The Grandmaster Strategist Chapter 10: The heart has a place

After the martial arts performance was over, Emperor Yong Li Li Yuan smiled and asked: ‘Changle, what do you think of Xiahou Yuanfeng? ‘

Princess Changle said lightly: ‘That’s right. ‘

Li Yuanxi said: ‘If he is the emperor’s son, what if Chang is happy? ‘

Princess Changle said indifferently: ‘Although she is a good person, her heart is like still water. ‘

Li Yuan said again: ‘Since you don’t like this person, so there are so many talents in civil and military affairs, Changle, you have someone you like. ‘

Princess Changle burst into tears, and went up and down to worship: “Father, although the children have to be under his father’s knees, they are still the queens of Nanchu. The lord is still alive, and the children are shameless, and there is no other husband. The reason for remarriage. ‘

Li Yuan was furious and said: ‘I am determined to choose a good son for you, but you are so stubborn. ‘Standing angrily, just about to reprimand, but saw Princess Changle kneeling on the ground, tears rolling, although Yu Rong is not as haggard as when she first returned, but she still lacks the brilliance that a young woman should have, Li Yuan Yuan sat down and said for a long time: “I shouldn’t force you, Emperor, don’t worry, I will never embarrass you again. ‘

When this matter reached my ears, somehow, I was a little happy. Princess Changle is still as good and courteous as I remembered. No matter how she is to the country lord, she still fulfills her responsibility, even if she is true in the future. I will not look down on her anymore.

This incident did not calm down like this. Although Li Yuan temporarily gave up the plan to let Princess Changle remarry, others did not give up. Empress Dou, Concubine Yan Gui, and Concubine Ji came to persuade them, and Princess Changle could not drive them away. , And did not want to change her mind. On that day, Princess Gao entered the palace. Hearing about this, she persuaded the princess to let the princess stay in the palace for a few days before returning to the palace until fifteen.

The eldest concubine grandson did not immediately agree. She glanced at Gao hesitatingly. Some things were only known to her. Princess Changle’s affairs were only asked by others, and she had to ask them too. When she returned to the palace that day, she asked the maid beside her , But you noticed who the princess pays more attention to. To her surprise, the court lady Lu’e replied: “The princess is always cold and indifferent, but when King Yong came, the servant girl saw the princess looking at the man next to King Yong, and He smiled happily, but in a blink of an eye it was the same again. “The eldest grandson noble concubine knows who that person is, Jiang Zhe and Jiang Suiyun, if I go to Cuiluan Palace, I often see my daughter holding a book of poems, which is full of Jiang Zhe’s poems, some of which are his daughter’s handwriting Others are the handwritings of a stranger. I once asked them, but they were sent to the palace by Jiang Zhe in Nanchu. It turned out that the person my daughter liked was actually the Nanchu surrender, but I once questioned The maids who have served their daughters all said that their daughters abide by the rules of the palace of women and Taoism in Southern Chu, and never violated ethics. Those poems were also sent to the palace after Liang Wan asked Jiang Zhe. Her daughter only liked the poems of that person. I’m afraid that my daughter has already belonged to her since she came, but she didn’t show it because of her identity in the past. Of course, it is also possible that her daughter didn’t have this idea, but now she has this idea when she talks about choosing a son-in-law. If you let your daughter go to Yongwang Mansion, maybe you can let your daughter meet that person.

But the concubine eldest grandson frowned. If it is Dayong, no matter how low the position is, as long as the character is good and the daughter likes it, she doesn’t care, but that person is Nanchu’s surrender, and if the daughter is willing, that person will also It may not be agreed. After all, the daughter was once the Queen of Nanchu. After another thought, the eldest grandson Guifei said, no matter what, her daughter will be able to relax when she goes to the Yongwang Mansion. As for what she wants, I can also explore it. The imperial concubine said:’Whether Changle goes to your place to play, Lu’e, you have always been cautious, and follow the princess. If the princess has anything to do, you can tell you to come back. ‘She made up her mind to let Lu’e secretly pay attention to Changle’s behavior, so that she can see what her daughter thinks.

Princess Changle was also very happy to leave the palace temporarily. When she arrived at the Yongwang Mansion, the princess accompanied the princess to the garden to play. The palace garden was divided into an inner garden and an outer garden from the lake, separated by flowers, trees, and corridors. There is a clear boundary, but the inside and the outside are distinct. Today, the sky is clear. In the pavilion in the inner house garden, the princess ordered the fruit to be placed in the pavilion. The maidservant and the maidservant Li Jun and the two daughters and Roulan were in the pavilion. Playing outside, I took my two concubines to accompany the princess in the pavilion to watch. The lake was not far away. At this time, the weather was clear, the lake was clear, as clear as jasper, and the children were laughing and playing, very innocent and funny, Princess Changle After looking at it for a while, I felt very happy, and smiled: “Sister Wang, I remember that when I left, Brother Wang had no children. I didn’t expect that there were already one son and three daughters. ‘

The princess smiled and said: ‘The princess guessed wrong. Your brother and brother are difficult to heir. Except Jun’er, there are only two daughters. The youngest is Roulan, the daughter of Jiang Zhe Jiang Sima. ‘

Princess Changle trembled, and said in a cold voice: ‘Oh, is Jiang Sima already married? ‘

The princess didn’t notice the princess’s anxiety, and said: “This is Jiang Sima’s righteous daughter. She is very cute. I heard that the prince said that Sima was alone and worried that he could not take care of his daughter. So I sent it to the back house for me to take care of. He told the prince that Jiang Sima was already twenty-six and seven years old and he should marry a wife, but the prince said that Jiang Sima was unwilling, as if it was because of the unfortunate death of his unmarried wife. Alas, such an infatuated man is really rare. ‘

Princess Changle felt sad again, but faintly rejoiced. On another thought, it was impossible for herself and this person. Although from the poems of this person, she was free and easy, but it seemed that she was not a renegade person. It is impossible for this person to do anything about the subject of his wife. It is even more sad to think of Princess Changle here. This man who is silently in love has nothing to do with him. Thinking of reading his poems that day and admiring his talents in his heart, Liang Wan invited him to visit him that day, and he was even more He was in love with him, but the monarch and his officials were different. I never dared to show the slightest thoughts. Later, when he was reprimanded, I secretly rejoiced, thinking that he didn’t need to worry about his condemnation by Dayong after the fall of Nanchu. Yong, he was worried all the way, worried that he would not surrender and be executed by the Wang brother. Now he has become a courtier of Dayong, and he is worried that he will be affected by the Second Wang brother. However, no matter what he thinks, it is impossible to get along with him. He combined and couldn’t even express his affection for him. Thinking of this, Princess Changle reluctantly smiled and said: ‘Wang Sao, bring Roulan here and let me see. ‘

The princess made me bring Soft Blue. Princess Changle looked at this little girl. The more she looked, the more she liked it, she couldn’t help holding her in her arms. Roulan hadn’t learned to walk, she had been on the felt blanket under the tree just now. Frolic, seeing the beautiful and elegant Princess Changle, she curiously stretched out her hand to grab the princess’s hair bun, and suddenly messed up Princess Changle’s blue silk. Princess Changle was not angry, but laughed and continued to tease the cute little girl. . Her laughter made the princess very happy, but Lu’e who stood aside understood the princess’s thoughts.

Just as everyone was joyful, across the clear lake, there was a faint sound of music in the distance. The sound was not silky or bamboo, but it was touching. This is a popular song in Southern Chu. Every year, It’s just when I’m together to appreciate the plum, I can always hear this tune. This tune is called “Hanmei”. Although it is just a simple and cheerful tune, and the person who plays it has no skill, it sounds like People feel that the blue sky is like washing, the winter plum blossoms, and the heart is open. Princess Changle listened attentively. For a moment, the sound of the song stopped. She murmured: ‘Is it Jiang Sima? Is he missing Nan Chu? ‘

The princess moved in her heart, looked at the princess, and said: ‘It’s Jiang Sima playing the music, I don’t know what instrument it is? But I always feel that the voice is very ancient. My sister made a coincidence today, it should be Jiang Sima enjoying the scenery at Linbo Pavilion. In his spare time, Jiang Sima went to the lake to enjoy the scenery from time to time. He was reading and playing chess in the guest house. It was very pleasant, but he was not as busy as other staff and advisers. ‘At this moment, a young man in Tsing Yi walked in the distance, but with a weak crown and a delicate appearance, but with a hint of femininity. The maids recognized him and did not hinder him. The young man walked to the pavilion and said respectfully:’Wang Hao, my house The son asked a minion to pick up Miss Roulan. ‘

The princess was about to agree. She glanced at the princess and suddenly said:’Mr. Jiang is too polite. He has been in the palace for a long time, so you don’t have to be so restrained. The princess is here today. She likes Roulan very much and she is reluctant to let it go. Besides, just let Mr. Jiang come over, the prince will come over soon, it won’t be a hindrance. ‘

Xiao Shunzi was taken aback, looked at the princess and princess, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, but still said: ‘The slave obeys. ‘

At this moment, Yong Wang Li Zhi walked from a distance, saw Xiao Shunzi, smiled and asked: ‘Why, come pick Roulan again, your master will come to coax his daughter whenever he has time. ‘

Xiao Shunzi said: ‘His Royal Highness, the princess said that the princess likes the young lady, so let the son not see outsiders, come here once. ‘

Li Zhi was taken aback, but he believed that the princess must have her own plan, so he said: ‘That’s right, go and invite your son to come. ‘

Xiao Shunzi was even more surprised. His eyes quickly turned around, but he didn’t see anything unusual. At this time, his eyes fell on the princess, and the princess was holding Soft Blue with a smile, and his heart couldn’t help but move. , But after another thought, I felt like I was thinking about it. But he no longer hesitated, and hurried back to Linpoting.

I was drinking with Gou Lian at Linbo Ting. When I saw Xiao Shunzi, I smiled and said: ‘Which Roulan, why didn’t I hold me? Brother Gou still wants to see my good daughter? ‘

Xiao Shunzi said: ‘Princess Changle went to the palace to relax today. She liked the lady very much and refused to let it go. The princess said that the son is not an outsider. If the son is willing, he might as well go over and the prince is there. ‘

I frowned and said, ‘That’s not great, forget it, I’ll go another day. ‘

Gou Lian heard this, but said: ‘Suiyun, since the princess has said so, you should go there, otherwise the princess will blame you. ‘

I thought, yes, if the princess didn’t say anything, it would be a little bad if I didn’t go, look at Xiao Shunzi, he also nodded. He said to Gou Lian: ‘Then I’m going, Brother Gou drink a few more glasses. ‘Gou Lian smiled and waved his hand and said, ‘Go now, Brother Dong is here in a while, and I’ll explain it to him. ‘

Li Zhi sat down, looked at Princess Changle, and smiled: ‘Changle, it’s right for you to come out to relax. The palace is very dull. If you like it, you will come and walk often. ‘

At this moment Roulan struggled suddenly, seeming to be anxious to go to play, Princess Changle smiled slightly, handed her to the maid, let the maid carry her back, and smiled: “Actually, the palace is not dull, I saw you The few brothers and sisters who were born after I left are very cute, but the rules in the palace are too strict, not as relaxed as outside. Brother Wang, I heard that Jun’er is going to Youzhou, and such a small child left his parents, Wang Brother is too cruel. ‘

Li Zhi smiled and said: “There is no way. Jun’er is the son of Emperor Yong. He has his responsibilities to fulfill. Changle, don’t be pitiful for him. How many of us in the royal family can be autonomous. ‘

Princess Changle’s eyes were a little gloomy, as she was about to talk, a young man walked in the distance. He was dressed in a moon white Confucian shirt. His free and relaxed look made people feel happy and happy when they saw him. Tsing Yi was following him. The young man was like his shadow, clearly under the sun, but it was turned a blind eye. The eyes of everyone focused on this master and servant, as if they also felt the joy in their hearts.

Getting closer, I stepped forward and said: ‘See your Royal Highness, the princess and empress. ‘

Li Zhi smiled and said: ‘I’m free today, don’t stick to the cloud, come sit down together. ‘

My eyes passed the princess and smiled: ‘Excuse me, should the minister be called the queen or the princess? ‘

Princess Changle leaned and said: ‘Master Jiang, this palace knows that I can’t afford Nan Chu, please forgive me. ‘

I didn’t have any resentment towards her originally, and when I saw her like this, I also reciprocated: “His Royal Highness does not have to be like this. Whether your Royal Highness is the queen of the past or the princess of today, he is always the ruler of the minister, and the minister must be respectful. There is a reason for resentment. ‘

The princess of Changle was very sincere when she saw me, and she was happy in her heart and smiled. This smile was like a spring flower blooming, and she immediately added some light to her face.

When Li Zhi saw it, he also moved in his heart. Could it be that the princess meant–, just as he was thinking about it, I had already said, “His Royal Highness and the princess are entertaining the princess today, and the ministers are not good to bother, so I’ll leave, please Your Highness forgive me. ‘After all, without waiting for them to agree, he signaled Xiao Shunzi to hug Roulan and turn around and leave.

As soon as Li Zhi was about to stay, he saw a palace lady watching here, so he swallowed the words back and looked at Jiang Zhe’s back. Princess Changle was filled with joy and worry in her heart. Today, she finally learned that he does not blame it. Although I am happy, I think that from now on, I will be locked in a deep palace and never have a chance to meet again. It is also very sad. He is right. He and he are always kings and ministers. It is impossible. Being sad, but thinking about how he is still a married woman and how he can love other men, he forced a smile to prevent others from seeing the flaws. It’s just that Yongwang and the princess are both careful people, and you can’t see the clues. The princess is fine, but Li Zhi is lost in thought. According to his understanding, I am afraid that Jiang Zhe will never agree to this marriage, and I am afraid no one will approve it. No wonder Princess Changle never revealed a word, presumably even Jiang Zhe himself didn’t know that the princess fell in love with him. Not to mention others, even oneself would not agree. If this matter is spread out, I am afraid that the prince will be embarrassed. If they are allowed to instigate in front of the father and the emperor, then Jiang Zhe will be afraid that his life will not be guaranteed. If Zhao Jia passed away after he became king, is it possible? The more Li Zhi thinks about it, the more headaches he gets. The minister accepts Jun’s wife. It is a crime. Although Jiang Zhe has already returned to Dayong, if he is allowed to marry the queen as his wife, unless Jiang Zhe completely ignores his reputation, this is probably impossible.

He thought so much, the princess had another opinion. She thought to herself, if the princess could be betrothed to Jiang Zhe, then Jiang Zhe would be her own. She knew that her husband attached great importance to Jiang Zhe, and she had struggled. She wanted to convince him, but she didn’t know exactly how Jiang Zhe would submit, but she knew that her husband had a sleepless night because of this. If this can be facilitated, then her husband will have an extra arm, and the princess will have it for life. Trust, she relied on the sensitivity of women to perceive that the young man who is now respectful and respectful in front of her husband actually has a detached temperament. If she doesn’t hold it tightly, one day she will let him fly away. That way, it might make my husband restless about sleeping and I didn’t notice what was happening. Holding Roulan, I said to Xiao Shunzi: “Do you think I should marry a wife and take care of Roulan? . ‘

Xiao Shunzi said lightly: “If the son wants to marry a wife, it is a good thing, but what if you marry an undesirable wife? If you have someone you like, of course it is good. If you don’t have one, don’t force it, Gentle Miss Lan is not without anyone taking care of her. ‘

I laughed and said: ‘Where is there a woman like Fragrance in the world, it’s okay if I want to marry an ordinary virtuous woman, but you make sense, if your words are tasteless, it’s really painful, nothing more. ‘

Xiao Shunzi suddenly said: “What do you think of the princess? ‘

I was taken aback and laughed: “What nonsense are you talking about, the princess has a noble status, and was once the mother of the country. How can I not think of her, if it is passed out, would it not be a joke? Now there are several consorts. The candidates are there, I’m afraid that the princess’s choice for the princess has been decided before the country lord returns to Nanchu. Ugh. ‘I sighed and said:’ In fact, I am the most optimistic about Wei Ying. He will definitely make the princess happy. ‘

Xiao Shunzi curled his lips and did not speak. He was too lazy to talk to this master who was very confused about the little things around him, but he thought with a heavy face that he must pay attention to this matter. The princess has affection for the son. This matter can be big or small. If someone hates the son for this, it will endanger the son’s safety, and if he gets closer to the princess, I am afraid that there will be trouble. Thinking of this, I can’t help but regret the matter of agreeing to the son to let the princess go. He knows that women usually have a sense that is beyond reason. He was very close to the princess at the beginning. If she could see through that day, she was the one who kidnapped her, I am afraid the son would be in danger. Alas, how I didn’t expect to see the princess again, it was so careless.

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