The Grandmaster Strategist Chapter 23: Reunion on the battlefield

Wuyin, the first year of Longsheng, on March 25th, the king of Qi Li Xianbing went to Qinyuan and confronted Qinyuan with Long Tingfei. The Northern Han Army was 100,000 and the Yong Army was 40,000. However, the Northern Han Army had many new troops. Long Tingfei couldn’t bear to fight.

On March 29th, Long Tingfei lined up, and the two armies decided on Qinyuan.

——”Zi Zhi Tong Jian Yong Ji San”

Ma Li drove down a North Han army. Li Xian handed Ma Li to his left hand. His right wrist was already a little numb. Then he returned to the Chinese army surrounded by his guards. This was the third time he had kissed him. Wei Chong was in the battle, and such a thrilling killing really made Li Xian feel refreshed. Although the Yong army was less in number, the North Han army only dispatched 60,000 to 70,000 troops, and the new army and the old army were mixed, so Although it has been fighting for half a day, the Yong army still shows no signs of defeat, but it is no idea to win. And that Long Tingfei also has the same hobbies as himself, he has only rushed into the battle three times, he has already rushed into the battle five times, and often brings those new troops into the gaps exposed by the Yong army during the battle. After several trials, those new troops gradually became familiar with combat, and Li Xian could feel that the pressure was getting heavier. Should he retreat temporarily? As Li Xian thought, he passed a military order to command the Yong army to attack the enemy’s flaws. Both armies were fine knights for more than a hundred battles. When they met each other, they were all caught in a bitter battle.

Long Tingfei looked at the enemy army on the opposite side with a solemn expression. The Yong Army was really hard to deal with. Forty thousand Yong Army, assembled into a three-seater array, supporting each other, often a sprint, and the other two opposing the formation. To support, the Yong army is strong and strong, tearing apart the North Han army’s defenses time and time again, retreating after harvesting enough lives. Due to the fiasco of Zezhou last year, the Northern Han Army was unable to effectively break through the battle formation of the Yong Army. Therefore, Longting flied away from the battle formation, used light cavalry to cruise outside the Yong Army formation, suppressed the movement range of the Yong Army with bows and arrows, and mobilized elite troops. Obstruct the possibility of the Yong army breaking through the North Han army.

In this way, the two sides reached a stalemate. The Yong Army was unable to break the battle, and the Northern Han Army was unable to completely suppress the Yong Army. Li Xian and Long Tingfei understood in their hearts that even if one side succeeded, it would be a tragic victory. However, under the command of the battle, the two have similar levels. When the military strength is basically equal, no one can win quickly. They can only stalemate in the consumption of life. Whoever makes fewer mistakes is the winner. If it was in the past, Li Xian and Long Tingfei would seek to avoid the war in this situation, but today two days are in their minds, so no one will stop, and the two armies have been fighting for half a day, and both sides are fighting hardest times. In this case, no one dared to retreat at the risk of lowering his momentum.

Li Xian frowned. There was something wrong. Long Tingfei had learned how to use troops. When would he fall into such a hard fight in such an uncertain ending? If there is no chance of winning more than seven or eight points , Long Tingfei will not make a big move. Survival is something he often does, but he rarely does it now. After all, he already has the confidence to fight Long Tingfei, so he must have a conspiracy like this . At this time, Su Qing rode over and reported loudly: “His Royal Highness, General Jing is already twenty miles away, and the forward has contacted our army scout.” Li Xian was overjoyed. The news of Long Tingfei in the Northern Han Dynasty must be better than his own. Lingtong, then Long Tingfei should already know the information about Jing Chi’s coming, so he wants to destroy our army before Jing Chi arrives. The plan in mind was determined, and Li Xian began to change his strategy and concentrate his forces as much as possible. As a result of shrinking the line of defense, the North Han Army’s front line was longer and the attack was more violent, as if the tide was endlessly rushing the towering reef. And Li Xian also commanded the army to entangle Long Tingfei with all his might, and he must not allow the North Han Army to retreat easily. As long as he entangled the North Han Army for a period of time, he could attack the enemy inside and outside.

Twenty miles away, Jing Chi and his iron cavalry were rushing to the battlefield. Although they were smashed along the way, many soldiers and civilians of the Northern Han Dynasty rose up to resist. Although he was wiped out one by one, the Yong army also suffered some Injury, even Jing Chi suffered some minor injuries. When Jing Chi was a teenager, it was a time of great chaos in the Central Plains, and the people didn’t live a life. Jing Chi was born with a cruel temperament. He didn’t want to be humiliated in the village. He simply became a robber. He was most used to killing people. Later, Da Yong gradually became stronger. Although Jing Chi had a rough temper and knew that being a robber was not a game, he went to the Yong army. Because of his high martial arts, he became one of the best warriors in the army in less than half a year. He became King Yong’s confidant, and naturally no one mentioned the past. Li Zhi’s military discipline is strict, and he least likes killing prisoners and massaging cities. Jing Chi is afraid of military laws, so he also restrains his wildness. But a few days ago, he led the army alone, and he was under great pressure. Coupled with the stubborn resistance of the Northern Han people, he became more angered by the robber general. He simply slaughtered him. He didn’t feel anything at all. Now he is about to meet Qi Wang, Jing But Chi thought of what he had done, and couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed, but in the end he gave him a heart, if he could defeat the Northern Han Army, he would not be beheaded as a military rule. So even though he knew that the Northern Han army was not weak, he didn’t have the slightest fear. He just judged how to advance based on the return of the scouts. The scout who was investigating the military situation in the past, Pegasus rushed to explain Bai Jun’s situation in a few words, and then handed him a sketch drawn by himself.

Jing Chi ordered the army to walk slowly, stopped by the side of the road, and mumbled while watching the sketch drawn by the scout in the saddle. He described it as a little embarrassed at the moment, with shawls, and the helmet had been dropped by him for a long time. A shirt was already in tatters, stained with traces of spots, some yellow muddy water, some red blood stains, let him around The generals and guards secretly amused, but did not dare to say anything. Along the way, Jing Chi’s dominance and murderous aura can make these arrogant soldiers and warriors who have been in the army for many years fearful of fear. In the past, when Jing Chi was with King Yong, he would naturally not show a strong aura of recklessness, but under the command of King Qi, Jing Chi had always been wary in his heart, let alone showing flaws to teach others to handle, only now After leading the army independently and killing all the way, Jing Chi’s true face hidden under the surface of the rough was known to everyone, so it was a little more fearful, and he was respectful to Jing Chi, let alone joking like before. . You should know that a few days ago, Jing Chi personally killed more than a dozen soldiers who were intoxicated to kill and plunder and forget the time of the entire army. This kind of change has long seen Jing Chi’s domineering and ruthlessness that has been suppressed, so even if Jing Chi was there to concentrate on studying the map and would not send troops to support King Qi in time, no one dared to ask more.

Scratching his hair indiscriminately, Jing Chi finally raised his head and said: “Okay, now the Northern Han Army has been entangled by His Royal Highness Qi, now it’s best to send troops, and it will definitely mess up the Northern Han Army. When the time comes, we will be able to beat down the dog. I sent my order to go straight into the army from the east of the enemy and follow the banner of Lao Tzu.” After speaking, he screamed and rode his horse down the mountain beam. He thought to himself that now The Northern Han Army didn’t know that it was strange that they arrived, but they couldn’t get out of it. Lao Tzu would kill all the spies from the Northern Han Army along the way. Even if you get information, you may not be able to grasp the time of Lao Tzu’s launch. However, even if the troop cannot be withdrawn, it is really incompetent. Unless I knew that there would be no reinforcements, I would not dare to dispatch all the troops.

After passing the order, Jing Chi rushed out first, and all the generals were energetic. They returned to their own formation and rectified their horses during the march. The Yongjun cavalry were elite soldiers for more than a hundred battles, even if they were in the marching line, they were still the slightest. No chaos, the sound of horseshoes is even more orderly, and thousands of troops and horses are like one person and one horse. Jing Chi rushed to a **** first, and the plain below was dozens of miles. It was where the two armies of Qi Wang and Long Tingfei fought. In the distance is Qinyuan City, and the surging Qinshui of the spring tide. Jing Chi waved his hand, one of the guards picked up the horn and blew it, and then the horns all over the Yongjun army rang, the sound was like a thunder that cut through the sky, continuous and high. Jing Chi raised his arms and shouted, “Follow me.” Then he grabbed a flag from the guards, raised his left hand high, and leaped down the hillside. The soldiers behind him rushed down without waiting for him to issue another order. , A torrent of black water penetrated into the battle formation on the east side of the North Han Army. The top of the flagpole was a sharp spearhead. Jing Chi waved the flag and stabbed a Northern Han sergeant down. The Yongjun cavalry, like a steel knife, cut through the right flank of the eastern side of the Northern Han Army.

As soon as the Yong Army entered the battlefield, Long Tingfei’s eyes flashed a cold light, and he sternly said: “Invincible intercepts the main force of King Qi, I will personally deal with the Yong Army reinforcements.” Then he whispered: “Invincible It only needs to support two hours.” Then he took his guards to face Jing Chi, who had attacked the Chinese army from the right wing. A gleam of insight flashed in Duan Wudi’s eyes, and he took over the command and accepted King Qi’s increasingly fierce attack.

The right wing of the North Han Army is mostly the new army. Jing Chi chose to enter here because he was rewarded by the scouts. For the experienced scouts, the old army of the new army will know at a glance, but for Jing Chi, although It was an internal and external attack, but after all, the numbers of the two armies were not much different. Naturally, the only way to win was from the weakest point of the enemy. The situation seemed to be going very well. The right wing of the North Han Army was easily penetrated by Jing Chi, and Jing Chi was confused. Looking left and right, a red light burst in front of him, and a North Han army wearing a red shirt stood in front. Jing Chi was shocked, but at this moment, he was advancing and not retreating. Jing Chi gritted his teeth and threw the flag to the guard behind him. Ma Jian pointed and attacked towards the banner of the army commander of the North Han Dynasty, but in a flash, Yong The army of Junjingchi had collided with the most powerful force of the North Han army. The right wing of the North Han army began to shoot at the middle and rear parts of the army of Jingchi with bows and arrows. Long Tingfei stepped forward and forcibly stopped the Yong army’s force. Moving forward, there was a melee on the battlefield. The two armies were entangled, blood infiltrated the earth and merged into the Qin Shui. The sobbing blood-red water flowed downstream, bringing the lives and everything of countless people.

Qi Wang and Jing Chi both knew that victory or defeat was at this point. If the Northern Han Army was regrouped, it would be a protracted battle, so both of them did their best. The Yong Army was almost desperate to attack, but Long Tingfei stood firm and stopped Jing Chi’s offensive. Duan Wudi suppressed King Qi’s main force through tight defense. Seeing that the battle was in a deadlock again, although Li Xian and Jing Chi gradually gained the upper hand, after all, The North Han Army, which is good at raiding and hunting, has less advantage in large-scale cavalry battles, but both Jing Chi and Li Xian have strong anxiety. It’s just that there are heavy barriers, the two can’t communicate, and they don’t dare to retreat easily. If one of them retreats first, I am afraid that all the pressure is concentrated on the other side, there is a risk of defeat. Although the Yong Army seemed to gradually control the battle, the morale of the hard-working North Han Army gradually faded, and both of them looked bitter and puzzled. Jing Chi took the elite soldiers to attack Long Tingfei’s guard twice and three times. Once, Jing Chi even rushed into the Northern Han army, and even fought against Long Tingfei personally, but Long Tingfei’s painted halberd danced like a black panther. Out of the forest, with a strong murderous intention in the smooth and agile, Jing Chi was repelled by him instead, and had to sacrifice a dozen of his guards to escape back to the original formation.

Li Xian’s heart became more and more disturbed. He raised his head unintentionally, and suddenly saw two goshawks hovering in the air. Li Xian’s heart shuddered, and he said loudly, “Duanmu, shoot me those goshawks.” His voice changed. Sharp and fierce, Duan Muqiu, who served as Li Xian’s guard, is now familiar with his military career. Hearing Li Xian’s order, he took off the silver bow and led the bow into a full moon. Three eagle feathers and arrows crossed the sky like a rainbow, and a goshawk Weeping and falling, the other goshawk flew to the distance with an arrow grazed its wings, and the bowstring rang again, and an eagle’s feather arrow passed through the body of the goshawk. Li Xian didn’t have the slightest joy in his heart, what killer Long Tingfei had prepared. Suddenly, Li Xian’s mind flashed, and he smiled bitterly. At this moment, he understood why Jiang Zhe would say that he was bound to be defeated. How could he forget the autumn of the Northern Han Dynasty? How can a mere agreement be worthy of the flesh and blood? Dear, husband and wife. Almost immediately, Li Xian ordered the call to withdraw troops. Jing Chi, who also felt uncomfortable in his heart, also immediately contracted his line, preparing to rush out of the encirclement of the Northern Han Army.

Almost the moment the two goshawks fell, in a hidden valley, Lin Bi, wearing a dark green armor and a golden phoenix brocade cloak, stood with his hands in his hands, looking at the wailing love eagle falling down, in the eyes of the phoenix. There was a hint of coldness. She coldly said: “All the troops listen to the order and set off.” Those sergeants who had been sitting idle on the ground and leaning in front of the saddle, seemingly lazy, lost their camouflage almost instantly, mounted their horses, ordered their weapons, and immediately Become a murderous soldier. Lin Bi turned on his horse without saying a word of greeting, and rushed out of the valley without her command. More than 20 male and female guards followed their horses like a shadow and protected Lin Bi. The chaotic Daizhou knights did not hesitate at all. Although they could not see their military ranks from the armor, they naturally followed the tacit order of horses to keep up. It seemed loose but actually tight cavalry. The battlefield is one of the characteristics of Daizhou Army.

Fifteen thousand Daizhou troops gathered in this valley. Unlike the main force of the Northern Han Dynasty, the Daizhou Army wore a variety of leather armor. It seemed very chaotic. This was because the Daizhou Army was almost Father and son, brother and brother, often a good armor is passed down for generations, even weapons and horses are often self-prepared, this is the unique tradition of Daizhou Army.

Eastern Jin Dynasty culture is weak. Even at the time of ZTE, the imperial court was unable to resist the barbarians. In order to protect the homeland, the Lin family recruited the courageously to defend against the enemy. Because both men and women in Daizhou always practiced riding and shooting hard to resist the barbarians, so The Daizhou Army were all native villagers. As for bringing their own weapons and horses, it is because although the people of Daizhou are deeply invaded by barbarians, they are also affected by the habits of barbarians. In Daizhou, if you have a little money, if you have a boy in your family, the first thing is to prepare. A piece of fine iron is then tempered once a year. When the boy becomes a human, he will cast this piece of fine iron into a weapon. A weapon made of 100-refined steel is naturally handy. Generally, when the boy grows up a little, he chooses a small pony to feed him personally, so that when the boy grows up, he can get a heart-to-heart love horse. Even though the Daizhou Army became well-known officers and soldiers, this habit has not changed, so the Daizhou Army always looks a bit like a mob. But only those who have fought with them know the terrible aspects of Daizhou Army.

Because of fighting against barbarians all the year round, almost every Daizhou sergeant has the experience of being chased by barbarians single-handedly, so their combat power is absolutely outstanding, and once they form a cavalry, it is another scene, Daizhou Army It is a powerful brigade organized by blood and region, so once on the battlefield, the coordinated operations of these cavalry soldiers can be said to be seamless. For the safety of their relatives, they fight against death. Such a cavalry can be said to be unparalleled in the world, but For nearly a hundred years, the Daizhou Army has never had an example of going out of the country, so except for the barbarians and the Northern Han Army, who had fought hard with the Daizhou Army, no one really knew the terrifying aspects of the Daizhou Army. This time the Northern Han Dynasty was moved with affection and finally persuaded Daizhou to send troops. In the eyes of Daizhou Army, Lin Bi was the best candidate for the next commander-in-chief. It was also for the sake of Long Tingfei as Lin Bi’s fiance-in-law. , Daizhou Army will agree to come to Qinyuan to help out.

Just when Li Xian and Jing Chixin were tacitly trying to retreat, but were entangled in the Northern Han army by Long Tingfei, a horn suddenly sounded in the distance. The tunes often used by the army are all different, full of desolation and wildness, which makes people feel frightened when they hear it. Moreover, in the ears of Li Xian and Jing Chi, the sound of the horn can be heard advancing quickly, almost like a gallop. They can maintain the cavalry charge formation at such a speed. Both of them think that they have no such ability. More worrying. The sound of the horn came from the northwest, but when it was about to approach the battlefield, it suddenly turned around and went around Li Xian’s back formation. Li Xian was shocked and urged his subordinates to change formations to strengthen the defense behind him.

Almost when Li Xian’s order was passed to the entire army, the Yong Army, who was trying to change its position, was hit hard. Although the horses of the Daizhou Army looked chaotic, they had one common feature, that is, they were all A good horse, after all, if you want to save your life on the battlefield, the quality of the horse is a necessary condition, and Daizhou is close to the barbaric land. Although it fights every year, the exchange in leisure time will not be missed. Daizhou people have better The way to get the barbarian’s good horse. Therefore, Lin Bi led the Daizhou Army into the rear of the Yong Army with almost no delay, and then the arrow fell like a raindrop. Accurately and ruthlessly eliminated the Yong army in the rear.

In terms of the art of riding and shooting, there is no army in the Central Plains that can beat the Daizhou Army. In order to fight against the barbarians, both men and women in Daizhou learned archery since childhood. Even a little girl can easily pierce Yang with a hundred steps. On the battlefield, there are three realms of horseback archery. The most common is “riding and shooting”. It is required to be able to sit firmly on the battle horse and archery. It requires a 100-meter target, five in ten, seven in ten, and a fifty-meter target. Nine out of ten. Of course, not to mention the Daizhou Army, even the elite soldiers of the Yong Army and the North Han Army can achieve 100-meter targets with nine out of ten in the “horse shooting”. The second state is “run shooting”, which requires the knight’s horse running at high speed to shoot in all directions, and the hit rate must at least meet the requirements of riding and shooting. Another requirement is that the knight must seize this moment and shoot an arrow in each of the galloping horses. All cavalry who can do this are already well-known soldiers in the world, and even only 30% of the Yong Army and Northern Han Army can fully achieve this goal. The third state is “flying shooting”, which requires that you can shoot at a fixed target in any state. This is no longer a technique that ordinary cavalry can master. Knights who can have this ability are usually the best archers in the army or Excellent cavalry general. And the terrible thing about the Daizhou Army is that almost everyone can reach the realm of “shooting”, and about 10% can reach the realm of “flying”. At this level, even the barbarians who use riding and shooting as their livelihood skills are no better. in this way.

Seeing Daizhou army coming and going in the rear of the Yong army, using sabers at close range and bows and arrows at a distance, easily destroying the back line of defense. Li Xian only felt a panic in his heart. At this moment, he understood the defeat. It has been done. If you change someone else, you will inevitably be dissatisfied or depressed, but Li Xian doesn’t know how many losses he has suffered under Long Tingfei. It has long been a habit to lose battles. At this moment, he didn’t even want to issue a general order and brought the Yong army to the North Han The new army rushed in the direction of the new army. At this time, Jing Chi had already crossed the obstacles and joined Li Xian. As soon as Li Xian saw Jing Chi, he did not allow him to object, and said sternly: “General Jing, you are the vanguard, leading the army to the battle. Anze retreated in the direction, and the king personally broke the queen.” After that, the guards leaned aside. Let the Yong army pass first.

Jing Chi hesitated for a moment, and then rushed forward. He also knew Li Xian’s temper well. He knew that if he was fighting for the decision at this time, he would be slashed by Li Xian. If he wanted Li Xian, Safe, the only way is to break through the siege as soon as possible. And his main attack direction was the new army of the North Han Army. Facing the fierce Jing Chi, he couldn’t help but feel a little timid. Jing Chi broke through the siege and retreated in the direction of Anze with little effort. After Li Xian took the guards and broke off, he almost assumed all the pressure of the Daizhou Army. Obviously the number is far less than the Yong Army and the Northern Han Army, but the attack of the Daizhou Army is in full swing, and Li Xian almost ignores that Long Tingfei is violently attacking the two sides of the Yong Army from both sides. But frankly speaking, the Yong Army and the North Han Army have fought for many years, and they are very familiar with each other’s tactics. Therefore, in response to the attacks of the North Han Army, although the Yong Army has suffered a lot of losses, it is also very smooth. But the Daizhou Army was different. They were shooting arrows staggered, accurately and effectively destroying the backward Yong Army. They did not appear impatient at all, and always clung to the back. The calm and ruthless hunting made people heart Suddenly there was a chill. Although Li Xian personally broke off, but still can barely resist the attack of Daizhou Army.

Li Xian’s heart is very anxious. If he can’t break away from the enemy quickly, the Yong army may be crushed and disintegrated. Li Xian’s heart rushes towards the Daizhou army forward, and his guards quickly follow. The team of guards who followed Li Xian held a leather shield to shield Li Xian from the arrow rain, while Duan Muqiu followed Li Xian’s side, leading the bow. The Daizhou Army stagnated a little, and it seemed a little surprised why the Yong Army rushed forward, but almost immediately the Daizhou Army slowed down, and the forward formed a semicircle, as if to counterattack the Yong Army. The strong brigade surrounded, but the arrows were denser, and wanted to destroy the enemy as much as possible. Although Li Xian guards and protects each other with a shield, there are still many red knights who have fallen from horses.

At this time, Duanmuqiu screamed, the bowstring rang repeatedly, and with each light sound, nine feather arrows shot into the Daizhou army formation like a phantom. Duanmuqiu is known as the silver bow, and the archery skills have naturally reached the fire. To the point, the Daizhou Army, which is known for its riding and shooting, is rare. For a while, many of the former Daizhou Army warriors fell with arrows. The Daizhou Army will never compete with the enemy for a temporary edge. , So the Daizhou Army slowed down a little bit, and at this moment, Li Xian had already rushed into the Daizhou Army forward, Ma Jian swept, blood bursting, even the Daizhou Army warriors with strong personal combat capabilities, It is also invincible. Suddenly, the offensive of the Daizhou Army was forcibly contained. Although this was only temporary, the counterattack of the Daizhou Army would be more brave. However, on the battlefield, life and death are often between the front lines. Any delay may cause irreversible consequences. , So Lin Bi, the commander of the Daizhou Army, moved.

As soon as a Daizhou sergeant was stabbed off the horse, Li Xian’s ears heard a crisp luan bell, and then he saw the sharp tip of the gun pierce his throat. The gun came suddenly, the red wing on the gun. Stirred by the strong wind, standing up like a steel pin, Li Xian’s Ma Jian was blocked upwards, and the silver gun instantly turned into hundreds of phantoms. Li Xian only felt that Ma Jian had not encountered the slightest obstacle, a kind of powerlessness. Feeling rushed from my heart, and then felt a sharp pain in his hands. Ma Qian was lifted up by a strong force, piercing Li Xian’s chest from between his arms with the tip of a spear that seemed illusory but with infinite murder. The strong wind brought out by the silver spear carries an invincible power. If it is stabbed by this spear, even if it is protected by armor, it may be seriously injured. However, Li Xian is a battle-tested tiger general after all. He threw the horse in his hand forward, twisting his body immediately, and the tip of the spear brushed his left rib. When the two horses staggered, Li Xian stood up and grabbed with his right hand. Staying in Ma Li, who fell from the air, stabbed at the enemy. The silver spear held Ma Li without showing any weakness. In an instant, there were several hits, but the colors were evenly divided. Li Xian couldn’t help but look up, and the man was also facing him. When they met, their eyes met, both of them were a little surprised. Although they are hostile generals, it is rare for them to encounter each other on the battlefield. Before the two faced each other, no one thought they would meet each other.

Lin Bi’s eyes flickered, and the enemy’s visor on the opposite side did not lower her. At a glance, she recognized that this man was Li Xian, the leader of the Yong army. Unlike the last time he met, Li Xian was dangerous and depressed, as if Although he is a cheetah who chooses people and bites, but today’s Li Xian looks determined and determined. Although he was defeated, he still has no trace of discouragement. The kind of Taishan collapse before the face is unchanging. ~Lin Bi couldn’t help but feel broken, that fire-colored battle robe had been soaked in blood, which further highlighted Li Xian’s bravery.

Li Xian looked at the enemy on the opposite side, the black horse with a silver gun, and the dark green armor. Although the visor was not lifted, the face was not visible, but the pair of phoenix eyes that were still cold and cold across the visor, and graceful and vigorous The heroic appearance, coupled with the cloak embroidered with brocade phoenix behind him, revealed the identity of the other party. He said silently: “Princess Jiaping.”

Almost at the same time, the two remembered the scene of the two drinking against the waves of the East China Sea. At that time, there were words of life and death without hatred. Although they felt like confidants, it was a pity that they were enemies. Both Li Xian and Lin Bi were determined people. After almost losing their senses, they both immediately woke up. The silver gun and Ma Jian separated, and the two horses passed by. They both forced their horses to turn around almost at the same time. Ming, Ma Li and Yinjian confronted again. At this time, the two guards had swarmed up to separate the two. The head of Li Xianyang howled, this charge had temporarily halted the offensive of the Daizhou Army. After achieving the goal, Li Xian immediately pursued the Yong Army’s back formation, and under the response of the Yong Army generals, Fei also fleeed. Perhaps it was a lot of escape, although the horse was extremely fast, the battle formation was not at all chaotic.

Lin Bi murmured in a daze: “We met a stranger and became a confidant. He saw this in the battlefield.” Then he said in a loud voice: “Follow me, if I follow the Ji clan, I will also take Li Xian’s life.” Upon hearing the words, the state army shouted: “Kill Li Xian, kill Li Xian.” Daizhou cavalry chased the Yong army on its own. Long Tingfei secretly calculated in his heart that he had just won the battle. Although the main force of the Yong army still exists, even if Li Xian does not die, he cannot be said to be a complete victory in this battle, so he also raised his voice: ” Jun, the princess brought the Daizhou army to help out, how can we be left behind and kill.” The soldiers of the Northern Han Army promised and chased and killed the Yong Army.

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