The Grandmaster Strategist Chapter 25: Two difficulties to advance and retreat

Wang Hou was in love with the Xiao family, and wanted to blame Cui Yang for his own crimes, and remonstrated for Lu Shaofu, but Lu and Xiao never lived.

–“Yong Shi·Biography of King King”

I put down my book and asked: ‘Are Jing Chi and Chang Sun Ji comfortable? ‘

Xiao Shunzi nodded and said: “Don’t worry, the two generals are both people who abide by the military orders, and they are excellent in martial arts. Huo Jicheng is a famous master in Shu, but he was surrounded by them and almost died. The smoke bomb rescued Huo Jicheng, and he was almost caught. If they hadn’t been ordered in advance, they were not allowed to reveal their behavior, I was afraid that Huo Jicheng would not be able to escape. ‘

I said indifferently: ‘Is King Yong’s beloved general, how common? Last time you said that the Great Soul Searcher is 50% hot, you won’t be seen through it, right? ‘

Xiao Shunzi laughed and said: “Don’t worry, my son, when I was in Nanchu, I had fought against the Li family. Although the big soul searcher is powerful, I am confident that I can learn it well. Besides, Huo Jicheng is a break in the Li family. As for the disciple, what’s strange that his great soul searcher is a bit impure, but I don’t understand that Cui Yang will also slaughter Huo Jicheng anyway, why the son is so troublesome and has to intervene personally? ‘

I shook my head and said:’If the prince is allowed to kill Huo Jicheng, he may not have the ability to take it out. You have also seen their ambush. If it is not for you to defeat the enemy with the power of thunder, how easy it is. If the kill is successful, then it’s of no use if we expose this matter, and if we go to save Huo Jicheng, it’s either because they show up in hopelessness, or Huo Jicheng is suspicious of us. That’s why I arranged this. Now Huo Jicheng has escaped. With his personality, if he suffers a loss, he would rather suffer a loss and retaliate. Only in this way can the matter be made big. And I asked you to kill Cui Yang to cut off the prince’s wings. If things are exposed, the prince originally thought The dead ghost should be the current Hubu Shangshu, and Cui Yang can take over the value of Shangshu. Now that’Huo Jicheng’ killed Cui Yang, I have to see whether the prince abandons Cui Yang or the Shangshu. Just look at the prince’s handling By the way, I know who the prince relies on most now. ‘

Xiao Shunzi asked: ‘Then what shall we do next? ‘

My eyes turned and said: ‘I must draw the prince’s attention, so I’ll go to see General Qin Yiqin. Some time ago, I was implicated in Qin Qing because of my assassination. I always have to apologize. ‘

Xiao Shunzi said dissatisfiedly: ‘Qin Qing also has suspicions, and it’s too much for them not to explain. ‘

I shook my head and said: “They can only do this, otherwise this matter will become more and more troublesome. If they come, do you believe your Highness believes it or do you not believe it? You don’t see a few other people or come to explain Well, it’s useless to explain this kind of thing, just like now that we already know who the murderer is, can’t we just tolerate it, and this incident hurts Qin Qing even more. He is an innocent person, but Several aspects have contributed to the flames. As long as I know that I am not the person who hurt the Nanchu Assassins, don’t most of them suspect that Qin Qing is not anxious to be forced to apologize to me and kill me to vent my anger. ‘

Xiao Shunzi hesitated and said: ‘whether you want to report to your highness first. ‘

I smiled and said: ‘That’s natural, do you think I am a little Sima, qualified to see the general? By the way, how is Pei Yun’s situation? ‘

Xiao Shunzi replied: “Don’t worry, son, General Pei has not only healed his injuries, but also has a lot of internal strength. This time he has broken through the boundaries of life and death, and is expected to break through the seventh level, Shaolin He was also very happy because General Pei had already taken up the concubine’s room a few days ago. The woman was born in a scholarly family, gentle and elegant, and has a close relationship with Shaolin in the clan. Although it has not been made public, this marriage has been approved by General Pei’s parents. As long as the woman is pregnant, the Pei family will ask the Xue family to retire. ‘

I smiled sarcastically: ‘It seems that General Pei’s parents can’t wait, so they are willing to break the friendship between the two families. ‘

Xiao Shunzi can’t help but say: “The information from the secret camp said that General Pei’s parents also felt that the unmarried daughter-in-law was too active to be a good husband and child, and Pei’s family now only has one bloodline. They couldn’t wait for General Pei to marry a few more wives in order to spread their branches. Originally, they wanted to let General Pei get married and quickly marry more concubine rooms. So this time, as soon as General Pei raised the issue of concubine, they agreed. It was only because of the face of the in-laws that she concealed it, and when the concubine had a child, she could just pick it up. Then Miss Xue would be reluctant. ‘

I couldn’t help but laugh, and said: “It turned out that General Pei was too staid, but now it’s not the best of both worlds. By the way, he was originally a subordinate of King Qi. This time he saved my life. Does King Qi have it? Embarrassing him? ‘

Xiao Shunzi calmly said:’The King Qi not only did not embarrass him, but also supported His Highness’s decision to be promoted to the post of General Pei. The prince once had some small actions and wanted to take the opportunity to arrange his own people to the North Camp of the Forbidden Army. However, the emperor was very dissatisfied, and personally encouraged General Pei, and the prince gave up. ‘

I nodded and said: ‘Okay, Your Royal Highness has rested now. You should ask your Royal Highness if there are any arrangements tomorrow morning. It must be tomorrow, otherwise it will be a little late. ‘

In the early morning of the next day, the news that Yong Wang Li Zhi had visited the residence of General Qin Yi quickly spread throughout the capital.

The King Yong and I arrived at Qin Yi’s mansion at the end of the hour. Qin’s house occupies a full area of ​​ten acres, which is considered very large among the courtiers, but it’s just a vast layout and a very simple appearance. Even the ranks, dismounting stones, and lions in front of the door are ordinary, looking just like ordinary officials. His Royal Highness King Yong just got off the bus at the door. Qin Yi, who had already seen King Yong’s messenger, had already taken his family to greet him at the door. Although General Qin had a superb position, in any case King Yong was a prince. The courtesy should be The same cannot be less. I followed King Yong and took a peek and saw that besides Qin Qing, behind Qin Yi there was a tall young man and a teenager in his mid-teens. The young man also wore military uniforms and looked like Qin Qing. There are eight points of similarity, but they seem simple and honest. In addition, standing on both sides are some servants of the generals, all of them are calm and murderous, they seem to be warriors who have fought for the rest of their lives.

Qin Yi stepped forward hurriedly, bowed down and said: ‘The minister Qin Yi knocked on His Highness Qianshui. ‘

At this time, Qin Qing and the young teenagers also came forward to see him. That young man also had an official position. I heard him claiming to be Qin Yong, and I immediately remembered his identity. He is Qin Yi’s nephew and his father was originally It was Qin Yi’s clan brother. Unfortunately, he died in battle. Qin Yi took his family to the mansion. His grandparents passed away and were buried by Qin Yi. He is now one of Qin Yi’s lieutenants. It is said that although this person has a simple appearance , But the chest is beautiful, the military strategy is of first-class level, but this person is loyal to Qin Yi, and he is the mother of filial piety. In addition to several years of experience in the border, he has always followed Qin Yi for many years. It is Qin Yi’s right and left arm, and his love is more than Qin Qing.

Li Zhi took Qin Yi’s hand, and the two walked into the mansion side by side. I glanced at Qin Qing and smiled: “Last time General Qin went to Yongwang Mansion, Zhe once invited the general to have tea, and today Zhe is following His Highness When you come, the general should also receive me. ‘

Qin Qing looked at me with a weird expression, and when he saw me saying something, he walked over and said: ‘Jiang Sima, please. ‘

After a few steps, he asked in a low voice: ‘Didn’t Jiang Sima suspect that Qin Qing was the assassin who assassinated you? ‘

I said with a low smile: “General Qin is wronging me. I was in a coma for nearly two months before, and then I was recovering from my wounds. How could I have the energy to doubt anyone? Besides, the general was upright and wanted to kill Jiang. Probably they would raise their swords to kill. How could this assassination and assassination work by the general? ‘

A look of relief flashed in Qin Qing’s eyes, and his face was no longer cold, and he whispered: ‘Oh, but it hurts me. Dad locked me in for more than a month and almost didn’t use torture to extract a confession. If it weren’t for the third brother’s plea, I’m afraid I can’t be afraid now. ‘

I raised my eyebrows to express my confusion. Qin Qing pointed to Qin Yong who was not far behind Qin Yi and said, “That’s my third brother, my cousin far from the house. Fortunately, he speaks well. Otherwise I will be miserable. ‘

I smiled and said, ‘That’s how it is, but now does the general believe those rumors? ‘

Qin Qing quickly motioned me to silence, and whispered: “Don’t say it, I just told my father about that, I was beaten by my father. Dad said, what kind of person is your Royal Highness? Don’t know, if your Highness is willing to have an affair with others, then…” Qin Qing stopped here suddenly, with an awkward expression on his face. I knew he had revealed something that shouldn’t be said, so I changed the topic. He said:’Yes, I heard that the queen intends to betroth the Prince Jingjiang to you. You are really lucky. I see that the princess Tianxiang Guomei is a good match for the general. ‘

Qin Qing showed a weird look on her face. It seemed to be admiring and regretful. It took a long time to say: ‘The princess is indeed a celestial being, how can a kid be matched. ‘

My heart sank, Qin Qing was really confused by Li Hanyou’s beauty. It’s no wonder that, unlike Pei Yun, he does not want his wife to be diligent and thrifty, and he hopes to marry an excellent wife, Li Hanyou. He has national beauty and extraordinary temperament. As a disciple of the Fengyi School, his talent and knowledge must also be extraordinary. It is Qin Qing’s dream wife candidate. It must be Qin Yi not allowed. It is no wonder that his look is just like this. Winning Fengyimen to Qin Qing, the neutrality of the Qin family cannot be guaranteed. When my heart turned, I looked at Qin Yi and Qin Yong, as long as they understand the harm of marriage, then it will do. I don’t believe that Qin Qing will still fall in love with a woman at the juncture of life and death. This kind of affection based on talent and appearance Although the coming is fierce, it will dissipate quickly. As long as they don’t have a chance to get close, Qin Qing will soon forget Li Hanyou. Unfortunately, the princess refuses to marry Qin Qing. Otherwise…, thinking of this, I suddenly felt Some feel upset, probably because my injury is not all well.

When King Yong stepped into the gate of Qin Yi’s mansion, the prince had already received news of Cui Yang’s death. The most troublesome thing was that it was not the prince’s person who found the corpse of Cui Yang and others, but Jing Zhaoyin. A dignified household servant, the prince’s in-laws, died in a place where the poor gathered and dragons and snakes were mixed. This has caused the prince to be extremely headache. He thought that Huo Jicheng must have found the trouble and fought back, so he killed Cui Yang and was shocked. When Huo Jicheng was in the hand, how to deal with this endgame was a headache for the prince. The last batch of smuggled goods had not yet been delivered. This loss was already very heavy, and Huo Jicheng fled again. If this person starts to behave, Li An thinks It was a chill when I got up, and I couldn’t help regretting that he had used all the means to kill him. Alas, he gave Lu Jingzhong a sideways glance. If he hadn’t said that he should not leave the future troubles, maybe there would be no trouble now.

Lu Jingzhong knew the problem of the prince’s anger and didn’t take it seriously. He said: “His Royal Highness, although things have changed, there is no need to worry. Although we have lost the last batch of goods, in general, It doesn’t matter, and it may not be lost now. What can be done with the goods in Splendid Alliance? Except for your Highness, if someone can take over such a large quantity of goods, wouldn’t your Highness be aware of it? How to recover most of the losses, the most important thing is Cui Yang and Shangshu Liang Jinqian, which one do you want to keep? ‘

Li Anyi frowned and said:’Of course it’s Cui–‘ As soon as he said this, Li An paused. The original plan was that something happened to make Liang Jinqian guilty and Cui Yang took over as Shangshu. But now, Cui Yang has Death, if he still does this, wouldn’t he be available to no one? Not everyone can do the Huhu Shangshu, qualifications, grades, and abilities must be qualified, and Huhu is his sphere of influence, if he uses one The caring person has to do things by himself. However, Liang Jin recorded his own accounts secretly, and he already had two hearts. If he let go of his unwillingness, the most important thing is that Cui Yang has a close relationship with himself. If something happens to him, others will definitely look at him. Doesn’t it cause trouble to the upper body when it comes to yourself.

Li An was hesitating here, Xia Jinyi came in to report: “Your Highness, Empress Lan, please see me. ‘

Li Ang has a lot of trust in Xia Jinyi, especially after learning that Deputy Chief Xing Song died last night, Xia Jinyi was in danger and was ordered to Hepingfang to destroy the corpses of several dead men in the palace who had been ordered to assist. All the exhibits related to the Prince’s Mansion were destroyed, and the witnesses who had witnessed it should be cleaned up. The acquisition that should be bought was very powerful. Although Jing Zhaoyin knew the connection between the Prince Ming and this matter, all the evidence was destroyed. He is not stupid, he can only pretend to be deaf. It is precisely because of this that Li An decided to reuse Xia Jinyi. Although this man does not have superb martial arts and has no integrity, he is good at flattering and very capable. In Li An’s heart, Xia Jinyi is already the best candidate to replace Xing Song. Otherwise, he and Ben are not qualified to come in and report when they are discussing matters.

He heard that Concubine Lan Xiaolan was here, and he quickly said: ‘Let her come in. I was looking for her alone just now. She didn’t know where she went? ‘

For a moment, Xiao Lan walked in. She is 26 years old this year. She is gorgeous and has outstanding appearance. She has been a prince’s side concubine for many years. She has cultivated qi and moved to live and emigrate, adding to her elegant and clean temperament. Kind of grace and nobility. She walked into the room and saluted Li An, and then greeted Lu Jingzhong. Lu Jingzhong had already stood up, and after Xiao Lan sat down, she came forward to see her.

Li Ang said impatiently: ‘See you every day, don’t bother. ‘I said the whole thing, and then asked: ‘Lan’er, it’s already like this. You must already know it. What do you say? ‘

Xiao Lan smiled slightly and said: ‘His Royal Highness, if your concubine tells you, don’t you blame me? ‘

Lee Ann said: ‘What you said is for the sake of loneliness, but it’s a bit wrong. I don’t blame you for it. ‘

Xiao Lan said indifferently:’Although Lord Cui is the brother of the princess, but now he is dead, that is, he was formerly the servant of his Royal Highness, and now he has become an abandoned pawn. Although His Highness does not like Liang Shangshu, But you can’t cut your own wings. The only thing you can do now is to push everything down to Mr. Cui. First, he will win over Liang Shangshu. The concubines will ask the teachers and sisters to control Liang Shangshu. When the matter subsides, Your Highness has trust. After Shang Shu’s candidate is selected, it will not be too late to end this person. Although the prince has been aggrieved at present, she is sheltered by His Royal Highness. Who can embarrass her. ‘

Li Ang nodded again and again, saying: ‘You make a lot of sense, but if this matter involves Cui Yang, I’m afraid I can’t get rid of it. ‘

A cold light flashed in Xiao Lan’s eyes and said:’So your Highness needs to be cruel. Before the incident broke out, I told you that because of the strangeness of Cui Yang’s, I checked the household accounts and found Cui The adults have done tricks, so that if you kill your relatives righteously, who can bring things to your head. ‘

Li Ang was so excited that he immediately agreed, but seeing that Lu Jingzhong looked uneasy, he asked if he had other opinions, ‘Young Master, what do you think of Lan Fei’s opinion? ‘

Lu Jingzhong glanced at Xiao Lan and said in his heart, this woman is really vicious, and this kind of one-stone two-bird strategy can be figured out, but he is inconvenient to expose it in person, so he said indifferently:’Cui Yang is not counted What, but the crown prince is your married wife and Cui Yang’s relatives. The eldest son and Mrs. Cui are uncles and nephews. If your highness is righteous, you will kill your relatives–‘

He did not go on, but Ang Lee already understood what he meant. If he wants to kill his relatives righteously, then the Cui family must go down to the court to beg for it. Then if someone pushes the flames, the crown prince has a new seat. If the master is over, the emperor will definitely be dissatisfied with it, thinking that he doesn’t want to tie his hair. Thinking of this, he looked cold and thought, fortunately Lu Jingzhong reminded me.

Xiao Lan is very smart. Seeing that the prince looked wrong, she said: ‘I said that your highness should not blame the concubines. ‘

The prince reluctantly smiled and said: ‘I’m not going to blame you alone, but I’m afraid it won’t work. ‘

Xiao Lan smiled and said: “What is the difficulty? Although I have no other idea, my junior sister, Jingjiang King Princess Li Hanyou, will come to see me. She is also the cousin of His Royal Highness. I have heard that this junior is very Smart, your Highness might as well ask her, she is my junior sister, is she still looking towards others? ‘

At this time, Xia Jinyi knocked on the door and entered, reporting: ‘His Royal Highness, the princess and empress sent her maid to report, saying that the princess Jingjiang has arrived and she is in her room. ‘

Li Ann was overjoyed and said: ‘Quickly, send someone to invite her over, saying that there is nothing urgent to find her. ‘

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