The Grandmaster Strategist Chapter 18: Fate for fate

Chapter 18 Life is worth life

Duan Lingxiao had already felt ashamed, but seeing Xiao Shunzi’s five people all stopped and retreated. Apart from surrounding themselves more tightly, they didn’t even make any moves. They couldn’t help but look up, only those tigers. The guard dispersed to the sides, revealing two people, one of whom was a white-haired old man, and the other was a particularly childish and delicate young man. The old man looked wilted, with cloth strips on his arms, blood oozing out of the gaps in the cloth strips. He was even more embarrassed, and the young man was holding the old man in his left hand, holding a short knife in his right hand against the old man’s throat, standing opposite Jiang Zhe, far away. At this moment, those tiger guards suddenly screamed: “Ling Duan, you ungrateful person, how dare you threaten me with hostages.” Jiang Zhe glanced at the tiger coldly, his cold eyes let He stepped back angrily.

It turns out that the boy was Ling Duan. After he followed Qiu Yufei back to the Northern Han Dynasty, he had no intention of returning to the army. After all, for him, his general was only Tan Ji, not to mention Qiu Yufei deliberately introduced him. Joining the Demon Sect, although Qiu Yufei went to the East China Sea before returning to Jinyang, he still gave him a letter to meet Duan Lingxiao, and Duan Lingxiao had a good impression of Ling Duan, although he had not been officially accepted as Disciple, but it is also a matter of time. Although Ling Duan has been with Duan Lingxiao not long ago, his martial arts was originally the foundation that Tan Ji had laid for him. Qiu Yufei and Duan Lingxiao ordered them successively. The martial arts have improved a lot, although they are not as good as the several demon sects that Duan Lingxiao carried this time. The named disciple, but has barely entered the second-rate, he has been in the army for many years, and is very familiar with the geography of Qinzhou and Zezhou, so this time he also followed Duan Lingxiao to participate in the post-war search and killing operation. However, when following Su Qing, Duan Lingxiao did it alone, while the other Demon Sect disciples who were in charge of Duan Lingxiao followed the mark left by Duan Lingxiao. Only Ling Duan was left ten miles away because of his low martial arts skills. Guarding the horses, this escaped the tiger’s capture and killing. But Ling Duan was unwilling to stay behind and wait. For him, Jiang Zhe was the biggest shadow in his life. His most respected general, and his friends in need died indirectly in this man’s hands, so he disobeyed the order. Sneak into the village secretly. However, he came late. At this time, Hu Laiwei had already taken down the ambush and trapped Duan Lingxiao by the lake. The rest of the Demon Sect disciples gave the lead. Ling Duan came late, but saved his life.

Ling Duan knew that he didn’t have the skills to rescue Duan Lingxiao, so he could only hope that Duan Lingxiao could escape by himself. Unfortunately, Duan Lingxiao failed to break through. Ling Duan knew that this time the entire army would be annihilated, and the only turning point lies in him, because It seems that Yong Jun did not find his own existence. Although Duan Lingxiao had not officially accepted Ling Duan as a disciple, but Ling Duan had already regarded Duan Lingxiao as a teacher in his heart. In order to save Master’s life, his disciples should have sacrificed, so Ling Duan made a decision regardless of life and death.

When he sneaked into the village, he found Ji Xuan and Zhao Liang. The two were protected by two tiger guards, or they were under house arrest. They were not allowed to leave the residence. Zhao Liang had nothing, Zhao Xuan was there constantly complaining about Jiang Zhe, and the two tiger guards smiled bitterly. Ling Duan, who has followed Jiang Zhe for a period of time, knows that although Jiang Zhe is easy-going, but Yu Xia is very strict, he has personally experienced Jiang Zhe’s methods, and although Zhao Xuan complains constantly, but Ling Duan can feel it intuitively. The kindness of the old man’s tone. When he talked about Jiang Zhe, his tone was like that of a friend and an elder. Judging from the expressions of the two tiger guards, he was not irritated by it. This shows that Jiang Zhe is not to this old man. Respect is very tolerant. No matter which situation it is, it shows the importance of this old man. Thinking of this, Ling Duan decided to hold Zhao Xuan and threaten Jiang Zhe. Of course, Jiang Zhe didn’t care about the old man’s life, but Ling Duan could not watch Duan Lingxiao die here. He knew very well that Duan Lingxiao’s arrogance would be defeated. Prisoner, he will never survive in the world.

But let’s not say that the young man who was busy packing up his clothes is not weak in martial arts, even the two tiger guards are not easy to deal with by himself, and they can’t alarm the Yong army by the lake, but fortunately Ling Duan brought a can Xiujian, this was originally given to him by Xiao Tong. At this time, the North Han scout used a sharp weapon to capture the enemy. The arrow was quenched with a strong anesthetic, which could capture the enemy alive for torture. With the secret skills taught to him by Qiu Yufei and Duan Lingxiao, He smoothly put all four of them down. However, he did not take the lives of these people, but it was not that he was soft-hearted. He was worried that if he killed these people and angered Jiang Zhe, he would be self-defeating.

In the beginning, my heart was like turning over the river and the sea. How could something like this happen? Two Tiger Guards and Zhao Liang protected Ji Xuan. Although Ling Duan’s martial arts were excellent, after all, she was still young and would not be Tiger’s opponents. It’s a sneak attack, and it shouldn’t be done silently. Su Qing whispered beside me: “My lord, that person must have used a hidden weapon of quenching medicine. The scouts of the two armies have such hidden weapon, which is used to capture the enemy alive.” I was surprised, no wonder Ji Xuan looked weak. It’s not that I don’t know this method. Even the poisoned hidden weapon in the hands of the secret camp disciples was developed by me personally, but I have always regarded Ling Duan as a person of bright character. I never thought he would use this method. . Now that I think about it, I can’t help laughing. After all, Ling Duan is Tan Ji’s personal guard. It seems that he has a very close relationship with the Mozong now. With such a background, how can he be compared?

I glanced at Ji Xuan and saw that he was frustrated. I couldn’t help but feel angry, and said, “Ling Duan, Jiang was too lazy to mention the past. You treat me like dung, and I don’t blame you. Today, you actually want to threaten the Lord with a hostage, do you think that the Lord is a soft-hearted person?”

Ling Duan’s heart was cold, and Jiang Zhe looked cold, although he was a weak scholar and elegant manner, but at this moment standing with his hands holding his hands, his thin body seemed to be as proud as a bamboo in the snow, and his brows were even more murderous. Thinking of the past, I just feel like a flood of thoughts. He said bitterly: “Ling Duan didn’t dare or forget the adult’s methods. In the past, Ling Duan was already a prisoner waiting to die. Fortunately, he was pityed by the adults and escaped. Although the adults later killed Li Hu, Ling Duan felt resentful for a long time. But now I think about it, our lives were originally picked up by the adults, and even if the adults take it back, we have nothing to say. If the adults were safe, they should have killed me at the same time, but the adults still let them go. In the Diye shop, Ling Duan stirred up the demons for the sound of the piano, assassinated the adults, and the adults gave mercy to him and spared Ling Duan’s life. After three times of mercy, Ling Duan did not dare to forget, but Ling Duan could not forget General Tan, Li Hu’s death, and now that the eldest son of Duan is Ling Duan wanting to worship his teacher, his life is at stake. As a disciple, he can sit and watch. Ling Duan guesses that the adults are very caring for the old gentleman, so he dare to threaten, as long as the adults are willing to let go. Son, Ling Duan would rather apologize for his death.”

I frowned. Although it was not my intention to kill Duan Lingxiao, I also saw that it would be impossible if he wanted to be captured alive. The identity of this Duan Lingxiao is very important. Seeing his temperament and talent, he is definitely not willing to bear the humiliation. Character, but I am not willing to let him go like this. Looking at Xiao Shunzi subconsciously, I asked his opinion with a wink.

Xiao Shunzi frowned. From his point of view, it was naturally best to kill Duan Lingxiao. How could Ji Xuan be more important than Duan Lingxiao, not to mention that if there is such a master, it will be a threat from the son after all, but he He also knew that he could not be the master without authorization. After all, the son had a profound vision, and many decisions seemed very unwise at the time, but in the future they were the key to deciding the outcome, so he finally decided to explain the current situation only. After thinking about it, Xiao Shunzi said through the voice: “My son, Duan Lingxiao hit me **** one after another. Now I have suffered a serious internal injury. My internal strength is from yin to cold. Mr. Sang once again taught me a mental method that can be restrained. Demon Sect’s mental method, his internal injuries are like bone-attached maggots. If he wants to recover as before, he must have the help of the Demon Sect. It is impossible without a few months. Now he is just forcibly supporting it.”

After listening to Xiao Shunzi’s words, my heart is a little wider, and that’s the case, I won’t suffer a loss for Duan Lingxiao who can’t do it for Ji Xuan, but I need to take advantage of it, and I can’t let Ling Duan easily succeed, otherwise there will be someone in the future. How to follow suit? I deliberately made my expression colder, and I said sternly, “Ling Duan, Nian Zai you have also been by my side to listen to it. As long as you let Mr. Ji go, I will spare your life, otherwise I will kill Mr. Duan first. , And deal with you again.”

A firm look flashed in Ling Duan’s eyes and said: “My lord, since Ling Duan dared to threaten you, he didn’t take life and death into his heart. If the adults make people continue to attack the old man, Ling Duan has to kill the old man first. Sir, then accompany the eldest son to die here. Whether this person is alive or dead, the adults can tell.”

My heart jumped, I didn’t expect this Ling Duan to be so determined, but how could he know that I would exchange hostages? At this time, Ji Xuan may have been gradually retreating, and he managed to speak loudly: “The old man doesn’t need you Jiang Suiyun to save him. If you want to kill, kill him. How can the old man be a shameful person.” I almost broke my teeth, this Ji Xuan , I’m really making trouble for me, but if Ling Duan misunderstands that I don’t want to save him, I’ll be in trouble. I quickly checked Ling Duan’s expression and saw that his expression became more confident, and Ji Xuan shouted loudly, but just held the dagger against Ji Xuan’s throat. Neither light nor heavy, so as not to hurt him, but also to prevent him from breaking free. Seeing that I was silent, Ling Duan said loudly: “My lord, if you don’t decide anymore, I will have to kill him.”

I looked at Duan Lingxiao bitterly, and said, “How does the eldest son see this matter?”

Duan Lingxiao has just been treating his injuries so that he can find a funeral when he moves again. He is not sure that Jiang Zhe will let him go for an old man. Hearing Jiang Zhe inquiring about him, he calmly said: “Duan’er is also a nonsense. An adult is a wealthy daughter, how can he easily be threatened? Duan is confident that his worth is not low, so Duan’er should leave quickly. At least this person should be enough for your life.”

Ling Duan’s eyes reddened and he almost burst into flames. He naturally doubted whether Jiang Zhe would be threatened by himself. Although Jiang Zhe seemed to value the hostages in his hands, the first master Duan was the first disciple of the Demon Sect. , The status is honorable, even if he changes himself, he will never let it go easily, but as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will not give up. Looking at Jiang Zhe, he gritted his teeth and said: “My lord, please decide that if you refuse to exchange, you can only kill this person, and you will get some interest back.”

My heart was stunned. Ling Duan was born arrogant and surly. If he continues to persecute, I’m afraid he will really kill Ji Xuan, then that would be bad. Since Duan Lingxiao has been seriously injured, it doesn’t matter if he releases it. , Anyway, as long as he can’t make a move within a few months, I’m relieved. When he can make a move, the North Han Dynasty will be in full swing. No matter how high his martial arts is, it will be of no use.

I smiled bitterly, and said in my heart, I just let Duan Lingxiao go, but I can’t let you go easily. With my eyes rolling, I coldly said, “Although Mr. Ji is my acquaintance of forgetting his new year, but Mr. Duan is The first apprentice of the Northern Han Dynasty, the status is so honorable. When I saw him today, I felt that the grandpa is a generation of heroes. It doesn’t matter if you let him go. But if you are holding hostages to threaten Ben Marquis, if Ben Marquis gently let him go, Doesn’t it make the people of the world feel that this man can be threatened, so if you are willing to let go of Mr. Ji, how about I allow you to exchange your own life for the life of the old man? One life costs one life, I have already suffered. “

Ling Duan was taken aback. Although he was prepared to pay the price of his life, he did not expect to use this method. But after thinking about it carefully, Ling Duan felt happy and said that taking hostages was shameless. He is just a small person, but the eldest son is the first disciple of the demon sect. If he can pay for his life, he really has taken advantage of it. Thinking of this, he calmly said: “My lord is a daughter and a promise, Ling Duan has never seen the son say anything. Ling Duan was willing to pay for his life, but he asked the adults to forgive him. Before the eldest son left, Ling Duan could not let go of the hostages.”

Duan Lingxiao shook his head slightly. At this moment, he knew that Jiang Zhe might not want to save his own life. Just because Jiang Zhe instructed Su Qing to intercept him, he knew that Jiang Zhe was a thoughtful and vicious person. People will never leave a way out for the enemy. He asked himself if he faced such a situation, although it was a bit dangerous, it was not possible to save the hostages successfully, and Ling Duan’s martial arts was not high. He would not think that Jiang Zhe really kept his promise, as long as he killed all outsiders who knew it, who would know that he had not kept his promise. So maybe Ling Duan was the one who contributed to his survival, but if Jiang Zhe had not had such an idea, then he would definitely not be able to get this chance. And Jiang Zhe wanted Ling Duan to pay for his life, or it was because of revenge for Ling Duan to damage his majesty. But now Duan Lingxiao has no way to prevent this from happening, unless he really wants to die here, but even if he is willing to die, he cannot save Ling Duan. He raised his head to look at Jiang Zhe, and it happened that Jiang Zhe was also approaching him. Those clear and serene eyes seemed to carry a hint of mockery. His eyes met, Duan Lingxiao clearly saw a trace of surprise flashing across Jiang Zhe’s face, as if he had already noticed it. Seeing through his mind, he couldn’t help showing a bitter smile. In any case, his life was traded back by a late disciple of the Demon Sect. Such humiliation would definitely follow him for the rest of his life.

Sighed lightly, he calmly said: “Duan’er, let go of Mr. Ji, who is Jianghouye, you can threaten? Now that he has agreed, he will not regret it for no reason. Don’t be stubborn.”

Ling Duan was at a loss. He respected Duan Lingxiao very much. He hesitated and finally let go of Ji Xuan. He was confident that the eldest son would not seek his own death. Sure enough, after he let go of Ji Xuan, except for two tigers. Wei quickly helped Ji Xuan away, but Jiang Zhe did not order an attack, and no one even came to subdue himself.

I glanced at Ling Duan with a dazed expression, knowing that this young man had really given up all his desires for survival, and could not help but pity in my heart. At this time, a tiger guard hurried over to report: My lord, Zhao Gongzi and the other three are not in danger of life, they just passed out in a coma.”

My heart is wide, I look at Ling Duan, and coldly said: “Ling Duan, you know why I always treat you well.”

Ling Duan raised his head, there was no trace of blood on his pale face, he gritted his teeth and said nothing.

I said coldly: “You are just an ordinary soldier, why should I use you to please you, if you are General Tan guarding the ghost rider, why should I pay attention to your life and death? When the Japanese marquis will keep you by your side as a servant , But you didn’t humiliate you, but you were ungrateful and ran away privately. That’s all. In the face of General Tan, you are loyal to the North Han Dynasty. It is understandable that you are loyal to the North. , You should live well and save your life, but you are here today to assassinate Benhou. It is unsuccessful and threatening to threaten Benhou with hostages. It is unbearable or unbearable. Come, drag him down and hold him for fifty. Leather whip.”

His own tiger led him to take him down. Ling Duan had no intention of resisting, and walked out silently with his hands down. Not long afterwards, there was a sound of whiplashing in the distance.

After disposing of Ling Duan, I looked at Duan Lingxiao and smiled and said: “The big man has objections to this treatment of me?”

A glimmer of happiness flashed in Duan Lingxiao’s eyes, and said: “Master Hou is merciful and willing to spare Ling Duan’s life. Duan feels the same, but now that Master Hou violated his promise and took Duan’s life, Duan was also dead and unshakable.”

I smiled slightly, Duan Lingxiao really looked like a torch, and just because I punish Ling Duan, I knew that I had no intention of killing him. For one thing, I used Ling Duan to apologize for him. Secondly, I like Ling Duan’s temperament very much. He didn’t kill the murdered Hu Xun and Zhao Liang, so I opened up the Internet. Of course, the most important reason is that after today’s events, Ling Duan must have an extraordinary position in Duan Lingxiao’s heart, and he will definitely become a demon in the future. An important figure in the sect, there is a person who is afraid of me and is grateful to the demon sect. This is definitely a good thing for me. After all, the demon sect of the Northern Han Dynasty cannot be destroyed, not to mention that the inheritance of the demon sect is unique. At this point, just relying on my heart, I would not want to destroy the Demon Sect. After all, the emperor and I don’t want to see the famous sects of the Shaolin Temple dominate. The rivers and lakes are the same as the court, and power needs to be checked and balanced.

Since I have no intention of killing Duan Lingxiao, I waved my hand to make everyone retreat, leaving only Xiao Shunzi, Hu Yanshou, and Su Qing to protect by my side. Even the four masters let them retreat far away, but Duan Lingxiao did not Taking the opportunity to attack, his internal injuries are not minor, but Xiao Shunzi is completely undamaged. With experts like Su Qing and Hu Yanshou beside him, Duan Lingxiao will not believe that he can assassinate me no matter how conceited he is. How could such a smart and determined person? Doing unhelpful things, so I also put up this kind of friendly structure, but Xiao Shunzi will not let him go, the son of a daughter, I am very careful, who knows if Duan Lingxiao will go crazy? ?

I said gently and honestly: “Dear Master Duan, Ling Duan is not suitable to stay in Qinzhou anymore. I will send him to Donghai and Yufei together. I don’t know what the Old Master wants?”

Duan Lingxiao’s eyes flashed and said, “Thank you, Lord Hou, for your compassion. Although this kid is not high in martial arts, his character and aptitude are all first-rate. I can’t bear any damage to him on the battlefield. Yu Fei has a different eye for this kid. Regarding it, it is good to send it to the East China Sea, Hou Ye really loves Ling Duan very much.”

I sighed softly: “Zhe Ping regrets that he did not see General Tan in person. General Tan has only one close guard to stay. How can Benhou bear his life?”

Duan Lingxiao’s heart moved. Seeing Jiang Zhe’s sincere tone, he couldn’t help sighing: “Tan Ji is lonely and arrogant, and his heart is full of hatred and misery. That day, the master had intentionally accepted him as his sect. My fate is to pass on martial arts to the next generation, and General Tan died, and I am also deeply distressed.”

I groaned loudly: “The sky is unkind and chaos, and the earth is unkind and smokes; it’s okay for relatives and parents to turn the dust, to destroy the heart and to be broken; although grievances are repaid and hatred, it is hard for you to die. ; Murdering wild wild, I will not regret, bleeding and floating, life will be charcoal; the king holds the crossbow, I hold the war, I drive the emperor to obey; the cold water is cold and I bury my body, go to the yellow spring and feel calm; life and death are fearless Generosity and generosity, my heart hurts every other old man!”

Duan Lingxiao listened silently, his expression also showed a sense of sorrow, silently recalling Tan Ji’s voice and smile, sadness in his heart, but suddenly shocked, he has been practicing profound arts for many years, and it is already difficult for him to fluctuate. Unexpectedly, he can’t help himself now. It seems that the severity of the internal injury is more than estimated. His expression does not show the slightest abnormality, and he calmly said: “The Hou Lord is really a contradiction. Although Tan Ji died in the hands of King Qi, I am afraid it is Lord Hou. Sure, why bother to be sentimental now?”

I smiled proudly and said: “Although I am a scholar, I am a bit arrogant. Although there are many people in this world, most of them are mediocre people, and the outstanding ones are rare. I love the heroes most in my life. Whether it is an enemy or a friend, I will not neglect, but unfortunately, I am a worldly person after all. Due to the limitation of my identity, even if I love it in my heart, I must get rid of it. General Tan and Duan are all heroes in the world. Therefore, General Tan must die, and although you may not die today, the eldest son, but I don’t know that I am not for the future layout, but the eldest son will not blame me then.”

Duan Lingxiao laughed loudly and said: “Jiang Suiyun is really bold. Although you are a scribe, you are still a hero in the world. Emperor Yong has your help. No wonder that Ling Duan is just a junior. You don’t want to kill him. That’s all, but Yufei once assassinated you, why didn’t you kill him, but kept him in the East China Sea at any cost? Isn’t this the benevolence of a woman?”

I smiled and said nothing. Although Qiu Yufei is advancing in martial arts, he loves music by nature and is tired of the world. How can such a person threaten me? Keep him, for one thing I admire him, and secondly because of the future It is useful for others. Killing a person does not mean hating him, and the affection of his men does not mean compassion. How can these things be explained clearly to others? Moreover, I have no intention of discerning, so that others think that I have a woman’s benevolence. What?

Seeing that Jiang Zhe was silent, Duan Lingxiao was also silent. He naturally knew that the two were finally hostile and couldn’t talk to each other. However, for a while, Duan Lingxiao felt that although Jiang Zhe was a weak scholar, there was a scholar under the forest. Wind, when we get along, sometimes feel like a spring breeze, and sometimes feel like walking on ice, which makes people feel the ambivalence of being too far away or getting close, but it is a pity that this person is a great minister.

After a moment of silence, I also came to my senses, and ordered: “Huyan, go get the want to see off the eldest son.”

Hu Yanshou gave Duan Lingxiao a vigilant look, then went down and called out. Not long after, he personally took a wooden tray and came over. There was a jug and two wine cups on it. I picked up the jug and filled the two glasses of wine. , Took a cup by himself, Hu Yanshou walked to Duan Lingxiao with the tray, Duan Lingxiao smiled calmly, and also took a cup.

I held my wine glass and said, “Lord, you kill my guard, I will kill you at the same door, and the two countries are fighting each other. You and I are enemies. There are only rural village brews here, but today’s meeting is also possible. If you don’t have wine, it’s hard to have fun. , I don’t know if the eldest son is willing to reward him.”

Duan Lingxiao drank it and said: “Today’s fight, I defeat you and win, but although your army is strong, it may not be able to win, I hope you will treasure it.”

I don’t comment, I just drank a glass of wine slowly, saying: “It’s a pity that the eldest son did not lead the battle. With your wit and resoluteness, the soldiers should not be under our majesty.”

Duan Lingxiao was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a faint bitter smile. As the first disciple of the Demon Sect, he needs to maintain a detached posture, how can he lead the army, and once he is trapped in the army, it is difficult to advance martial arts. Maintaining the reputation of the teacher is not to be distracted by the world, but how can I talk to people for this reason.

Sent away Duan Lingxiao, who was drifting away, I was also grateful in my heart. Fortunately, this person is not my opponent. He has brought Ling Duan after being tortured. I didn’t say much, I only asked him if he would like to go to the East China Sea. Seeing Qiu Yufei, if he was willing to go on the road, Ling Duan was dumbfounded and nodded in answer. He has always had no face to fight against me. But after he left, I euphemistically asked Zhang Jinxiong to follow him to the East China Sea. If Ling Duan really kept his promise, it would be fine. If he escapes on the way, then kill him. If you want to come, General Tan Ji will not mind if I kill him. A person without faith and justice.

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