The Grandmaster Strategist Chapter 22: Internal and external troubles

In the twenty-seventh year of the Great Yongwuwei, Wang Cong supervised the army of Chu Township Hou Zhe. He used heavy troops as his partial division and cut Tan Ji, and then hurried thousands of miles to attack the main force of the Northern Han army. At that time, Long Ting Fei knew that the king was leaving the army and attacked with all his strength. Chu Xiang Hou beat the drums to inspire the army, and served as the Northern Han army all day and night. On November 9th, Wang led his guards forty miles away from Qin Ze. Long knows the difficulties and retreats, the king pursues 300 miles, Long Tingfei personally cut off the army, the two armies fought more than ten times, and each other won and lost. On November 15th, the invincible leader of the Northern Han Dynasty responded. Wang Yishi was exhausted and returned to Zezhou. After the two armies fought for more than half a month, the Yong Army suffered 60,000 casualties, and the Northern Han Army suffered nearly 40,000 casualties, or the battle was unsuccessful. However, after this battle, the Northern Han Army had no more power to attack Zezhou and Zhenzhou.

——”Yongshi and Qi Wang Family”

Yongdu, Chang’an, since the urgent military report came from Zezhou at the beginning of the month, almost all the officials in the DPRK were worried. This time Long Tingfei aggressively attacked Zezhou, although there were many soldiers in Zezhou. Broad, but it does not mean that there is a certainty of victory. Not to mention that Long Tingfei is a famous player in the world. Although King Qi can barely resist these years, it is difficult to win. Besides, King Qi and the emperor are still in a relationship. The answer is that the Zezhou Daying generals are not harmonious, and the many hidden worries are headaches. This heavy cloud did not dissipate because the emperor sent a new superintendent, Chu Xianghou. After all, Jiang Zhe is just a literati. Many people don’t believe that he can really hold the King of Qi, because he has the ability to mediate King Qi and the generals. The contradiction between them may not have a chance of winning against Long Tingfei.

Furthermore, from the beginning of the Northern Han Dynasty army to Zezhou, rumors appeared all over Dayong. Some people said that this time Long Ting flew all over the country to attack Zezhou. Dayong’s forces were no longer dominant. Some people said that the Yong army was defeated. King Qi didn’t know his life or death, and some people said that the Yong Army was in turmoil and could not resist the attack of the North Han Army. The North Han Army had been raging in Zezhou for many days, killing countless soldiers and civilians. When the rumors spread to Chang’an, people’s minds were chaotic. Although the prosperity of Dayong over the years has made the people more confident in their hearts, the rumors are so vivid that people can’t help but believe a little bit more. Before long, another voice sounded, saying that the famous general of Dayong first recommended Li Zhi, and only Li Zhi’s imperial conquest could bring the defeat back.

In this situation where the undercurrent is lurking, Princess Changle has played a role in stabilizing people’s hearts. Princess Changle also just returned to Beijing, and she heard these rumors on the way, and even King Qing asked her in private if Jiang Zhe could control King Qi. Naturally, Princess Changle could only smile to persuade King Qing, saying that King Qi and Ma Ma would not have any disputes, and King Qi was responsible for the war ahead. But King Qing seemed very worried. Although he didn’t say it clearly, he secretly sent someone to strengthen the protection of the car. It is not that Princess Changle is not worried about the war ahead, but she believes that Jiang Zhe can stabilize the Zezhou camp. She also believes in King Qi’s military strategy. Even if he can’t win, he won’t be defeated. Moreover, Jiang Zhe has Xiao Shunzi beside him. Protecting it. So she still looks calm, she just takes Roulan and Li Lin to watch the scenery along the way every day, and of course she also holds Jiang Shen sometimes. Speaking of which, these three children seem to be Jiang Shen most curious. If you want him to sleep longer and keep him from looking out the window, he often cries loudly.

However, the rumors are so rampant that Princess Changle feels something is wrong, and after receiving the edict from the Yongdu one day, Princess Changle deliberately slowed down her journey and detoured through many prefectures. Everywhere she went, she took the initiative. Meet the families of senior local officials. Although she hadn’t said a word about the war in Zezhou and the rumors, but her calm and happy mood infected those impinging ladies. Everyone knows that Hu Machu is in Zezhou. If there is something in Zezhou, how can the princess be so peaceful and calm? Such thoughts will soon be passed on to middle and low-level officials in a faster way. When Princess Changle returned to Yongdu many days late, although Zezhou had not yet heard the battle report, the rumors would hardly affect the officials. Although this is due to the control of the court, the contribution of Princess Changle is obvious.

On November 17th, Princess Changle’s Luanjia finally arrived in Chang’an. Emperor Yong made an order to order Prince Li Jun to lead officials of Grade 3 or above to welcome 30 li. With the identity of Princess Ningguo Changle, this is not It is arrogant, and no one in Beijing knows the achievements of Princess Changle to calm people’s hearts along the way back to Beijing.

Opening the bead curtain that Luan was driving, Princess Changle’s eyes were hazy, and memories flashed by. In the seventeenth year of Wuwei, I married Nanchu far away. At that time, I was sad and I only hated driving too much. Hurry up, you can’t see the smoke and clouds of Chang’an. In the twenty-three years of Wuwei, he returned from Nanchu. Although he returned to the imperial hometown, he was as old as an ancient well and wanted to spend the rest of his life beside his relatives. Although he tried his best to avoid, he was still disturbed by the regrets of the deprivation and could hardly settle down in the palace. At this time, the widowhood also made waves in his heart, but the beloved in his mind was far away. It wasn’t until Wuwei left Chang’an with her beloved that she desperately followed her beloved for twenty-five years before she got the happiness and happiness she had never had before. Now that I have returned to Chang’an, I am afraid that I have no chance to return to the East China Sea to live in seclusion. I have the joy of being reunited with my loved ones in my heart, but I also have the helplessness to re-enter the world.

At this time, Zhou Shangyi came with a few court ladies and carried the children. Princess Changle calmed down her emotions and showed a faint smile. She walked off and looked at the people who greeted her calmly. .

The prince Li Jun, who is nearly ten years old, hurriedly waited for the imperial aunt to drive early in the morning. To be honest, he and the imperial aunt are not very familiar with each other. After all, he has not met a few times, but he understands this very well. The status of a royal aunt. If it weren’t for Princess Ningguo Changle, maybe his father hadn’t had the chance to sit on the throne, and he would have been dead, but of course Li Jun knew that his father’s most important thing was that the emperor married Chu Xiang. Hou Jiangzhe, in the words of his father, this is the best way to tie the genius of Xianyun Yehe to the Da Yong chariot, and there is still no reluctance and estrangement. But for Li Jun, perhaps the most important thing is that the little sister who has not seen her for many years also returned to Beijing with the emperor. Thinking of this, Li Jun couldn’t help thinking of his return to Chang’an from Youzhou that year. He wanted to reunite with Roulan after a long absence, but it was a thunderbolt. Roulan was taken away by Mr. Jiang for two years. Not even a letter. I was a little nervous in my heart, I hope Roulan has forgotten me.

I finally waited for Princess Changle to drive. When Li Jun saw the imperial aunt in a princess gown and walked in front of him with a smile, his eyes widened. He still remembers the appearance of the imperial aunt, but now It seems that there is no change in appearance, but it seems that he has changed to another person. The gentle and elegant, calm and joyful look makes people feel admiration and envy.

After the welcoming ceremony in the suburbs, at this time, from the palace maid standing behind Luanjia, a charming little girl rushed out, grabbed Li Jun’s sleeve, and said eagerly: “Brother Jun, you still Remember Blue.”

Li Jun looked at the little girl he was familiar with, and the memories of the past came back to his mind almost immediately. At this moment, he forgot all manners, and he reached out and hugged the little girl as he did in the past, and said happily: “Blue, You came back, why didn’t you write to me for the past two years, I thought you didn’t remember me. Mr. Jiang, no, did your uncle bully you? If so, I’ll tell your mother, and the queen will definitely get back for you. .”

Looking at Roulan’s childishness faded, and Li Jun, who had become handsome, suddenly burst into tears and said, “Daddy bullies me, so I won’t be allowed to send letters to Brother Jun.” After all, Roulan sobbed. He took out a thick stack of letters, all letters that were written but failed to be sent. Li Jun only felt that there was some water vapor in his eyes somehow. At this time, he had already remembered that he could not lose his stance in front of others, and tried to raise his head to prevent the tears from falling. , Lan Lan took it as a letter and was delayed on the road for a long time.” Rou Lan broke into a smile. Li Jun looked behind him with some guilty conscience. Fortunately, the officials were so acquainted to avoid them. Li Jun gave a sigh of relief and put Roulan down. When he looked up, he saw Princess Changle’s smile. With a blushing face, he said: “Auntie Huang, Grandpa Emperor, Grandma Emperor, Father and Queen Mother and Queen are all waiting for you.” Princess Chang Le smiled and took the soft blue hand, and said: “Okay, then we’ll get on the road soon. Right.” After saying that he led Roulan to Luanjia, Zhou Shangyi also sent Shen’er to Luanjia. Now that I have entered Chang’an, it is inconvenient for Li Lin to sit on Luanjia too. After the light of Princess Changle’s eyes saw the stubborn Li Lin, she whispered to Li Jun before going to Luanjia.

After Luan drives off, Li Jun walks to Li Lin and said gently, “You are Lin brother, how about riding with me?”

Li Lin, who had originally looked a little indifferent, flashed warmth in his eyes, and the acidity that had just left him to talk to Li Jun because of Roulan gradually disappeared. He who is not good at words said coldly: “I can ride a horse myself.”

Li Jun’s eyes showed a surprised look and said: “You can ride a horse at a young age. It’s really amazing.” Let the guard lead a royal horse and laughed: “This is the royal horse that my father gave me. Very docile, you can ride a ride, don’t be afraid.” Li Lin nodded mumu. He was still young, but the saddles on this imperial horse were specially made, so after Li Lin got on the horse, he quickly controlled the horse and followed Luanjia and Li Jun to Mingdemen. Along the way, Li Jun asked Li Lin various questions from time to time. While Li Jun felt a little wordy, Li Lin felt warmer in his heart. It seemed that he would not be too sad in Chang’an.

When Princess Changle walked into the Ci Ning Palace where the Queen Mother lived, she saw the empress’s loving eyes at a glance. She couldn’t help crying, stepped forward and bowed down, and the long-sun came forward to pick up her beloved daughter, and she gladly saw her. Rong Guangguang is not as haggard as he used to be. The mother and daughter said a few homely things, and the Changsun took her daughter to sit next to her. Princess Chang Le saw that Princess Yan Gui was sitting next to her, and she quickly got up to meet her. Although Concubine Yan’s honor has remained the same in recent years, because of the estrangement between her beloved son and the current emperor, her appearance has become a bit old. News from the palace spread quickly. She had long learned that Princess Changle had brought her grandson over. Although she was a little angry that Qin Zheng had hurt her beloved son, but in any case, if Qin Zheng hadn’t made his own apology, I was afraid that things would be more difficult. Li Lin is even more of her heart. If she had no choice, she would not let Qi Wang take Li Lin to the battlefield. This time I heard that Princess Chang Le brought Li Lin back. She was very grateful to Princess Chang Le, and she also I heard that Changle’s concierge went to Zezhou to join the army. In the future, the honor and disgrace of the beloved son may depend on Jiang Zhe and his wife. Therefore, Concubine Yan picked up Changle very politely and kindly, saying: “Jing’er, I heard you brought it. Roulan and Shen’er come over. My sister has long been thinking about her grandson, so she shouldn’t bring them in soon.”

The queen mother of the eldest grandson listened and shook her hand and said: “Sister, are you confused about the Aijia family? I wanted to let the children in, but when I saw Zhen’er, I forgot everything. Tian Shanggong, hurry up. Announce the children to come in.”

Not long after, Zhou Shangyi held Jiang Shen personally, Roulan and Li Lin walked in behind the prince Li Jun, but Li Jun was reluctant to separate from Roulan for a while, and followed.

The empress dowager grandson first beckoned Roulan to come closer, hugged her on her lap, and said, “Little Lanlan, do you still remember Laejia?”

Excited brilliance flashed in Roulan’s eyes, clutching the queen mother and said: “Remember, Lanlan misses the empress, and the emperor’s grandfather.”

The queen mother said cordially: “Now that you are called Zhen’er’s mother, you should change your slogan to the grandmother of Laijia. The emperor has been talking about you from time to time in the past two years, but today he excuses him to go hunting. Alas, who made him so good? Face, always remember that you didn’t agree with the marriage between Zhen’er and your father, and worried that you would show him his face.”

Everyone thought it was funny when they heard it, but they all forbeared it. The Queen Mother can say so, they can’t laugh at the Emperor.

Then the queen mother said again: “Okay, hurry up and bring Shen’er over, and let Ai Jia see this little grandson.”

Princess Changle personally took her beloved son and hugged her to the Queen Mother. Roulan obediently jumped off her knees. The Queen Mother took the little baby, tears flashed in her eyes. This is her grandson with blood and blood. She naturally loves it very much. Jiang Shen is also very energetic, and he is not afraid of life. Although he staggers even when he walks, he is basically still in the crawling stage, but it does not prevent him from touching the queen mother’s phoenix crown with his little hands. After kissing for a long time, the queen mother suddenly asked: “Why hasn’t the queen come here yet? Didn’t you mean to come here early today?”

Tian Shanggong said respectfully and respectfully: “We asked the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother was going to come here, but Duan Cairen had a sudden abdominal pain this morning. I am afraid that she was going to give birth prematurely. The Queen was very worried, so she sent someone to report it. Come here later.”

The queen mother of the eldest grandson sighed: “The emperor is virtuous, and the emperor’s heirs are difficult. So far, there is only Jun’er. If there is any accident, wouldn’t it cause the emperor to worry? Now the court is quite unstable, and the border is fighting again, and it’s a loss. The queen is a good internal helper. Four months ago, if the queen had not intervened personally, I was afraid that the child Duan Cairen would not be able to keep it.”

Princess Yan Gui was a little strange seeing Princess Changle, and said: “This is also a tragic event. After the emperor ascended the throne, she instructed the Ministry of Ritual to abolish Pinyi from the harem and determine the main position of the inner court, followed by the queen, the four concubines Gui, Xian, Shu, and De , Zhao Yi, Zhao Rong, Zhao Yuan, Xiu Yi, Xiu Rong, Xiu Yuan, Charging Yi, Charing Rong, Charging Yuan are nine 嫔, nine Jieyu, nine beauties, nine talents, and all other themes are abolished .

The Yongwang concubine is naturally the central palace. Both Zhao and Yun have been side concubines for many years and gave birth to princesses. Therefore, Zhao named Xian concubine and Yun named De concubine because the harem was too cold. So the Queen Mother chose a show girl with a decree. The most outstanding one is Sima Xiu, the main seat of the Yonghe Palace. This girl is a bit spoiled, but she is both talented and beautiful, but she is vicious in heart. In the Lixiang Pavilion of Yonghe Palace lived Duan Cairen. Duan Cairen was born in a poor family and had a gentle temperament. After the emperor was lucky twice, he became pregnant. This talented person is not considered favored, and a little confused, he did not pay attention. However, Sima Xiuyi knew about it first, and after the palace gate, he brought his cronies into the Lixiang Pavilion and forced Duan Cai to drink the anti-fetal medicine. The halls of Yonghe Palace were originally Sima Xiu’s world, and Lixiang Pavilion was relatively remote, which made her act recklessly. However, this talented person was also soft on the outside and **** the inside. After being filled with medicine, taking advantage of the lack of defense, he dragged his life and fled to the Xipei Palace where Cheng Jieyu lived. Cheng Jieyu is a distant relative of Wei Guogong, and the family is also a general. This woman is even more brave and courageous. She usually protects Duan Cairen and other concubines who were bullied by Sima Xiu. This time she violated the palace rules and overturned the wall. After leaving the Yonghe Palace, I went to Kunning Palace overnight to ask the queen to report the matter. This was a big mess. The queen hurried off overnight, ordered Sima Xiumei to be placed under house arrest, and called the imperial doctor to treat her with all her strength. At last, Duan Cai was physically strong and struggling desperately. He only drank half a bowl of medicine to save it. The child and life are unfortunately born premature again. No wonder the queen is so nervous that she can’t take care of you anymore. “

These things are not uncommon in the court, but Princess Changle still feels unhappy and asks: “What is the background of this Sima Xiumei, who is so arrogant? Let alone this kind of thing, even if you change the fourth concubine. Dare to do it?”

The eldest-grandson Queen Mother asked her to take a few children out to play when Concubine Yan Gui began to talk about the matter, and dismissed the palace members. At this moment, she also looked gloomy and authentic: “Who said no, all dynasties, unless It was the emperor who spoiled to the point of lawlessness. How could a concubine dare to be so presumptuous. Now the emperor is very careless about the harem, and the queen is a shocking person. This matter is strange to the mourning family. After the queen’s detailed investigation, this Sima Xiumei was originally the daughter of the original Shu family, but now her relatives are still the first in Dongchuan. If not, even if she is both talented and beautiful, she can’t enter the palace and do repairs. Sima is now in Dongchuan too. King Qing’s greatest assistance, King Qing personally went to the palace to intercede with the Queen, so for the sake of King Qing’s face, the Queen could only make an order to send Sima Xiumei into the cold palace. Cheng Jieyu made a great contribution and was sealed. Filling up, Duan Cai was innocently victimized, but because he can’t get up now and the child is not giving birth, he has not yet been rewarded.”

Princess Changle flashed a cold light in her eyes, and it was King Qing again. For this emperor brother, she had some sympathy and admiration in her heart, but after this meeting, she saw him embarrassed with King Qi everywhere. That’s fine. , It may be because the things of Fengyi Sect in the past made him hate. But this Sima Xiu-mei’s thing is a bit strange. The empress dowager and concubine Yan Taigui exchanged glances. They were very dissatisfied with this incident. Naturally, concubine Yan Taigui was because King Qing was the main person who attacked his beloved son, while the empress dowager was pitying each other because of the same illness, and none of her sons survived. To this day, she is the most unwilling to look at things that harm her children. Sima Xiuyi has offended her inferior scales, but although the queen mother is noble, the grandson is unwilling to take care of the harem. After all, the emperor is not her parent and child, she doesn’t want to. Too much interference in the power of the queen. But Princess Changle was different. As the most noble princess of the Dayong imperial family, the horse was also the emperor’s confidant. If Princess Changle came forward, no one would dare to talk about this matter.

Princess Changle flashed a hint of hesitation in her eyes. She also had a murderous intent towards Sima Xiu. Back then, she was forced to kill Jiaoer in her belly with her own hands. She once made her dream back at midnight and wet her clothes with tears. Flesh and blood. However, Princess Changle couldn’t help being a little worried about interfering with the royal affairs. She knew Jiang Zhe’s temperament, and she did not like to cause trouble the least.

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, and the three of them looked up, and the Shang Palace outside said loudly: “Queen Empress is here.” Princess Changle stood up, Empress Dowager Grandson and Princess Yan Gui also eagerly Looking outside, the empress Gao’s expression was a little haggard, and behind her was the concubine of the harem master. After coming in to meet the queen mother, the queen said sadly: “Duan Cairen forced the birth of a prince, but pity her left the child. , I didn’t even see the child’s face.”

Everyone was sighing, the princess of Changle was angry and stepped forward to bow to the queen. Gao hurriedly helped Changle up and said with a strong smile: “My sister came back today, but my palace failed to meet her. It’s really rude.”

Princess Changle persuaded the emperor’s wife a few words and raised her eyes to see a woman among her concubines with a heroic face. She was very sad, so she asked the queen with her eyes. The queen sighed and said: “Cheng Chongrong , Don’t be sad, this is all the calamity of the hit. My palace knows that you have a good relationship with Duan Cairen, and I will not treat her badly for what happens behind you. The mother and daughter-in-law want Duan Cairen to have merit in conceiving the prince. Feng Zhaorong.”

Cheng Chongrong stepped forward and bowed down and said: “The queen mother, the noble concubine, the queen empress, the concubines were originally not qualified to speak. Although the concubines and Duan Cairen had good relations, they were general, but the concubines were not at peace. Although the murderer entered the cold palace, he is still alive. After a few years, he will be amnesty and can still go out of the palace to return home. The poor Duan Cairen is fragrant, and he asked the mother and empress to be her masters.” /

The three of them are all a little embarrassed. The queen glanced at Princess Changle with her left light, and said: “Sima has already been punished, and it is difficult for the palace to add blame for this matter.”

Cheng Chongrong looked sad and angry, and got up with tears. The queen saluted the Queen Mother: “The queen mother, the second prince was born and lost her mother. She should have been brought up by the palace, but things have been complicated in this palace recently, so why don’t you give the second prince to Cheng Chongrong to raise it? .”

The queen mother nodded and said: “Cheng, after Zhongliang, you are also the benefactor of the second prince, and you are willing to raise him well.”

Although Cheng Chongrong was sad, he couldn’t help being flattered, and said: “I’m afraid that my concubines will not be able to perform their duties.” The queen gave me comfort, and Cheng Chongrong finally accepted the favor.

When the queen saw that the matter was temporarily suppressed, she smiled and said: “The time is almost too. This palace will hold a family banquet in Kunning Palace for Changle to wash the dust, and some emperors will come over in the evening. It is better for the mother and concubine to pass now. Let’s see if the delicacies prepared by the palace are satisfactory.”

The eldest grandson and Princess Yan Gui both smiled, and went out accompanied by the imperial concubine and the maid. The queen deliberately fell took Princess Changle’s arm and said: “Sister, your mansion The palace has been taken care of. You can live in, but you can’t leave the palace today.”

Princess Changle’s heart warmed, and she held the queen’s hand with her backhand and said: “The emperor is bothering you.” Then she whispered in a low voice: “What did the emperor say?”

Although she asked vaguely, the queen immediately replied: “The emperor said that King Qing should also be given a small warning, but it is not appropriate to reorganize Dongchuan defense, so neither the emperor nor the palace can refute Qing. The face of the king.”

Princess Changle understood in her heart, she nodded slightly and stopped talking.

The Kunning Palace was brightly lit that night, and the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan finally couldn’t help but miss his daughter. He smiled at the sight of Princess Changle. Seeing her daughter flying, nothing made him more happy than this, Shen The child was still young and naturally couldn’t sit in the table, but Roulan was dragged by Li Yuan to sit next to him. Then, Li Zhi let Li Jun and Li Lin sit beside him. Li Kang looked gloomy.

After all the joys were gone, the princess of Changle didn’t fall asleep that night. She brought Zhou Shangyi, Xiaoliuzi and a few strong and powerful court ladies and eunuchs into the cold palace. She coldly watched the spoiled and beautiful original. It was describing the haggard Sima Shi for a long while, and then ordered him to be killed. That night, Sima’s wailing sound alarmed the entire Lenggong.

On the second day, Princess Changle was facing the Queen Mother and the Queen apologizing. The Queen Mother had just pretended to give Princess Changle a few words. Li Yuan, who came to hear the wind, said something to excuse him. This matter is just not enough, not even Qing Wang Li Kang. Dare to protest with his father.

Three days later, the Zezhou victory came, and at almost the same moment, the military sentiment of Southern Chu came. Lu Can left Luocheng and occupied Shuzhong. The soldiers crushed Jiameng Pass. They were invincible all the way. Jiameng Pass was urgent. In the meantime, there is no room for change.

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