The Grandmaster Strategist Chapter 22: South Chu Envoy

In the April of the first year of the Tongtai period in Nanchu, the lord of the country Long sent an envoy to Da Yong, who paid tribute and became a minister, and turned to ask for peace and redemption with heavy money.

–“The History of Chu in the Southern Dynasties·The Biography of King Chu Yang”

I slept soundly in the middle of the night, and suddenly I was awakened by someone. When I opened my eyes angrily, I saw Xiao Shunzi happily holding a cage of steaming sweet-scented osmanthus cake offering treasures. I was surprised and asked where he came from I got it, after all, this is the specialty of Nanchu’s most famous pastry shop, Guixiangfang. I took a piece and took a bite. It was sweet and soft and melted in the mouth. I asked contentedly: ‘Where did you buy it? I’ll go there often in the future. ‘

Xiao Shunzi’s face changed, his expression bleak, I asked strangely, ‘what’s the matter? ‘

Xiao Shunzi hesitated for a long time before telling the truth. It turned out that he thought for a long time, and finally decided to find a delicious food instead of Da Yong. Who knew that the envoy of Nan Chu had arrived in Chang’an, and he went to the post overnight. The museum visited and wanted to see if there was anything that was not good for me, but the mission brought two masters from Guixiangfang over and made two cages of the most famous sweet-scented osmanthus cake, ready to be sent to the country’s lord Zhao Jiahe, who was under house arrest. For Princess Chang Le, perhaps they wanted to please Princess Chang Le for talk and success, but they were cheaper than Xiao Shunzi. He used the trick of stealing a cage of sweet-scented osmanthus cakes.

I almost fainted. I don’t know if the Nanchu Mission who lost the osmanthus cake will report to the official. Then I think about it, I’d better eliminate the evidence as soon as possible, and gorgedly and Xiao Shunzi shared a cage of osmanthus cake. At that time, the sky was getting brighter, and Xiao Shunzi slipped away. I just wanted to sleep a little longer when Xiao Shunzi came to report again: ‘My son, Nan Chu is asking Lu Can to see you. ‘

There was a movement in my heart. Why did this former student come to see me? Shouldn’t he dismiss me? After all, I am already Nan Chu’s rebellious. I asked Xiao Shunzi suspiciously for advice. Xiao Shunzi couldn’t laugh or cry authentically: “My son, now you are a cronies of His Royal Highness King Yong, you can at least be the master of the quarter for this negotiation. If you want to start from your Highness, you son Isn’t it the best candidate? Although they are all defeated and seeking peace, it is also beneficial to Nan Chu to be able to get an extra point. ‘

I sat up, took the coat that Xiao Shunzi handed over, and while dressing, I thought about how to solve it. Originally, I was thinking, “If you see each other if you don’t see each other,” I didn’t plan to meet Lu Can, but if he did it for Talking about the matter of lobbying around, then if I didn’t give him a chance, I would be a bit too much. In any case, I was once a courtier of Nanchu, and now I am a subordinate of King Yong. If it is his own euphemism, then outsiders will think that Yong His Royal Highness has no intention of making peace. This matter can be big or small, so I can’t handle it at will. After walking for a few steps, I felt that I was in good health today. There should be no problem in meeting guests. I said, “General Lu, please come to see me in the flower hall. It is still early. Ask someone to send breakfast to the flower hall. General Lu’s meal. Your Majesty should already know it. You send someone to ask if you want to meet with Nan Chu’s messenger. I am not sure about the negotiation. Gou Lian should understand it better. If your Highness is inconvenient to come, please ask Brother Gou to come. As an accompaniment, you can also explore the bottom line of Nanchu. Xiao Shunzi, did Lu Can come alone? ‘

Xiao Shunzi replied: ‘My son, General Lu has brought a young man, who looks good, and he should be a talented person. ‘

I smiled slightly and said: “Alright, Lu Can is young after all. If he came alone, I would suspect that he was just coming to see me privately. Since there are people to accompany me, then the business is the main thing. Okay, go Please come in. ‘

Lu Can stood quietly in front of the Yongwang Mansion. The 22-year-old is just the age of Fang Gang, but his years of military career have made him more mature than his peers. His appearance is rough and arrogant, and some are not like Jiangnan figures, but Seeing the divine light in his eyes and the elegance and courage in his temperament, he knew that this young general was a prodigy of both civil and military. Standing half a step behind him was a twenty-six or seven-year-old young man, with a scarf and a Confucian crown, elegant and elegant, and there was a kind of grace between his manners, which made people feel happy to approach.

The young man looked at Lu Can, who looked indifferent, and his heart was turbulent. His name was Yang Xiu. He was originally from the Kingdom of Shu. When the Kingdom of Shu was destroyed, he was still studying abroad. When the Southern Chu occupied Shuzhong, he returned to his hometown. Shuzhong was very peaceful under the rule of Luhou. Although there was a Splendid League raging, But they did not cause any big storms. Yang Xiu had a very peaceful life at home. Two and a half years ago, one of his cousins ​​was convicted for participating in the assassination of Lu Hou. Yang Xiu was also implicated in jail and was in charge of the trial. It was Lu Hou’s only son, Lu Can. This young general took care of things swiftly and resolutely, and was reasonable. Yang Xiu was soon acquitted, and Lu Can saw that his talents and manners were extraordinary, so he personally invited him. Be your own army. Yang Xiu is not a pedantic person. He has not gained fame in the Kingdom of Shu. It is not a loss of fame to play for Southern Chu. After following Lu Can, he feels more and more that this young general is outstanding. Although Lu Can is young, he still fights. The tactics and strategy of war were all superman. When King Yong made a raid on Southern Chu, Lu Hou led his troops back to aid, King Dongchuan Qing took the opportunity to press down on the border of Shuzhong, Lu Can led his troops to meet the enemy, and the two armies faced off several times. Lu Can’s hard-trained elite soldiers actually defeated Dayong’s strong soldiers, forcing King Qing to retreat, and ensuring that Nan Chu would not suffer from both sides. Although Lu Can’s achievements have not been made public because of the fall of Jianye, the Southern Chu army has faintly regarded Lu Can as the heir of Prince Zhao Jue. What made Yang Xiu even more admired was that although Lu Can was born in a family of military commanders and did not write poetry and composition, he still had a unique insight into classics and history. He always talked about the ways of victory and defeat for generals in history. I have to admire Lu Can’s extensive knowledge.

A few days ago, Yang Xiu couldn’t help asking Lu Can, who was able to teach the children of military commanders like Lu Can to be proficient in literature and history, but Lu Can was silent. Unexpectedly, he just arrived at Dayong yesterday and handed over his credential. Today Lu Can took himself to meet Jiang Zhe, who had been known for a long time. Although Yang Xiu knew about Jiang Zhe, he didn’t take him seriously, but he was a talented man from Nanchu who surrendered to Dayong. If it hadn’t been for the assassination a few days ago, he would pay attention. Will notice the existence of Jiang Zhe. He knew only yesterday that Jiang Zhe turned out to be Lu Can’s mentor. He still remembers that last night, under the silver lamp, Lu Can’s face was hidden in the shadows, and he said faintly: “I’ve been stubborn since I was young. Those green skin fights on the street, my father didn’t want to see me being so unlearned, so he invited Xi Xi to teach me. I fisted hard and ran away several Xi Xi. Mr. Jiang was the fourth Xi Xi. I originally thought Give him a stab at him, but when he came, he told me that he was just a mess. Anyway, if I beat him away, my father would invite a new one. If I was willing to compromise with him, he would let him. Both of us are better off. ‘

Speaking of this, Lu Can showed a faint smile on his face, and then said: “Mr. Jiang said, as long as I stay in the study every morning and do whatever I want in the afternoon, he will not leave me too much homework. , And also help me lie to my father. I agreed at the time, but within a few days I regretted it. I was bored in the study every morning. I watched Mr. Jiang read with relish and ignored me. But if I regret it, it would be too shameful. Later I had to ask Mr. Jiang. Think of a way to kill time. Mr. Jiang said, in this case, you might as well give me a lecture. Although I feel bored, it is better than being bored by myself, but I never thought that Mr. Jiang is really talented, he will not let me be caught by those four books and five classics, nor He would ask me to write poems and essays. He said that I was a son of a family and did not need to participate in the imperial examinations. It was useless to learn. He first taught me the Analects, a boring Analects that others said. He told me history books, but he didn’t tell me the original texts. He just told me the historical facts like stories, mixed with his own insights and some unhistorical things. Since then, I have been listening every morning. He told stories, and later he saw that I prefer to fight with soldiers, and then he told me the art of war and warfare. I don’t know how he knew so many things. He obviously was not a few years older than me. Unfortunately, I was too playful and didn’t understand. My husband’s teachings are so precious. I didn’t know how important what my husband taught me until I led the war. Unfortunately, I had no chance to ask my husband any more. Yang Xiu, I said this for you to understand what kind of person my mentor is. Now he has returned to Dayong, and he will inevitably meet on the battlefield in the future. You are rich in strategy, and you will be his opponent in the future. I am alone. It must not work. You have to take the opportunity to get to know him well. If you don’t understand your enemy, then there is no certainty of victory. ‘

Yang Xiuyue felt more emotional when he thought about it. He wanted to see what kind of character this respected and respected teacher was like the young general he respected very much. So the longer he waited, the more worried he was that Jiang Zhe would not meet them.

Fortunately, after a while, a young guard came over to salute and said: ‘General Lu, Lord Sima received the general in the cold garden. The adult was seriously injured and inconvenient to come out to welcome him. ‘

Lu Can glanced at the young guard and saw that this person was simple, but his eyes were cold, his palms were wide and large, his knuckles protruding, and his muscles tangled. He must be someone who practices foreign skills, and he acts But there is no surprise in the middle, and it can be seen that the fire has reached the point of perfection. Looking at this person’s murderousness and upright posture, this must be a warrior who has been in the army for a long time. King Yong let such a person be the guard of his teacher. , It can be seen that he values ​​his teacher. Thinking in his heart, Lu Can smiled and said: ‘Trouble Huyan the guard to lead the way. ‘

The two followed Hu Yanshou for a long time before reaching a quiet and far-reaching garden. Seeing the plaque on the gate of the garden, Lu Can knew that he could finally see Jiang Zhe. Hu Yanshou greeted the four colleagues guarding the front gate of the garden and led them into the cold garden. As soon as he walked into the cold garden, Lu Can felt a shock in his heart. Although he did not see it, he faintly noticed that there were people hiding in all key positions in the garden. Murderous, knowing that the guards here are at least as good as Hu Yanshou. It seems that King Yong’s respect for his teacher is unparalleled.

The two were invited into the Flower Hall. The first thing they saw was Jiang Zhe sitting there and Xiao Shunzi standing behind Jiang Zhe.

Yang Xiu looked boldly. There was a thin and pale youth sitting at the table. He was wearing a pale green robe, and his hair was tied with only a hairpin and a snow-white silk scarf. He just sat idle like that, with a peaceful expression. If he hadn’t been described as haggard, he would never have thought that he had just returned from the line of death. Yang Xiu was amazed. He thought that since Jiang Zhe had just escaped from the hands of the Southern Chu assassin, he would be very indifferent to Lu Can. He didn’t know that there was someone else who succeeded in assassinating Jiang Zhe. The truth has long been hidden, that is, King Yong. It is also said to the outside that Jiang Zhe was assassinated and seriously injured by the Southern Chu assassins. After all, no one wanted to expose the internal disputes of Dayong. So Jiang Zhe didn’t feel frustrated with Nan Chu, but he didn’t hate him very much.

I glanced at Lu Can. He looked more calm than the last time I saw him. He must have matured a lot after being alone. I stood up and smiled: ‘Little Hou Lord, if you haven’t seen him for many days, you have become more majestic. ‘

Lu Can was stunned as soon as he saw me. He woke up when he heard what I said, and hurriedly stepped up and down and said: ‘The disciple sees his teacher. ‘The tone turned out to be choked. I know he was sad when he saw what I described. Even when I saw it in the bronze mirror, I felt a little out of shape. This is also helpless. I am lucky to be able to save my life. How dare I be extravagant? Anyway, I can recover in a year or a half at most.

I lifted my hand and said: “Little Hou, hurry up, no, you are now a general of Southern Chu, I should call you General Lu, Zhe, but I have been a general in the West for a few days, how dare you be a teacher? Apprenticeship. ‘

Lu Can’s mood has calmed down, and he said lightly:’The disciple was stubborn and didn’t know the importance of the teacher’s teachings, but now it is too late to regret it. I also ask the teacher not to shirk. The disciple won’t ask for a teacher based on his status as a teacher. Do extraordinary things. ‘

I smiled a little bitterly: ‘You are still so straightforward, nothing, I don’t want to argue with you, get up, I haven’t eaten yet, you accompany me, is this? ‘I look at Yang Xiu.

Lu Can stood up and said: ‘This is Yang Xiu who joined the army under his disciple. ‘

Yang Xiu stepped forward and said: ‘Long Wen, Lord Jiang has a great reputation, I will pay you a visit. ‘

I wanted to step forward and help, but I felt a pain in my heart, so I frowned and said: ‘Please forgive me for the inconvenience. Yang Canjun is also invited. ‘

Yang Xiu saw that Jiang Zhe had a cold sweat on his forehead, and hurriedly said: ‘My lord is physically inconvenient, so I don’t need to be polite. ‘

The three of us sat down and Xiao Shunzi personally brought three bowls of porridge up there. I smiled and said: ‘These porridges are all medicated medicated meals with nourishing medicine. You two might as well try them. ‘

Lu Can stood up and took the bowl that Xiao Shunzi handed over. But he knew that Li Shun killed the poisonous hand Xiexin at the Yangtze River ferry a few days ago. The poisonous hand Xiexin was a master of Nanchu before he took refuge in Prince Germany. This time he assassinated the “success” in the Yongwang Mansion, and even fought for thousands of miles, escaped from Dayong, and his fame soared. Unexpectedly, he was killed by this young man on the bank of the Yangtze River on a moonlit night. Overnight, Li Shun’s name spread all over the world. , So Lu Can dare not neglect.

Lin Xiu also stood up and took the porridge bowl. He couldn’t help but glanced at Jiang Zhe. What is so peculiar about this thin young man that he would let such masters willingly become slaves and do the things of subordinates?

I saw that they were so restrained, I couldn’t help but smile, and said: “This time I heard that Lu Can, you are the magistrate of South Chu, I must have all plans. I don’t know how I can help? ‘

Lu Can’s expression was a bit dainty, but he soon returned to normal, respectfully and respectfully: “Although Nanchu was defeated, but now the new emperor has been established, he is united, and he is full of soldiers and horses, so this time he claims to be a courtier for peace, but I hope that Dayong will not over demand the gold and silk, and that he can redeem the Lord of the Supreme Kingdom and the hundreds of civil and military officials. It is only possible that this matter is vainly approved by the Dayong army. His Royal Highness is the most important figure among them, so disciples. You know what your highness meant,’

I said indifferently: “The talks are presided over by the Minister of the Central Government. Who would dare to speculate about His Royal Highness’s mind? Besides, His Majesty didn’t mean to embarrass Nan Chu. You are too worried. I don’t think about these things. Dali, you have found the wrong way. ‘

Lu Can knew that Jiang Zhe’s words were just an excuse, and he was about to continue to persuade him. At this time, a hearty voice came from outside the door and said:’How can I find the wrong way~ If it wasn’t General Lu who came to see you first, This king would never let Nan Chu relax. ‘

Speaking, Li Zhi walked in with Gou Lian. Lu Can and Yang Xiu both got up to salute. Li Zhi smiled and said: “General Lu, this king once had a relationship with Lord Lu, and I heard that there was a tiger under Lu Gong’s knees. I saw it today. My third brother wrote a letter saying that General Lu uses soldiers like a god. He admired it very much. ‘

Lu Can calmly said: “The young general is just a fake father, Yu Wei, and His Royal Highness is the world’s soldier. How can the light of the firefly compete with Haoyue? ‘

Li Zhi sat down and calmly said: “The two countries are repaired, and this king also knows that it is imperative, but your country proclaims itself as emperor, regardless of the status of the subordinates, it is the righteousness of my Da Yongxing army to crusade, although Your country has suffered heavy losses, but you should cede land and pay compensation. As for the redemption of captives, this king has no opinion, just how much ransom does your country want to pay? ‘

Lu Canzheng Rong said:’Although there are reasons for losses in Southern Chu, it is also a fact that the distinguished guest Qi Wang Xianxing invades the army. His Royal Highness has captured Jianye, taken away our monarchs and ministers, and even taken countless amounts of gold and silk. Now our country has one mind. Your country still wants to bully. Although we are weak in our country, we have to resist to the end. Although the Southern Chu Dynasty is a monarch, but also a relative of marriage, your country has long been invaded. Now, although we bow to our knees for peace, we cannot allow your country. The new king of our country has been enthroned, and the old master is already a commoner. If your country wants to stay, please please. The old master and the princess of Changle are husband and wife. It is natural that the son-in-law lives by the father-in-law. ‘

Li Zhi’s eyes lit up and he smiled: ‘Well said, it’s really a young hero, so there are so many talents in Nanchu. This king admires. ‘Then it is meaningful and authentic: ‘Things are also negotiable. Although this king cannot be the master, he will not embarrass General Lu. ‘

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