The Grandmaster Strategist Chapter 26: Tea fragrant drink for guests

Walking into the cabin, my eyes flashed, and I was taken aback. The boy in Tsing Yi who was standing in the corner of the cabin looked like a shunzi, but his appearance changed a lot, although it was only the slight corner of the eyebrows Changed, but it seemed that he had become another person, and his temperament had become mediocre, as if the moon was covered by dark clouds, others would never see that he was one of the innate masters in the world. I know that Xiao Shunzi uses internal force to change the muscles on his face and his face. Although there is not much change, he will not even be noticed by the boatman outside, but if someone who knows him sees him, he will never recognize him as an evil shadow. Li Shun. Why did he do this? After thinking about it, it suddenly became clear in my heart that this kid has a lot of fame in the arena, maybe anyone would recognize him, it would be too dangerous to not change his appearance, his mind is always much more detailed than mine.

My gaze swept across Xiao Shunzi’s body, only if I didn’t see him, I sat at the table and smiled and asked, “I haven’t asked you how to call them?”

The Confucian scholar in common clothes apologized: “Dingming in Xiadongyang, this is the Taoist master of my friend Kuzhu.”

My eyes lit up when I heard that, I know these two people, what about Ku Zhuo? I have heard Xiao Shunzi mention that this man was originally a secret spy from South Chu, when Xiao Shunzi chased the evil heart of the killer for thousands of miles, Zeng Fang After passing him, he lost face and stayed in Dayong again. After returning to Nanchu, he disappeared. Unexpectedly, I saw him here today. No wonder Xiao Shunzi was so eager to change his appearance. These years, Xiao Shunzi’s appearance is nothing. A big change, I am afraid this person will recognize him at a glance. As for Ding Ming, I also know. There are four firsts among Jiangnan martial arts, Jiangnan’s No. 1 killer ruthless son, the world’s most mysterious person, Tianji Pavilion, the world’s No. 1 poison master Shen Ruhui, and the last one is Wu Yue’s first sword Ding Ming. Someone once said that his swordsmanship was the best in Jiangnan, but he was humble and refused to admit it.

After thinking about it, two of these four tops are related to me. The Ruthless Young Master has left the secret camp. I don’t know if he can still retain the strength of the top killer. Is it me? As for the first sword of Wu Yue, Ding Ming, who has repeatedly blocked the attempt of the Great Yong Secret Spy to control Jiangnan Wulin, is already a registered character by Si Wencao. Although Fengyimen moved to Jiangnan, due to past entanglements with Jiangnan martial arts, such masters as Fan Huiyao and Wen Ziyan were lost, and their reputations were ruined. It was very difficult to gain a foothold in Jiangnan martial arts. A group of underworld masters barely recovered part of their strength, let alone the general leader of Da Yong in the martial arts, Jiangnan Baidao, only this person can be called a leader.

What a coincidence, I actually let these two characters get on my boat. I showed an enthusiastic look, and said, “Meeting is also predestined. Both of them are first-class figures of Zhu Jiaguo Jie. I see you today. Fortunately for Sansheng, Li Er, I went to pick up the altar of Huishan Spring that Zhou Dongzhu had just sent, and then I brought the new tea package. My family’s tea ceremony is very good, and it is a new and scary tea ceremony, so I dare to invite two. Bit taste.”

Ding Ming said with a smile: “The frightening fragrance produced in Zhenze Lake is already a good tea, and there is the second spring in the world. It sounds refreshing, but Brother Yun’s way of living like this is unfettered. Freedom is called Xiaoyao in vain, but it is the fetters of mundane affairs and cannot extricate itself.”

I naturally knew what Ding Ming meant, and laughed: “Brother Ding is mocking me. I don’t know that life is like a dream. If you insist on living soberly, the most painful is the most painful, and then I will be blamed. I’m worried about the robbery of my hometown, but I don’t know how it would benefit me even if my heart is broken. The unification of the world is the general trend, and the only difference is whether the south controls the north or the north controls the south. No matter who gets the supreme position and suffers They are still ordinary people like us. What’s more, even if the Warring States Period Lu Zhonglian is alive, it is impossible to persuade Emperor Yong to give up the heart of the Southern Expedition, and it is impossible to persuade the emperors and ministers of Southern Chu to capture them with their hands. In any case, the war is inevitable. I am not a sage. Being able to go up and down with the waves, unable to withstand the turbulent waves of the world, this time the Yong army did not bloodbath Jiaxing. It is already a great fortune in misfortune. I want to come to my fellow villager who still remembers the homeland, otherwise I am afraid that the prosperous place of Wu Yue will become a sea of ​​blood. .”

The Taoist monk became cold when he heard the words, and said sharply: “You are all the children of your family, wealthy and wealthy businessmen, only knowing that there is a family, but not a country, otherwise I sit on half of the country in Southern Chu, including Shuzhong, Jingxiang, The danger of Jianghuai, and the Ninghai and Dinghai Army Shanshui Camps, how can they fall to the end of the enemy everywhere today. Young Master Yun knows that our South Chu Shui Army and the Yong Army have already fought two battles in Hangzhou Bay, both of which have not won. Negative, and the situation in Jingxiang is also very tense. The Nanyang army besieged Xiangyang again, and the Yong army in Shuzhong is also ready to move. But my Southern Chu family is still drunk and dreaming. Shangyuan Ri Tianji Pavilion held a treasure meeting in Jianye, and a crystal dragon bi. It was sold for two million taels, and the monarchs and ministers were luxurious and luxurious, sitting by and watching the sufferings of the people. If Nanchu died, it would be a mistake.”

Ding Ming frowned. He knew that Ku Zhuo had been dismissed from the military since returning to Southern Chu in the past, and he had been living in the rivers and lakes. But at this moment, it is not appropriate. This mysterious young man surnamed Yun must have a hidden influence in Wuzhou. If he is offended, Wuzhou’s donation will be in vain. Kicked Ku Zhuo with a single step, and apologized: “Brother Yun understands the current situation and understands the situation suddenly. Presumably, this world dispute is just a pointless matter for the son. I and others are all worldly people. I really can’t bear to see the Yongjun cavalry. Smashing the southern half of the Yangtze River, now the two countries are facing each other from the north to the south. Southern Chu is inferior to Dayong in terms of military strength, but it is not inferior to Dayong in terms of territorial financial strength. It would be a blessing to be able to draw the river and stop. What’s more, although I am weak in South Chu, there are Optimus jade pillars like the great generals. The two battles of Huaixi and Yangzhou caused heavy losses to the Yong army. Now, although the Yong army is fighting again, if there is a general setting up a handsome banner, Nan Chu The army and the people are working hard to help them, and the chance of victory is promising. The son’s intention to fund Wu Yueyi’s army is not a manifestation of state affairs? Kuzhu, son of Yun is not comparable to those mediocre generations, and he does not apologize.”

The bitter bamboo had to stand up and apologize. I also got up and replied with a smile: “There is nothing wrong with what the leader of the bitter master said. The crystal dragon wall is two feet long, and the width and height are all one foot, with a hundred carved on it. The eight beauties, if placed under the lights, are dazzling, and the dragons come alive, as if they are about to burst out of the wall, and there are more fine lines in the crystal wall, like clouds of auspicious clouds. Such a dragon is a priceless treasure. It’s a pity that I’ve seen it before, but it’s a pity that it has been bought by someone now, and now it must have been locked up, and I can’t see the sun anymore. It’s a pity.” While I was joking about bamboo, I couldn’t help but admire this. Ming Zhicai firstly accused me of not caring about the rise and fall of the country, and then hinted that Ku Zhuzi, my donation to the rebels is a good sign. It is really comprehensive. There are so many talents in South Chu that they should shine like stars, but it is a pity that they are covered by clouds. , If the Southern Chu court is politically clear, it really cannot be attacked.

Ku Zhuzi was depressed for a while, but he didn’t want to say any more conflicting words. Ding Ming’s eyes flashed. The person who is qualified to participate in the Tianji Pavilion Jingbao Conference must be a famous wealthy merchant in Southern Chu.

At this time, Xiao Shunzi had already fetched a purple sand tea set, two packets of tea, and a jar of sealed spring water. I changed the subject and said: “You must have fun while tasting tea. If there are guests today, let me play the piano. To help Yaxing?”

Ding Ming was also about to change the topic temporarily, saying: “I just want to hear the sound of your piano, please enlighten me.” When he came in, he already saw a piano stand in the cabin, and he was also an expert in rhythm. Naturally, he knew that the sound of music was the voice of his heart. He had already sensed that the owner of this place was mysterious and unpredictable, so he was also determined to detect it.

Although I knew what he wanted, I didn’t worry, so I walked to the piano stage and sat down, abandoning the common sense, thinking about the gurgling water, flicking my fingers, and the piano sound. Ding Ming listened carefully, only to feel that the sound of the piano sounded like fine raindrops falling from the sky, and then flowed into the clear stream in the mountains, over the rocks, over the roots and stems of the trees, such as the weaving stream converging into a river, the river converging into a lake , Should be surging with the lake outside the cabin, blending into one, regardless of each other, it sounds like the sound of nature, not like the sound of silk strings, the sound of the piano is more free and easy, and you can hear it.

At this time, Xiao Shunzi slowly cooked the tea on the sidelines, each step was exquisitely delicate, as if it were in harmony with the sound of the piano, and every movement was so distinct, elegant and calm, until the sound of the piano ended. At that time, the tea was scented and overflowing into the cabin. Xiao Shunzi divided three cups of tea and served them in crystal clear, almost transparent snow-colored porcelain cups. Taking advantage of the color of the cup, the tea soup seemed to be flawless, or The green or dark green, in the dark, the smoke is like weaving and the fragrance of tea vents, but some of the tea leaves in it are curled, and some are flaky.

Ding Ming froze for a while when he picked up the teacup. He was from Wu Yue, and he wandered around all the year round. The frightening fragrance produced by Biluofeng on the East Mountain of Zhenze Lake is no stranger. The characteristics of this tea It is slender and curled into snails, covered in finesse, silvery white and green, rich in aroma, fresh and mellow, the soup is green and clear, and the bottom of the leaves is bright and bright, but now this tea is obviously mixed with another name tea. With curiosity in my heart, I drank the tea all at once, only to feel that the taste was unpredictable, and there was a mellow taste. Thinking about it carefully, the fragrance of tea is a bit strange, and I can’t help but think deeply.

Although Ku Zhuzi is very impetuous today, he is also the chief figure in the secret spy of Southern Chu. He calmed down after hearing Ding Ming’s hint. He was originally a Taoist priest with a yellow crown, and he usually has a good taste of tea. When he was nurturing his sex, he had traveled all over the country and the world famous tea, he knew a lot, drank the tea, thought for a moment, and said: “This is Xinyang Maojian mixed with frightening fragrance, good tea, good thoughts.” /

I also drank the tea in the cup, and smiled: “Li Er is the best at cooking tea, the world’s famous tea, he has seen nine out of ten, this time the frightening is too early, just after the vernal equinox, so It is inevitable that there will be more frivolous meaning, so he supplemented with Xinyang Maojian. The Taoist leader can tell the truth in one word, and he is also a person in the tea ceremony.”

Ding Ming turned his eyes on Xiao Shunzi, only to think that this servant had an ordinary face, although he was taciturn, but his eyes were cold and cold, and he was skilled in making tea and serving tea. Most wealthy families have such good servants, even He is the master and slave of the generations, who will never leave. With this kind of servant around him, he is obviously an extraordinary life. Moreover, since he and the master of Xiexiufang are old friends, they should have similar identities. However, Jiaxing has never heard of a big family named Yun, and his heart is even more After a bit of doubt, he tentatively said: “Since Young Master Yun is from Jiaxing, he must have seen the man who is currently attacking Wu Yue. I don’t know what Young Master thinks he is?”

I laughed and said: “It’s hard for me. Although I was born in Jiaxing, my family was poor since I was a child, and my tribe was few people like a cold star. Jiang Zhe is said to have left his hometown since he was a child and belongs to the Jing family. With this status, even if he is in Jiaxing, there is no chance of getting to know him. If Brother Ding wants to know what kind of person he is, he does not need to ask me, just listen to the street talks to know, but in my opinion, He is a blessed person, married like a flower, and he is trusted by Emperor Yong. How many people can have such good luck in the world?”

Ding Ming’s eyes flashed in the cold, and said: “It turns out that Young Master Yun is also from a poor family. If you want to achieve this kind of achievement today, you must have gone through a lot of hardships, but the Young Master’s wealth must be in Jiangnan, but he is not worried. Will you be burned in the flames of war?” Ding Ming thought over and over again. This Young Master Yun was not a child of a well-known family when he heard his tone. This person’s aura is by no means a mediocre person. Seeing him on the stage, he is also a rich and wealthy person. The identity of the person is so interesting that you can’t let it go. What’s more, he has been in Wu Yue for a long time, but he never knew such a person, so how could he be willing to be vague.

I smiled faintly, and said: “I am not the only one who does not hesitate his wealth and inheritance. The several generations of Nanchu kingdoms, except for His Majesty Wu, are all the people who do not hesitate their inheritance?”

Ding Ming said solemnly: “Why did the son say this?”

I looked out the window and said indifferently: “Since the establishment of the Jin Dynasty, the court has chosen people to be based mainly on virtues. The so-called virtues are all praised by the family. The so-called fate is to shut out the poor. As a result, the national power was declining, and the capital was broken by the barbarians, and the emperors all burned to death. The prince went to the south and established Jianye as the accompanying capital. He lingered on, and the subsequent Jin court was called the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Today, most of the Nanchu palaces were still built on that day. Accompanying the capital palace site. Although in the end the Central Plains soldiers drove the barbarians out, and the capital was moved back to Chang’an, the method of selecting the officials remained unchanged. After only a hundred years, the Eastern Jin Dynasty was torn apart. His Majesty Wu inherited the fertile soil of Jiangnan and established the country as the emperor. In the imperial examination system, the selection of generals was even more eclectic. Unfortunately, for the sake of his great cause, Emperor Wu was forced to compromise with the Jiangnan family and let go of some power in exchange for the support of the family. However, with the great talents of Emperor Wu, those families did not dare to obstruct it too much. In the dynasty, there are talents, regardless of origin and morality. It was the most prosperous time in Southern Chu. It is a pity that Emperor Wu died less than seven years after establishing the country. After the succession of the Spirit King, the power of the family regained its head. The next three generations The masters of the country are all muddled. They only know that the power of the family is balanced to protect the throne. Only when the imperial examination becomes a formality, the selection of talents by policy and theory will become a battle for victory with poetry and songs. And it is the high school gold list, if there is no family Support, even if they have amazing talents, they can’t be promoted to the court. The turnover of personnel in the court is mostly the result of family contending. The talents are listed as the lower Chens, but the mediocre ones are high officials. The decline of talents in Southern Chu is mostly due to this. The Lord doesn’t know how to work hard to keep the foundation, let alone ordinary people like us?”

Ding Ming’s eyes flashed sadly. He was originally a poor scholar, and he could not learn to learn the sword. Although he became a famous swordsman, he was only a martial artist in the eyes of the family. Although he had the ambition to serve the country, he had no progress. , But he still said: “The lord of the country is young and has not yet been in power. He is still in charge. Although he is only average, the court is still said to be stable. There are still generals who choose to be able to protect the territory. Supplement, there may not be no turning point. The son is insightful and rare in the world. If he is willing to serve the country, he must be a generation of famous ministers. Why do you want to bury the people and hide your time.”

I sneered and said: “If Brother Ding really thinks this way, then I am going to see him off. If it is said that the Lord of the country is young, but he has not been pro-political, Brother Ding must not know that Crystal Dragon Bi is now Inside the hidden treasure pavilion. And since Jianye was attacked by Li Zhi in the 22nd year of Xiande, the family of Bingzheng in the imperial court has been attacked by soldiers. Only the Shang clan was blessed in disguise and ruled the court. In the past ten years, the court was not only calm, but Shang clan. It’s only a pity that the Shang clan is short-sighted and short-sighted. He does not know how to take advantage of the opportunity to implement the New Deal and weaken the influence of the family on the local level. Instead, he will only act to strengthen the national power. Instead, he will be nepotism and ignore the virtuous. Nowadays, apart from one or two people, they are either Shang’s vassals or inactive generations. Although General Lu, as you said, chooses talents, but the Ministry of War is in the hands of Shang Weijun and wants to be promoted to the school in the army. Wei, you need a document from the Ministry of War. Although Lu Can is interested, several people have been promoted from a soldier to a general in the past few years. And Lu Can can only select talents in the army he leads, that is, the generals of the Lu family. In China, promotion is mostly related to family lineage and faction. This is why Lu Can himself is unable to change. If this is not the case, why would a hero like Brother Ding have the ambition to serve the country, but never join the army and serve on the battlefield, so he is only willing to help in the field.”

Ding Ming sighed again and again, and finally did not say anything. The words of this young man were all true, but there was no way to refute them. He could only say: “The rise and fall of the country is the responsibility of everyone. Although the young man said it is reasonable, but now The situation is tense. I can’t wait and watch the Yong Army go south, especially when the Yong Army ravages Wu Yue and scattered countless flesh and blood. It is a pity that the merchants of the Wu Yue family who have not been affected are mostly afraid of the Yong Army and dare not donate funds to build the Rebel Army. What a pity! “

When I saw him like this, I followed his tone and said: “Brother Ding, this is the mind of people who don’t know the family merchants. These people only have the word “interest” in their hearts. If it weren’t, how could private trade become popular? In the land of Wu Yue, the imperial law is mostly a dead letter, that is, Shang Weijun. Isn’t it also trying to arrange for the confidant to be in charge of Wu Yue and conduct private trade secretly? The interests of these people are more important than anything else. The rebels, and the rebels were controlled by the court, and Wu Yue could no longer be restricted from the Jianye decree as before. This is their taboo. Moreover, the biggest profit of the Wuyue family comes from ocean trade. Yuhang is the largest port in Wuyue. Now it is blocked by the Yong Army. The Wu Yue family is naturally unwilling to offend the Yong Army too much before the outcome of the two armies is unknown.”

Ding Ming originally had only the thoughts of society and the liberty in his mind. Naturally, he was ill-conceived about the selfishness of these aristocratic merchants, but he was also a wise man. After thinking about it, he already understood the truth. He frowned and said: “But Ding Hai is Yong Yong If the army is seized by the army, ocean trade will inevitably be interrupted. The Wuyue family should have the heart to drive away the Yong army and reopen the sea?”

I laughed and said: “If Nanchu can win a big victory in a short period of time, the Wu Yue family will naturally support it, but the East China Sea Army will be famous all over the world. Once Dinghai is occupied, even if General Lu has the talents, It is not possible to achieve a decisive victory in a few years. As a result, a stalemate in the next few years is inevitable. As a result, Wuyue Hainan Airlines will also be greatly affected. After Yuhang’s shipping is cut off, Wuyue’s middle and small families and ordinary merchants will Want to cry without tears, but the powerful family merchants can conduct private sailing trade through Ninghai. Today, the two major shipping lines, the Hai clan is the Da Yong force, but the Yue clan in Nanmin still belongs to the Southern Chu, and the Yue clan will naturally be happy Cooperative trade with the Wuyue family means that Haishi will not refuse such private trade. After all, the goods produced by Wuyue are also extremely popular in the Yong Dynasty, and because of the decrease in the quantity of goods, the price will increase several times. For those people, profits will not be reduced much, but there is the possibility of monopolizing business. It is just that private trade, whether it is going north to Korea or south to the Southeast Asian countries, needs to pass through the waters controlled by the Yong army and repair it secretly with the Yong army. It has become the top priority. In this case, how can they dare to offend the Yongjun?”

Hearing this, Ding Ming said in his heart, this Young Master Yun must be an excellent businessman to be able to understand the joints, but I have never heard of these things, and this person has a very close relationship with “Xiexiufang” Seeing his aura and weathercock, Zhou Dongzhu was so infatuated. He took Huishanquan from a distance and sent it. The scared Sharenxiang, who was not yet at the best time, also rushed to send it. Maybe this person is “Xiexiu” “Fang” backstage. With this thought in his mind, he asked more and more deliberately: “So how should I persuade the Wu Yue family to support the establishment of the Volunteer Army?”

I did not hesitate to say: “Since the merchants are chasing profits, they need to move with them. General Lu must not stay in Wu Yue for a long time. Once he leaves, if there is no rebel army to help the Chu Army consolidate Wu Yue’s coastal defense, the Yong Army will surely re-emerge. If the Yong army succeeded in Wuyue’s continuous succession, even if they were willing to start private aviation trade, the Wuyue family would just marry others. If the two opposing parties cooperate, if one party does not have enough strength, it will not be able to gain the upper hand at the time of cooperation, so the Wuyue family In other words, it is only when the Yong army is forced to retreat to the sea to have discussions. Moreover, the Wu Yue family had their own private soldiers. If they are worried that the rebel army will be controlled by the court and hurt their foundation, why not mix the private soldiers into the rebel army. In this way, the rebels could be under the control of the Wu Yue family and would not become a tool for the court to eliminate dissidents.”

Ding Ming frowned and said: “In this way, although the Rebels can successfully prepare for the establishment, they will inevitably become the private force of the Wu Yue family, and there will be future troubles.”

I laughed and said: “Since Brother Ding deliberately asked each other, I just said it casually. This is just an emergency strategy. If not, it will be difficult for the rebels to take shape quickly. As for being able to control the rebels, it is just to convince the Wu Yue family. It’s just an excuse. It’s really necessary to implement it, but there are many subtleties that can be considered, but I don’t know who has the upper hand in the end. If you think about it, if the rebels are formed, even if the hearts of the people are uneven, it must be difficult with the general’s ability and temperament. Don’t fall him. Moreover, General Lu’s literary and military strategies are far better than others, or there is a better way!”

Ding Ming nodded secretly, feeling that Yun Wuzong’s words were very reasonable, and looked up, this young man shook his folding fan lightly, his expression was calm, his eyebrows glowed with firm confidence, and he was clearly certain of his own judgment. He also respects and admires General Lu Can, so it seems that he is not so disappointed with Nan Chu as he said. If he is responsible for each other or can persuade him to do his best for the country, he can get him at the worst. The help pointing. And this person is so dignified and talented, it would be a pity if he was buried in the grass. Thinking of this, I was thinking of admonition, but Yun Wuzong’s eyes were full of smiles, and he waved a fan and asked calmly: “In the opinion of Brother Ding, the battle of Wuyue, Yongjun and Nanchu, have a higher chance of winning. Does my fellow villager really have the ability to swallow the land of Wu Yue? Although that person is well-known, he is mostly conspiracy and tricks. I am afraid he has no way to fight this dignified battle.”

When Ding Ming heard the words, he swallowed what he wanted to say more and more, and sighed with infinite emotion in his heart: “Brother Yun has a clear view of the improper administration of the imperial court, and he must also be aware of Dayong’s prosperity. Yong has always been above our country’s national strength. In the Ping-Han battle before 1978, although both sides were killed and injured, Da Yong did not hurt his vitality. Afterwards, he completely digested the power of the Northern Han Dynasty, even the original one. Princess Jiaping has also become the current princess of Qi. Dayong’s national strength has increased unabated, but the king of Dongchuan Qing who took advantage of the situation to conquer the world has become the biggest joke. That inexplicable counter-insurgency, now wants to come. It also makes people feel unbelievable. Who would have thought that the Jinxiumeng would turn back in front of the battle. The Jinxiumeng has always appeared in the land of the old Shu. Even if Dayong and my Nanchu have been purged for many times, it was also fruitless, and even deep hatred with both countries. Everyone is convinced of this. But such a prestigious and extremely tight organization has long been infiltrated and controlled by the Da Yong Ming Jian Department, and it is easy to control the Qing King Li Kang. The majestic Jinxiu League disappeared in a flash, and the Ming Jian Department chief Xiahou Yuanfeng is famous all over the world, and even Shuzhong has been shaken. If it weren’t for General Lu’s attack on Jiameng Pass while Dongchuan hadn’t been settled, I’m afraid the Yong army would have invaded Shuzhong a few years ago. Although it is stable now, the places of Xiangfan and Jianghuai are always with swords hanging on their heads. Dayong has a million, and the two defeats in Huaixi and Yangzhou did not damage the bones. Once Emperor Yong will be the warrior who will gallop in northern Xinjiang. Transferred to Jianghuai, I’m afraid it’s not so easy to deal with. What’s more troublesome is that the Yong army didn’t find a way, attacking from the sea, Wu Yue was in danger. My southern Chu has a population of tens of millions, half of the country, but it’s We must fortify everywhere, and there are enemy troops everywhere. Although I don’t have a military strategy, I also know what is more than a military division. There is also a principle of softness in martial arts. If you defend for a long time, you will lose, and you will not be able to fight back. What can I do? It’s already obvious which is stronger and weaker in Dayong and Southern Chu.

As for the son who asked about Jiang Zhe Jiang Suiyun and his person, he actually didn’t say anything about him. The son also knew that this person was powerful. Although the people of the court blindly humiliated this person, as long as they are people of insight, how can they forget the past When attacking Shu, this man offered advice and suggestions to help Prince Lien Kejian, the German prince. In the end, he killed the king of Shu and eliminated hidden dangers in Shu. Although he fell ill and retired after the incident, people gradually forget his brilliance, but who in the world dares to forget him? I have seen the “Book of Admonition to the Emperor of the Jin Dynasty” for which he was demoted. The policy described all the dangers of Southern Chu, including Wu Yue, accusing Wu Yue of defending the army for not repairing the soldiers, and the Wu Yue family did not follow the Jianye law. To oppose the enemy, but if it weren’t for today’s changes, I am afraid that no one in Nanchu would be able to realize its insights. From the next point of view, Prince De’s worst mistake was to send an assassin behind him to assassinate this person. If not, this person might still think of Nan Chu instead of bringing troops to attack Wu Yue today. He had no idea of ​​his country. “

Ding Ming said this without hesitation. As soon as he said this, there was a crisp sound in the cabin. Everyone looked at it, but the bitter bamboo crushed the teacup in his hand. Ding Ming stopped talking. At this time, Xiao Shunzi was already carrying the boiled spring water and was ready to come to refill the water. He did not even move his eyebrows a bit, but offered it again. I came over with a cup of tea, but this was the tea soup that I had just deliberately separated. I also handed the square towel. Ku Zhuo smiled, wiped off the tea powder from his hand with the square towel, and apologized in his eyes, but Xiao Shunzi went to refill the water for everyone. went.

When Ding Ming saw this, he felt wide and continued: “Regardless of this man’s military strategy, it is just that he is in Dinghai alone, which prevents General Lu from leaving Wu Yue easily. This kind of power is even an ordinary person. Know the depth.”

I smiled slightly, and looked at the second tea soup, its color became brighter and brighter, but my mouth said: “Since this is the case, the land of Wu Yue is full of light, sharp and daring people, why don’t you use your sword to eliminate evil. This person has been in the Hanlin Academy for many years, and he is also a well-known person. He must have a clear understanding of the geography and military affairs of various places in the Southern Chu Dynasty. Watching this person act, he will turn the clouds and rain between himself and Gu, and he will be trusted by Emperor Yong. Killing this person will eliminate the hidden dangers.”

Ding Ming sighed: “It’s not easy. Although this person is a weak scholar, he has an innate master to serve him.” At this point, he glanced at Ku Zhuzi and saw that he looked sad, but did not impulse. Fang continued: “There is even more protection by the Hu Ben guards sent by Emperor Yong. When entering and leaving, they call forward and hold back and guard tightly. Is there a chance for assassination?”

I glanced at the sword behind him, and said, “Although this person is closely guarded, if someone willingly goes to death and follows Nie Jing’s and his like, there may not be no chance. Although that person has masters around him, Nanchu may not There is no one who can match him, just like Brother Ding, who is full of sword spirit and is not exposed. If you are exhausted and take a blow, you may not have no chance.”

Ding Ming smiled bitterly: “I, like those who learn swordsmanship, must be sincere and righteous. Although this person has voted for Yong, there is nothing wrong with it no matter what it looks like. Regardless of whether he cast Yong after he was removed from office, He was captured to Yongdu again, involuntarily involuntarily, it was another situation. A talented counselor who met a Ming monarch like Emperor Yong, untied his clothes, pushed his food and put his heart to his belly, how could he not be grateful and convinced. This person voted. Dayong, after thinking about it repeatedly, I can’t think of a reason to blame him. Even if that person is standing in front of me, I can’t assassinate him with a clear conscience. What’s more, if you talk about martial arts, even if you have a small achievement in Xia, But I dare not compare it with the evil shadow Li Shun. Although I have practiced swords for many years, I have never fought in the world, wandering around life and death, how can I compare to those real masters who have experienced life and death. Jiangnan Wulin has no storms, and there is no innate in these years. The appearance of a master is like a cloud. Even if there is no evil shadow Li Shun, Hu Ben guard, is there no Shaolin master or disciple of the Demon Sect? Want to assassinate this person is just a dream.”

I lowered my eyes, drank the cup of tea, and said: “Brother Ding is indeed a brilliant talent. Most of the assassinations of the enemy chief are a helpless move to defeat the strong with the weak. Now the two armies are facing Hangzhou Bay. If it is General Lu Able to break through Dinghai with upright soldiers can eliminate disasters. This is an upright strategy for war. Brother Ding is a great hero for the country and the people, but he deeply admires him.”

Ding Ming got up and said: “Since Young Master Yun feels the same way, why not serve the country? General Lu is humble, and Li Xian corporal, if you know that there is a character like Young Master, you will definitely welcome you.” It was full of expectations, and it was almost unbearable to refuse.

I shook my head and smiled and said: “Now I am a wild crane. I don’t care about national affairs in my life. I am used to drinking on the moon and listening to the piano in the wind. If I can meet someone like Brother Ding, I’ll have tea and talk. It is the greatest pleasure in life. As for those battles and killings, I really have no mind. The war between the North and the South, no matter who wins or loses, is a battle between one family and one family, and it has nothing to do with ordinary people like us. Although I appreciate it, please forgive me for not being able to intervene in the military-state dispute. However, I still have some strength in Jiangnan. If Brother Ding is in a hurry, you can come to ask for help.”

Ding Ming felt sad in his heart. He raised his eyes and saw that this young man in Jinyi looked indifferent, and the elegant and elegant place was like an immortal. In his heart, such a character shouldn’t be involved in the mortal affairs, nothing more, he can get his promise. , Is already extremely rare. Turning his head and looking, Ku Zhuo seemed to be unpleasant, and he quickly winked to make him bear with it, but he said: “I am being reckless, please forgive me, son.”

When I saw that he knew and was interested, I had a good impression and said with a smile: “Brother Ding is considerate of his difficulties, and I am very relieved, but I also ask Brother Ding not to talk about the next thing to people, and I don’t want to cause trouble. “

Ding Ming was stunned for a moment. Although this request was reasonable, this person was mysterious and unpredictable. It would be wrong if he hid the person’s affairs by himself, so only Wei Wei said: “Naturally, I won’t talk about it.” Ku Zhuo knew what he wanted, but he was silent. Naturally, I saw the little movements of the two of them, and I didn’t care much. This situation was already in my expectation.

He deliberately showed a cheerful and happy color, stood up, took the kettle in Xiao Shunzi’s hand, personally refilled the water for the two of them, and boiled the fountain into the cup. Although not as superb as Xiao Shunzi’s technique, it would not splash the tea. , And then personally held the tea cup and handed it to Ding Ming and Ku Zhuo, both of them stood up and took it with both hands.

Although both sides have their own tactics, the three of them look at each other at the moment, but they also feel that they are very comfortable for a while today, they look at each other and smile, and each drink tea. After our Cancha entered into the stomach, Xiao Shunzi began to remove the tea set, and the cabin seemed to end in a mess. I walked to the side of the piano stand, flicked the strings, and the sound of the piano clank, telling the meaning of parting. Although not speaking, Ding Mingsu is good at pipa and proficient in rhythm, so he can naturally hear the meaning of seeing off in the piano. He stood up and was about to say goodbye, but suddenly felt that his hands and feet no longer had any strength.

There was horror flashing in his eyes, and he quickly picked up his qi, but he couldn’t lift a trace. He just felt that his body was like a spring breeze, and there was a warm and soft feeling, such as drinking alcohol, and could not extricate himself. With his feet soft, he fell on the chair, feeling that all the strength of his body was dissipating inch by inch. Reluctantly turning his head, I saw Ku Zhuo had fainted in the chair for some time, his face was reddish, and he seemed to be dreaming.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, but Ding Ming couldn’t think of how he was poisoned, and the drowsiness surged up. He wanted to go to sleep immediately, but he knew in his heart that he had been tricked. Clearly, you can’t fall asleep without knowing it. He managed to bite the tip of his tongue, a mouthful of blood spurted out, drips of sweat leaked from his forehead, his mind cleared, and he asked with difficulty: “Brother Yun, what do you mean?”

The man with the piano on his back turned his head, his eyes seemed to be surprised, and smiled: “Brother Ding, why bother so hard~ As long as you relax yourself, you can sleep peacefully without any hardship.”

Ding Ming clasped the arm of the chair tightly with one hand, and said, “When Brother Yun poisoned him, why he didn’t notice it.” When he came back, the pain gradually disappeared, and the dizziness came again. Open your eyes wide and refuse to close, I’m afraid that once you close your eyes, you will lose it.

I saw that Yun Wuxian said calmly: “The meeting today is accidental, and it is also common to enjoy teasing and talking. It’s just that you and I agree with each other. I will inevitably say more things that shouldn’t be said. If it is the past, you will leave After that, I can dress up and go on the road. Even if you want to track it, it is still powerless. But unfortunately today, I still have to stay this night. If you are willing to detect my whereabouts, it will inevitably be a lot of trouble. In order to solve this problem, I put some sleeping pills in the last cup of tea. Ask the two of you to sleep on the boat for a night. When tomorrow is red, the two of you can return to the world. Brother Ding is struggling to support, why is it so? ?”

Ding Ming only felt that his consciousness was gradually sinking into the darkness. He tried his best to look at the young man in Jinyi, and felt vaguely in his heart that after this time, I’m afraid I’ll never have the chance to see this mysterious young man, Yun. Missed the last chance to get to know this person. Yun Wuzong sighed slightly, and said in a daze: “If you leave today, there will be no future. Brother Ding has outstanding character and strong will. He will admire him in his heart, and he will never betray his promise. My things are publicized everywhere, and I get angry, but I don’t know what unpleasant things will happen? For the sake of Brother Ding, please keep the matter a secret today.” Hearing this, Ding Ming finally couldn’t support it anymore. I saw the person walking slowly towards him in the dimness, and he heard the indifferent and melancholy voice in his ear: “The will of heaven has never been high and difficult to ask, and it has been forgotten by Tao Ran.” Then, Ding Ming fell into the deepest darkness. in.

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