The Grandmaster Strategist Chapter 28: Marriage becomes a couple

In May of the twenty-fourth year of Wuwei, the emperor bestowed the princess as the princess of King Jingjiang, and married the great general Qin Yizi, Qin Qing, who is also the power of the king.

——”Yong Shi·Biography of King King”

On the way back, King Yong said with a calm face: “Suiyun, don’t worry, I will kill Lu Jingzhong for you in the future.”

I faintly smiled and said: “Why your Highness is angry, you should be happy. Lu Jingzhong is good at offensive and negligent of self-protection. He made suggestions for the prince. Although it is a three-step strategy, it is difficult to make one strategy. Is it a good thing? Besides, when the nest is covered, there is no end to the egg. The minister is not concerned about it. The minister is concerned about Li Hanyou. This woman has a truly extraordinary mind, and every move can touch people’s hearts. This victory is As for her, Qin Qing is afraid that she will not be able to escape from the palm of her hand. Her Royal Highness is almost tempted.”

Li Zhi couldn’t help but said: “Sue Yun said and laughed.”

My expression remained unchanged, and said: “This woman is both a senior brother from the Fengyi Sect and a noble daughter in the clan. What is rare is that she has a deep heart and is not exposed. It is reasonable to describe her behavior without arrogance. Qin Qing empathizes with her. , I think if General Qin refused to excuse me, I am afraid that this matter would have been done long ago. Your Highness should be careful of her. If she marries Qin Qing, her status will become more and more lofty. I am afraid that it is this woman who will hinder His Highness’s great cause in the future.” /

Li Zhi said worriedly: “If Qin Qing does marry her, then I am afraid that something is wrong. Although General Qin is fair and strict, if the marriage is really done, then…” Li Zhi didn’t say anything, but he didn’t mean it. I already knew it and waved: “Your Highness can rest assured that although Qin Qing is the eldest son of the general, he cannot effectively influence the general. Although the relationship between father and son can be subtle, the general will definitely not be embarrassed by his highness for the sake of the family. Yes, and Qin Yong is a confidant of the general. If this person can be drawn over, your Royal Highness will have no worries.”

Li Zhi said: “Qin Yong is loyal to the general, how can he win over?”

I smiled and said: “Leave this matter to the minister. Now if your Highness recruits it, it will make the prince and the general dissatisfied. The minister has a way to let him unknowingly work for his highness.”

Li Zhi nodded and said: “This matter is handed over to you, and there is one more thing. This Splendid Alliance is so arrogant. My father will send generals to suppress the peace. This king would like to recommend Chang Sun Ji. He is shrewd and capable and has great martial arts. , It is the first choice, what do you think?”

I said: “His Royal Highness, if General Changsun went to do this, he would have found some evidence related to the prince. I am afraid that he would be suspected. If the minister’s expectations were not bad, the prince would also recommend King Qi to do this. Things, after all, there is no general under His Royal Highness who can conquer good combat.”

Li Zhi said: “If this is the case, wouldn’t it be possible to get no evidence.”

I laughed and said: “In fact, the prince and his highness are too anxious. The Splendid Alliance attacked the military resources. This is just a small rebellion. If the prince had not been a guilty conscience, how could he rush to send someone to encircle and suppress him? The prince’s actions have not been exposed yet. If His Royal Highness exposes this matter, the emperor will inevitably make the emperor doubt his motives. The prince’s recommendation to King Qi to do this is to conceal the truth. The death of Cui Yang has already disturbed the ruling and opposition parties. Before the announcement, if the prince recommends King Qi, his Highness may say that these trivial matters do not require a general, so let Qin Qing go. If Qin Qing has done a good job, the emperor will give the marriage for granted. Presumably the emperor will also think that the neutral Qin family compares Right. I don’t think the emperor will refuse this candidate.”

Li Zhi’s eyes flashed, and he said: “Moreover, you can separate the Qin family from Fengyimen. If Fengyimen insists on obstructing it, this marriage will definitely not happen.”

I laughed and said: “No matter what the result is, it will not be good for your Highness. To be honest, the minister really did not expect the Fairview League to have such a method. Although Huo Jicheng has a surly personality, he is a determined person. No wonder the Fairview League cannot Completely suppress.”

Li Zhi sighed and said: “Suiyun, this king just thinks that everything in this world is in your palm. Fortunately, you will save this king after all, otherwise this king is really restless.”

But there was a bleak look on my face, Li Zhi said in surprise: “What’s wrong with Suiyun? Could it be that the king said something wrong.”

I smiled slightly, but left me feeling stunned. I thought that although I have a stubborn heart disease, as long as I calm down, I may not be able to live a long life. Although this fighting can only cost me my life, I will definitely be in a few years. When the king is able to ascend to the throne, the world will be so big, can’t I still find a place where I can rest, “The lake is green and full, and the old people are here. When I heard the singing of Zhao, the Bianzhou was nowhere.” I whispered. Chanted. Li Zhi smiled and said, “Whose poem is this, and why is it so free.”

I casually said: “This is what the minister saw in the book before, and I don’t know who wrote it. Your Majesty, I think the emperor will summon His Highness soon. Your Majesty should go back and get ready to change clothes. The minister promised Teach General Jing, don’t let him go with you.”

Li Zhi smiled and said: “Okay, this king wants to see how Suiyun can teach this wicked disciple.”

I also laughed and said: “If I let him compose a poem by himself, I don’t know what reward his Highness would give to the minister?”

Li Zhi thought for a while and said: “This king can’t think of it for a while. You don’t like gold and silver jewelry. You have read all the books and classics. If you want to follow the cloud, you might as well say it. This king can get it. Come as a reward.”

I respectfully said: “His Royal Highness is serious, but there is only one thing. Last time, His Royal Highness was furious because of the assassination of his ministers, because the evil heart of the poisonous hand was introduced by Jiang Nanchun. Although His Highness did not seal Jiang Nanchun, he ordered Beijing Zhao Yin strictly checked that Jiangnanchun couldn’t be peaceful for a day since these days, and the minister asked His Highness to show her kindness and forgave the minister’s cousin.”

Li Zhi immediately remembered this incident. On that day, he was furious and mad. If Guan Xiu reminded Jing Shunqing that he was Jiang Zhe’s cousin, he was afraid that Jiang Nanchun would be investigated, but affected by this, Jiang Nanchun lived like years. Later, Jiang Zhe saved his life, but Li Zhi forgot about it. At this time, Jiang Zhe mentioned that Li Zhi couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed, and quickly said: “This king is too busy to forget. In fact, I have checked that my cousin has not been involved in the assassination. This king will send someone to inform Jing Zhao. Yin said. This is not a reward, so if you can teach Jing Chi to compose a poem, this king will reward you.” He took off a jade pendant from his waist and played with it.

I know that this jade pendant is a gift from the royal family. It is the top grade of jade. It is more than a thousand gold. This is also an extremely valuable bet. He smiled and said: “The minister also knew for a while. Originally, the minister wanted his cousin to be taught a little bit to let him know the word’cautious’, but two days ago, my virtuous sister-in-law came to cry and complained that she was a weak woman Leaving her home is already very pitiful, and now she is showing her face and begging, I can’t help but give her face.”

Seeing me smiling, Li Zhi said: “If Suiyun loses, what do you want to bet on?”

I thought for a while, and said: “The minister has received a lot of rewards from His Highness. If you can’t bring out anything special, it seems insincere, so let’s, if the minister loses, I am willing to use this as a bet.” Speaking, I pointed to the jade belt around the waist.

Li Zhi looked over with a puzzled look. Although this jade belt looks good, it is only decorated with some suet jade belt plates. Although gorgeous, it has neither fine carvings nor top-grade jade. How can it be worth a bet? It. But of course he didn’t make any calculations, so he said: “That’s fine, just bet on your jade belt.”

I smiled slightly. There is no need to tell Li Zhi that this jade belt was designed by me recently, and it was only retrieved by Xiao Shunzi two days ago. There is a mechanism designed to shoot poisonous needles quenched three times in a row. This is to protect myself. If another assassin comes to my side, I still have a chance to fight back. How precious is this jade belt. Or “Tianji Pavilion Special”.

While we spoke, we had already returned to the Yongwang Mansion. As soon as we walked to the door, we saw a flying horse rushing to the front of a royal guard. He held the edict in his hand, and when he saw His Highness, we dismounted and bowed down and said: Your Majesty calls you into the palace.”

Li Zhi quickly said: “I will enter the palace immediately after the king changes his clothes.”

The guard stood up and backed up and said, “Yes.”

I, an idler, returned to the cold garden, and besides Xiao Shunzi, there was another reluctant Jing Chi who followed me. He finally escaped from the troublesome drinking order, and he wanted to find a place to practice a few punches. , I did some exercises, but I was summoned into the cold garden unexpectedly.

Jing Chi looked depressed at Jiang Zhe’s back, and once again cried out of suffering in his heart. This weak scholar was ordered by His Royal Highness to restrain him. He doesn’t like these literati who write poems and make fus, His Royal Highness Yong Wang Although there are many civil servants under his command, most of them are advisers who are good at military strategy. These people Jing Chi respects ghosts and gods, but this scholar has not seen him make any suggestions. He hides in the cold garden all day and takes a few more steps. Lu was panting as if he was about to die, but King Yong really trusted him and asked himself and others to obey his orders. Jiang Zhe sent him to do that inexplicable thing last night, and Jing Chi is still a little confused now.

Following up the cold garden, although he followed Yong Wang out, the guards who protected Jiang Zhe also went. They quickly occupied the key spot with skillfulness. The cold garden soon became a stronghold of gold, and Jing Chi pouted. , Xindao, this man was bitten by a snake once, and he was afraid of well ropes for thousands of years. At this time, Jing Chi suddenly felt chills on his body, and when he looked up, he saw a pair of cold eyes. It was Xiao Shunzi who saw him and warned him with his eyes. Jing Chi’s heart was stunned, but he admired Xiao Shunzi’s martial arts very much, and quickly lowered his head.

Back to the bedroom, I summoned Jing Chi, picked up a book of Sun Tzu’s Art of War, put it on the book case, and said lightly: “If you can memorize this book, I will let you out.” Jing Chi was dumbfounded. Looking at the thin book, a bitter smile appeared on his face.

I smiled and said: “I am not in good health. I cannot teach you today. From tomorrow on, I will teach you for half an hour every day. For the rest of the time, you have to copy what I have taught you. I know you If you can recognize a few words, by the way, you can recite and copy in the next room, and Xiao Shunzi will supervise you. Then you go and move your luggage to the cold garden.”

Jing Chi was horrified and was about to refuse, but saw the resolute light in the eyes of the weak scholar, and he couldn’t help but say: “Yes, my lord.”

After Jing Chi left, Xiao Shunzi asked dissatisfiedly: “Why do you bother with such a vulgar person? It’s better to recuperate.”

I said lightly: “Looking at this person’s face and character, he is most loyal and straightforward, determined and brave. If he can learn some military techniques, his Royal Highness will have one more loyal general. This person is most affectionate, and I can get it in the future. A guarantee, why not do it, you order, the secret camp should send someone to approach Qin Yong, it is best to get Qin Yong’s trust, Huali and Luer are selected from the hidden group, let Chen Zhen choose one Go and do this. The Splendid Alliance will make a lot of trouble, and we should stop it. You can decide how other people arrange it, but at least half of the people in the secret camp should be reserved for my use, and the other half should be arranged. They are hidden among the people, and we will need them in the future.”

Xiao Shunzi nodded silently and said: “I will do it tonight. We were prepared long ago. It will not be very troublesome. The son, Li Ang and Lu Jingzhong are too rude. If it weren’t for the son, I would have Took their lives.”

I said indifferently: “You must take their lives in the future.”

I learned that after the imperial controversy, Qin Qing was appointed to annihilate the Jinxiu League. Although the prince strongly supported the king of Qi, he was right. Of course, a small Splendid League did not need a prince to destroy it. And Qin Qing’s candidate was very much in line with the emperor’s wishes. After King Yong came back, he told me that he had discovered that both the Prince and King Qi had sent people out privately. As for whether Fengyimen had sent someone, King Yong didn’t know for the time being, but he wanted to know that they would not be idle.

Next, I was busy training that stupid apprentice. Although he was drowsy as soon as he saw the book, he was never more stubborn than Lu Can back then. So I also talked about the book and gave some examples to guide him. Although Jing Chi started to listen very boring, he was quickly interested. Although he didn’t understand military law, he had been fighting in the army all year round. Soon he asked me questions based on his own experience. After two or three days, Jing Chi was already eager to hear. He waited eagerly for me to get up early in the morning. In the afternoon I forced him to copy the book, he actually insisted on it. Although seeing those ink-stained manuscripts made me dumbfounded, I finally talked about Sun Tzu’s art of war in half a month, but it may be because of temperament. He still didn’t understand it after using this article, and neither did I. Forcefully, Sun Tzu’s art of war is extensive and profound, even I dare not say that he is all proficient, let alone this person, remembering that when he told Lu Can about Sun Tzu’s art of war, he was very clever, but he was a bit stubborn, probably from a family For this reason, when I talked about the chapter of the Nine Changes, he was always a little confused, and although his military strategy was extraordinary, it was a pity that he knew too little about the sinister human heart.

On this day, I ordered Jing Chimo to write the whole book, watching his sweaty writing, I regret letting him write on my book table again, nothing else, I closed my eyes and lay on the soft couch. Gradually fell asleep. Suddenly, there were rapid footsteps in the distance, I opened my eyes suddenly, and saw Li Zhi walking in angrily.

I smiled slightly and said: “Xiao Shunzi, serve your Highness tea to let your anger calm down. What’s the big deal, let your Highness look like this?”

When Li Zhi saw Jiang Zhe, the anger in his chest gradually subsided somehow, and then he saw Jing Chi who was stunned there, there were ink stains on his face, and the book table was also chaotic, and he couldn’t help but laugh. Sit down and took the fragrant tea that Xiao Shunzi handed over. After drinking, the last trace of anger disappeared. Jing Chi hurriedly got up to leave, I smiled and said, “Don’t be lazy, and write next door. If you peek at the book, don’t blame me for penalizing you to copy the book and copy it to the end.”

Jing Chi quickly vowed not to take a peek. He would never forget that when I tested him last time, he peeked at the book and was punished by me to copy the art of war ten times. He was a good one that night. Didn’t sleep late.

After Jing Chi went out, I said lightly: “What happened?”

Li Zhi said coldly: “Qin Qing is really talented. The Splendid League is greedy for meritorious service. He has been harassed many times. He was deliberately indulged by Qin Qing, and then caught in a net. Although he has escaped some remnants, he can no longer become a big climate. It is a pity that Huo Jicheng escaped. Although there are some shortcomings, it still makes sense. The captured Jinxiumeng rebellion all confessed to the smuggling process with the household officials. Qin Qing was upright and fair. He took all his confessions and sent them together with his personal testimony. I arrived in front of the emperor, but these are just circumstantial evidence, because no one can testify against the prince and Cui Yang, after all, Huo Jicheng escaped, so the prince pushed it clearly in front of the emperor, saying that it was the official of the household, and Cui Yang was ordered by him. After verifying the smuggling rumors, he was assassinated by the Splendid Alliance. In the end, the emperor only asked him to keep his door behind and introspect. Liang Jinqian was originally to be removed from his post, but Wei Xiang persuaded him to make Liang Jinqian guilty for a while. Marriage to Qin Qing and Li I asked: “It’s no longer a day for the emperor to favor the prince. Don’t worry about it. Now I’m afraid that all people with lofty ideals in the world already know the true face of the prince. This has already achieved the goal. But why did Li Hanyou and Qin Qing get married so quickly, didn’t the general object? “

Li Zhi sighed and said: “Li Hanyou originally followed Qin Qing to quell the rebellion in private, and saved Qin Qing’s life from the Assassins of the Fairview League. The two entered and exited together. Even if the general wanted to stop it, it was impossible. How can the princess’s reputation be humiliated, and the father also specially named Li Hanyou Princess Jingjiang, and Qin Qing is now the captain of the army.”

I sighed and said: “Isn’t your Highness already prepared for this matter, why are you so angry?”

Li Zhi was silent for a moment, and said: “Father, the emperor made an decree to give Princess Changle to the marriage Wei Yin.”

My hand shook, and the folding fan fell in the dust. After a while, I leaned over and picked up the folding fan and said, “This is not a big deal. The emperor wants to choose a son-in-law for the princess. His Majesty has heard about it a long time ago. Talents are all extraordinary, and even more rare is that they have a calm temperament. Isn’t your Royal Highness also optimistic about their marriage?”

Li Zhi said bitterly: “Suiyun, don’t you really know what the emperor sister’s intentions are? Why does she always carry your poems day and night? Why does she give you the rare scrophulariaceae for thousands of years to renew your life, princess Take Roulan to see her, why she loves her as her own, are you really so confused? Do you know that the emperor’s sister actually cut her long hair when she heard that her father gave her a marriage, and she wanted to be a nun, The emperor was furious, and the emperor asked her, as long as she speaks, anyone can be summoned as a consort, but Changle does not say a word. Now he is under house arrest by the emperor in the harem. Suiyun, if you have the heart, this king has done everything. , Take you into the palace to propose, are you willing?”

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