzhou secretly exchanged information with Donghaihou. Especially after Li Zhi presided over the military and political affairs in recent years, the hatred between Dayong and the East China Sea seems to have gradually dissipated. Donghaihou no longer maliciously looted Dayong’s merchant ships, and Dayong no longer severely suppressed the forces that favor Jiang Yong, so the power of the East China Sea It is even stronger in Binzhou. Especially after the East China Sea pioneered the trade route for far-reaching trade, Binzhou became one of the largest ports in the world. Through Binzhou, the North Han Dynasty and Dayong continuously sent their local specialties to the merchant ships on the long journey in exchange for foreign gold and silver grains. And various specialty products. So both the Northern Han Dynasty and Dayong wanted to control Binzhou, but before they were absolutely sure, they didn’t dare to act rashly.

The trade between the South Chu and the East China Sea was carried out through Hangzhou. This time, the South Chu wanted to force the East China Sea to exclude Dayong. It was nothing to cooperate with the North Han in the North and the South Chu in the South. Good intentions, if Dayong takes the method of burning jade and stone, then Binzhou will not want to become a port, and then only Nanchu will have exclusive profits. So Lin Bi is not enthusiastic about Nan Chu’s proposal. Of course, if Nan Chu really succeeds, Lin Bi will try his best to control Binzhou. Although it is difficult, it is not impossible.

As soon as I entered Binzhou, I felt the oncoming prosperous atmosphere, and my contacts were all merchants from southern accents to the north. If it weren’t for the bleak autumn breeze, it would inevitably make people suspect that they have come to the south of the Yangtze River. The Northern Han Dynasty is nominally an enemy country in Binzhou, so naturally there is no post, but someone has already reserved a detached house for Lin Bi in Binzhou’s most prestigious Pingan Inn.

Ping An Inn, the name is very common, but all the Ping An Inns are the same owner today. Two years ago, the first Ping An Inn opened in Nanchu Jianye, and soon after it opened branches in major cities in the world. This Ping An Inn is not known for its luxury. In fact, the decoration here is known for its simplicity and elegance. Although the service in the inn is good, there is nothing very special. Although it can make famous dishes of the world’s major cuisines, it is a bit worse than the real famous flavor. It stands to reason that there is nothing worthy of attention in such an inn, but when the Ping An Inn opened many branches, the merchants who often wandered around were surprised to find that the Ping An Inns everywhere are actually very similar. The layout and taste of food are almost the same as those from a mold. For these businessmen and travelers who have been traveling all the year round, the Ping An Inn everywhere seems to be their own home. Here, they can always get a familiar feeling. And Ping An Inn has the same advantage. Once you live in a certain inn, within a few months, all the Ping An Inns in the world will know your favorite room, favorite food, etc., making you feel at home everywhere.

Of course, some people are worried that there will be problems with the Ping An Inn, but there are at most one or two staff in the Ping An Inn that really belong to the Ping An Inn. The other servants are hired locally, but after training, these servants follow The pamphlets filled with various rules and regulations brought by the stewards will be dismissed if they violate the rules. That’s why the Ping’an Inns in different places are basically similar, but also have their own characteristics in details. This mode of operation is very convenient for local governments to send spies to investigate, but it also makes it difficult for them to detect any secrets. So the backstage owner of Ping An Inn is still a secret.

I chose the Ping’an Inn to live in. Naturally, Lin Bi didn’t like this inn for this reason, but because the Ping’an Inn had another advantage. Each room in it was separated from the other rooms by a flower-wood and rockery corridor. Come, with two qualities of privacy and security. If you rent a yard, it will be safer. The well-arranged guest rooms in the yard happen to control all the key locations. As long as each guest room is properly staffed, a protective circle will naturally be formed. It is most suitable for a servant with a bodyguard. The dignitaries who traveled far away used it. As long as you have stayed once, many guests who like luxury will also like to live in the Ping An Inn. Although the Ping An Inn is not luxurious enough, the furnishings are elegant and indifferent, which does not insult them.

As soon as he stayed, Lin Bi sent his post to Huang Wei’s Mansion, the prefect of Binzhou. Huang Wei was an official of Dayong in name, but he was actually a retainer of Hou Jiangyong in the East China Sea. Things that everyone knows well. Although Jiang Yong’s power has expanded to Binzhou, Jiang Yong himself will not be in Binzhou. If he wants to go to the wedding feast, he must first hand over the post, and then Donghai Hou will send a boat to greet him.

Lin Bi wanted to meet with the envoys of South Chu before the birthday feast, but this time the envoys of the South Chu came from Hangzhou by sea. The two sides could not meet at all before the birthday feast, so Lin Bi also Let it go.

Just after everyone in the Northern Han Dynasty rested, Wang Ji was lying on the bed and could not sleep. Lin Bi was very strict with him along the way. He has never had the opportunity to contact his own people. Now he is staying at the Ping An Inn. If I remember correctly, this is the only opportunity to connect with my own people. If he can’t get in touch and get instructions from the benefactor, then how can he go to see the benefactor? Three days from now will be September 28th, when Donghai Hou Aizi’s wedding. And October 2 is the birthday feast of the benefactor’s beloved son. How to do it, Wang Ji was very hesitant in his heart.

While Wang Ji was tossing and turning, someone knocked on the door and said: “The villain brings tea, and the visitor opens the door.”

Wang Jiyang said: “The door is open, you can come in by yourself.”

The door of the room opened at the sound, and he walked in a small second in a small hat in Tsing Yi. While closing the door, he said: “Guardian, the shop has famous teas from all over the world. I don’t know if the guest officer has any special preferences. As the master, it is Longjing tea. If the guest official doesn’t like it, you can change it at any time.”

He said this, but his behavior was very strange. After putting down the teapot, he hurriedly took off his clothes and hat. Wang Ji was surprised when he saw a jade card placed on the table by the little second of the shop. He looked happy. He undressed and undressed, but he said, “Longjing is fine. By the way, I have to take a short nap. You can’t come and disturb.” As he said, he changed into the shop’s clothes and pressed his hat down. , The two are similar in figure, and their faces are somewhat similar after hiding. The shopkeeper jumped onto the bed and put the quilt under his head to pretend to fall asleep. Wang Ji walked out with the tea tray. He remembered the surrounding environment in his heart, and walked outside without saying much. Sure enough, as soon as he walked out of the courtyard, he saw another shopkeeper waiting there. Wang Ji didn’t say a word, followed behind the person, went around a few circles, and walked into a very secret guest room.

One person in that guest room stood with his hands behind him, turned his head when he heard the sound, and his eyes met, with tears in his eyes faintly. The man whispered, “Chiji, he has been gone for three years.” Wang Ji, no, he should be called Chiji. He said one word at a time: “Green ears, not for three years, you are more stable, good son Well, how are you brothers?”

Green ears opened her mouth to speak, but she felt a thousand words. I don’t know where to start. He pulled Chi Ji to sit down and sorted his thoughts. Then he said: “The son is already very healthy now, and he often takes his wife. Driving a boat on the sea, before and after the flowers, is really enviable, and now the little son is about to turn one year old, Miss Roulan is lively and lovely, and there are Li Ye, Director Dong, and Zhou Shangyi to serve, it is a lot of fun.”

Chi Ji showed joy after hearing it, and said: “That’s fine, before the son retires, send me to walk savagely. I have been drifting outside for the past few years. I only feel like my body is like a floating, erratic and helpless. Now finally I can go back to the son and rejoice at the first year of the son again. I am really overjoyed.”

Lu Er smiled and said: “Who would say no, I have been instructed to run the Ping An Inn in the past few years, and I have been drifting around the world. I didn’t return to Binzhou until a few days ago. I was able to see the son again. I only felt that my mind was immediately settled. The son chose to savagely listen to the military situation and the people’s sentiments. We were originally worried about you. I was afraid that the barbarians were cruel and your life was worrying. I didn’t expect that you would not only come back safely, but also won the good name of the “genius doctor Bole”. As a god, I thought you would be reluctant to think about Shu, but I didn’t expect you to still think about the son like this. If the son knew that he would be touched, maybe he would not drive you away.”

Chi Ji picked up the teacup on the table and drank it, and said indifferently: “The barbarians live as nomads and do not produce. Every time when the autumn is high and the horse is fat, they will plunder the Central Plains, burn, kill and loot, do everything, we The people of the Central Plains naturally thought they were brutal and cruel. In fact, I have been in Barbaric for two years. I think the ordinary herdsmen are also very simple and kind. After I was in the grassland, I had been in danger several times. Although I saved my life, the dry food and horses were lost. They were rescued by herders. The barbarians are rude and unsophisticated, but with simple temperament and love and hate on their faces. I think it is much happier to be with them. Unfortunately, there are not only herdsmen but also nobles on the grassland. The so-called nobles. Most of them are the leaders of various tribes and their relatives. Most of these people are ambitious lords. In order to compete for the women’s golden silk, they not only fought to plunder the Central Plains, but also fought each other. The ordinary herdsmen in those tribes were actually only better than There are better slaves. They work hard and fight in battle. If they win, they will get some rewards. If they lose, their wife and children will be taken away by the enemy. Therefore, they are all brave and good at fighting, just because the victory is related to life and death. In fact, even if they win, most of the spoils will be won by the nobles, and they are just getting some leftovers.”

Lu Er asked strangely: “Since the herders are so pitiful, and they are warriors who are good at war, why don’t they resist?”

Chi Ji smiled bitterly: “It’s not easy to resist, life on the grasslands is hard, and it’s hard to survive alone. These herdsmen cannot do without the tribes, and those nobles own the most beautiful water plants, have elite war horses and Weapons, they can easily buy the bravest fighters of the tribe to die. How can the most oppressed herders resist? And no matter when and where, as long as they can survive, how many people are willing to risk death? ?”

Green Ear hesitantly said: “I once heard that barbarians do all evil, but when you say this, I feel a little sympathetic to them, but I am afraid that the son will be angry when he hears it?”

Chi Ji said frankly: “What a character the son is, he will not blame me, and I have to ask the son in my doubts, although the savages are my blood feud, but I see that they also have good and evil. In the land of the Central Plains, when fighting for hegemony, the means may not be more merciful than theirs, so I must ask the son, why we can’t live in peace, but we must kill each other?”

Green Ear Canal: “The son must be able to solve your doubts.”

Chi Ji nodded, put aside the distress and doubts in his heart, and asked: “Now you have become the owner of the Ping An Inn, with a wealth of wealth, which is naturally gratifying, but I heard that Pirate Li is more beautiful? “

Lu Er laughed and said: “Yes, the Pirates sailed out to sea twice, and they have gone for more than tens of thousands of miles. The exotic jewelry and special products brought back are really dazzling. In fact, the most beautiful one is Huali, who is a kid. After the disclosure, neither General Qin Yong nor the old lady blamed him. The identity of this kid was leaked and he was inseparable from the capital. As a result, he was summoned by Yongwang to serve as a guard. I heard that he has now served as Xiahou Yuanfeng’s deputy in the Mingjian Division. In terms of official positions, he is the highest. Unfortunately, the four of Bai Yi, Yulun, Shanzi, and Quhuang are still busy with the Jinxiu League and Tianji Pavilion. Even the young master did not let them come back this time.” /

Chiji smiled and said: “What are you anxious about? When Da Yong rules the world, we can relax.”

There was a glimmer of longing in the green ears, and he smiled: “Yes, I really hope that the world will be unified. Then we won’t have to fight and kill. By the way, Chiji, how are you and Beihan? Are you here? The son also found it funny when he saw the secret report?”

Chi Ji smiled bitterly: “I wouldn’t have thought of meeting someone from the Lin family? But this time I was lucky enough. Not only did I meet General Long Tingfei, but I also saw Jiaping, who is as famous as the Princess. Princess Lin Bi, alas, they can also be called a pair of heroes, but unfortunately they are the courtiers of the Northern Han Dynasty. By the way, do you have any orders, Long Tingfei and Lin Bi want me to join the Northern Han Army. If the son is dead, I would like to go undercover in the Northern Han Dynasty?”

Lu Er shook his head and said: “The son said, Lin Bi and Long Tingfei are unborn wizards. Such people are not only firm-minded, but also extremely smart. If it were not for the long-term, you would not have their trust, so It’s useless for you to be undercover by their side. The son asked you to accompany them to the wedding banquet of Xiaohouye, and then leave with excuses. To deal with such people, the son has his own means. By the way, the son let me ask you, Don’t miss the little son catching Zhou?”

A hint of joy flashed in Chi Ji’s eyes, and said: “Please return to the son, and say that Chi Ji respects the decree and will definitely arrive before the second day of October.”

Green Ear nodded, and said: “I have arranged it. After a while, your double will greet the shop Xiaoer to send a new oil lamp. You can take the opportunity to change it back with him.”

Chi Ji nodded, he was full of thoughts, and he had put down his thoughts, he smiled: “I brought a precious gift to the little boy. I will definitely be there on the second day of October.”

Lu Er laughed and said: “Yes, I also prepared a gift, but I am afraid that no one has stolen Li’s gift novelty, but he just returned from a foreign country.”

Chi Ji said: “There is no way, but my gift won’t go too far. Is that what I got for healing the mount for the most powerful patriarch in the barbaric land?”

The two talked for a while. Someone came to report that it was time. Chi Ji took the oil lamp and walked back to his residence. Although Lin Bi sent someone to watch the night, he did not prohibit the second person from entering the shop. Chi Ji responded smoothly. When he arrived at the room, the shopkeeper who was lying on the bed instead of him changed his clothes and walked out quietly. Chi Ji lay on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

The next day, Lin Bi ordered everyone to go out to relax, but not to cause trouble, but Wang Ji was dragged out by Lin Tong. Although Lin Tong didn’t know what Lin Tong thought, Wang Ji knew what Lin Bi thought. Yes, now Lin Bi will never let himself leave their sight. Sure enough, the guard responsible for protecting Lin Tong was also put on leave by Lin Bi, and replaced by two of Lin Bi’s own trusted guards. The man and the woman are here. Wang Ji seemed to be very good in martial arts. Wang Ji knew that he had no ability to beat the two of them. If he wanted to take the opportunity to leave, there would be absolutely no chance. Lin Bi was indeed very cautious. However, Wang Ji had already made contact with his own people, so he accompanied Lin Tong to play in Binzhou City without restraint.

This Binzhou City was originally a small coastal city, but now it is like a big city. There are many merchants in the city, various shops abound, and there is a dazzling array of shops. Lin Tong looked around excitedly, being attracted by some novel things from time to time. The two guards beside her are always keenly aware of the surrounding situation.

After walking for a few hours, Wang Ji, who was already full of boxes and parcels in his hands, looked at Lin Tong in distress and still enthusiastically. I don’t know why, this little princess wanted to let him hold everything. , The two guards were just smiling at the jokes. Wang Ji naturally knew that they would not take the initiative to help him carry things, so as not to hinder their hands and feet, but why should he be a servant of this little princess.

While Wang Ji was indignant, Lin Tong already saw a shop selling weapons. Although she was a woman, she grew up in the flames of war since she was a child. She loved weapons and horses in her heart, so she was excited Walked in. This shop is very wide, with knives, guns and swords hanging on the walls, all of which are great weapons. On a long table in the middle, there are some exquisite daggers and short knives, some of which are weird in style, and you know at first sight that they are not weapons made by the Central Plains.

Lin Tong walked over curiously, picked up a scimitar and looked at it carefully. It was a scimitar with a sheath, a green shark skin sheath, and a warm and white ivory handle. The grip was wrapped in black gold. Thin wire, the blade is shaped like a crescent moon. Lin Tong took the knife out, and saw the knife shine like frost and snow, and he loved it very much in his heart. At this time, the middle-aged shopkeeper came over, waved his hand to let the buddy who received Lin Tong leave, and said with a smile, “Miss, this is a machete bought from Persia. It can cut gold and jade. It is most suitable for a martial lady. Wear self-defense. If the lady likes it, the villain is willing to give it away at a discount.”

Lin Tong took the machete, walked to the wooden post where he tried the knife, and slashed it off. The hard old wood was easily cut off by a corner. Lin Tong was overjoyed and said, “How much is this knife?” The shopkeeper quickly said, “This knife is used by the royal family in Persia. The villain dare not raise the price without authorization. It only costs three thousand taels of silver.”

“What?” Lin Tong was startled. Although she knew that this knife would not be cheap, three thousand taels would be too expensive. Although she came from a famous family and had the title of county lord, she guarded Daizhou in the Lin family era. In order to train soldiers, the money was spent like running water, and the Lin family was known for its cleanliness, so Lin Tong did not have so much money. With a sigh, Lin Tong put down the short knife. If he really spends three thousand taels of silver to buy a scimitar that can’t kill the enemy, he will be punished by his father. Walking out listlessly, Lin Tong couldn’t help turning his head several times, looking at the exquisite Persian scimitar.

At this moment, a little girl hopped in. She walked very fast, but Lin Tong was looking back again. The two ran into each other. The little girl was young and light, and she uttered backwards. Upside down. Lin Tong was a martial artist, and he immediately reacted. He stretched out his hand and hugged the little girl. When she looked down, she saw that the little girl was five or six years old, with a beautiful appearance, her skin was like fat, and her apricot eyes were clear and clear. With a hint of cunning, the temperament between the eyebrows is very delicate. Lin Tong couldn’t help but smiled: “Little sister, didn’t you hurt you?”

The little girl shook her head and said: “Don’t worry, big sister, Lan is not hurt.”

Lin Tong let go of her hands, the little girl rushed to the table, picked up the scimitar that Lin Tong liked just now, and said excitedly: “Uncle treasurer, I brought the money, sell it to me.” /

Lin Tong’s gaze narrowed, this little girl actually wanted to buy such an expensive scimitar, what’s going on?

The shopkeeper was also a bit embarrassed. The little girl just wanted to buy this scimitar. Of course, she didn’t believe that a little girl would have so much money. So although the little girl asked herself to keep the scimitar not to sell for the time being, she didn’t comply. As agreed, he glanced at Lin Tong somewhat calmly, and said kindly: “Little girl, this is three thousand taels of silver.”

The little girl triumphantly said: “I brought the silver, but it’s for someone else to hold it. Uncle Hai, Uncle Hai, are you going faster?”

Following the little girl’s clear and sweet voice, a thick voice said: “Come on, here, the little devil runs so fast, Uncle Hai can’t catch up with you.” The voice is still in my ear, a green shirt The man walked in from the outside. This is a man in his thirties. His appearance is gentle and handsome, but his complexion is bronze and the skin on his face is rough. At first glance, he is the result of years of exposure. Although the man is plainly dressed, he has a calm temperament. , With a touch of prestige in his expression. The shopkeeper’s gaze flashed, he had recognized the identity of this person, and he stepped forward with a smile on his face: “It turns out that it is the sea master who is here. What should I say to buy? The little man’s business is thanks to you, if the lady is Like it, even if you take it.” While talking, the shopkeeper wondered, when did Hai Ye have such a favorite niece by his side?

The man smiled faintly: “They are all businessmen who seek profit, how can I take advantage of you? This girl is one of my best friends, the most naughty mischief, this time I like this one. Scimitar, what she spends is also her own petty use. This is the girl’s own business. You don’t have to worry about me. You should have as many as you want.”

The little girl pouted and said: “Uncle Hai doesn’t talk about affection and doesn’t help Lanlan bargain.”

The man smiled slightly and said: “Who made you so stubborn? Uncle Hai has no precious things in your hands. If you like it, you can choose it, but you just like this scimitar.”

When Lin Tong heard that the population was very angry, he couldn’t help becoming more curious, pretending to choose a sword, staying behind and watching the excitement.

The little girl said angrily: “How did it happen? My father agreed to let Lan Lan buy a gift for his brother. If he chooses from Uncle Hai, it would not be a gift from Lan Lan.”

The man laughed and said: “Your father always doesn’t care about this, but you are so stubborn. Okay, Uncle Hai doesn’t care about you.” As he said, he took out the banknote and handed it to the shopkeeper. He also said: “This is fine. You have all your pocket money and red envelopes for the past two years. Don’t come to me to borrow money in the future.”

The little girl triumphantly said: “Don’t worry about this uncle Hai. My mother loves me the most, so she will definitely give Lanyan more of it.”

At this time, the shopkeeper had already packed the scimitar in a brocade box, handed it to the man respectfully, and returned part of the silver ticket, saying: “Sea Lord, the villain dare not dare to You are striving for profit, so please invite Hai Ye to accept it.”

The man laughed and said: “This is not a big deal. You brought the goods back all the way. There is no reason to sell them at a low price. My niece likes these delicate things. I will inevitably bother you in the future. You just need to be fair. That’s it.” As he said, he returned those banknotes to the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper turned his eyes and said, “The villain is more respectful than fate, Haiye, the villain has such a delicate thing for the young lady to enjoy.” Then he asked the buddy to get a stainless steel made from behind. The ancient monster piece, skillfully pulled and turned over, the object was completely opened. It turned out to be an exquisite hand crossbow. The crossbow arm made of stainless steel is tightly combined with hinges. It is a very strong one made of material. String wire, fasten the two sections of the crossbow firmly. The whole crossbow is fully opened, not much larger than the palm of the hand, and it fits right into the sleeve, which is best for defense. The shopkeeper said: “This was obtained by the villain accidentally, because there is only one, and the power is not very large, so if it is not sold, I will give it to the lady for fun.”

The little girl’s eyes flashed with I grabbed the crossbow and looked at it for a long time before saying: “It’s really delicate, Uncle Hai, I like it very much.” The bright eyes are full of Begging, the man smiled slightly and said, “Since it is the kindness of others, you can keep it.” After saying that, he took the little girl’s hand and walked out, and the shopkeeper followed behind, smiling, obviously Happy that Haiye received the gift.

Lin Tong wondered who made this shopkeeper be respectful, he must be someone with a lot of background in Binzhou, right? While thinking, couldn’t help but stare at the man, showing signs. The man had already noticed that someone was looking at him, but his identity was very good. It was a common thing for someone to pay attention to him, so he didn’t care, but he still stopped by when he went out. Who knows, his face A strange smile appeared on his face, and a ray of cold light flashed in his eyes.

When the man left, Lin Tong asked the shopkeeper: “Who is this man, are you flattering him like this?”

The shopkeeper smiled and said: “The girl is a foreigner, or she doesn’t know her. This is our biggest shipping owner in Binzhou, the owner of the ocean-going trade.”

Lin Tong screamed and went out to see that Hai Wuya was gone.

At this time, the shopkeeper shouted at the guys: “The Hai Gongzi who we deal with is the most savvy person. It is harder to take advantage of anything than anything else. Hai Ye is generous and generous. Sincerely, I don’t like socializing, and I am the most difficult person to indulge in. I don’t think that this coincidence today has made me win. I don’t want to send a letter to the owner soon. In two days, I will ask the owner to visit Haiye with a gift…

Lin Tong stomped his foot and said: “It’s a pity, it would be nice if my sister was here.” After all, Lin Tong didn’t have the interest to go shopping, and walked to the inn depressed. Wang Ji smiled faintly, his eyes flashed with joy and longing.

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