The Grandmaster Strategist Chapter 34: The Finale of Shiding (Part 1)

The ruler of the Northern Han Dynasty heard that Qinzhou was defeated and gathered heavy troops to defend Jinyang. On April 22, Princess Jiaping led the remnant army back to Jinyang. The people were afraid of revenge from the Yong people and helped the old and the young to take refuge north. After traveling for thirty miles, General Long loves generals invincible. He is known for his good defense. After he asks to break him, he protects the people north.

When Emperor Taizong entered the Han realm, he heard that the Lord of the Han retreated to Jinyang and laughed and said that he should cut off foreign aid first, and instead of Jinyang, take a detour and take the building trouble pass. Chen Bing was in Xin and between generations.

——”Zi Zhi Tong Jian Yong Ji San”

Qinyuan City’s General Mansion, inside an Accord, pointing to the black and white chess pieces on the chess ping, I said with good indulgence: “The rough division of a game of chess can be divided into three stages, layout, middle If you use war to describe the game, the layout is the process by which the two sides gather the forces in the open and secret before the war, test each other, and arrange the forces. If there is a difference in the layout, it is equivalent to granting the enemy to the handle, so the chess layout is indispensable. Be cautious, just like this attack on the Northern Han Dynasty. At first, it was only a battle between our Great Yongzezhou Army and the Northern Han Qinzhou Army. However, the Northern Han Dynasty joined the Southern Chu as aid and provoked internal changes in our Great Yong, except Qinzhou. In addition to the army, the Daizhou army was mobilized to strike a thunder. The layout was not far-reaching, and the methods were fierce and fierce. However, the imperial court took advantage of the internal contradictions in Nanchu to cut off this foreign aid, and used measures to control internal disturbances. Its development does not allow it to affect the overall situation. As for the formal combat, in addition to the Zezhou Army, General Sun, the long-time leader, is sent to assist. Our army has surpassed the Northern Han Dynasty regardless of the prior temple calculations and the assembly of troops. The foundation was laid for victory.

As for the middle game, it is a process of strangulation between the two sides. It can be said that most wars can be decided in the middle game. The battle between our army and the North Han army in Qinzhou can be said to be a game between the two sides. A little carelessness is a complete defeat. Anze, Qinyuan, and Qinshui River Valley, our army can be said to have lost three consecutive battles, but due to timely intelligence, coupled with your Royal Highness’s lead, and the hard fight, we can lure the enemy into encirclement. If it weren’t, I’m afraid the ambush we set would become the biggest joke.

The end is the process of ending the battle. Now our army has controlled the overall situation, but if we don’t fight for the camp step by step, there is still the possibility of failure, or the enemy will fight to die. “

It is now April 23. Our army has captured Qinyuan, but instead of capturing Qinyuan, it is better to say that the Northern Han army voluntarily abandoned Qinyuan. On April 20th, Lin Bi brought the remnants of the Daizhou Army and the Qinzhou Remnants together, and was picked up by Duan Wudi back to Qinyuan. According to the news heard by our army spies, the Lord of the Northern Han Dynasty has already ordered Lin Bi to withdraw to Jinyang. This is also a helpless thing. Now if the Northern Han Dynasty disperses its forces, it will only be the result of being defeated by the enemy. Gathering heavy troops in Jinyang can also preserve strength. Moreover, Jinyang was the capital of the Northern Han Dynasty, and the terrain was dangerous. If Jinyang could not be captured, it would be difficult for Dayong to defend these cities even if he conquered the city in the future, so retreat had become the only option. But of course our army could not let the enemy retreat so easily, so the army began to advance step by step with the momentum of thunder sweeping. At this time, I naturally didn’t need to go with the army, so I stayed in Qinyuan. Of course, I was not alone, and Jing Chi also stayed in Qinyuan to recuperate. This time he was seriously injured. Although he saved his life, he could not go back to battle without half a year of recuperation. As for the military affairs, naturally others would worry about it. I was idle also, so I took Jing Chi to play chess with me. Jing Chi has a crude temperament and is not interested in Go, but I naturally have the means to let him learn it obediently, and I also took the opportunity to teach him some military strategies, lest he only knows **** and want to be a handsome man, he is still not good. Far.

Sitting on the soft couch opposite me, Jing Chi looked pale, but looked at the chessboard with a good look. Seeing that I was talking about it, he secretly yawned and was glared at him. He was embarrassed. With a smile, he wanted to perfuse, and asked: “Sir, how did our army end up?”

I shook my head lightly. Ruzi cannot be taught. Let me talk about the current situation. As for how much he can understand, it’s up to him.

Put away the chess pieces and arrange the chess ground. Hu Yanshou took a map of the Northern Han Dynasty and placed it on the chess ground. Then he placed a few white chess pieces on Jinyang’s location and said: “Jinyang has assembled the Northern Han Dynasty. In addition to the original 100,000 defenders, there are 50,000 troops from all over the country. These troops are uneven, but they can still fight a battle. Qinzhou still has 30,000 defeated troops, and Duan Wudi has a few. Ten thousand troops, plus Princess Jiaping’s Daizhou Army, can assemble at least fifty thousand people back to Jinyang. So now the Northern Han Dynasty has concentrated all the power of the whole country in Jinyang. They hope to hold Jinyang, Jinyang million The military and civilians, the city is high and the water is deep, the food and grass can support for more than a year, and then there are elite soldiers and strong generals to defend the city, and we can drag our army into the territory of the Northern Han Dynasty. Jinyang is a land of a hundred battles. If we can’t capture it, even if we capture the north The rest of the Han lands cannot be owned. So this closing battle is not easy. What the court wants is a complete victory, not a loss for both sides. So now the first step for our army to close is to compress the enemy’s forces. Living space, cut off its foreign aid.”

Jing Chi’s eyes fell on Daizhou immediately, and he pointed to Yanmen and said, “Sir, didn’t the military newspapers of the past few days say that the barbarians knocked at the pass? Does Daizhou still have the ability to rescue Jinyang?”

I laughed and said: “The situation in Daizhou is very tense now. Now the Barbarian Babu has re-established the Khan King Wanyan Najin and stormed Yanmen Pass. The main force of the Daizhou Army was taken away by Lin Bi. Once Yanmen Pass is broken, the Barbarians It must be a long drive, looting endlessly, and even occupy Daizhou, peeping at Xinzhou and Jinyang. If Daizhou can resist the barbarians, we can still let it go, but in this situation, if Daizhou finally fails to protect it, it must be general The people withdrew to Xinzhou. In the case of the Northern Han Dynasty being attacked on both sides, the Daizhou Army would join forces with Jinyang. At that time, not only Jinyang would receive strong support, but also the barbarians would invade the country. Our army is now. If someone from the Northern Han Dynasty proposes to make peace with the barbarians and use the golden silk land to lure the barbarians to our army, our army is really in trouble. Moreover, Princess Jiaping’s army is not under Longting Fei. She has now been selected as the head coach and led the army back to Jinyang. If she was in charge of Jinyang military affairs, it would be difficult to capture Jinyang.”

Jing Chi looked at the map for a long while and said: “Princess Jiaping learned of Daizhou’s military situation, I am afraid she will go back to Daizhou day and night, how can she have the heart to guard Jinyang.”

I laughed and said, “It’s not bad that you can think of this, but now it’s impossible for Lin Bi to return to Daizhou. After the emperor left Tongguan, he did not go directly to Jinyang, but went to Loufanguan. The state has been cut off from Xinzhou and Jinyang. According to my original plan, as long as the army guards the Loufan Pass, the barbarians can be blocked in Daizhou. Our army can sit back and watch the Daizhou army and the barbarians lose and lose, and wait until Jinyang is flat. Calmly clean up the mess. By then, the barbarians must have attacked and replaced the state. Our army can take advantage of the situation to eliminate the eight main forces. In this way, the barbarians will be difficult to recover in more than ten years, and Daizhou will be hit hard by this, and it will also be convenient for future rule. “

Jing Chi felt cold when he heard it, and said, “Mr. is too cruel. In this way, the Daizhou warriors are dead and clean. Although I was chased by them, I still admire Princess Jiaping. With Daizhou Army.” He was dissatisfied in his heart, and his tone was a little strange. If it was usual, he would definitely not dare to do so.

I glared at him, and said: “If you don’t reduce the enemy’s strength, can you fight the enemy hard?”

Jing Chi hesitated and did not dare to refute, but there was a clear objection in his eyes. I smiled when I saw it, and said: “You don’t need this expression. The emperor has already rejected my plan. The emperor has considered more profoundly. It is impossible to eliminate it in one fell swoop. In the future, Daizhou will still be an important town to resist barbarians. If Daizhou’s vitality is severely injured, it will have a great impact on future resistance against barbarians. Moreover, Daizhou Lin Family has guarded the frontier for generations and paid little attention to power and wealth. Although the Lin family had a prominent position in the Northern Han Dynasty, it was said that the family had no surplus. All the salary and money were spent on military expenses and pensions, and they did not completely obey Jinyang’s orders. Although the Northern Han Dynasty Lord and Daizhou were In-laws, but except this time when the Northern Han Dynasty was alive and dead, Daizhou Army never went out to help. Even this time, it was not because of the marriage relationship between the two families, but because of the assistance provided by the Northern Han Dynasty to Daizhou over the years. In this way, the Lin family is not a loyal minister of the Northern Han Dynasty. Their loyalty is only to the people of Sheji and Li people, not to any court. Such Lin family is pure minister, so for the Lin family, the emperor not only does not want to destroy the Lin family, but also wants to preserve the Lin family. The emperor said that the Lin family has contributed to Daizhou’s hometown, and it is also an iron wall in northern Xinjiang. It should not be easily shaken. If I follow my plan, not only will it be a pity that the Lin family will destroy the Great Wall by itself, but it will also make Daizhou people treat me hard. The deep hatred is not conducive to the future rule, so the emperor decided to pacify the Lin family, even to the Northern Han royal family, the emperor did not want to kill.”

Jing Chi was overjoyed when he heard it, and blurted out: “What do I say, the emperor would not adopt such a vicious strategy. The emperor loves talents the most in his life, and he respects the loyal and righteous people. If it is on the battlefield, It’s not surprising to kill the Lin family, but using barbarians to deal with the Lin family is not the emperor’s work.”

After saying these words, Jing Chi only felt that the back of his neck suddenly felt a little bit of cold hair standing upright, and immediately remembered his words, but he scolded Jiang Zhe so happily, he couldn’t help but look at him, and saw Jiang Zhe look like The smile was not a smile, as if he was playing with a few chess pieces in his hand carelessly, but Jing Chi felt that there were wisps of murderous in his smile no matter how he looked, and moved back a little fearfully, Jing Chi said: “That, sir, I I’m not scolding you.”

I smiled and said: “I didn’t blame you. Look, now His Royal Highness King Qi and General Changsun have begun to divide their troops and attack. His Royal Highness Qi pursues the Qinzhou Army, and General Changsun is responsible for pacifying the Quartet and joining forces in Jinyang. Before, all the resistance of the Northern Han Dynasty had to be eliminated and subdued, or expelled to Jinyang, but you can’t participate. Who made you so credulous, let the secret spy of the Northern Han Dynasty Demon Sect come near and hurt yourself seriously. Said that the Northern Han army rushed out 50,000 to 60,000 people. When you are in the future after the war, you will enter the Huguan all the way and attack very hard. Even if the emperor does not mind, he will inevitably punish you severely. To calm the people’s minds, and secondly, to emulate you. From Qinyuan to Ji, although you fought hard after the break, after all, you lost the battle. At most, you can make up for it. It is a pity that you have been assassinated because of the great contribution of encircling the North Han Army. And dereliction of duty, it seems that this time you have only hard work, no credit.”

Jing Chi only felt very suffocated. He became more depressed when listening to the words that seemed to be regrettable but ridiculous, but he did not dare not listen. Fortunately, Jiang Zhe soon stopped mocking and started pointing at the map to continue speaking. Jing Chi’s heart was wide. He knew a thing or two about Jiang Zhe’s temper. Since he mocked himself immediately, then he would no longer bear the hate anymore, so he could safely listen to Jiang Zhe continuing to explain how to “end off” .

Use chess pieces to mark the positions of the enemy and our army, and I pointed to Qinzhou City Road: “Qinzhou City is the capital of Qinzhou, where Longting Feishuai Mansion is located. Now the North Han Army is reorganizing its troops and horses here and is preparing to continue to retreat. In order to force the enemy to divide their forces further, His Royal Highness Qi made people spread rumors that the Yong army was about to slaughter the city along the way. Now the people on the way of our army are flocking to Qinzhou City. The people of Qinzhou have supported the dragon for many years. When Tingfei fought with our army, Tingfei was already worried, and when Long Tingfei died, they had no confidence, so they helped the old and the young and wanted to escape north. The city of Qinzhou was swarmed by refugees and could not be defended at all, unless Lin Bi and others could cruelly drive the refugees out of the city. However, this kind of thing was done by the generals of the Northern Han Dynasty, and it was difficult to appease the Qinzhou army, which was inextricably linked with the people of Qinzhou, so whether it was for the king’s life or To survive, the North Han Army has only one choice, which is to return to Jinyang from the north. Originally, I just hoped that the North Han Army would lose the hearts of the people. I didn’t think there would be idiots. Duan Wudi had already taken the initiative to stay behind. Now the refugees can only travel dozens of miles a day. After he took his headquarters with less than 20,000 people to cut off slowly, he should be caught up with his Highness. By the way, do you know why the people of the Northern Han Dynasty believe that our army will slaughter the city? The king of Qi made people beat you in the forward and said it was you It’s just a minor injury, and now he is wounded in battle, ready to take revenge on the massacre.”

Now, Jing Chi’s eyes widened and he looked at me wronged, but I laughed, and the tone of voice just came out.

After a while, Superintendent Jingchi said, “I am unlucky anyway, if I really let me go to the massacre, it’s just a fake name.” My expression remained unchanged, but it was forbearing. Smile, although he speaks in a low voice, I can hear clearly. Seeing that Jing Chi was tired, let him recover from his illness, I returned to my study.

This study was originally used by Duan Invincible, and there are still many invincible scrolls in the study. Although he is a military commander, he is well-versed in history. Look at the notes and some notes he left in the study. Although the text is a bit superficial, the artistic conception is quite far-reaching. I took a note that I hadn’t finished reading yesterday, and then I flipped through it. It was mostly his experience and some essays recorded when he was reading, as well as some similar notes. This is the best way to understand a person. Especially if you want to end, he is one of the keys. Regarding Jing Chi, I just talked about some things about the military, and there are some things that he doesn’t need to know.

After Duan Wudi was responsible for the break, he had an important hostage in his hand, Xuan Song. I have heard from Xiao Shunzi and Su Qing, and learned that Xuan Song is still alive, but was injured and imprisoned. Even though he found someone, no matter how powerful Xiao Shunzi was, he couldn’t rescue Xuan Song from the encirclement. Although Su Qing tried every possible means, Qinyuan was controlled by Duan Wudi like a copper wall and iron wall, let alone rescue Xuan. Song, just wanting to contact him, it took a lot of effort. Especially after Lin Bi entered Qinyuan, he wanted to save people even more. Originally, Xiao Shunzi and Su Qing had already given up a bit. Who knew that after the Northern Han Army retreated to Qinzhou City, Lin Bi led the army north the next day. In Jinyang, Duan Wudi left Xuansong secretly after he asked for it. It’s also a coincidence that not many people know about Xuan Song’s capture, and almost everyone who knows has already died in the Ji family except for Lin Bi, Xiao Tong and Duan Wudi, so after obtaining Lin Bi’s acquiescence , Xuan Song was held hostage by Duan Wudi. Upon hearing this news, I naturally guessed Duan Wudi’s intentions, but hoped to exchange some conditions through Xuansong, but he would not be too much if I wanted to come, and I had already arranged it well, and I would never make him cheaper. This time, Duan Invincible is destined to have no chance to return to Jinyang.

The overall situation on the battlefield of the North Han Dynasty has been determined, but the so-called ending is not only referring to this. I passed the book on the East China Sea a few days ago and asked them to release Qiu Yufei and wait until Qiu Yufei returns to the North Han Dynasty. , The overall situation has been determined, and I can negotiate with the Demon Zong through him. How can I not use such a good middleman, otherwise, why bother to save his life at the beginning? I would not let it for the sake of pitying talent. I am in danger. If I hadn’t used other people, how could I indulge my emotions and make friends with him. Also, Dongchuan should be settled. Thinking of this, I walked to a residual chess game under the window, and lightly placed a chess piece on the southwest corner of the chessboard. , I don’t know what it feels like to fall from the highest point. I snickered unkindly. Hu Yanshou, who was standing guard outside the study, fought a cold war without knowing it.

In Nanzheng City at this moment, the former Shu King Palace and Qing King Mansion are now the Shu King Palace that has just been “restored”. The new Shu King Meng Xu is just a little baby, playing under the care of his mother and a group of maids Make trouble. Now the Queen Mother Qi of Shu is just a young woman in her twenties. She used to be the maid of Mrs. Jin Lian in the past, so she has a chance to be favored by the King of Shu. After being pregnant, she has not yet been promoted to the concubine. She died, at best, she was just an ordinary concubine in the harem, and her son was just a little prince of low status. But now, she has become the banner of the rejuvenation of the old Shu’s survivors. Regardless of whether this incident is fortunate or unfortunate for her mother and child, she is an incompetent puppet, so even though she is the queen mother, she still looks melancholy. Only after seeing Aiko’s naive attitude, did he occasionally show a smile.

With the help of the palace maid, Meng Xu finally broke off a peach blossom and threw the peach blossom into his mother’s arms in a running and jumping manner. He held the flower branch high up and asked his mother to hold it. Qi’s heart was filled with intense joy. , Hugged his beloved son tightly, and said in his heart, how much would it be to spend a peaceful life with him carefree. At this moment, Qi’s ears suddenly heard a few muffled hums. Qi raised his head and saw that the last servant was stunned to the ground, and the person who shot was a middle-aged man wearing a guard costume. With a refined appearance and a gloomy look, Qi exclaimed: “Gu Shiwei!”

The Qi family looked around in panic, and saw that the two middle-aged guards, one from the left and the other from the right, had already restrained all the other guards and maids. One of these two guards was full of shackles and looks mighty, and the other was eagle-eyed and thin-lips. Grim, but I have never seen it. She suppressed the urge to call for help and forced to calmly look at these malicious middle-aged people. Since the death of Shu, she escaped from the palace by the order of King Shu and Mrs. Jin Lian, and was later betrayed to King Qing by his attendants. Although King Qing did not harm her in order to take advantage of their status, the Qi family has also experienced calamity, which is no longer in the past. An ignorant woman, knowing that if she calls for help indiscriminately, she can only make the three of them hurt the killer, so not only did she dare not call for help, she also stretched out her hand to hug Meng Xu tightly in her arms, and covered Meng Xu’s mouth to prevent him from being surprised Call out.

The other two guards have retreated behind Gu Shiwei. Qi knows that this Gu Shiwei is the head of the three. She vaguely remembers that this person is called Gu Ning, and his status is quite high. Although he has only been in the palace for a few days, But many of the guards respected him extremely. Moreover, this person has been courteous for several weeks on weekdays, and has never shown contempt because of her mother and son’s puppet status, but why this person suddenly hurt the killer, she looked at Gu Ning with fearless eyes, and said: “Gu Shiwei, you have to treat this palace What are you doing with Wanger?”

Gu Ning sighed softly, pressed the handle of the knife, walked slowly in front of Qi, bowed down and said, “The Caomin was ordered to come and take the life of the king.” He was ordered by Huo Jicheng to enter the palace of the Shu King, in order to make things easier. I only brought two brothers, Zhang Han and He Yun, both of whom were not very interested in the great cause of rebuilding the country. They only moved forward and retreated with him for the sake of brotherhood.

Qi’s face was pale, and said: “Is he on the order of King Qing? Now he should not dare to kill us.”

Gu Ning’s heart moved when she heard this, she said, even this woman knows this truth, how can the lord not know why he forced me to offend the king? Could it be that he has some tricks, but anyway, he After all, it is difficult to escape the control of that person.

He said sadly: “Queen dowager, the minister is also a last resort, please forgive the queen dowager.” After that, he got up and drew his sword, hesitated for a moment, and slashed.

Although Qi is unable to resist, her mother’s instinct allows her to hold her beloved son in her arms as best as she can, and use her body to block her body in front of the steel knife. Even if she dies, she will die in front of her, and there is still something in her heart. Wing Wang, you can hear from this person’s tone that he is not serious about killing in his heart, and it seems that he is forced to do it. If this person kills himself, if he can’t bear it, perhaps the killing intent will fade even more, maybe love son Can still save lives.

The steel knife stopped abruptly, just a short distance away from the Qi family. Gu Ning’s forehead blue veins violently, and the knife couldn’t cut it anyway. He was a loyal man, how could he kill the royal family? Even if Qi’s mother and son are not in such identities, as a chivalrous man, how could he behave like this against women and children.

Qi immediately knelt on the ground and cried: “Gu Shiwei, please be merciful, and spare my mother and son’s life? Concubine, mother and son are grateful for life.”

Gu Ning’s eyes were hesitating, with a struggling look on his face. At this moment, the middle-aged man with thin lips and eagle eyes coldly said: “Brother Gu, don’t forget that Yan’er and Bao’er are still in Huo Yi Ying’er is even more unclear about his life and death. If you don’t obey the orders of the leader, what will the children do? Their mother and son are just the puppets of King Qing. Are you really the king and queen mother?”

Qi quickly pleaded: “Gu Shiwei, the identity of the concubine and Xu’er is not false, but the concubine dare not extravagantly ask for forgiveness, and only asks the guard to spare us for the sake of our orphans and widows. Life, if there is any inconvenience, as long as you can spare Xu’er’s life, you will kill the concubine a thousand times, and the concubine will have no complaints.” She heard that Gu Ning seemed to be taking the lives of her mother and son because her nephew was obsessed. , So tactfully touch his heart with the emotion of mother and child.

When Gu Ning heard this, she finally sighed, put down her steel knife, and said sadly: “For the time being, this child is the king’s flesh and blood, and only on the morality of the rivers and lakes. Can my Gu be saved by killing other mothers and children? My own flesh and blood, a few brothers, I have decided to leave the Splendid Alliance. The leader is surly and will kill us one by one sooner or later. If you are willing, please protect their mother and son and leave with me, whether it is King Qing or the leader, They are all cruel people. I can’t bear to die in the hands of those careerists.”

The two middle-aged people looked at each other, and the man with a beard asked: “Brother, what about the children?”

Gu Ning said painfully: “The leader’s methods are vicious. I can only try to save them. You take the king mother and son and leave first. I will go to Sanguan to find a way to rescue Yan’er and Bao’er. As for Ying’er , I’m afraid it’s impossible to save it.”

The middle-aged man with thin lips and eagle eyes sighed: “I stayed in the Splendid League because of my brotherhood with my eldest brother. Otherwise, even though Huo Jicheng has powerful methods, how can he push me? Since my eldest brother has decided Severe justice with Jinxiumeng, I naturally have no objection. Are you willing to leave with us?” The last sentence was to ask Qi, Qi was worried, although these people originally wanted to kill themselves, it seems that they are not. The wicked person, in fact, she has no confidence in King Qing. Besides, if she doesn’t agree, she’s afraid that this cruel-hearted man will kill her mother and her son. So Qi nodded and said: “I will ask a few knights for the concubine, mother and son. Up.”

The guy with the beard said: “Brother, I will go to the sanctuary with you, and let Lao Zhang take their mother and son to go first.” Gu Ning is grateful. Among the three of them, martial arts is the most brilliant of this big man. One of the best players in the Fairview League, with him, the chances of saving a few children are much greater.

The middle-aged man with thin lips and eagle eyes frowned: “Big brother, third brother, although his martial arts is, but he has a rough temper, he needs to rely on scheming and means to save people, so let me go. And in the league. Many of the brothers have received the favor of the elder brother. The elder brother can ask them to conceal the news first, so that we still have a great chance to rescue a few nephews.”

Gu Ning knew that although his second brother Zhanghan was a little bit vicious, he was very scheming and very resourceful. If he hadn’t been the only one in his eyes, he would have been reused by Huo Jicheng with his talent. His strategy must have a higher chance of success, so he said, “Thank you brother for helping me.” Zhang Han smiled and said, “Thank you, if it wasn’t for the eldest brother who saved my life, I’m afraid there would be no chapter letter in the world. This person, and to be honest, I’m tired of this kind of life. It’s better to live in seclusion in the countryside. I built a secret village two years ago. This time we will go there to plant and hunt for some leisure. Aren’t your days very good.”

Gu Ning sighed and said: “Just by looking at King Qing’s actions, we know that he is not really helping my Shu Kingdom to restore the country. Meng Huo is ambitious and hopeless to restore the country, but we can save the blood of the first king and prevent the first king from Jue, it can be considered to have done the way of loyalty.”

When Qi heard this, she really felt relieved. She is a woman who knows how to advance and retreat. It is not her will to become a puppet supported by others. If she can live in seclusion with her son in the countryside, she is satisfied, but she is satisfied with these people. I still had doubts in my heart and didn’t dare to express what I was thinking, so he remained silent. At the moment, He Yun took the mother and son of the Qi family, and escaped from the palace with the assistance of several trusted disciples and disciples of the Jinxiu League who did not know the truth, while Gu Ning and Zhanghan went straight to Sanguan. In fact, although these three people tried to conceal it, how could such a major event be hidden from many eyes and ears, but after the three people left, naturally someone helped them erase the traces and conceal the news, but these are not what the three of them can know. .

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