The Grandmaster Strategist Chapter 20: 0 mile chase and kill

Since Yun’s injury was not healed, Prince Qi went to visit him. At that time, the prince and the king of Yong were very clear. At that time, many people were puzzled. Later, he knew that Qi Wangshan protected himself.

–“The Southern Dynasties Chu History·Jiang Suiyun Biography”

The next morning, I was half-dreaming and half-awake. I vaguely felt that someone was covering me with a quilt. The action was very strange. I suddenly woke up. To be honest, after nine deaths this time, I don’t treat the things around me like before. That didn’t matter. I opened my eyes slightly, and then I saw Qi Wang Li Xian sitting beside me with a dazed expression, and Xiao Shunzi staring at him. My heart moved and I heard King Yong say that when I was struggling between life and death, King Qi knew that I needed bear bile to continue my life. Regardless of suspicion, he sent a suit of bear bile to me. Princess Chang Le gave me scrophulariaceae and bear bile. It was something I didn’t expect. It surprised me even more by King Qi. It would offend the prince. Why did he do this. But I didn’t open my eyes. What can I say? I made a choice a long time ago. I just didn’t follow King Yong. Would I still follow King Qi? Since it’s destined to not be divided between monarchs and ministers, why bother more Provoked a trace of worry.

The king of Qi sighed, turned and walked out, stopped at the door, Xiao Shunzi closed the door and followed out, I pricked up my ears, and heard the king of Qi lightly say:’I know you are not an ordinary person, remember to tell you The master, since he is a person with little fame and fortune, why bother here? How easy is Fengyimen to provoke, that is, if they don’t make a move, isn’t there a master around the prince? Suiyun is a weak scholar, this time he managed to save one. Ming, next time, persuade him not to stay in Chang’an. ‘

I heard Xiao Shunzi’s indifferent voice saying: ‘The lord’s lesson is that the minion will tell him. ‘

After a while, Xiao Shunzi opened the door and walked in. His expression was full of cold murderous aura. I asked strangely: ‘What’s the matter? Do you hate King Qi? ‘

Xiao Shunzi said angrily: ‘Who wants him to cry a mouse, does he think we still don’t know what role he plays? ‘

I raised my eyebrows to express my doubts, Xiao Shunzi calmed down and said: “His Royal Highness and I have been busy with the affairs of the son these days. The investigation in the palace is in charge of General Sima. General Sima found that the assassin left behind. Bows and arrows are used in the army, but it is not easy to bring bows and arrows in. On the 16th, your Royal Highness will check the guests carefully. No one can bring bows and arrows. If there is an insider in the mansion, then bow and arrow. It might have been hidden in advance, but after investigation by General Sima, we didn’t find any clues. Later, we remembered that Princess Qi had visited the princess on the 15th. We definitely couldn’t check the driving of the princess Qi, so General Sima suspected those bows and arrows. It was Princess Qi who brought it in and provided it to the assassins. ‘

I said indifferently:’There is no way to confirm this matter. The only plan for the present is to re-plan the defense of the palace. Although the former His Royal Highness suffered many dangers, at that time Fengyimen did not officially support His Royal Highness. Therefore, the defense of the Emperor Yong’s Mansion is still possible. Nowadays, the killer of the level of Shangfengyimen is naturally somewhat insufficient. ‘

Xiao Shunzi said coldly: ‘My son, can I be sure that it was Feng Yimen who assassinated my son? ‘

I looked at the fire in his eyes, I was afraid that after I said’yes’, he would go out to kill, but I could only shake my head and said:’I only said that the level of the killer should not be worse than Fengyi’s, but It was not said that someone from Fengyi Clan did it. I saw the assassin that day. If I see it again, I should be able to recognize it, but I can be sure that Qin Qing did it. ‘

Xiao Shunzi frowned and said: ‘Besides Xiahou Yuanfeng and Li Hanyou, General Pei is next to the son. Wei Guogong is such an identity, so he shouldn’t be him. ‘

I said lightly: “Xiahou Yuanfeng said that it was convenient to go out, while Li Hanyou said that he did not like the noise in the front, so I went to see the princess at the back after congratulating. Both of them are possible, but we cannot rule out that there are others. The possibility of people mixing in, we all know that the person who has the ability to directly assassinate the cold garden must be the guest of the day or the **** in the palace, but this cannot be used as evidence, so although the two of them are suspected to be serious, the prince cannot arrest them. ‘I can’t say it’s Li Hanyou, after all, I haven’t even seen her face, so it’s better not to tell if there is no evidence.

Xiao Shunzi said coldly: ‘What the prince can’t do, I can, as long as the prince allows, I’ll kill them. ‘

I laughed and said: “Naughty, how can we not be reasonable, if they do, we will still be embarrassed in the future, are you afraid that there will be no chance to deal with them, well, let’s go chasing the evil heart of the killer, no matter How, I can’t let him go in vain and leave troubles behind. ‘

Xiao Shunzi said indifferently: ‘Don’t worry, I’ve re-arranged the defense of the cold garden. I didn’t like them being too close before. This time I can’t help my son. ‘

I said awkwardly: ‘Well, I won’t catch them. ‘

When Xiao Shunzi saw me like this, he said: ‘Wait until I come back, whatever you want, if I’m not there, don’t be unattended by the son. ‘

I nodded again and again, this time I was assassinated, Xiao Shunzi was very guilty and always felt that he did not protect me, but he is not a self-blaming person, so he will never let me go wrong from now on, although I like it Freedom, but life is important when you think about it. They didn’t know the importance of me before. I was almost killed. I am afraid that there will be a crisis around me in the future. Where can I dare to do it at will, anyway, it’s just a little more. Guards, I just don’t see them.

Xiao Shunzi hurriedly left. I knew he was going to chase the poisonous hand Xiexin. It is said that the poisonous hand Xiexin escaped several times. If he doesn’t rush, I’m afraid he will be allowed to escape back to the south. Chu, and if he couldn’t personally kill the assassin who participated in the assassination that day, Xiao Shunzi couldn’t forgive himself anyway.

I lay down comfortably, and now my most important task is to maintain my health. Thinking of Mr. Sang’s warning, I don’t want to live for only ten years. The long-abandoned vitality training skills must be re-trained. So colorful, if I had died early, wouldn’t it be a pity, this time I escaped from the dead, I feel that many things are taken lightly, even thinking of Fragrance, my heart no longer suffers, but only remember her beauty and past Have a happy time.

Leaving the Yongwang Mansion, Qi Wang Li Xian returned to his mansion with an indifferent expression. He just walked to the gate of Jinguyuan where only he could enter, and saw Qin Zheng waiting there with a few maids. Jinguyuan was Li Xian himself. Without permission, no one could enter without permission, even Princess Qin Zheng could not enter, so she waited at the door.

Seeing Qin Zheng, Li Xian smiled sarcastically and said: ‘Oh, the princess is pregnant with Liujia, how to stand here, this king can’t afford it, I don’t know what the princess has to say. ‘

Qin Zheng shook his body and said: “His Royal Highness, the concubine body does not understand why His Royal Highness treats the concubine body so kindly. You and the crown prince are in the same boat, but you delivered medicine and did it a few days ago. Inquiring, has made the prince unhappy, and now I went to visit again, wouldn’t it be that he didn’t put the prince in his eyes, the concubine was all for the sake of his highness, why the highness–‘

‘Shut up. ‘Li Xian’s expression became cold and unsympathetic, and he said coldly:’Wang Hao, what have you done, do you want me to talk about it? Why did Feng Yimen suddenly think of assassinating Jiang Zhe? How did you bring the bow and arrow in? Is this king a fool? Jiang Zhe once had a life-saving grace to this king. Although this king does not have that blessing, he can be used by me, but who asked you to go over and kill him, please go out and kill him. ‘

Qin Zheng looked flustered. Although Li Xian was moody in the past, she has never been so angry as today. She couldn’t help but argued:’It’s not a concubine body. The concubine body just said that your Royal Highness and King Yong both value Jiang Zhe, order It was passed down from the inner hall, and the concubine was also ordered to act. ‘After finishing this, Qin Zheng’s face turned pale, and she discovered that just now, she had admitted that she was monitoring Li Xian, and she had also admitted that she had participated in the assassination of Tiance Commander’s Mansion Sima.

Li Xian glanced at Qin Zheng coldly, and said lightly: “If you are my wife, why should I take pains to remedy you, Zhenger, you are so stupid, I don’t know who is good to you, nothing more. You go, take a good rest, don’t go out and walk around during this time, and have a good baby at home. ‘

After that, Li Xian turned and walked into Jingu Garden, looking at his cold and arrogant back, Qin Zheng wanted to follow, but the dark door was closed, Qin Zheng only felt that his heart was getting colder and colder. Why did he feel dizzy and fell softly in the arms of the maid.

The moon is sinking and the stars are faint, standing on the bank of the river, a poisonous hand in a black robe looking at the reeds in the misty moonlight on the opposite bank, and there is a burst of joy in his heart. This is Guangji in Hetianjia Town, Yongning County, Qizhou Prefecture. On the outskirts of the county town, although this small ferry is unknown, it is the place he is most familiar with. It is located on the remote edge of the three counties. The Yangtze River is on both sides of the river. The mountains are stacked with obstacles, the vegetation is verdant, and the river is very narrow. Yong’s secret spy is the most frequently used ferry. He looked at the four characters “Chujiang Lock Key” on the cliff on the river bank, but he did not relax at all. Although it is only known by night walkers as the best place for smuggling, it is now Either the secret spy in the army or the great Yongwu Lin masters are pursuing them. This must be where they set up ambush. Although they can be safe as long as they cross the watery Yangtze River, it is not easy to say.

Along the way, he walked on thin ice everywhere, and the edicts of King Yong were spread throughout the checkpoints in Da Yong. Although he was disguised as a hidden form, he still showed his appearance several times. Fortunately, his martial arts are outstanding and his hidden presence is also His strengths made him escape. The most hated thing is that the people in the rivers and lakes in Dayong who are not restricted by the government also targeted him. One reason is because of the lofty status of King Yong in their hearts, and another reason. But it made him laugh and laugh. The first young master of Dayong Xiahou Yuanfeng was recognized because he defeated the imperial commander Pei Yun in the martial arts performance. However, many people think that if the fight continues, the two will still be undecided, so After knowing that he and Pei Yun were’both lose’, the young masters in the arena thought that if they defeated him, they would be eligible to challenge Xiahou Yuanfeng, so these young masters with many ways began to entangle themselves, and after he broke through several rounds of chase and block After that, the young man felt that he had lost face, and it was rumored that if the evil heart of the poisonous hand returned to Nanchu alive, the rumors of the master of Da Yong Jianghu would sweep his face. In this way, he was really embarrassed on all sides. Although he was lucky to be here, I am afraid Someone is waiting for yourself ahead. He smiled slightly, bound his clothes, and walked toward the river.

Less than a hundred steps away from the river, just listening to the bowstrings violently, a silver arrow glided across his cheek like lightning, and disappeared into the night, the poisonous hand and evil heart stood on their feet and slowly turned back, only to see the night, A white-clothed young man looked at himself triumphantly with a silver bow, while a red-clothed woman beside him smiled sweetly. The evil heart of the poisonous hand changed his expression and said indifferently:’Okay, it turned out to be the silver bow prodigal son Duanmuqiu, and the fire Rakshasa Qiao Yan’er. If you didn’t assassinate, how could the prince be injured? If you can kill you today, you won’t be in vain. One line. ‘

At this moment, someone behind him chuckled and said: ‘Oh, Duanmu, there are still people remembering your great achievements. It’s a pity, if you succeeded that day, it would be even better. ‘

With that clear laughter, a small boat floated from the heart of the river, on which stood a thin-looking young Taoist priest. His arms were slightly longer than ordinary people, and he looked a little immortal in line with his peculiar appearance. The style is strong, but his eyes are smart and lively, which shows that he is a cheerful personality.

Duan Muqiu listened to his words and couldn’t help smiling bitterly, saying: ‘Bitter bamboo, you always can’t spit out ivory. ‘

At this moment, a few people came out from the left and right. On the left are two beautiful young girls, one is elegant and beautiful, the other is innocent, and on the right are three youths with exactly the same appearance, those two The young girls are all equipped with long swords around their waists, but the three young people are using a sword, one holding a gun, and another with a soft whip wrapped in their hands.

The evil heart of the poisonous hand smiled slightly and said: ‘Sure enough, you were the only one who caught up. It’s strange to say that the people in the Emperor Yong’s Mansion are not in a hurry, but the prince, King Qi and Fengyimen are very anxious. ‘

This sentence penetrated people’s hearts like a sharp sword. Except for the youth on the small boat, everyone present had their faces changed. The poisonous hand and evil heart took off the leather pouch at the waist and slowly drank the wine in the pouch. :’Dayong is good at everything, but the wine here is not as good as the wine of Nanchu, alas, it can only be forbearance. After crossing the river, go to the wine shop and taste the beauty bar. Today, who are you to come first? Is it the Silver Bow Rakshasa under King Qi, or Zhongzhou Sanyi from the Prince’s Mansion, or the Three Girls and Seven Girls of Fengyimen? It’s impossible for you to have to wander through the waves. Dao Master shot first. ‘

The three young people stepped forward, and the young man who made the sword said coldly: “Poisonous hands and evil hearts, you are only going to run rampant in the Yongwang Mansion, but it has caused the prince to be suspected by others, and your Highness has an order to send you to the Yongwang Mansion. Regarding the crime, you can just catch it with your hands. If not, don’t blame our ruthless men. ‘

The evil heart of the poisonous hand smiled faintly: “Alright, let me first understand the cooperation of the three. I heard that the three female compatriots have the same mind. They were in a hurry to fight the day before and did not have time to learn. I have time today, three. please. ‘

Three young people stepped forward. Although they were stepping at the same time, their step distances were slightly different. The young man with the sword took the lead, but the other two were half a step behind him. The three came like this, it was uneven and yet again. The harmonious rhythm makes people feel unreasonably depressed. After a few steps, the three figures flickered, and they have surrounded the evil heart of the poisonous hand. The shadow of the sword and the dragon-like long whip have surrounded the evil heart of the poisonous hand. They are connected, and they work together seamlessly. The evil heart has already learned their power. In order to deal with these three people, he has already figured out a way. Just when the three people’s battle is about to come together, he has already tried his best. The young man with the whip, he knows that among the three, the kid with the whip is always out-of-mind. Smart people tend to be timid easily. Sure enough, the young man involuntarily took a half step back. If the battle is established, the two of them The brothers would take advantage of the opportunity to attack, but now the two of them are only one line behind. The difference between this line is the difference between life and death. When the figure of the poisonous hand and evil heart passed by the young man who made the whip, his throat flashed with blood. , It’s just that the evil heart of the poisonous hand is not well, a sword and a sword crossed his back, blood and light appeared, but the two did not chase, looking at the body of their own brother, they were suddenly stunned. At this time, the two women stopped the evil heart of the poisonous hand, but they were the Fire Rakshasa and the Seven Girls of Fengyimen. Although the Fire Rakshasa was a woman, she was brave and heroic. The Seven Girls had a childish face and a sweet appearance. This girl is a kind of ruthless person, two long swords, one is ruthless and ruthless, and the other is gorgeous, but the murderousness is only more powerful in the swordsmanship. After only a few moves, the evil heart is already a little sweaty. At this time Duanmuqiu opened his bow and set an arrow, and a silver light shot at the evil heart of the poisonous hand. Although he flashed sideways, Qiao Yan’er took the opportunity to force him into a more dangerous situation with a few swords, and the swordsmanship of the seven girls became more and more beautiful. Both girls are The more the battle became more courageous, at this time, the remaining two of Sanyi Zhongzhou had already rushed from behind, and the four surrounded them ~ The situation of the evil heart became more and more difficult.

Fairy Suya, who pressed her sword on the side and said nothing, the three girls in Fengyimen looked a little uneasy, she said loudly: ‘Be careful, seven sisters, this person is very scheming to prevent him from deceiving. ‘

The four young men and women are on guard at the same time. They know that the evil heart is not only powerful in martial arts, but also very deceitful. Otherwise, how can they escape here, but at this moment, the evil heart suddenly laughed and said: ‘It’s late, haha. ‘Everyone just felt dizzy, and they all fell to the ground.

The third girl wondered when she was trying to calculate, she suddenly felt the wind of the river slowly, and then looked at Ku Zhuo, she sighed:’Unexpectedly, the famous Ku Zhu from the north and south is actually a secret spy from South Chu. . ‘

Bitter Bamboo smiled slightly, put away a silver tube in his hand, with his arms hard, stopped to the shore a few times, he smiled and said:’Tianji Pavilion’s’Dark Fragrant Floating’ is really a good thing, the fragrance is colorless and tasteless , It spreads in the wind, but the potency of the medicine is undiminished. Unfortunately, this pot of scent can only be used once. Thousand taels of gold is really too expensive. ‘

The poisonous hand smiled and said: “If I asked your Royal Highness to buy a tube, you want to use it yet, you know that the old brother Kuzhuo is my famous family in South Chu, although he has been a monk since childhood, he still remembers finally Nan Chu , Surpass those who see profit and forget righteousness, and wait for suffering, don’t blame him. ‘After that, I walked to the two brothers of Sanyi in Zhongzhou, picked up the long sword, made a gesture, and was about to stab it.

At this time, there was a cold and gentle voice in the wind, saying: ‘If you kill them, it’s a pity that no one will watch the next good show. ‘

Poisonous Hand Xie’s heart trembled, and when he looked up, he saw a young man in Tsing Yi standing not far away, but with a weak crown and a beautiful appearance, but with a bit of femininity, standing with his hands under the dim moonlight, with a bright expression. Ran like ice and snow.

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