The Grandmaster Strategist Chapter 32: Blue blood loyal soul

Daizhou Army rushed for the vanguard, Ting Fei led his own troops to break through to attract the main force of the Yong army, and the main force of the Han army came from the northwest. The Yong people were so famous for Ting Fei’s fame and used their army to stop them from charging. Ting Fei rushed for a day and night. The horse was exhausted and trapped by the Yong army. He was wounded in more than ten places and couldn’t do it. The king of Yongqi loves him bravely, personally went to the former enemy to surrender, Ting Fei strictly refused, and entrusted the future, but committed suicide, Shi Ting Fei was only 33 years old, hundreds of his guards survived, all died, General Love horses and die in Qinshui. Wang Ling built the tomb of the general in the wild, and he also cast the “tomb of loyalty and righteousness” and the “Tomb of Righteous Horse” to accompany him. The old folks built a shrine behind the tomb to worship in the Spring and Autumn Period.

——”Bei Han Shilongting Fei Biography”

On April 19th, when the early morning light penetrated the clouds again, there were only more than a thousand Northern Han troops left on the battlefield, surrounded by the Yong army regiment. After the main force of the North Han army broke through yesterday, Long Ting flew into it. For several times, seeing that there was no chance to break through the siege, they formed a round formation and stood firm. The Yong army attacked on all sides, but the North Han army reported that it was mortal. The two sides fought until the sunset. Li Xian was furious and made people raise their torches and fight all night. It wasn’t until late at night that the North Han army began to collapse, but the scattered North Han army formed a small circle, stubbornly making senseless resistance. Many hungry North Han sergeants were thirsty for horse blood on the battlefield. He ate horse meat and refused to give up his weapons and surrender. Until early in the morning, Li Xian finally cleared out all the remnants except Long Tingfei and his pro-army. There were almost no prisoners. Almost all the North Han troops were dead. Some After the North Han army was unable to fight, they committed suicide and refused to be captured and humiliated. The only few hundred prisoners were either severely wounded and unable to commit suicide, or they fainted without a chance to seek death.

Li Xian looked at Long Tingfei, who was trapped in the siege, with a blue face. He clenched his fists and was very angry. At this time, an elegant voice came from behind him: “Why does your Highness look so ugly? , Your Highness should be happy.”

Li Xian didn’t look back, mockingly said: “It turns out that it’s the army superintendent who is here, why didn’t you get sulking?”

I couldn’t help touching my nose, retracting my neck, and smiling awkwardly, secretly regretting that I shouldn’t offend King Qi the previous two days. But I can’t blame me for speaking of it. Although my industry is all over the world, I have a huge profit and meager profits, and I have lost the business network of Shu land. How can I not make me feel sad.

Speaking of speaking, the industry in my hands is mainly divided into four parts. The first part is the South Chu Tianji Pavilion. Tianji Pavilion secretly controls 30% of Jiangnan commerce, but this 30% is not completely controlled by me, most of them The shares belong to my collaborators, and the other part is distributed to the secret camp disciples. Only a part is still in my direct control, but according to my plan, after the world is unified, I will diversify the entire industry, that is to say I can’t sell the industry under the name of Tianji Pavilion, nor can I get money through branches, and in order to support the intelligence network in Nanchu, I can hardly see this part of the profit I should get.

The second part is the Ping An Inn, which is in charge of Green Ear. This is an industry that I completely control. It is responsible for the communication between me and other industries. It is also a source of my intelligence. To control such a huge industry, it needs to cost The energy and money are hard to count. In short, it is still in the break-even stage. Although there will be long-term benefits in the future, at least for now, I can’t count on it.

The third part is my share in Hai’s Shipping Company. This part can be said to be huge profits, and it is also my current main source of gold. Needless to say. Without the continuous money provided by Hai’s, I would never have a Jinghai Villa in a fairyland on earth, let alone build a safe inn.

And the fourth part is the industry controlled by the Fairview League. I originally wanted to give the allies of the Fairview League a place to stay, so that they would not only think about revenge and revenge every day, but unexpectedly it is the wealth of money. Most of the people in the league are talented and well-connected talents. If they weren’t for this kind of person, how could they be able to resist Dayong. With the efforts of these local snakes, the industry of Splendid League is flourishing. I am happy to see the income account every year. Not from ear to ear. At the time, I was a fan of the government and didn’t want to give up the Fairview Alliance, just because I couldn’t bear the benefits. But after learning about Xiahou Yuanfeng’s request, my mind came to my senses and reluctantly discovered that I had to give up the Fairview Alliance in order to prevent Xiahou Yuanfeng from passing. The Splendid Alliance’s industry has penetrated into my power. I made up my mind to give up all the industries and let Chen Zhen and the others send more than 90% of the working capital to Luer through the Tianji Pavilion. Although I have tried my best to reduce the loss, Only stores, goods, and real estate are left to Fairview League for the management of these industrial people, waiting in ignorance for Xiahou Yuanfeng’s forcible acceptance, but I still feel heartache, thinking that my annual income will be reduced by 40%, why not let me Beat your chest and feet.

What, you told me that wealth is like a cloud. It’s nonsense. Although Jiang Zhe doesn’t love power and reputation, I still love money. If there is no gold and silver, how can I support my family? Is it possible that I should be corrupted and bribed? . I think it was because Xiao Shunzi hit me that I was sap that made me go to the top pick. Although it took a few years of ease, it also changed my life. If I had a wealth of money, Perhaps now I am still living in seclusion in that beautiful mountainous place, reading books every day, enjoying tea, enjoying flowers and fishing, and I am full of fun. Although it will be more plain, I can live my life carefree. Besides, with my current body, although I can barely call it healthy, if I don’t have enough money, I can use various expensive drugs to maintain my body, and then let me go to work hard to make money, I wonder if I can live. By the day Roulan and Shen’er got married. If you want to live a comfortable life, you don’t need money. My favorite celebrities want money for calligraphy and painting, and my favorite rare books also want money. It is the paper and ink used for writing, the fragrance of burning when playing the piano, and the exotic flowers and weeds in the garden. , Isn’t it all piled up with money?

Thinking about it this time, the loss this time is enough to make my heart and lungs ache. I think about it all because of the Dayong imperial family. Since Li Zhi is the emperor, I dare not anger, Changle is my beloved person, and I can’t bear it. Naturally, only Li Xian was in front of the anger, and Changsun Ji and Jing Chi, who made them Li Zhi’s confidantes, so I angered them together. These days, by recuperating illness, he ignores everything in the army. Of course, I also think that Li Xianzu can stop Long Tingfei and Lin Bi. I am not very proficient in combat, so I ignore it. How can I think that the current situation is like this, but the current situation I still Quite satisfied.

Long Tingfei was trapped and bound sooner or later. Although Lin Bi took advantage of the opportunity of the Yong army to break through the encirclement of Xiying, taking advantage of the inability of the Yong army to reinforce, Lin Bi broke out with the children of Qiqidaizhou, but The power of the state army was greatly damaged, and according to the information I received, Lin Bi’s breakthrough was unlikely to affect the overall situation of the Northern Han Dynasty, and her survival also left room for change between Dayong and the Northern Han royal family and the Daizhou Lin family. The most unexpected thing was that Jing Chi’s assassination made the main force of the Qinzhou Army break through successfully. If I hadn’t given him a life-saving pill when I was in the cold garden, I was afraid that his life would not be guaranteed. This obviously exceeded my expectations. However, because Li Xian acted decisively, Zhang Sunji did not have to worry about the besieged Long Tingfei and Daizhou Army, but focused on chasing and killing the fleeing Qinzhou Army. Although the Qinzhou Army succeeded in breaking through the siege and took the opportunity to kill the Yong Army that sealed Qinshui and rescued the remaining forces of the North Han Navy, but under the pursuit of Changsun Ji, only 30,000 remnants fled back to Qinyuan. Now that Chang Sun Ji has sealed off the Qinshui River Valley and Chen Bing’s Qinyuan city, all the expected goals have been achieved. Although it is not perfect, Jing Chi is seriously injured, and Li Xian also feels that he can’t make it through, but this is still a decisive victory.

Looking at Li Xian’s cold face, I sighed and said apologetically: “I missed my wife and children a few days ago because of a minor illness, so I have offended my Royal Highness. Please forgive me.”

Li Xian knew in his heart that Jiang Zhe’s words were just excuses, but he could hear the guilt and repair in his words. When he heard Jiang Zhe mention his wife and children, Shen’er immediately appeared in his mind With her charming appearance, her heart softened, her anger gradually dissipated, and she thought about whether the marriage can go smoothly in the future, but Jiang Zhe needs to make it through. Li Xian showed a smile on her face and gave up. After a small holiday with Jiang Zhe, he smiled and said: “This king also knows that it is actually a big victory, but he thinks of such a uselessness. Not only did Lin Bi break out, but he also sent tens of thousands of remnants to Qinyuan. Besides, General Jing was assassinated and seriously injured, which made this king angry and unbearable.”

I saw that Li Xian had already eased up, and I smiled: “His Royal Highness, now the enemy chief is in control. If you can capture Long Tingfei alive and offer you prisoners, this is also a rare honor.” I originally thought I could get Li Xian’s approval. After all, the credit of capturing the enemy coach is enough to make Li Xian proud and make up for the face he lost this time. To my surprise, Li Xian not only didn’t agree, but frowned: “It’s difficult. This king has fought with Long Tingfei for many years. He knows that he is a man. He is a man of arrogant temperament. He is also the **** of the North Han army. If he is defeated, he is I would rather die than be captured and humiliated. Let alone others, he is the king. If there is a possibility of falling into the hands of the enemy, there is only one way to go.”

My heart was shocked, and I looked at Li Xian with a new look. After repeated setbacks and blows, the domineering and domineering His Royal Highness Qi, without changing the arrogant temperament of the past, his mind has become as deep as Yuanhai. Turning his gaze to the battlefield, he saw Long Tingfei and his guards who were trapped in the siege. Everyone’s faces were very peaceful. The killing on their hands seemed to be completely unable to affect their mood. It was a real warrior facing a mortal situation. I sighed lightly, vainly admitting that I was good at grasping people’s hearts. For this kind of warrior on the battlefield, I still have some deviations. It is impossible for Long Tingfei to be captured. I remembered that someone said to me that when the hunting palace changed, the emperor was forced into desperation by hearing about Ziyan, and he deliberately went to death. Now I think about it, although Li Zhi, Li Xian and Long Tingfei are very different in status and status, One thing is similar, that is, they are all true generals. For them, they can die and lose, but they must never be captured and humiliated. Suddenly, I had a little more respect and concern for the **** battlefield, let me, a weak person with a weak heart, witness the last style of the peerless star with my own eyes.

At this time, Li Xian sighed and said: “Although it is impossible, but this king can’t just give up like this. If Long Tingfei can surrender, the blow to the heart of the North Han army cannot be estimated.” After saying that, Li Xian ordered a truce. The situation on the battlefield is now completely under the control of the Yong Army, so the Yong Army stopped attacking and only surrounded the remnants of the North Han Army. The North Han Army, which was already on the brink of desperation, did not continue to attack, but stopped and hoped to recover. With a bit of strength, reorganize the almost collapsed circle. The battlefield suddenly became quiet, except for the heavy breathing and the wailing of war horses, the world was silent.

Li Xiance immediately went forward and said loudly: “General Long, now you are in a desperate situation. Apart from these hundreds of guards, there is no other soldier to mobilize. This king respects you for your loyalty and admiration. Your army is unparalleled. If you are willing to give up your weapons and surrender, this king promises that you will be a guest of honor, that is, you will not be insulted to your subordinates. The general uses himself as a bait to fight **** day and night, **** and loyal, heaven and man Sharing lessons, even if you give up resistance now, the Lord of the Northern Han Dynasty will not be harsh. Why bother to fight to death? Does the general not cherish these soldiers who are loyal to you?”

Long Tingfei, who was surrounded by his guards, looked around slowly, only to see hundreds of guards, all of them were tired, their battle robes broken, and blood infiltrated the scarlet battle robes. People can’t tell where is the blood stain and where is the true color of the shirt. The bow and arrow have long been broken, the steel knife has been blunt, and the eyebrows of each guard are deeply tired, except for despair in his eyes, everyone here already knows that death will come at any time. Long Tingfei smiled slightly and said: “The kings stepped away, let Long Mou and His Royal Highness King Qi say a few words.”

The guards stayed still and quickly separated from the road. From the gap in the circle, Long Tingfei and Li Xian saw each other face to face again. Although they were separated by a certain distance, they were enough to see each other’s faces. , Those guards did not hesitate at all. Anyway, it was already a mortal situation. It did not matter if King Qi took the opportunity to attack, and although they hated the enemy coach, they knew that he was also a hero in the world and would never make a backlash. The real heroes and heroes can only understand each other through blood battles on the battlefield.

Long Tingfei’s gaze fell behind Li Xian, who was dressed in blue clothes, described as haggard, but was a leisurely minded scholar. This time, his defeat was defeated by Li Zhi and Li Xian’s joint efforts, if not for himself Unexpectedly, Li Zhi would dispatch an army to assist Li Xian at this dangerous time. How could there be such a fiasco, and the smooth cooperation between Li Zhi and Li Xian, and the only person who would thread the needle was this Tsing Yi man-Chuxiang Hou Jiangzhe. However, his gaze flashed past, and finally fell on Li Xian, no matter how well-planned, if there were no such people fighting hard, he would never fall into the siege.

Take off his helmet and throw it off his horse. Long Tingfei smiled and said: “His Royal Highness, you are also the commander of the first army. It is a great shame to know that the commander was captured. Long is not talented and is also a general. My dragon family has been greatly favored by the lord for generations and given heavy powers. The wife is a princess, and entrusts the righteousness of the emperor and ministers, and the kindness of the bones and flesh. There is no reason for binding.”

Li Xian said: “This king also knows that General Long is awe-inspiring, and will never be willing to let him go, but the general can die willingly, shouldn’t all your subordinates and soldiers deserve to die? That way, this king can be loyal and righteous, why not? He ordered his soldiers to surrender to the king. The king can guarantee their lives. In the future, the emperor will amnesty the world. The king promises to disarm these soldiers and return to their fields. Instead of letting them die with the general, the general should let them go so that they can Marry a wife and have children, and keep the countryside safe. Doesn’t the general want to leave some heroes for the Northern Han Dynasty?”

Long Tingfei smiled faintly, and calmly said: “His Royal Highness is also right. Since Long has been embarrassed on all sides, there is no need to drag them to be company with me. Monarchs, you have already paid for the king and for Long. Enough is enough. Today, Long has fallen to your death. You are still fighting desperately, feeling and reasoning. You have fulfilled your duties. You are loyal and have no shame in your heart. Long now orders that you can surrender your weapons. This is Long’s Order, if you have a chance to see the Lord again in the future, you can tell the king, just say what Long said, you are not cowards who are greedy for life and death, but the warriors of the Northern Han Dynasty.”

When these guards heard what Long Tingfei said, they were silent with tears in their eyes. They naturally knew the scene in front of them. The coach had declared that they would not surrender, but let them abandon their weapons. They can understand it naturally, but how can they be relieved by abandoning the Lord to steal their lives. A young guard in his early twenties suddenly covered his face and cried. There was blood on his face, mixed with tears and blood, and he became more and more embarrassed. His cry seemed to be a signal. A guard bowed his head sadly, and the steel knife in his hand fell. Dust, then, one guard after another began to cry, and their weapons began to drop, apparently having accepted the next fate.

Li Xian did not send an order for Yong Jun to go to accept the prisoners, but watched all this quietly.

Long Tingfei smiled brightly and said: “His Royal Highness, you and I have fought for many years, and you can be regarded as confidantes. There is one thing to you, I don’t know if you are willing to agree.”

Li Xian cautiously said: “The king and the general are sympathetic to each other. It’s not a day. As long as Li Xian can do it, he must do his best.”

Long Tingfei’s gaze became gentle and distant. He thought about how to use his words before he said: “Long’s young man lost his wife and has no children. Naturally, there is no need to worry about the future. As for the fathers and children in the clan, they are all Loyal ministers of the Northern Han Dynasty, there is no need for Long to worry about life and death. They will coexist and die with the Northern Han. There is only one thing that Long can not let go of, that is, Princess Lin Bi of Jiaping, Long’s unmarried wife.”

Li Xian was stunned. Lin Bi was the princess of the Northern Han Dynasty. Even if Long Tingfei was not at ease, he shouldn’t tell him about it. He looked weird and authentic: “The general, don’t worry, Princess Jiaping has successfully broken through, and now she should have returned to Qinyuan.”

Long Tingfei smiled faintly and said: “It’s not that Long Mou is pretentious. If the Northern Han Dynasty can not be annexed by Da Yong, it is useless to mention this matter. If it is unfortunate, it will be included in Da Yong’s territory, although Princess Bi is a member of the royal family. But she is also the commander-in-chief of the Daizhou Army. The Daizhou Army has defended the territory for more than a hundred years. It has defended the territory from the Yanmen, and the power lies in the community. Unless Dayong wants to slaughter the people of the Daizhou, he will eventually appease the Daizhou. Killing Princess Bi, I’m afraid that Daizhou will never have peace, so please speak with your highness and protect Lin. Long can guarantee that once the Lin family of Daizhou returns, there will be no two-mindedness.”

Li Xian hesitated for a moment, and finally said: “This matter is very important. This king can’t guarantee, but he must try his best. My emperor brother is wise and martial, and he will not easily harm the loyal and brave.”

Long Tingfei’s eyes flashed a relief of relief, and said: “One more thing, if Dayong rules the world, Princess Bi will be safe again. Long hopes His Royal Highness can take care of her on my behalf.” /

Li Xian trembled. If he hadn’t caught the reins in time, he would almost roll off his horse, as if the secret in his heart was revealed. He blushed and said, “General Long, what are you talking about?”

Long Tingfei seems to have seen through Li Xian’s heart, solemnly said: “Long is not nonsense. Although I and Princess Bi have been named, they have not yet married. Although I have no relationship, but After all, everyone regards her as Mrs. Long. Even though Princess Bi deliberately chooses another mate, no one dares to ask for the phoenix. Princess Bi is a hero of the female middle school, and I can’t bear her to bear this illusory name for a lonely life. The prince is a current hero, and Long is also very respectful. Princess Bi mentioned the encounter in the East China Sea. Long believes that the two also have the intention of cherishing each other. If possible, Long hopes that the prince can take good care of her.”

Li Xian was even more flushed, and it took a long time to say: “Princess Bi is both talented and beautiful, and she is also a famous general in the world, a hero of the female middle school, but Li Xian is a romantic and dastard, notorious, how can she be worthy of Princess Bi, let alone… “Speaking of this, Li Xian suddenly stopped talking, just because he suddenly discovered the secret hidden deep in his heart, Donghai for a while, he actually fell in love with Lin Bi, only because of Luofu’s husband and his hostile identity. I never dared to think about it. Now he suddenly had an open and honest opportunity to pursue Lin Bi. He didn’t want to refuse gently in his heart.

Long Tingfei couldn’t help but smile, and said: “If Princess Bi also has permission in the future, I wonder if the prince would agree to this marriage?”

Li Xian was cruel, ignoring the stunned cronies behind him, and said: “If Princess Bi agrees, Li Xian will definitely live up to her trust.” After saying this, Li Xian breathed a sigh of relief, but in his heart he smiled bitterly. Probably he didn’t have a chance to give birth to a princess, and he recruited Shen’er as his son-in-law.

Long Tingfei looked loose and smiled: “Long naturally hopes that my Northern Han Dynasty will prosper, but he also sincerely wishes the prince all the best. Although there are some contradictions, the prince should know that the dragon is sincere.”

Li Xian’s face was plain and speechless. Long Tingfei didn’t pay any attention to him either, and said in a low voice: “Blue blood and yellow sand, loyal soul is buried deep, Long Tingfei died today, there is still a lingering hatred, if he can be loyal to the lord after death, how good it would be!” , Long Tingfei’s long sword was out of its sheath, the cold light flashed, and the blood flowed across the board. Amidst the exclamation of everyone, his body fell. The soldiers of the two armies originally saw him talking, laughing, and banqueting. Although it was an exhortation of what was going on, they had a kind of calmness. They all had the illusion that he would not ask for death. Who knew that when he bowed his head and whispered, he suddenly stopped himself. All caught off guard. Long Tingfei’s mount is also a rare dragon horse. At this moment, his body is blood-stained, and he can’t see the heroic appearance of the past. Before seeing the master fell off the horse, the horse wailed, and bowed its head from time to time to arch the master’s gradually cold body, hiss The cry was sad and sad and heartbroken.

Li Xian was sad, just about to order the aftermath, a guard of Long Tingfei suddenly shouted: “The general treats us like a mountain, how can the general be left alone.” The guard had already discarded his original weapon, but he was fighting. At that time, he was already seriously injured. A sharp arrow penetrated his arm. Although the body of the arrow was cut off, the arrow was still deeply pierced in the flesh. At this moment, the guard was full of grief and indignation. He stretched out his hand to pull out the arrow and brought out a mass of flesh and blood. The guard did not care, the arrow pierced his throat, immediately died of anger and fell to the ground. Seeing this, another guard who was crying and weeping yelled: “General!” Bend down and picked up the discarded saber and committed suicide. Their actions have infected everyone. Those guards who abandoned their weapons after hearing Long Tingfei’s order are now full of shame and grief. They all shouted “General” when they saw it, and each one said nothing.

Li Xian said loudly: “No!” But it was too late, but in a flash, hundreds of guards had all committed Xian put down his hands, unconsciously, he was alone. They were not saved, the warriors of the North Han Dynasty were indeed all loyal. In the center of the battlefield, Long Tingfei’s mount suddenly wailed and ran to the east. No one in the Yong Army thought of blocking this horse, letting go of the line of defense, and letting the horse escape.

I watched indifferently from behind. Although Long Tingfei’s move was unexpected, it was not incomprehensible. He must have known in his heart that no matter whether he succeeded in breaking through or not, the Northern Han Dynasty was already at sunset, and all he had to do was to entrust him to the future. Li Xian’s actions. However, I did not expect him to entrust Lin Bi to Li Xian. How this matter has been resolved, whether it will be beneficial or not, I began to calculate secretly.

Next, Li Xian ordered the cleaning of the battlefield. I have been with Li Xian and wanted to see how he arranged it. Li Xian personally made people build a tomb for Long Tingfei in the Ji family’s wild, and made them bury the martyr who died next to him, forming a large tomb called Zhongyi Tomb. On the day of the burial, the Yong army returned. Long Ting flew his horse to Qinshui, weeping and weeping blood on the shore of Qinshui, and then sank. Li Xian heard this, sighing without saying a word. I was stunned, so I proposed that the carcass of the horse be transported and buried at the side of Longtingfei’s grave. Li Xian immediately agreed to follow suit. The tomb of the horse was given the name “Yima Tomb” by Li Xian. “

Before our army went north, we came to the tomb of Longting Fei again. Although it was only a few days ago, I saw fragrant flowers in front of the tomb. I don’t know who came to pay memorial service. I drank wine in front of the tomb and prayed:” General Long, although I killed you, this is also helpless. I will certainly help you fulfill your last wish. I hope you don’t blame me under Jiuquan. You are alive, and you should protect the land and water. Don’t It’s good to come and claim my life.” Somehow, I felt that there was a gust of wind in front of the grave, and I shivered, so I decided to leave immediately.

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