The Grandmaster Strategist Chapter 2: The crime of invincibility

Duan Wudi, his grandfather has been in the army for several generations, and when Invincible was a young man, he was talented in military strategy. At that time, Jinyang had the wealthy He family, who was the first master and heavy minister. He was domineering and invincible. He didn’t intend to offend his family. He was relegated to the border of Daizhou, especially the He family, who sent assassins to kill him. Fortunately, Duan was out of disaster. As far as Daizhou, Lin Yuanting was recommended to join the Qinzhou Army, and later as a famous general under Long Tingfei’s command, General Panshi, who was good at defense. Every time Long Tingfei went out, he would guard his followers with Duan Wudi.

—— “The Invincible Biography of the Northern Han Dynasty”

Qiu Yufei looked indifferent, standing with his hands behind, Ling Duan’s eyes flashed with admiration. Although Duan Wudi had not removed his shackles, he got out of the prison wagon. The three of them stood under a dry tree on the side of the road, Shi Jun and others. Was driven out of a hundred steps, not close.

Duan Wudi’s expression was calm, as if he didn’t care about the shackles, but Qiu Yufei could faintly see from the depths of his eyes the pain and grievance that he did not want to be discovered. He sighed softly and said: “General Duan has always been respected by everyone, and General Long also regards General as his right hand. Why did he order the detention of the general? The general might as well speak to me and wait for me to try to get justice for the general.”

Ling Duan hurriedly said: “Yes, General Duan, General Tan respected you very much when he was alive. If the general is alive, he will certainly not sit by and watch you get wronged. Although the villain has no power, he will never look at you. Framed by others.”

Duan Wudi sighed lightly and said: “Duan Mou used to treat General Tan fairly. I never thought that General Tan would give such a high priority. Duan Mou was ashamed of it.”

Ling Duan said sternly: “The general was assassinated and seriously injured that day. Our army was quite marginalized. Not only did you not fall into trouble, but you also repeatedly sent extra money and food. The general once said, General Duan, you are a person who can entrust life and death, Ling The end is just fighting for his life, and I don’t want to see the general suffer.”

Duan Wudi smiled bitterly: “General Tan praised it. To be fair, this time Duan was worthy of his crime. Duan’s crime was the crime of colluding with business travelers, smuggling goods, and making huge profits from it. He was caught by Feihu a few days ago. General Quartz seized it, so he requested a military order to bind me to the Chinese army for punishment.”

Qiu Yufei’s expression changed, he never expected that this upright, innocent and upright Duan Wudi would commit such a crime of bribery. This kind of crime, lightly speaking, is a violation of military regulations and bribery. In other words, it is a crime of treason. The goods that need to be smuggled through Duan Wudi must come from Dayong or the East China Sea. The Lord of the Northern Han Dynasty has strict orders to control the border. Except for a few business travelers, other people are not allowed to do business with the East China Sea without authorization, and to do business with Dayong is the crime of treason.

Qiu Yufei was angry and was about to reprimand Duan Wudi for a few words, but saw that his expression was calm and free of guilt. He couldn’t help but ask: “General Duan is framed by others?” Duan Wudi calmly said: “No one is framed. Duan does not have to shy away from it. Since three years ago, Duan has handled 14 smuggling and obtained 600,000 silver. The goods seized by General Shi this time are worth 300,000. Duan can profit from it. One hundred thousand.”

Qiu Yufei’s heart was full of anger, but it was strange. When he saw Duan Wudi’s eyes that were as clear as a mirror and as deep as a cold abyss, Qiu Yufei couldn’t believe that this person would be a person who disregarded national laws and military regulations. Corrupt generals. He took a deep breath and said, “General Duan doesn’t have to test Qiumou again. Qiumou believes that what the general does must have something to do.”

Duan Wudi’s eyes flashed, and he smiled and said: “The Fourth Young Master is a disciple of the National Teacher, although the National Teacher is very strict in educating his apprentices, and the Young Master has suffered a lot, how can the Young Master know the difficulties of ordinary soldiers? Fighting against Da Yong, there are countless casualties. Although the victory has been more than the defeat in the past few years, the country has been thriving, but our country has become more and more difficult. The son must not know that since six years ago, our army’s food and payment has been insufficient and can be taken. Half of them are already rare. After soldiers are seriously injured and disabled, it is difficult to get pensions. Therefore, there is a saying in the army that it is better to die on the battlefield than to become a waste.”

Qiu Yufei’s heart was shocked. Although he was born in Hanwei, he was adopted by the Demon Sect since he was a child. Compared with a few seniors, he can say that he has not suffered too much. Later, a few seniors or host In the affairs of the Demon Sect, or entering the military, he is the only one who plays the piano and practices martial arts all day long, and never involves these important military and government tasks. How can I know that the Northern Han Dynasty has been difficult. His gaze fell on Ling Duan, only to see that his face was faintly sad, that was a sympathetic expression.

Ling Duan saw Qiu Yufei’s inquiring gaze, and said in a low voice: “Si Ye, General Duan said a word is not bad. When my two brothers joined the army to serve the country, I was not allowed to be with them. They all said I hope I can get married and start a business, and don’t cut off the Ling’s cigarettes, but after my two brothers died in the battle, they received very little compensation and no surplus in the family. I learned martial arts and joined the army. Although I wanted to kill the enemy in the army, I wanted to be my brother. Revenge, but I really can’t make a living. If it weren’t for General Tan’s pity, how could I have become a general’s personal guard at a young age, and then I was promoted by the general to become a member of the ghost rider. Si Ye, who has fought for so many years, who’s home? This is not the case, so we all look forward to taking Zezhou, where the fertile soil of Zezhou is continuous, and we can rely on the army to support our families. The severely injured and disabled robes can also have a place to live, and there is no need to commit suicide for fear of injuring the family. Qinzhou is too barren.”

Duan Wudi turned his head away, but when Qiu Yufei saw him turning back, tears fell to the dust. Qiu Yufei was speechless. He never thought that those sergeants who fought desperately and fought hard would actually endure it. This kind of suffering is nothing compared to them, being free and alone. He calmed down for a while and said: “Is this what General Duan did for these soldiers?”

Duan Wudi smiled forcefully and said: “In order to make up for the shortage of military pay, the general ordered that soldiers be allowed to rob in Zezhou. However, Duan’s subordinate defended in the rear all the year round and could not get such benefits. Moreover, in the past two years, the king of Qi has cleared the country. It is very difficult for our army to gain something. As a last resort, I colluded with giant merchants to smuggle goods. First, I gave priority to obtaining cheap military supplies. Second, I asked for a lot of money to make up the gap in military payment. Although this matter hindered the national and French military regulations, Duan also couldn’t take care of it. .”

Ling Duan suddenly trembled. He followed Tan Ji. He faintly knew that Tan Ji was seriously injured and could not lead the army in the past two years. The army’s food and salary was lacking. This was also caused by Tan Ji’s subordinate and the quartz subordinate who replaced Tan Ji. For an important reason, Ling Duan remembered that the general could always get some money from unknown sources in time to distribute to the generals, or to treat the disabled. Could it be that the general was also involved in the smuggling of Duan Wudi? Looking at Duan Wudi with doubts, Duan Wudi knew it, but pretended not to see it. In fact, although Duan Wudi tried his best to conceal the smuggling, some people knew it. Tan Ji was one of them, and he once sent a cron to help Duan Wudi. Because Tan Ji’s subordinates are always very difficult to get the military salary. This smuggling matter, even Long Tingfei might not be ignorant, just pretending to be deaf and dumb, probably only the **** of quartz does not know this. However, this is the end of the matter. Of course Duan Wudi will not involve others, so he turned a blind eye to Ling Duan’s suspicion.

Qiu Yufei also thought of this. His senior brother Xiao Tong is in charge of military supervision. If you don’t know anything about this kind of thing, wouldn’t it be extremely incompetent? If Xiao Tong knew it, Long Tingfei would know it too, just This time Quartz suddenly exposed the matter. Even Long Tingfei was helpless. Duan Wudi must be imprisoned. This kind of thing can only be understood. If it is spread out that Long Tingfei supports smuggling, the righteous minister in the DPRK must have it. Impeachment and reprimand, but if Long Tingfei wants to stay out of the matter, Duan Wudi needs to be the scapegoat. After understanding this, Qiu Yufei looked at Duan Wudi with helplessness in his eyes, and said: “General Duan, I am afraid that this matter is difficult to intercede. In fact, the general is also a last resort. If he explains his difficulties to the general, the general will also Forgive me, generals can also commit crimes.”

The meaning of Qiu Yufei’s words, Duan Wudi knew in his heart that Long Tingfei was guilty and would naturally not commit serious crimes. However, since this way, Long Tingfei’s name has been damaged, and the military heart of the Northern Han Dynasty must be shaken, he shook his head. “Four sons, the final general said this only in front of you. In the Chinese army, the final general can only admit that he is bribery. At that time, the general can only behead Invincible or put him to jail for the sake of serious military regulations. Invincible is not just fearing life and fearing death. In the past few years, General Su and General Tan have been martyred one after another. Invincibility is not arrogant. If you don’t defend Qinzhou, the pressure on General Nine is too great. If the son gives Ming Guoshi to the general, he pleads with the general to forgive the invincible life. Now, although Invincible will suffer some criticisms, it does not hurt the justice and integrity of the general, and it does not harm the morale of the military. Even if the general is demoted to a soldier, Invincible will never complain.”

Qiu Yufei felt a pain in her heart and said: “General Duan’s loyal heart, Yufei admires him, please rest assured, I will not make General Duan embarrassed, and I will not let General Duan bear such a crime. Go to see Ting Fei and save your life first, and then ask your master to intercede. In fact, I think the general may try to forgive your sin again. He is not a ruthless person.”

Duan Wudi sighed: “The general has always been strict in his military laws. The general does not want to stigmatize him. He is tortured and died without complaining.”

Qiu Yufei felt sad, but then he thought about it, and said: “What is the matter with quartz? The military should be tacitly tampering with this kind of thing. How could he openly embarrass you and make the matter public? The general would never be happy that he did this.”

Duan Wudi smiled helplessly and said: “The general did not understand this matter. Although General Shi and I did not have a deep friendship, we had no old grievances. I even invited the general to drink in Feiyanlou a few days ago. However, since then, General Shi suddenly spoke coldly to the end general. This time he suddenly attacked the caravan. He led his cronies to intercept the caravan and captured the end general’s trusted guards. Then he directly appealed to the general. The general issued an order and called I went to the Chinese army to inquire about the crime. The general only took a few guards to the camp. Who knows that Shi Jun suddenly came and said that the general wanted to escape privately, and the general was shackled and driven into the prison car. The general did not understand. Why did General Shi act like this. Although General Shi is straightforward, he is not such an unreasonable person?”

Qiu Yufei could hear that when talking about Feiyan Tower, Duan Wudi’s tone was a little weird. He wrote down the matter and said in his heart, I will ask Senior Brother Xiao, he must understand the joints and think of this. Said: “In this case, General Duan, you will postpone for the time being. I will take Ling Duan to take a step forward to see if I can deal with this matter.”

Duan Wudi said happily: “Whether it is done or not, I will thank the fourth son for kindness in the end.”

Qiu Yufei turned and left. After mounting, he ran directly to Qinzhou City. His face was as cold as ice, and his heart was very confused. Why did Shi Zi and Duan Wudi suddenly fight inwardly, vaguely aware that there must be a conspiracy in it, maybe Da Yong The spy made a mess. Qiu Yufei thought about everything, and carefully recalled what he had seen and heard in Zezhou. At that time, he was focused on assassinating Jiang Zhe. Although he heard something, Jiang Zhe and the others were vague. It’s not quite clear, so it’s just like the wind blowing through the ears, and there is no trace. Now I want to come, but there is something unusual. Before his assassination that day, King Li Xian of Qi wrote a letter saying that there was an emergency military situation, but now the two sides are facing each other, and it is icy and snowy. It is impossible to fight. What kind of military situation will be so urgent? Suddenly, Qiu Yufei had a thought in his heart. Calculated according to time, it was when Quartz’s attitude changed drastically around the day of his assassination. Could it be that this matter was investigated by the Yong Army, or it was originally related to the Yong Army’s instigation.

This idea came into being, and it was like wildfire that could not be contained. Qiu Yufei remembered what Ling Duan had said to him. Li Hu was taken away. It is said that he went with Quartz to intercept the capture of King Qi and Jiang Zhe. All the sergeants were killed. Ling Duan once heard the words of the extinction, what did this extinction mean? Could it be that the quartz has changed? Thinking of this, Qiu Yufei could no longer conceal his horror, and added another whip. He must rush to Long Tingfei explained this matter. Although he didn’t quite understand this matter, it was related to the two generals, so he couldn’t carelessly handle it.

“The wind blows away the snow in the third watch, and the soul is still in love with the peach blossoms and the moon. The dream is not to wake up, let him do it. Listen to the picture for no reason, the red ice on the pillow is thin. Saima hissed, and the remnant star flicked the banner .”

In Qinzhou City, in the Feiyan Tower, the most famous fireworks spot, there are many guests in the lobby, including wealthy merchants and nobles, as well as literati warriors, and the most are military generals in casual clothes, a tall and powerful youth The woman stroked the pipa with her hands and sang loudly. Although she was only a weak woman, her voice was like a golden stone, falling on the ground, and it was as clear as ice. Everyone was ecstatic.

Qinzhou is where the generals are stationed. Naturally, there are many generals. Feiyan Tower is the first place in Qinzhou. Those who can enter this building are senior generals or other nobles, and they are playing in the hall at the moment. The singing girl named Qingdai came to Qinzhou a few months ago and chose Feiyan Tower to sing. This Qingdai girl is already in her florid life, with a beautiful face and long eyebrows. Even when she sings a song, her expression is as cold as ice. After the song ends, she never asks for rewards, talks with others, and always talks. Talking a few words, the temperament is even more arrogant and noble, making people dare not profanity. She is a famous singer in the Northern Han Dynasty, her singing voice is clear, she is good at singing famous songs, and she is famous in the world with her pipa. She travels everywhere, and everywhere is full of the city. What distinguishes this woman is that she is proficient in swordsmanship. She wears a long sword and carries a pipa. She walks alone and does not sell herself. If there is a prostitute or a powerful person who wants to be frivolous, this woman is also proud and unyielding. , The officials in the government pity her Gaojie, and there are many ministers under the skirts from it, so she was not convicted and imprisoned. Qingdai’s life experience is unknown. Some people say that this woman was originally the daughter of a family. After the family’s defeat, she would not be a concubine, and would rather sell singing to earn a living, so people respect her.

At the end of the song, there was thunderous applause in the hall. Qingdai saluted everyone and hugged the pipa and left. She had always been like this, and when the song ended, she left Huatang. Out of the hall, Qingdai put Pipa in her bag. A maid sent by Feiyan Building to serve Qingdai took over Pipa and said in a low voice, “Sister Dai, General Shi is waiting for you in the small hall. Go there.” Qingdai nodded. , Said coldly: “I will go over after removing my makeup.” The maid quickly ordered another little maid, and then served Qingdai back to her residence. Qingdai’s singing voice is outstanding and her reputation is very loud, so Feiyanlou has specially prepared a small building as her residence. Because Qingdai is unconventional, the location of this small building is relatively remote so as not to be disturbed. After Qingdai went upstairs, she removed her strict makeup in front of the bronze mirror. The maid had prepared hot water long ago. After bathing, she put on a blue brocade, took out a golden step from the jewelry box and put it on. There is no more makeup. She took the red cloak handed by the maid and put it on, and walked out, the maid hurriedly held the pipa to follow. Passing a stone bridge, there is a gorgeous flower hall under the shade of green pines and cypresses. There are four men standing in front of the hall, although they are also dressed in casual clothes, but only by looking at their posture and demeanor, you know they are warriors in the army. Seeing Qingdai coming, the four of them nodded as a gift, and Qingdai also gently bowed, then opened the door and walked into the flower hall.

This flower hall is about a few meters in radius. It is very spacious and bright. As soon as you enter the door, you can see a warm ondol with red felt on it. There is a mahogany ondol table on the warm ondol. There are wine and vegetables on the table. There is a large stove, and the chimney leads to the outside of the hall. On the stove is a copper pot for wine. The bottom of the stove is connected to the Ondol. While warming the wine, the Ondol is heated. The room is warm like spring. Drinking on the kang, the two maids, one hot wine, the other serving dishes, and a large cloak and a saber were thrown on the chair next to them. It is probably because it is relatively hot indoors. Quartz has removed the outer shirt and only wears the shirt, with alcohol on the face.

Qingdai walked in and smelled the strong aroma of wine, she couldn’t help frowning, and said: “General Shi, you are still unhealed, so don’t drink anymore.” As she stepped forward, she grabbed the glass and looked at the two coldly. A maid glanced at them, and the two maid retreats wittily. Qingdai smelled the strong alcohol in the room, went to the window and opened the window, the cold wind blew in, and the alcohol was immediately dispersed.

Quartz was silent, letting Qingdai take the flask, his eyes were full of blazing light when he looked at Qingdai. He remembered the scene of the first meeting when Long Tingfei was leading the army to fight in Zezhou, and Duan Wudi was in charge. Defense, because of his serious injuries, he couldn’t join the army. He went to Feiyan Tower to listen to music when he was bored. He still remembers seeing Qingdai for the first time. The beautiful woman sitting on the stage concentrating on singing the song, with a stubborn look in her Qing Yan, even though she is in Splendid and prosperous, but alienated and indifferent as people outside the world. Although it is over thirty years old, the quartz from the thought of having no family sinks into those clear and deep eyes. He desperately proposed to Qingdai, willing to marry her as his wife, and vowed not to take a concubine, but Qingdai only faintly refused, and he asked many times, Qingdai finally told him the reason for the refusal, and after hearing the reason, raging immediately destroyed Going to the sanity of quartz.

Qingdai just told him that she was taken away by a strongman a few years ago and lost her virginity, and that person’s identity was extraordinary. Qingdai struggled to die before escaping from that person’s hands, but even though she knew that Human identity, but because of not being believed by others, Qingdai never said this. Quartz asked about the identity of the person, but Qingdai just sneered. In desperation, Quartz had to visit frequently, hoping to get the heart of Qingdai.

The water drops through the stone, deep emotions, and Qingdai seems to soften a little. Gradually, she will meet with quartz for a drink. Although she still looks aloof, she doesn’t seem to be too far away. Until a few days ago, Quartz took Duan Wudi to the Feiyan Tower for a drink. Who knew that after seeing Qingdai, Duan Wudi’s expression changed drastically, and she was uneasy, but after seeing Duan Wudi, Qingdai was furious that she had never felt before. Going, the suspicious quartz inquiring about it, learned from Qingdai that Duan Wudi was the person who destroyed Qingdai’s innocence that day. When Quartz was furious, he was going to question Duan Wudi, but Qingdai grabbed him and cried bitterly: “The concubine is just a lowly singer, not to mention that there is no witness for this matter, even if there is a witness, can he still be killed? In any case, it is good for others not to say that I am entangled with fox and fox. Even if the general is the master, at most he will marry a concubine. Although the concubine is out of order, he is unwilling to serve such a wicked person.” He just felt heartbroken. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally thought that if he managed to kill Duan Wudi, then Qingdai would be grateful. In these days, he could see that Qingdai was not merciless to him, and he would be sincere. Please, Qingdai must be willing to marry him. Of course, before that, Quartz had tried Duan Wudi, but whenever he talked about Qingdai, Duan Wudi always thought about him. Under the anger of, he made up his mind to deal with Duan Wudi, and the opportunity was quick. I found it.

Looking at Qingdai, Quartz hesitated to say something and stopped. The matter hadn’t settled yet. He decided to wait until Duan Wudi went down to talk to Qingdai. The two had just said a few words, and suddenly a guard came in to report: “General, the general is calling you to go.” The guard said nothing. After secretly winking, Quartz’s heart moved, knowing that Duan Wudi was already there. After being arrested, I was overjoyed and said: “Qingdai, there is something in the army, I will go back first.”

Qingdai smiled slightly and said: “It’s okay, but you have drunk a lot of wine. It’s not appropriate to go to see the general. I have just asked the maid to get the sober soup. You can drink a bowl before leaving, don’t forget Disperse the alcohol.” After Quartz listened, he felt warm and promised. So when he left with his head raised, he didn’t see the flash of cold light in Qing Dai’s eyes. The net has been closed, and the captured tiger can no longer get away.

When Quartz was gone, Qingdai summoned the maid, took the pipa, moved her ten fingers, sounded like a stone, but it was the sixth turn of the famous song “Ambush on Ten Sides”. Although this song is popular in the market, it can be played very impressively. Only chatting with a few people, Qingdai played for a moment, all around was silent, only the sound of clear music echoed and circled. Qingdai played the sixth fold several times, but Fang stopped playing. Sigh gently, get up and leave.

By chance, Qiu Yufei, who entered the city with a flying horse, passed by Feiyan Tower at this time. The sound of Qingdai’s pipa stopped the clouds. Qiu Yufei couldn’t help but listen carefully. He was extremely talented in the rhythm and listened for a moment. , There was a bright light in his eyes, and he whispered: “It’s a fold of “Ambush”, a few people in the world can play it, but how murderous is faint, seems to have the meaning of absolute determination.” According to Qiu Yufei’s heart, I really want to Immediately went to see the master of playing the pipa, but Duan Wudi’s matter had not been resolved yet, he hesitated for a moment, and finally rode his horse towards the general’s residence.

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