The Grandmaster Strategist Chapter 18: Escape from the dead

Slightly healed with the clouds, Sang Chen bid farewell to Chang’an, and the king of the trip gave him a gift from his daughter. The husband refused, and Zhe persuaded that the money was paid for the merits, only a little help, and the world is poor and sick. Save it.

–“The Southern Dynasties Chu History·Jiang Suiyun Biography”

What it feels like to escape from the dead is probably only experienced by people who have experienced it. So when I opened my eyes, although I felt numb all over, my heart was even more painful and unbearable, but I still couldn’t help showing a faint light. His smile, moving his limbs with difficulty, and another pain, confirmed that I was still alive in the world, not in the underworld, I groaned, the hoarse voice just overflowed from my lips, and someone had come to stir up the brocade on the bed. I took a closer look at the account. It was a forty-year-old doctor. I barely smiled. He turned around in surprise and shouted: “Master Jiang is awake, go and notify Mr. Sang. ‘Then there were steady footsteps in my ears, and then I saw the familiar face.

Although I haven’t seen him for many years, Mr. Sang’s appearance has not changed much, his beard is gray, his appearance is thin, his eyes are always focused and ruthless, yes, ruthless, Mr. Sang is a wonderful rejuvenating doctor in the mouth of the world. He often worked hard to heal the poor, but his heart was a cold and merciless person. I knew this before. In his eyes, the patient is just a man and woman with a vague face. When he treats the patient, he is fully focused on the patient’s condition changes and mood fluctuations. However, if the patient recovers afterwards, he is a stranger to him. If the patient is unfortunate. He will never feel sad when he passes away. Perhaps, in Mr. Sang’s eyes, there is only the distinction between patients and healthy people. For him, patients are just tools for verifying medical skills. If there are any exceptions, then it is probably me.

I remember when I met for the first time, my father begged him for medical treatment. He only looked at him and said that his father’s illness was rooted in the bones and he was only cured for a few years. My father was a little disappointed and even planned to stop being treated. The father said: “A few years are short for ordinary people, but they are very important for our father and son. If the children are still young, if they are not taken care of by the father, they will be displaced. If the father can’t afford it, how can he rest assured that his children will live in the future? It is not as good as father and son relying on each other for several years. If the father is suffering, the child will naturally not dare to force the father, but as long as the child takes care of him, the father should not have much suffering. ‘

My father was initially discouraged for a while, and when he saw that I was earnest, he sought medical advice again. Mr. Sang heard what I said, but said indifferently: ‘This child is also very understanding. ‘After that, he stayed for the diagnosis and treatment for my father, and detained for a few months to teach me medical skills. I have heard him say that he has no ambition to practice medicine and it is only his means of making a living, even though he said so indifferently, But I just like his straightforwardness, and Mr. Sang doesn’t see patients in his eyes, but fortunately he is usually taciturn, if he knows the thoughts of Xinglin Medical Sage in the world’s mind, I am afraid that he will be shocked.

When I saw Mr. Sang, I couldn’t help crying. This is my only elder in this world. Mr. Sang understood my thoughts, walked over to check my pulse, and said lightly: “Suiyun, your injury is no longer a serious problem. These days, you have taken a lot of valuable tonics. Although it has saved your life, it is unavoidable. The vitality is too strong, these days, you first slowly recuperate, and after your injury heals, I will treat you carefully. ‘

I looked at Mr. Sang questioningly. He smiled and said: “Are you asking His Royal Highness and the kid who has been using true energy for you? King Yong is too tired these days, I’m already Let him go back to rest. It is said that His Royal Highness fell asleep, and he is still not awake. Your entourage is indeed loyal, but I saw that his internal strength was exhausted and he refused to rest, so I took a dose of medicine to make him obedient. After he wakes up, it’s a good time to stand up and retreat. I will supervise him to retreat and practice martial arts. Your child is born with inadequacies and will not have much success in martial arts training. He is a martial arts wizard, although His martial arts is indeed very subtle, but he is talented to be able to practice to this level. My few martial arts have not been handed down to others. It is better to teach him. You are my half disciple. He is loyal to you and teaches him. He is the same. ‘

I couldn’t help being overjoyed. Although I don’t know the depth of Mr. Sang’s martial arts, he can tell from his tone that it should be extraordinary. After thinking about it, I remembered that King Yong must have been very tired for many days. Otherwise, how could he not wake up at all, and couldn’t help being a little anxious. He quickly held Mr. Sang’s hand and wrote the word’Wang’ in the palm of his hand. Mr. Sang smiled slightly and said: ‘It’s rare that your Highness is so kind to you. I have already visited him. Don’t worry. ‘

I just relaxed now. At this time, a maid brought a bowl of medicine and served me carefully. After taking the medicine, I felt sleepy again, and fell asleep again. It was like this for several days. I spent a few days sleeping and taking the medicine. I didn’t need to drink the added decoction until seven days later. , I can finally lie in bed soberly.

I touched my stiff legs and wanted to get out of bed and walk around, but was stopped by Mr. Sang. Xiao Shunzi originally wanted to serve me, but who knew Mr. Sang said, “There are so many martial arts masters in the world.” , Do you still want your son to be hurt like this? ‘It was blocked. I am now practicing in retreat. It seems that although Mr. Sang’s inner strength mentality is very different from that of Xiao Shunzi, Mr. Sang’s research on martial arts is not comparable to Xiao Shunzi, so my ears are also clean. Little, at least no one is arguing to plead with me. King Yong and Princess Wang took Roulan to see me once, and then Mr. Sang was forbidden to see me, saying that they wanted me to cultivate well so as not to worry about outside affairs. Since then, King Yong has not come back except for sending people to greet each other every day. Hearing from Mr. Sang, it seems that King Yong is taking care of the defense of the palace himself, because the previous defenses inevitably have too many loopholes for the masters of the rivers and lakes. Although quiet recuperation is good for my body, it is too depressing. Even my favorite book is not allowed to be touched by me. Mr. Sang only showed me a few pure and inactive Taoist scriptures, saying that it calmed me. , But it has been quite effective. Otherwise, I feel a lot calmer and experience life and death. I feel that many things are taken lightly. Even the shadow of fragrance will not always linger in my heart. It’s mostly the sweetness that is full of happiness, not the bitter pain.

Five or six days later, Mr. Sang finally allowed me to get out of bed and walk around, Xiao Shunzi has also returned to me, with his support, I gently walked the first step after recovery. My footsteps feel softer than cotton. I walked in the room less than a circle, and I was a little out of breath. Now it is mid-March, and some green peaches in the garden have bloomed. Although the spring breeze is still a bit chilly, it is no longer so It was biting. Xiao Shunzi asked a pavilion in the garden to be surrounded by brocade on three sides to block the spring breeze. A thick Persian blanket was placed in the pavilion, and soft couches, tables and chairs were placed on the pavilion. I sat comfortably On the soft couch, dressed in the silver fox fur bestowed by His Royal Highness King Yong last winter, Mr. Sang sat on a chair with his eyes closed slightly, but Xiao Shunzi was making tea on the side. Soon after, two cups of hot tea came over. After drinking, all the limbs and limbs are all comforted.

Mr. Sang also drank it and smiled and said: ‘The tea delivered by your Royal Highness is really good. With the cloud, King Yong treats you like a scholar of the country. It seems that you are not willing to live in seclusion with me. ‘

I was taken aback for a moment and asked: ‘Why do you say that, is it because you don’t like Zhe to serve as King Yong? ‘

Mr. Sang smiled faintly: “I don’t bother to care about these worldly things. King Yong is not a mediocre person. There is nothing wrong with helping him. It’s just for your health. I want you to resign. The official is hidden. ‘

I said calmly: ‘But can’t my body get tired from now on? ‘

Mr. Sang shook his head and said: “Not only that, Suiyun, although your injury is serious, but as long as you take care of it, you can recover in a few years. In the past few years, if you are careful, there is no major problem, but the heart disease is difficult to treat. , Your heart is hurt by the seven emotions. If you can’t calm your mind and subtly cultivate the illness, I’m afraid you will be dying after ten years. If I expected it to be true, you must have experienced great joy and great compassion when you were exhausted. Because of this, the Heart Sutra was broken. Over the years, the sadness has not stopped. That’s why you developed a chronic illness. Although you have good medical skills, it is difficult for a good doctor to treat yourself. This has led to today. ‘

Xiao Shunzi looked pale at hearing, he looked at Sang Chen silently, Sang Chen shook his head slightly, sighed, and stopped talking.

We walked out of the juncture of life and death, but heard the news again, but strangely, I did not feel the slightest sadness in my heart, and smiled faintly:’This is also destined by philosophical destiny. If you can’t repay the kindness of His Highness King Yong, it’s not that you will be troubled for life. Besides, if your heart is restless, what is the use of deep-mountain cultivation? My disciples dare not lie to each other. How to submerge. However, ten years is enough time. The disciples are confident that they can avenge their grievances and assist King Yong to accomplish his great cause. When the time comes, the lakes and seas will drift, and life and death will be beyond the horizon. Wouldn’t it be happy to see riches and honors like clouds? ‘

Xiao Shunzi’s face was pale at first, but after hearing it, his expression turned calm. Sang Chen glanced at him and asked: ‘Are you up to your master to be foolish? ‘

Xiao Shunzi respectfully said: “The son likes this. The slaves can only rely on him, and the most slaves will follow the spring. I think it will not make the son lonely. ‘

He said that, but I was not touched. After experiencing life and death, many of my thoughts were different. Xiao Shunzi was martyred for me. I only feel that I have one more friend in the spring. Means, there is no difficulty in keeping him alive, so I just glanced at him faintly and smiled slightly to show that he knew his painstaking efforts. He said that just to make me work hard for a few more years.

Sang Chen smiled bitterly and said, ‘Fall, it’s up to you, but I’ll take care of you during this period of time, and it’s up to you in the future. ‘

I asked suspiciously: ‘Why do you have to travel far away, your husband is so old, why bother to make the world a home? ‘

Sang Chen said indifferently: ‘I’m old and I don’t want to intervene in the disputes of the world. The waves are rough here. I am no younger than you and cannot withstand the wind and waves. But I am really not young. This time I plan to go back to my hometown to live in seclusion. If you have anything in the future, you can find me in Penglai, East China Sea. ‘

I nodded and said: ‘Mr. Yes, if the situation stabilizes, I also want to see the scenery of the fairy mountains overseas. ‘

Mr. Sang hesitated for a moment, then said: ‘Suiyun, is your enemy Feng Yimen? ‘

I shook my body and said lightly: ‘How can sir say that? Fengyimen is the leader of the martial arts, and he is the spiritual leader of the White Dao, and he is also the grand champion of Yong. How can I be an enemy of them? ‘

Sang Chen said indifferently:’Don’t worry, I have nothing to do with Fengyi Sect. When the master of Fengyi Sect became famous, I was already in my age. Although she wanted to ask me to be a guest clerk several times, I did not agree. , This time they came to seek medical advice. I took a look and knew that Liang Wan had been poisoned by Duan’en Grass, and Duan’en Grass was incurable. And in this world, only you and me have this medicine. Two people, so I know it must be you, but you never do anything unreasonable, so I didn’t tell them, just take good care of them, Liang Wan can still return to normal, but the past memories can’t come back. Up. ‘

I felt a little relieved and asked: ‘Will you not blame me for being so tough, sir? ‘

Sang Chen faintly smiled and said: ‘I never ask about worldly things, but this cut grace grass is too vicious, so don’t use it in the future. ‘

I asked again: ‘How do you think about Fengyimen, Mr.? ‘

Sang Chen took a deep look at me and said: “The Fengyi Sect Master is a poor man, and there must be pitiful things in hateful people. There is nothing wrong with what you have to do, but you must not hurt your body. If there is hatred, you only need to remember who the enemy is. As for that period of hatred, it is better to forget it, burn your heart, and not remember is to treat yourself kindly. ‘

I reassured and politely said: ‘Thank you for your teachings, Mr. ‘The only person in this world who can make me surrender has made it clear that he will not bother me, so I really have no scruples. Although I don’t know what kind of past Mr. Sang and Fengyi’s sect master have, it is no longer a matter of importance.

Sang Chen sighed. The child felt like a genius at first sight. Although he was the same age as his grandson, he really regarded him as a grandson, but he also knew that he could not change his mind. Fan Huiyao, the master of Fengyi sect, had talked with him about wine several times. The woman was a shining existence. Although she was used to living alone, she had also been moved by her and collected her own Taiyin Heart Sutra. I gave her the broken copy. Without the share that I gave her, then I believe she would not have achieved what she is today, at least ten years later. He has never regretted it, because martial arts is not for him. It’s important, but for this child who will meet the Fengyi sect master sooner or later, he passed all the martial arts to Li Shun, presumably this way Li Shun can better protect Jiang Zhe.

Looking at Jiang Zhe, Sang Chen said indifferently: ‘I’m leaving now, take care. ‘

I hurriedly said: ‘Today I’m in a hurry, so I’d better stay a few more days, so I can see him off. ‘

Sang Chen smiled slightly and said: ‘No, you are in a bad shape, what do you want me to do. ‘

At this moment, a light voice came from a distance: ‘Why, who is leaving? ‘I looked up, but Yong Wang Li Zhi came with Sima Xiong. He said: ‘His Royal Highness, Mr. Sang is leaving now. ‘

Li Zhi said hurriedly: “How can you be in such a hurry, sir, the last time I saved the king’s life before he had time to repay, this time I saved Jiang Sima’s life again. If I don’t stay for a few more days, I’m afraid I will say that the king will entertain him. Not week. ‘

Sang Chen said indifferently: ‘It’s no use staying more. Suiyun is no longer a serious problem. The old man has things to do, so I have to leave. ‘

Seeing Sang Chen’s resolute words, Li Zhi knew that he could not be forced, so he brought gold beads worth a lot of money, and said:’This king does not dare to force to stay, please accept these gold beads, sir, dare not say thank you, just help That’s all. ‘

Sang Chen said indifferently: ‘Suiyun is my old age. If it weren’t for your Royal Highness to spare precious medicines, I’m afraid he has already lost his life. Sang is so grateful, how dare he still collect the money. ‘

The King Yong did not agree to this, and he repeatedly begged Mr. Sang to accept it. I knew Mr. Sang’s temper, and I didn’t want them to get stiff, so I persuaded: “Sir, let’s keep these gold and silver, if it is spread out. It was His Royal Highness King Yong who didn’t even pay for the travel expenses, I was afraid that it would not sound good. Moreover, his husband often healed the poor and sick. They had no money to buy medicines, and they often made the husband help with them. Your Highness, these gold and silver, the husband should be for them. Accept it. ‘

These words of mine hit the point. Although Mr. Sang’s heart is as cold as ice, he always has to heal people who are sick. Of course, he has to pay for himself, so he is always empty. Fortunately, he has saved thousands of people. There are people receiving him everywhere, but those people probably don’t know Mr. Sang can’t remember who they are.

Sang Chen felt that Jiang Zhe was right, so he accepted the gold and silver and left. King Yong personally saw him off. Only I was forbidden to follow. He could only watch Mr. Sang walking out of the cold garden. Alas, I was the only elder in the world. I would be separated in a few days after we were together, and feelings of parting inevitably came to my heart. Those who are in ecstasy are nothing but nothing.

Xiao Shunzi came back soon after seeing me off. He looked a little hesitant and said: ‘My son, do you want to check the relationship between Mr. Sang and Fengyi’s sect master? I haven’t seen any information about these things. ‘

I said lightly: ‘No, Mr. Sang has to be a man. I know very well that he doesn’t care if he says it. If we kill the Fengyi sect master, Mr. Sang will not be offended, as long as we don’t use excessive methods on the Fengyi sect master, let’s talk about who the Fengyi sect master is, we will destroy the entire Fengyi gate, too. It may not be able to hurt her. ‘

Xiao Shunzi’s expression changed, and she asked: ‘If the Fengyi sect master runs away in the future, wouldn’t it mean that there will be endless troubles, there is always a way to trap her. ‘

I looked at Xiao Shunzi and smiled slightly and said: ‘This is a way, but it depends on you. If you can take the Fengyi Sect Master’s 100 moves without losing, then I have a chance of winning. ‘

Xiao Shunzi looked resolute and authentic: ‘Don’t worry, son, I will do it. ‘I smile and nod. Then he said: ‘why your Royal Highness hasn’t come here yet, he must come here today to discuss something with me. ‘

Xiao Shunzi’s face suddenly became very weird, and it took a long time to say: ‘His Royal Highness just received some news, so I didn’t come here, I must come here soon. ‘As soon as his words fell, I have seen Li Zhi’s figure, but I did not have time to ask why Xiao Shunzi was upset.

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